*t;;; '° •*r;;;,,~,~ ;;* •~::•\-;i· -0I GIT o:906 R. I . JC~JS;-l tiIST0RIL.!\l ;:,.·,;socI~TION 130 HSSION:i 5T. nov IOEN-=E, Rt ? 06 Rhode Island Jewish Happy 150th Classical --HERALD See Page 3 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIV, NUMBER 9 TE VET 28, 5753 / THURSOA Y, JANUARY 21, 1993 35« PER COPY Magaziner Brings Talents to Washington, D.C. by Anne S. Davidson the ill -fated Greenhouse Com­ Herald Editor pact in 1984. Magaziner sold While most Rhode Islanders' his successful consulting firm only glimpse of the inaugura­ Telesis for about $6 million in tion came via TV coverage, lo­ 1986, and has since started a cal businessman Ira C. Maga­ new firm, SJS, named for hi s Liner ex perienced first hand the children, Sarah, Jonathan and festivities this week in Wash­ Seth. ington, D.C. After all, he is now Magaziner will bring to the a part of the new administra­ administration a wide range of tion, having been named Bill talents. including a knowledge Clinton's senior adviser for pol­ of health-care reform, public icy implementation last week. transportation and creating In a matter of seconds. Maga­ jobs. His duties will cover a .,iner was projected to national wide range of issues, from status as Clinton's new chief of overseeing task forces to spear­ staff. Mack Mc l arty, listed his heading problems. appointment on Jan. 14 . The Bristol resident had re­ The 45 -year-old has been portedly hesitated to take a po­ friends with the new president sition with the new administra­ since they were both Rhodes tion because it would mean Scholars in 1969. Since then, moving the family away from UNITED IN SOLIDARITY - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stands with Rabbi Joshua He,;chel (left) Magaziner has led a varied and the Ocean State. oft~eJewish Theological Seminary and Rabbi Maurice Eisendruth (1902 to 1973), president of the unusual life, as the voice urging But with his acceptance, Umon American Hebrew Congregations, holding the Torah scroll. The photo can be viewed in the on Brown University's " new Rhode Island now has a promi­ nent voice in Washington. basement of Temple Beth•EI. Plroto c:ourtl'S!J of Tl'mpll' Bl't/,.£1 arc:l,ivu c:olll'c:tion curriculum" in the late '60s and Israelis, Palestinians Calm Beyond the Dream Lies Hope as U.S. and Allies Attack Iraq by Omar Bradley tru_e American who fought and ultimately died for something by Gil Sedan the raid by the United States Herald Contributing Reporter and its allies "does not relate As hundreds of people from too many of us take for granted JERUSALEM (JTA) - Israe­ lis and Palestinians alike to us di rectl y. " all kinds of ethnic and racial - freedom. reacted calmly last week to Over and over again, official gro ups congregated in the 1 si ncerely hope that all the news of the allied air strike on sources stressed that currentl y State House rotunda, the spirit goodness and wisdom that southern Iraq. " this is not our war'' and there of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. emanated from the hearts of Foreign Minister Shimon was li ttle chance that the con­ enveloped the crowd. Al l week­ ~PINIOI blacks and whites, Jews and Peres may have summed up flict would escalate to include end, churches. temples and genti les, won't be lost through­ the fee ling of many Israelis Israel. va ri ous organizations held cere­ support Israel and work closely out the rest of the year. My per­ when he told reporters in Paris U.S. and allied aircraft at­ monies in honor of his li fe and with numerous Jewish organi­ sonal prayer is for those who on Jan. 13 that the Iraqis "got tacked surface-to-air missiles death for the civ il rights move­ zations during his lifetime. didn't remember - that alt what they deserved." and other targets in southern ment. On Friday at Temple So Jan. 18 is more than just a dreams can happen if you be­ Israeli military sources said (Continued on Pa,Re 19) Ema nu-El , black and Jewish black holiday, for King was a lieve. Americans sang, shared and held one another during a reli­ gious service that personifi ed Also to Keep what Dr. King sacrificed for - by Mike Fink the brotherh ood of men. Hera ld Contributing Reporter As members of the Temple Gilbert Breuer and I, we Emanu-El choir sang to the bunked Hope High and drove crowd Monday night, more up to Boston fo r a fan -dance people filtered in to see, hea r matinee at the Old Howard and absorb a sense of commu­ Burlesque. What a pair, a big nity that has been lost. Despite black guy from Camp and a the passage of 26 yea rs of so­ thin bookworm from around called progress, civ il rights has the corner. become a shame ful example of Another afternoon I took the pohtical procras~1 nation taking Hope trolley downtown to a back seat to more lucrative Loew's with Raymond Jack­ legislation. And the sad part son, classical pianist of our about this 1s everyone knows school and of the Baptist Church. We saw "Showboat" " Although Rabbi Wayne .md drank hot cocoa at Gib­ hanklin was hope ful by the son's. events that took place around Vivian Taylor of that church the community, "Prejudice still told Emanuel visitors on Sun­ exists as people st ruggle to dis­ day that Jews and blacks used cover each other and the need to forge better buddy bonds in fo r more work is necessary," those days at Ho pe. he -.a 1d In the campus mutiny of the Cantor l}r1an Mayer added '60s, I went back lo Hope and to Classical to play my part in that it i!> im portant for Jews to THE LAND Of THE FREE-Jo hn Britto sings the "Star-Spangled Banner" at the rotunda during rccogml.e rhe fact that Dr. King RISO outreach. I did my anti- Monday's Martin Luther King Jr. Day ceremonies al the State House. Hm1ltl photo by Om11r Bn14lty was one of the first leaders lo (Continued on Page 5) I INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Cancer Support Noah's Ark Sets Open House Groups Offered Programs Offered Noah's Ark, a group spon­ how others differ from them. ~~S? The Hope Center fo r Life En­ sored by Life Patterns Institute The open house will provide for Mothers, Kids hancement is sponsoring three (LPI), will be holding an open participants with additional in­ Children who have wit­ ::}NEWS~ breast cancer support groups, house on Jan. 25 at the Parish formation about Noah's Ark nessed domestic violence and C) BRIEFS h-:i which will provide the oppor­ of Good Shephard at 490 and Life Patterns Institute. That their mothers are invited to ~ tt1 nity to share concerns and Broadway in Providence, from evening, the organization plans participate in two programs of­ feelings, and help you explo re 6 to 9 p.m. to form another Noah's Ark fered by the Women's Center of An anniversary celebration the impact of breast cancer on A secular group with no reli­ group. Information wil l also be Rhode Island in February and to benefit 2 to I : The Coali­ your body image, self-esteem, gious affiliation, Noah's Ark disseminated on a new series of March at locations on the East tion to Preserve Choice,.:; sexuality and relationships. consists of 32 people - 16 workshops that the institute Side of Providence. featuring Jones & Boyce, These eight-week sessions males and 16 fema les, one each will be offering in March and The Kids' Club, a Saturday Charlie Hall's Ocean State are available both in Provi­ of the 16 personality types April. morning expressive therapy Follies, will be held Jan. 22 dence and North Kingstown. identified by the Myers-Briggs For more information on program, is run concurrently from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Call the Hope Center for fur­ Type Indicator and the Life Pat­ Noah's Ark and the open with a women's support group. Cav, 14 Imperial Place in ther information, 454-0404. terns model. house, contact Terence Duniho The February and March ses­ Providence. For more infor­ The group meets monthly to al 120 Moore St., Providence, sions are open to children who mation, call 455-0755. interact with each other to learn R. I. 02907; 272-2322. are 3 or 4 years old and 8 to l l more ,1hout themselves and years old. Expressive therapist "Take No Rights for Mobile Optical Marcia Spindel] helps children Granted: Access to Abor­ Newport Mansions Set Winter Schedule to communicate their thoughts tion in Rhode Island" is the e,'6 Marble House, the William children. There is ample free and feelings using a variety of topic of an educational fo­ K. Vanderbilt mansion built in parking. art forms. rum Jan. 27 from 7 to 8:30 Services 1892, and Chateau-sur-Mer, Winter events for the Preser­ Free child care is provided p.m. in the Peterutti Lounge built in 1852 for William S. vation Society will include an for children of other ages while at Brown University. Steve IN-HOME EYEGLASS SERVICE Wetmore, are now open fo r the Irish speaker in March to cele­ mothers attend the women's Brown, executive director of SALES , SERVICE , REPAIR winter season.
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