4195 Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 98 Friday, 14 June 2002 Published under authority by the Government Printing Service Roman CatholicLEGISLATION Church Communities’ Lands Act 1942Proclamations No 23—Proclamation Roman Catholic Church Communities’ LandsRoman Act Catholic 1942 No Church 23—Proclamation Communities’ Lands Act 1942 No 23—Proclamation, Governor I, Professor Marie Bashir AC, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuanceMARIE of section BASHIR, 2 (2) of ,theGovernor GovernorRoman Catholic Church Communities’ Lands Act 1942, do, by this my Proclamation, add I,the Professor canonical Marie name Bashir of “Pontifical AC, Governor Mission of Societies, the State of otherwise New South known Wales, as, Governor Catholic with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 (2) of the Roman I,Mission” Professor to Marie Column Bashir 1 of AC, the Second Governor Schedule of the State to that of New Act, South and add Wales, to Column with the 2 Catholicof that Schedule Church opposite Communities’ that name Lands the Act corporate 1942, do, name by this “Catholic my Proclamation, Mission”. add theadvice canonical of the nameExecutive of “Pontifical Council, Missionand in pursuance Societies, of otherwise section 2 known (2) of as the CatholicRoman Mission”Catholic Church to Column Communities’ 1 of the Second Lands Schedule Act 1942, to do, that by Act, this my and Proclamation, add to Column add 2 Signed and sealed at Sydney, this day of 2002. ofthe that canonical Schedule name opposite of “Pontifical that name Mission the corporate Societies, name otherwise “Catholic known Mission”. as Catholic Mission” to Column 1 of the Second Schedule to that Act, and add to Column 2 of that Schedule opposite that name the corporate name “Catholic Mission”. SignedSigned and sealedsealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 12th day day of of June 2002. 2002. By Her Excellency’s Command, Signed and sealed at Sydney, this day of 2002. By Her Excellency’s Command, By Her Excellency’s Command, L.S. Attorney General BOB DEBUS, M.P., GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! AttorneyAttorney General General Attorney General GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Explanatory note GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! The Second Schedule to the Roman Catholic Church Communities’ Lands Act 1942 contains canonical and corporate names of certain Roman Catholic orders, congregations, communities, Explanatoryassociations and notesocieties. By virtue of being listed in that Schedule, each such organisation is a TheExplanatorycommunity Second as Schedule defined note in to the the Act,Roman and by Catholic virtue of Church the Act, Communities’ the trustees for Lands the community Act 1942 becomecontains a canonicalbody corporate and corporateand acquire names the powers of certain conferred Roman by theCatholic Act in orders, relation congregations, to property held communities, by them. associationsThisThe proclamationSecond and Schedule societies. adds theto the PontificalByRoman virtueMission of Catholic being Societies listed Church in(otherwise that Communities’ Schedule, known each Lands as suchCatholic Act organisation 1942 Mission)contains andis a communitythecanonical corporate and as name defined corporate of thein thenames trustees Act, ofand of certain that by virtue organisation Roman of the Catholic Act, to the the Second trusteesorders, Schedule congregations, for the community to the Act. communities, become a bodyassociations corporate and and societies. acquire theBy powersvirtue of conferred being listed by the in thatAct inSchedule, relation eachto property such organisation held by them. is a community as defined in the Act, and by virtue of the Act, the trustees for the community become a Thisbody proclamation corporate and adds acquire the Pontificalthe powers Mission conferred Societies by the (otherwise Act in relation known to property as Catholic held Mission) by them. and the corporate name of the trustees of that organisation to the Second Schedule to the Act. This proclamation adds the Pontifical Mission Societies (otherwise known as Catholic Mission) and thep02-100-p01.892 corporate name of the trustees of that organisation to the Second Schedule to the Act. p02-100-p01.892 p02-100-p01.892 P:\pr\02\p02-100-p01.892 12/6/02, 10:47a P:\pr\02\p02-100-p01.892 12/6/02, 10:47a P:\pr\02\p02-100-p01.892 12/6/02, 10:47a 4196 LEGISLATION 14 June 2002 Regulations Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Her Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. CARMEL TEBBUTT, M.L.C., Minister forfor thethe Environment Environment Explanatory note Part 6 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 1996 prescribes the contributions required to be paid by the occupiers of scheduled waste facilities in respect of waste received at the facilities. The object of this Regulation is to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 1996 to increase the amount of the contributions payable by providing for an indexed series of regular increases, subject to a maximum of $25 (indexed) per tonne of waste. This Regulation is made under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, including sections 88 and 323 (the general regulation-making power). r02-111-p02.822 Page 1 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 P:\re\02\r02-111-p02.822 12/6/02, 10:44a 14 June 2002 LEGISLATION 4197 Clause 1 Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002. 2 Commencement This Regulation commences on 1 July 2002. 3 Amendment of Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 1996 The Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 1996 is amended as set out in Schedule 1. Page 2 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 P:\re\02\r02-111-p02.822 12/6/02, 10:44a 4198 LEGISLATION 14 June 2002 Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 Amendments Schedule 1 Schedule 1 Amendments (Clause 3) [1] Clause 18 Payment of contributions Insert before clause 18 (1): (1A) In this clause: CPI means the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Index) for Sydney issued by the Australian Statistician. ERA means extended regulated area. SMA means Sydney metropolitan area. year means a year beginning on 1 July and ending on 30 June. [2] Clause18(1) Omit the subclause. Insert instead: (1) For the purposes of section 88 (2) of the Act, the following contributions are prescribed as the contributions required to be paid by the occupiers of scheduled waste facilities: (a) the SMA amount for the year in which the waste is received for each tonne of waste that is received in that year at a scheduled waste facility located in the Sydney metropolitan area, (b) the ERA amount for the year in which the waste is received for each tonne of waste: (i) that is received in that year at a scheduled waste facility located in the extended regulated area, and (ii) that has been generated in that area, (c) the SMA amount for the year in which the waste is received for each tonne of waste: (i) that is received in that year at a scheduled waste facility located in the extended regulated area, and (ii) that has been generated in the Sydney metropolitan area, Page 3 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 P:\re\02\r02-111-p02.822 12/6/02, 10:44a 14 June 2002 LEGISLATION 4199 Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 Schedule 1 Amendments (d) the SMA amount for the year in which the waste is received for each tonne of waste: (i) that is received in that year at a scheduled waste facility located outside the Sydney metropolitan area and the extended regulated area, and (ii) that has been generated in the Sydney metropolitan area, (e) the ERA amount for the year in which the waste is received for each tonne of waste: (i) that is received in that year at a scheduled waste facility located outside the Sydney metropolitan area and the extended regulated area, and (ii) that has been generated in the extended regulated area. [3] Clause 18 (3)–(11) Insert after clause 18 (2): (3) The SMA amount is as follows: (a) for the year beginning 1 July 2002—$18.20, (b) for a year, beginning on or after 1 July 2003 and ending on or before 30 June 2010—the lower of: (i) the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (5), or (ii) the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (7), (c) for a year, beginning on or after 1 July 2010—the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (8). (4) The ERA amount is as follows: (a) for the year beginning 1 July 2002—$9.60, (b) for a year, beginning on or after 1 July 2003 and ending on or before 30 June 2013—the lower of: (i) the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (6), or Page 4 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 98 P:\re\02\r02-111-p02.822 12/6/02, 10:44a 4200 LEGISLATION 14 June 2002 Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Amendment (Contributions) Regulation 2002 Amendments Schedule 1 (ii) the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (7), (c) for a year, beginning on or after 1 July 2013—the amount, in dollars and cents, calculated for the year in accordance with the formula in subclause (9).
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