Geothermal Application Experiences in Turkey

Geothermal Application Experiences in Turkey

GEOTHERMAL APPLICATION EXPERIENCES IN TURKEY Orhan Mertoglu, Nilgun Bakir, Tevfik Kaya ORME Jeotermal A.S., Ankara/Turkey; Hosdere Cad. 190/7-8-12,Cankaya, [email protected] Keywords: Turkey, geothermal heating, balneology, electricity, mineral recovery Abstract Utilization area of geothermal energy is mostly focussed on direct use applications in Turkey. Today 61.000 residences equivalence is being heated geothermally (665 MWt, including residences, thermal facilities, 565.000 m2 greenhouse heating). Moreover, with the balneological utilisation of geothermal fluids in 195 spa’s (327 MWt), the geothermal direct use capacity is 992 MWt. ORME Geothermal Inc has completed the engineering designs of nearly 300.000 residences equivalence geothermal district heating system. 170 geothermal fields (Figure 1) have been explored in Turkey. There is a single flash power plant with 20,4 MWe installed capacity. A liquid CO2 and dry ice production factory is integrated to this power plant. A binary cycle geothermal power plant with an installation capacity of 25 MWe is going to be constructed at Aydin/Germencik. The proven geothermal heat capacity according to the existing geothermal wells and natural discharges is 3132 MWt [1]. 1. INTRODUCTION There are 11 city based geothermal district heating systems in Turkey. These geothermal district heating systems have been constructed since 1987 and many development has been achieved in technical and economical aspects. The rapid development of geothermal district heating systems in Turkey is mostly depending on; - construction of suitable geothermal district heating systems according to Turkey’s conditions, - participation of the consumers to the geothermal district heating investments by about 50 % without any direct financing refund, - geothermal heating is about % 50-70 cheaper than natural gas heating. Beside of geothermal heating of the residences, 26 thermal facilities are geothermally heated in Turkey. With the total geothermal heat potential of 31500 MWt and 2000 MWe geothermal electricity production potential, 5 % of the electricity demand and 30 % of the heat energy demand of Turkey can be met. This equals to 14% (average weighted mean) of the total energy demand of Turkey [2]. The total geothermal heat potential of 31500 MWt equals to the heating of 200 Million m2 greenhouses heating or is equal to 5 Million residences heating in Turkey. There is a high thermal tourism potential in Turkey. Moreover combining thermal tourism with the sea/sun/cultural tourism brings important economical development to the region and country. The portion of geothermal in Turkey’s total electricty production in 2002 is 0,05 % [3]. N Bulgaria BLACK SEA Georgia Edirne Sinop Kırklareli Kastamonu Greece Tekirdağ İstanbul Zonguldak Samsun Artvin 1 1 2 Kocaeli Sakarya Rize1 Ordu Trabzon Armenia 1 3 Yalova Amasya 2 1 2 2 Çankırı Giresun 3 1 Bolu 2 5 6 4 1 1 3 Kars Çanakkale 2 3 12 3 Çorum Tokat 2 13 1 7 6 1 1 Gümüşhane Bursa2 Bayburt 2 8 9 5 1 2 1 4 4 Bilecik 8 1 3 9 Erzurum 5 0 7 1 4 10 6 3 1 9 8 6 7 1 8 0 5 5 3 1 1 Balıkesir 6 2 Eskişehir 6 Ankara Yozgat Erzincan 4 Sivas 4 Ağrı 1 11 5 5 2 4 3 4 3 2 Kütahya 7 2 7 8 3 Kırşehir 2 4 1 3 9 10 3 1 Tunceli 4 1 5 2 2 2 12 Bingöl1 2 8 1 Muş 5 4 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 0 6 Manisa 2 1 Afyon Kayseri 6 Nevşehir Van 1 2 1 Uşak 3 Elazığ 1 İzmir 2 2 8 9 2 1 5 Malatya Iran 7 Bitlis 7 9 4 1 3 5 2 Aksaray 1 5 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 Diyarbakır 1 5 4 6 7 Denizli4 7 Niğde Kahraman Siirt 1 Isparta Konya Maraş 2 Aydın AEGEAN 2 1 1 Burdur 4 Adıyaman Hakkari 2 3 5 Mardin SEE 4 Şanlıurfa Muğla 1 1 2 Antalya Adana Gaziantep Mersin 3 Hatay Iraq Syria 1 MEDITERRANEAN SEA Scale: 1/10.000.000 BURSA ERZURUM AFYON ANKARA AYDIN MANİSA NİĞDE TOKAT DİYARBAKIR 1. Çekirge 1. Ilıca KIRŞEHİR 1. Ömer-Gecek 1. Kızılcahamam 1. Germencik-Ömerbeyli 1. Kurşunlu 1. Narköy 1. Sulusaray 1. Çermik 2. Karamustafa 2. Pasinler 1. Terme 2. Arapderesi 2. Haymana 2. Çamköy- Alangüllü 2. Urganlı 2. Çiftehan 2. Reşadiye 3. Kemalpaşa 3. Kığızhan 2. Mahmutlu 3. Heybeli 3. Seyhamamı 3. Salavatlı 3. Sart 3. Niksar 4. Oylat 4. Meman 3. Karakurt 4. Saraycık 4. Gazlıgöl 4. Dutluca 4. Şehir içi- İmamköy BOLU R İZE 5. Kaya-sada-/Orhaneli ELAZIĞ 4. Bulamaçlı 5. Menteşe Ş.URFA 5. Hüdai (Sandıklı) 5. Ayaş 5. Gümüşköy 1. Merkez 1. Ayder 1. Kolan 6. Şehitler (Emir-Kula) 1. Karaali 6. Ayaş-Çoban 6. Davutlar 2. Sarıot K. MARAŞ 2. İkizdere- Ilıcaköy DENİZLİ 7. Horzum Sazdere AĞRI 7. Cunuk-meliksah 3. Kesenözü-Seben İZMİR 1. Süleymanlı 1. Kızıldere 8. Eskihisar UŞAK 1. Diyadin- Yılanlı 8. Murted BALIKESİR 4. Efteni 1. Balçova ORDU 2. Tekkehamamı KAYSERİ 9. Alaşehir- K.dere 1. Banaz 9. Kinik 1. Gönen 5. Göynük- Çatak 2. Seferhisar- Doğanbey 1. Fatsa 3. Gölemezli 1. Tekgöz- Yemlihan 2. Eşme- Örencik 10. Susuz 2. Hisaralan 6. Babas 4. Karahayıt 3. Doğanbey Burnu 2. Bayramhacı AKSARAY SAKARYA 11. Malikoy 3. Hisarköy 5. Kamara-Yenice 4. Dikili- Kaynarca 3. Çiftgöz- Himmetdede VAN 1. Ziga MU ĞLA 1. Akyazı 12. Atca 4. Pamukçu ÇANAKKALE 6. Pamukkale 5. Bergama-Dibek- 4. Kuşçu- Eskimentes 1. Hasanabdal- Zilan 1. Delibey 2. Taraklı- Kil Ham. 13. Yilanli 5. Kepekler 1. Tuzla 6. Bademli 5. Özbölükler 2. Zereni ESKİŞEHİR 2. Sultaniye 6. Havran- Derman 2. Kestanbol 7. Çeşme KÜTAHYA SAMSUN 1. Sarıcakaya-Sakarılıca 3. Fethiye-Gebeler YALOVA BİTLİS 7. Dağ ılıcası- Ekşidere 3. Hıdırlar 8. Şifne 1. Eynal 1. Havza 4. Rızaçavuş 1. Termal AMASYA 1. Nemrut 8. Güre 4. Kumılıcası- Yenice 2. Merkez- Hasırca 9. Nebiler 2. Naşa 2. Ladik 2. Armutlu 1. Hamamözü 2. Güroymak- Ilıcaköy 9. Kızıkköy- Manyas 5. Ozancık 3. Hamam- Karahisar 10.Aliağa 5. Selgirme 3. Çiftgöl 2. Gözlek 10.Yıldız 6. Kırkgeçit 4. Yarikci 11. Bayındır- Dereköy 4. Abide- Gediz MARDİN SİİRT YOZGAT 3. Terziköy ÇANKIRI 7. Kara (Tepe) Köy 5. Uyuzhamami 5. Yoncalı 1. Germiab 1. Billirus 1. Köhne (Sorgun) BİNGÖL 1. Çavundur 8. Çan 6. Yalinli KONYA 6. Kızılsın (Ilıcaköy) 2. Hısta Çermiği 2. Cavlak (Boğazlıyan) 1. Kös 7. Inonu 9. Küçükçetmi 1. Ilgın 7. Emet NEVŞEHİR 3. Sarıkaya HATAY 2. Hacıköy 8. Sivrihisar SİVAS MALATYA 10.Külcüler (Bayramiç) 2. Yeşildağ 8. Yeniceköy 1. Kozaklı 4. Yerköy (Uyuz) 1. Hamamat 3. Harur 9. Cifteler 1. Sıcak Çermik 1. İspendere 3. Beyşehir 9.Dereli- Günlüce 2. Acıgöl 5. Karadikmen 4. Hızavit 10. İhsaniye 2. Akçaağıl 4. İsmil 10. Sarmık 6. Kara mağara 11. Alpanos 11. Muratdağı 7. Boğazlıyan Uzunlu 12. Hamamköy Figure 1: Geothermal fields of Turkey 2. GEOTHERMAL DISTRICT HEATING APPLICATIONS District heating systems have been started with the installment of geothermal district heating systems in Turkey. Below are the important points, which makes geothermal more adventagous compared to other energy sources: 1- As the geothermal heat selling price is held constant for the whole year, the geothermal heating projects are supported by the consumers. Geothermal heating fee including hot sanitary water varies from 14 – 28 $/month for 100 m2 residence for the existing geothermal district heating systems in Turkey. As this fee remains the same for the whole year in Turkish Lira basis and is not reflected from the rate of exchange, this brings an important economical advantage to the consumers if compared with fossil fuel types. 2- The existing heating systems are connected to geothermal district heating systems directly. 3- The radiator area previously designed according to 90/70 °C temperature interval for conventional heating systems, has not caused any problem at temperature intervals like in 80/40 °C, 80/45 °C and 70/50 °C by geothermal as could be seen in some examples. This shows that the radiator heating surface in original had been set larger than necessary before. 4- The investment amount per residence of the GDHS varied between 1,250 – 1800 USD in Turkey (radiator installation in the residence excluded). The geothermal district heating investments are paying themselves back commercially in 5-8 years in the investment conditions of Turkey. Moreover, they have a relatively low initial and operational costs and low selling price of heat in comparison to conventional fuels (coal, fuel-oil etc.). 5- About 40-50% of the investment has been paid by the consumers as a connection subscription fee like cash in capital. As a result of this, the economy of GDHS investments is getting to a better position. To utilize the geothermal fluid in maximum, the leaving temperature of the fluid is kept as minimum as possible. To achieve this goal, it is needed to control the radiator return water temperature of the buildings. The control of the radiator return water temperature is done with self operating, flow, temperature and pressure difference control valves. Logicaly, the less the return water temperature entering the heat exchanger in the Heat Center, the more heat is extracted from geothermal fluid, and the more the geothermal fluid is utilized. The circulation pump is controlled by means of a PC network that leads pumping of adequate amount of water to the city. Heat consumption in GDHS are variable according to the outdoor temperature. Thus, the energy amount supplied to the consumers is also variable. This variability could be obtained by holding the water temperature to and from the consumers constant and leading variable flowrate use instead of variable temperature. So, to hold the temperature constant prevents the damage at the pipes forming due to the temperature difference, replies immediately and 100% to the different heat demands of the consumers and its operational cost is much lower.

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