It’s Time to evival is deeply important to me. Here’s why: By Jim Ayer, Not many years after my own Damascus road conversion, North American Event Coordinator I settled into the consummate “sleepy-virgin” role with all of its slumber and non-action. I had previously been on fire ways” to attract membership, often putting on more than just a new for the Lord, experiencing wonderful seasons of prayer and Bible face to appeal to a new generation. But what it really needs is to be study. God changed me into an overcomer, and I knew real victory revived by the powerful Spirit of the Creator. Samuel Chadwick con- over the sins in my life. But as I was going and doing for Him on a cludes, “The Church is on the stretch for new methods, new plans, new regular basis, the compromise of the world began to wrap its creep- buildings, new organizations, but ‘the eyes of the Lord run to and fro ing tentacles around me. Although I had great success in worldly throughout the earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them enterprises—from radio and business to politics—before I knew it, whose heart is perfect towards Him.’ The Holy Ghost does not come I was in the world’s death grip. upon methods, but upon men. … He does Soon I was praying less and studying less, not work through organizations, but through all the while being slowly lulled to sleep. It men. He does not dwell in buildings, but in got so bad that I even said “no” to God when men. He indwells in the body of Christ, di- He called me into the ministry. Of course, I rects its activities, distributes its forces, em- still looked like a Christian. I preached and powers its members.” sounded like one too, even as I was losing That’s why we earnestly hope and pray my grip on the wedding garment to become that you will join Amazing Facts and Pastor just another foolish virgin. My lack of fellow- Doug Batchelor in Chattanooga, Tennessee, ship with Jesus ate away at my victory over for ’04 Revival! from November 5 to 14. It sin, and I was dying a slow spiritual death. just might be the most important meeting But after years of eating the poisoned Amazing Facts has ever held, and it could fruits of my labor in the world, God woke be one of the most important for you to be a me from my death-slumber. He revived me. part of. If you can’t be there in person, please He brought me back to vibrant life, and the join us by your prayers and by satellite or Holy Spirit again took up residence within cable. You can also invite your church family me. Revival is an experience that many have to your home for this historic revival series. had, and it is an experience that more and If you can’t receive the signal, find someone more of us need today, right now! who can or have your church host the pro- Having been a full-fledged Laodicean, gram for its members—it’s that important! I can tell you that God has much more in We need to arouse from slumber! “When mind for His church today … for you and our churches are revived, it is because some me personally. More than we could ever dream. We have too many individual seeks earnestly for the blessing of God. He hungers and worldly ideas that crowd out Jesus, so we need to bring our attention thirsts after God, and asks in faith and receives accordingly” (E.G. back to God’s intention. White, Review and Herald, March 13, 1888, emphasis added). Will That’s why revival is such an important topic. Actually, it’s not just you be that “some individual” who God revives to help usher the a topic; today, it is life itself! This generation must heed the wake-up church into glory? call to live! Oh for revival! This is our greatest need. The second advent of our Lord is long overdue. Indeed, we preach The preacher Samuel Chadwick made this enlightening observa- from Daniel 2 that we are in the time of feet and clay, when in reality tion: “The study of Pentecost reveals a startling contrast between the we’re in the time of the toenails! We’re almost out of time. So look up a promise of power and its absence in the Church today.” I recently little higher—can’t you see the Promised Land? attended a meeting at which many church leaders from around the Our Lord’s greatest desire is to empower you and me with an abun- world were present, and most of them had one common plea weigh- dant infilling of the Holy Spirit … the Spirit of truth, joy, love, and the ing on their hearts: the need to call our church to true revival. power over all evil. God wants to give all of us victory, but we must E.M. Bounds said, “The Church is looking for better methods; God wake up so that we can be ready. is looking for better men.” The church today is grasping for “new It’s time to cross over to the other side. We’ve been here long enough. INSIDE2 REPORT SEPT/OCT 2004 INSIDE REPORT Contents VOL. 22, NO.4 Cover Painting: Nathan Greene PRESIDENT/SPEAKER DOUG BATCHELOR EDITOR ANTHONY LESTER ART DESIGN/LAYOUT HALEY TRIMMER COPYEDITORS ARLENE CLARK LU ANN CREWS STEVEN WINN 13Twelve Steps to Revival Inside Report is a bimonthly publication of Amazing Facts, Inc. In the age of a lukewarm church, we need to bring real passion back into It is provided free of charge to the our relationship with the Lord. Find out how the best Bible role-models friends and supporters of Amazing Facts on request. Contributors to prepared God’s people for long-lasting revival. the ministry will continue to receive Inside Report for six months from 6Dealing the date of their most recent gift. Feature P.O. BOX 1058 ROSEVILLE, CA 95678-8058 With DelayDelay PHONE: 916-434-3880 FAX: 916-434-3889 One of the greatest dangers facing God’s INTERNET: WWW.AMAZINGFACTS.ORG people in the last days is not the time of trouble E-MAIL: [email protected] or the threat of imprisonment, torture, or hun- Amazing Facts is a nonprofi t ger. Rather, it is the delay in the Lord’s return Christian ministry that utilizes literature, radio, television, the that’s leading to apathy among believers. Learn Internet, and public evangelism how to cope with delay biblically in this classic to bring the saving truths of Jesus Christ to a lost world. For its message from Pastor Doug Batchelor. operation, Amazing Facts depends on the gifts and prayers of concerned, likeminded Christians. FREE FROM 12BibleBible AnswersAnswers AMAZING FACTS Is it wrong to wear cosmetics? A practical, biblical Amazing Facts offers a free 27-lesson answer for an ongoing controversy. Bible course. To enroll, log on to www.amazingfacts.org and click on “Bible School.” Or to take the course free through the mail, just send us your name, address, and phone number and specify that you would 24Joining God’s like to begin the course. (Printed lessons are in English and are Rescue Team available only in Canada, the United States, and their territories.) Too many of our church members are A free, color catalog of materials hanging precariously on the edge of a sold by Amazing Facts is available dangerous spiritual cliff today. Learn on request. It contains information and prices on all books, how you can be a part of the rescue effort videotapes, CDs, audiotapes, and before it’s too late! Regular Features other soul-winning materials available through the ministry. 4Mail Bag Health Bite For more information, please call 30 22Meet the Team Amazing Facts Revive your spiritual diet with Monday through Thursday 23Evangelism Update 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pacifi c. these specially selected recipes 26Behind the Scenes Inside Report is printed at from the NEWSTART® Lifestyle Pacifi c Press in Nampa, Idaho. Cookbook! 28Special Recognition INSIDE REPORT SEPT/O3CT 2004 Wake Up! Needed Inspiration a “yours” or “ours” attitude. It’s a “how can we I just read your letter “The Final Pieces in I can’t tell you how much your honest, God- support your work” attitude. This is so differ- the Puzzle of Prophecy,” and I had to e-mail filled messages mean to me. They have helped ent from worldly attitudes and ways. What a you to let you know that we are privileged me through a lot of tough times in the past pleasure it will be to sit at Jesus’ feet in heaven to support Amazing Facts. It is because this four years. You are in my prayers every day. and share all the wonderful stories of how ministry is awake, on the cutting edge, and M.M., Florida God intertwined our lives and efforts to bring boldly preaching God’s last-day message to people to a knowledge of His love! D.B., Nevada the world that we have chosen to support your work as much More Christ-like I write to tell you that I absolutely as we can. Pray that Great show! I have learned felt moved after reading your Amazing God will help us all more about the Bible in Facts letter regarding compromise in the to wake up and experi- a year and a half than I church, and how we are being converted ence the power of the gospel learned the first 44 years of to the world.
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