Xmas trees light up … and The Brooklyn Paper team is there Tom Gilbert GREENPOINT Adam Hutton DUMBO Gersh Kuntzman PARK SLOPE Mike McLaughlin BOERUM HILL Joe Jordan BAY RIDGE “Apparently, there will soon be a ceremony in “This silver-colored metal structure showed up at “Thanks to my fifth grade math teacher, I “A closer exmination of this standalone ever- “My investigation proved that this object at which this evergreen in McCarren Park will be the Pearl Street Triangle, an apparent reference know how to calculate the volume of this holi- green, at Atlantic and Bond, revealed lots of Shore Road and 91st Street is, indeed, a covered in ornamentation.” to another seasonal holiday.” day cylinder at Grand Army Plaza.” tiny white bulbs.” Christmas tree — not a holiday tree.” SHOP LOCAL! SEE HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE IN P.10-11 Brooklyn’s Real Newspaper BrooklynPaper.com • (718) 834–9350 • Brooklyn, NY • ©2007 BROOKLYN HTS–CGARDENS–DTOWN–FT GREENE EDITIONS AWP/20 pages • Vol. 30, No. 48 • Saturday, Dec. 8, 2007 • FREE INCLUDING DUMBO, CLINTON HILL, COBBLE HILL, BOERUM HILL Joy on Duffield Deal saves ‘Underground Railroad’ home By Dana Rubinstein passed a major upzoning of Downtown The Brooklyn Paper Brooklyn that has ushered in a building boom / Gregory P. Mango P. / Gregory throughout the area bounded by Flatbush Av- The city has said it will redesign a park enue Extension and Tillary, Jay and Fulton that is the centerpiece of its plan for Down- streets. At the center of that expansion was to town Brooklyn after the owner of a home be a new green space and with a parking linked by historians to the Underground garage underneath it: Willoughby Square Park. Railroad won a court settlement last week. In order to create the park, the city said it The house in question sits at 227 Duffield The Brooklyn Paper file The Brooklyn would have to condemn Chatel’s property, St., on what would have been the southwest and up to six other homes on Duffield Street corner of Willoughby Square Park — the 1.8- and neighboring Gold Street. Preservationists acre greenspace that city officials hope will be criticized the city for ignoring evidence that the Bryant Park-style heart of a newly boom- the houses were once a stop on the Under- Suit: ing Downtown Brooklyn. ground Railroad, the network that helped In the settlement, the city promised it guide slaves to freedom. would “not seek to [condemn] 227 Duffield Under intense pressure to preserve Chatel’s Street in conjunction with the Downtown home in particular, the city paid a consulting Brooklyn Development Plan.” Now that the firm $500,000 to study the homes’ historic Beep’s building will remain, architects will be forced merit. That report, issued in April, claimed to carve out a niche in the park, said Janel Pat- that 227 Duffield St. and the other homes terson, a spokeswoman for the city’s Econom- were not part of the Underground Railroad — ic Development Corporation. though the report was repudiated by two- “It is premature to say” how exactly the Callan / Tom thirds of its peer reviewers. office settlement would affect the design of the park, “There is overwhelming evidence … of since “designs have not begun yet,” added Abolitionist activity” at Chatel’s house, ar- Patterson. chaeologist Cheryl LaRoche said at the time. But what is clear is that the owner of the But Joe Chan, the president of the Down- / Michelle Fornos biased house, Joy Chatel, has won a nearly four-year- Paper The Brooklyn town Brooklyn Partnership, countered in a long battle with the city over what critics have Duffield Street resident Joy Chatel shows statement that “Willoughby Square has al- called an abuse of eminent domain. a tunnel in her basement that she be- ways been the centerpiece of the [Downtown By Gersh Kuntzman The fight began in 2004, when the city lieves was used by fugitive slaves. See DUFFIELD on page 5 The Brooklyn Paper Borough President Markowitz Paper The Brooklyn used city-paid staffers as cam- GOOD DOG: This German shepherd scared the wits out of a mugger in paign workers and ignored “inap- Fort Greene, freightening him into dropping the purse he’d just taken. propriate sexual activity” by four of his employees, a new bomb- shell lawsuit by Markowitz’s for- mer spokeswoman contends. Those claims represent the juicy nuggets in an otherwise unsensation- al age and gender discrimination law- DOG ON IT! suit filed Monday in Brooklyn Supreme Court by Markowitz’s for- mer communications director, Regina Hero pooch hounds mugger Weiss. Virtually all of the 16-page fil- ing sticks to the central allegation that By Dana Rubinstein “I thought, ‘How dare you do that to Weiss, 50, was “discriminated against The Brooklyn Paper somebody in this neighborhood!’ ” and [was] unlawfully discharged … And so Peterson and Tim raced off on the bases of her age and gender.” A Brooklyn dog earned his kibble / Tom Callan / Tom after the apparent mugger, with Peter- Specifically, Weiss’s suit targets the other night by chasing down a purse-snatcher on a Fort Greene av- son screaming, “My dog will rip you Markowitz’s chief of staff, Greg apart!” Atkins. Weiss says Atkins forced enue. The irony, said Peterson, is that her to resign in early 2006, despite Tim, an 85-pound, 3-year-old Ger- “Tim wouldn’t even know how to do glowing job-performance reviews man shepherd with a kindly demeanor, from Markowitz himself. Paper The Brooklyn was taking his 7:30 pm constitutional that.” But looks — in this case, the Asked about the lawsuit, the bor- near the corner of Clinton and DeKalb killer glare of an animal best known as ough president’s office said, effec- avenues with companion Nancy Peter- a Nazi accessory — do matter. tively, bring it on. Meet the menorahs son on Nov. 15 when a man walked by Afraid for his life, the young man “These unfounded claims should Jews around the world began the eight-day Hanukkah festival on Tuesday with what appeared to be a thick gold dropped the item — the “gold chain” be taken in context — they are from night by lighting menorahs — but Brooklyn Jews did it twice. First, Chabad chain concealed under his jacket. turned out to be the handle of the a disgruntled former employee who of Brooklyn Heights lit the borough’s “official” candelabrum (above) with Bor- “And then I heard this woman be- woman’s bag that he had just snatched was dismissed,” the statement read. — to the sidewalk and kept running to- / Julie Rosenberg ough President Markowitz officiating at Borough Hall. Then, an hour later at hind me screaming and crying,” re- “If served with court papers, we Grand Army Plaza, Chabad of Brownstone Brooklyn set ablaze the “largest called Peterson, the president of the ward Lafayette Avenue. will address these baseless allega- menorah in the borough” with an arguably even more-special guest: Mr. Met Fort Greene PUPS. “I don’t know how, “The woman was so, so happy,” said tions in court. This office stands by (with Delia Kirshenblat, left). Who knew he was Jewish? The holiday contin- but I knew he had stolen something Peterson. its excellent EEO [Equal Employ- ues through Wednesday; the final candles will be lit on Tuesday night. See from the woman.” And Tim? Well, he walked home ment Opportunity] record.” And then Peterson got mad. and had an otherwise normal evening. The Brooklyn Paper The Brooklyn full coverage of the menorah matchup, on page 18. See BIAS CLAIM on page 16 Dyker man on YouTube ignites GOP fisticuffs over immigration By Noah C. Zuss publican debate on CNN. haired head covering 70 percent of the screen barking out the final words. “Rudy Giuliani just lied to you,” he said for The Brooklyn Paper Nardi is a technician for the Madison and a TV with rabbit ears in the background, The question did put Giuliani on the de- in a response that was not, alas, part of the Square Garden Network who has lived in criticizing former Mayor Giuliani for run- fensive and allowed a rival, former Massa- debate, but is still floating in the YouTube A Dyker Heights man not only incited a Brooklyn his entire life. He feels that illegal ning a “sanctuary city” for immigrants dur- chusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, to attack with ether. debate about illegal immigration at last immigration is changing the face of the city ing his time atop New York’s bureaucracy. what political insiders might have called He’s still angry. Nardi says that he chose week’s Republican debate, but he also and believes that those here illegally are dis- “This is Ernie Nardi from Dyker Heights “The Nardi Gambit.” But after a few min- to speak up because of how Giuliani, as well thrust himself and his neighborhood into placing legal citizens and contributing to our in Brooklyn, New York,” he started, his ac- utes of back-and-forth — Giuliani accused as his predecessors, dealt with illegal immi- an international spotlight. decline. He is angry that New York has be- cent unmistakable to anyone who has seen Romney of hiring illegal aliens at the gover- gration. He claims that there is a “total lack But that’s Ernie Nardi for you. come a safe-haven, and destination for ille- even one Scorsese movie. (You’ll find a link nor’s mansion, Romney accused Giuliani of of media coverage and lack of enforcement The 59-year-old Dyker resident proved gal immigrants. to his YouTube video at BrooklynPaper.com.) ignoring the central crime of undocumented from Bloomberg, Giuliani, Dinkins, and all that he’s not afraid to take an unpopular po- And get this: He’s a registered Democrat.
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