USCF Volume II Friday, Number 1 O!fj cietl Publication of me United States (bess federati on · September 5, 1947 Kashdan Wins 48th U.S. Open! • SANTASIERE, YANOFSKY TIE; COUNT 2S ENTRIES CUELLAW (COLOMBIA) FOURTH IN NYSC TOURNEY ADVANCE NOTICE Fifth Place in Close Contest Shared A press release on the New York State Chess Association Toul"Ila· By Kramer, Shaw, Sanchez, Whitaker ment at Endicott, well In advance ot fi nal registration date, Indicates By virtue of a clear margin of 10 po ints with no losses and advance registration of twenty·fi ve three draws, Isaac Kashdan r egained the title of U. S. Open players trom diUerent parts of tbe Chess Champion, which he shared w ith Horowitz in 1938 at State. "When pairing begins at the Boston . P laying tireless and unerring chess, Kashdan was l.B.M. Country Club, scene of the never behind, and with the ninth round forged into a lead which touranment. the title-holder An­ was never thereafter overtaken. In the fifth round he drew w ith thony K Santasiere, fresh from a second place tie at the U. S. Open the y outhful George Kramer, in the ninth he drew Santasicre Tournament at Corpus Ch.rlsti, will while K ramer was losing Steinmeyer to take the "lead, and in face George Kramer. 1945 State the t welfth round he drew with Miguel Cuellar of Colombia. Champion who placed In at tie for Tied for secdnd pl ace were former Open Champion Santas­ fi fth at Corpus Christi. and Dr. Ed­ ie r ~and Canadian Champion Yanofsky with 10-3 each. Santas­ ward Lasker, who tied for ninth at iere Urew with Paul Poschel, Illinois Champ in the third round ; the U, S . Open. w ith his rival of Ventnor Ci ty, W hitake r, in the fourth round; Other redoubtable entries include: w ith Kendall in the fifth ; and with K ashdan in the ninth. H e Sven Almgren. Frank Anderson lost one game to Yanofsky. The Canadian drew w ith Thomp­ (Toronto Champion). Samuel Baron, J . S. Battell, Frank Collins, J ack son in th?i\inth round and with K ramer in t he twelfth; but lost W . Collins, Jeremiah F. Donovan, two game ; in the secQnd round to Evans and in the seventh Richard Einhorn, P . L. Gluckemus. to Kashdan. \ Myron Fleischer. Arthur Fox. Max Miguel Cuellar. Colomhian Nntl()o Hcrr.berger. H. M. Phillips, Stephen nnl Chan\ll!on. placed fOlIl·tll wi th VA HOSPITALS Shaw, Ji;ugene Siltlpiro, J aCk Souda· ;\. ,0(,01·<1 of 'I llS and (l oW ll S. lie lost kort, Albert E. Vosslcr, Snul Wan, to Kramer. I~askel" aud Sa·ntasiere. FlND VALUE IN stlk. Johll Of. ";,,,tlt.~I"O()k. - Nonilitn and drew willi Kashdlln. Fifth C. Wilder, J r. I place resulted In a [our·way tie CHESS BY MAIL between Krllme.·, Sanchez, Shaw Under ,tile impel.UtI given by VA Ilnd Whitaker with 9·4 each, while UNIQUE CLUB Adams, Albert Sandl·i n, Ulvcfltad Chess Club in the VA H081)ital at Lexington, Ky., a program ot cor· COMBINES CHESS and Steiner tied for Ill iuth with 8 'h-4 \f.:, llehlnd these in a tie for respondence !!hcIS for VA Ilnth:mls WITH FELLOWSHIP Is Il jJ reading througbout the counlz·y. thirteenth place were Aleman, Co­ lon, Drexel, EVQ;U8, SleinlU'!yer, encoUl·aged by the VA Chie16 of The tenets of a most unusual Special Service and abetted by the Wade and Lasker, chess club, which must remain an· USCF "Chess tor Veterans" pro· In all t he titanic tournament of onymous, hold many many points gram. Hospitals In as distant areas of Interest wbich migb t profitably eighty-six playe[s W3Jj a great fl UC­ as Alaska and Cuba arc joining with be 3111)lied hy othel· groups at chess cess. although ten players withdl'ew the continental U. S. hospitals in belore lhe final rounds were played. playel"S In forming their Own clubs. fonnlng a VA Correspondence The keynote of this club has always And the stal·U! lI g fealure of tho Chess League tOl· VA patientls. tournament were the placing at been t.lle combination or lIoolal rei· l/evel·a l untamillar names above In a recent I'eport. Thomas ' V. lowsblp with chess; and the attain­ players ot well·know'll ability and J{enl~, Recreation D1.·ecto.· at the ment or tilts Ideal has been through record. in pmUcuar the showing ot I..exlngton (Ky) bospltal, calls the the years perfected by a few simple Steven T. Shaw. who placed In a formation or tlle local chess cl ub r ules. tie [or fifth above .such well known the outstanding activity of the Frllt.. the membel·shlp lIas always eXI)OlIenlS. as Uh'estad, Adams and Recreation Department in June and been selcctive--not. over eight or Steiner, and In his plus score commends the therapoutlc value of ten membel"8, picked for their Qual­ counted victories over Aleman, chess. relating the case ot a patient Ity of good fellowship WlUl an en­ at Lexington who r estated all ef­ deavor to keep the membersblp Photo: Blllv Dub Court>l1Y: louhYl lie Cou,I.. .,Jou."a! Steinmeyer. A ROYAL SET FOR A ROYAL GAM~ . forts to intel·est him In a ny nctlvity evenly matched in chess skill. Among the upsets ot >the Open Dr. H",ry H,,{inirg (,ighl) i"J"lgts in " 8"mt .,ilb his son, W . B. H<fl.I..,i8g, until Ule chess club was organized Second. the pl'ocedure Is to meet Tournament may be coun ted Larry for dinner every .second or third Ilfing lilt c",."tJ chrIS Itt s"iJ to be " gilt /rom £mP'tSS Eugtnit. Evans vlctery ever Yanotsky, Kra­ whereupon he became all enthusl· astic member. week and then to play just one mer's loss to Steinmeyer, Shaw'.!! serious game of chess with clocks A ROYAL GAME! In America. Metzger was married fi rst round loss to Miller in view In a fetter on the correspondence -no ]i kittles. and no games held in St, Louis and then Cllvorced. of Shaw's final score. Adams' loss eh!!!s program, Harry L . Jackson. over fo r a later -session. EMPRESS EUGENIE Shortly therealter he joined the to Kendall. Other exciting featurl!s Chler, S pecial Services lit BI·ecks· In the conrse or the year the club GAVE THE SET Union AI·my In the Civil War. When were Kramer's draw with Kashdan, ville (Ohio) VA Hospital. endorses plays a double mund robin tourna­ mustered out of service, he wooed Snntasiere'a dl·aw with Paul Pos­ it 313 or particulnl' value [or the ment 011 this plan-a .schedule thall and married In 1882 Mary Beile chel. tuberculosis patients at Brecksville According to a story In the JU '!le Filson, niece ot the Kentucky his· has always been completed except 22 Magazine section of the Lou is· The freak game of the tourna­ who are cut ot'! {rom usual contacts tOI" the three regrettable occasions torlan J ohn Filson. Mel7.ger dIed wllh tbe outside world, both for ville CourieNournal by Pa u I in 1881. and his widow married W. ment was a nine move drawn be· when death in ler[era·OO. This tourn­ Hughes. when Dr, Harl"Y Hu tedg., tween Kramer and Yanofsky, whlcb I) rovlding (!{Intacts by mail and lor A. Hazlerlgg. Their son Is Dr, Hu­ ament Is played tor the love of ot Louisville takes out his chess set. was claimed by Kramer on s. repe­ being unusually wen adaptcd tOl· lerigg, the jWeSen l owner of the chells. and no prizes are awarded. he Is playing witil pieces which are tiUon or mOves. The Ions-est game bed patients, chessmen. Here, then. Is that happy blend· said to be the siCt of Empress Eu­ was the hard tought battle between W hile the veterans a rc develop, Ing of chess aad fellow-'lhlp which genie. :\lrs. Mary Daln of Miami and Ing their own mail chess pros-ram, ha.s been for many chess players Charles Joachtm of Seattle which outside 1)layers nre welcomed to the only a wistful dream. Impractical. The set belonged, according to the IMROMPTU SIMUL rosult!!d in oQ dl"8.w after 103 moves, co"rClSpondence games as provld­ some may say, but the club has story, to a I"I·enchman, L. F. Matz· BY SANTASIERE Amo ng tho other oddities was Ins- beUer contact with the outside boon tuncUoning for " IOI'e tha.n gor, Who came to America. when he twenty-five years; and Is sUll going fOll nd his love atralr with the young Lha g-ame lost to Keudall by Adams world. Every Ch0SS player who can Stopping at Knoxville on bls way in which the New E ngland proCes· stroll g,:.________ _ E ugenie fruslmted by the .lllfer· IJosalbly spare the time ror one or to the New YO I·k State Meet 'it slonal in a rare moment or che!lS encc ill their secinl positions, The two corN'!spondence games with VA Endicott, Sanlaslere gave a n im­ btind ness misjudged a. (!{Imblnatil>n See September 20th ilSue of patients Is urgently requested to set was her Ilarting gl[t to him. promptu nille--boal'd simultaneous and lost a piece on the ninth movo, contact: "~rallk Troutman, VA Hos­ 1'1·aditlon places the ....dat e of this against Tennessee's befit, wlnnlns tlnd with It the game although he pital, Lexington, Ky .• himself a VA played o n bravely for some time.
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