Version 1/2006 PHYTOPLAN® Pflanzliche Wirkstoffe und AnalytikI Product List 2006 Reference Substances Natural Compounds PHYTOPLAN Diehm & Neuberger GmbH Im Neuenheimer Feld 519 69120 Heidelberg Germany Phone: +49 62 21 / 40 13 47 Fax: +49 62 21 / 43 76 64 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.Phytoplan.de PHYTOPLAN ® Dear customer, we are pleased to introduce our new catalogue for the year 2006. Therein you will find many new products and also a greater range in the qualities of the compounds differing in the degre of purity and the documents delivered. Please decide which item is the proper for your purpose. All substances are provided with a certificate of analysis of the batch delivered. This includs the analytical data shown in the second column 'documents' of the catalogue. The reference substances mostly have a purity greater than 99.0% determined by HPLC-DAD. Enclosed you will find a comprehensive documentation about the identity and purity determinations. All these compounds are provided with a certificate of analysis including HPLC-DAD, TLC, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, UV, IR, MS. Depending on the compound other determinations like elemental analysis, optical rotation, content of water have ben made. Larger quantities of order may cfrome a longer delivery period. All substances which are only delivered with a HPLC-Chromatogram can also be obtained as documented reference substance on demand. In this case we will send you an individual offer. If you ned one or more compounds not listed, even from a definite plant, we will proof the possibility of supply. The requirements for the documentation and specification will be suited to your request. The prices will be calculated by the concrete expenditure and will be offered on demand. For inquiry please contact: Mr. Dr. Michael Diehm or Mr. Dr. Karl Neuberger Phone: 0049 6221 401347 Fax: 0049 6221 437664 e-Mail: [email protected] Page 2 PHYTOPLAN ® Table of compounds Acetoxyvalerenic acid Echinacoside Isovitexin Acetylacteoside Elenolic acid glucoside Kaempferol Acetyl-α-boswellic acid Eleutheroside B Kaempferol-3-glucoside Acetyl-β-boswellic acid Eleutheroside E 11-Keto-β-boswellic acid Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid Emodin (Frangula-) Lutein Actein ( - )-Epicatechin Luteolin Acteoside ( - )-Epicatechingallat Luteolin-7-glucoside Agnuside ( - )-Epigallocatechin Lycopin Aloe-Emodin ( - )-Epigallocatechingallat Malvin chloride Aloenin A Frangulin (A + B) Naringenin Apigenin Frangulin A Naringin Apigenin-7-glucoside Frangulin B Oleuropein Apiin ( - )-Gallocatechin Orientin Aristolochic acid I/II mixture Gingerol-[6] Picroside II Aristolochic acid I/II sodium salt Gingerol-[8] Primin Aristolochic acid I Ginkgolide A Primulaverin Aristolochic acid II Ginkgolide B Primverin Aucubin Ginkgolide C Pseudohypericin Azadirachtin Glucotropaeolin Quercetin Baicalein Gossypin Quercitrin Baicalin Hamamelitannin Retrorsin Betulin Harpagide Rhein Betulinic acid Harpagoside Rosmarinic acid Bilobalide Hederacoside C Saponarin α-Boswellic acid Hederagenin Senecionine β-Boswellic acid α-Hederin Seneciphylline Caftaric acid Hesperetin Senkirkin Casticin Hesperidin Sennoside A Catalpol Homoorientin Sennoside B ( - )-Catechin Hydroxytyrosol Silybin ( + )-Catechin Hydroxyvalerenic acid Sinigrin Chelideonin Hyperforin Spiraeoside Cichoric acid acid Hypericin Taxifolin Coptisin Hypericin sodium salt Valerenic acid Curcumin Hyperoside Vitexin Cyanin chloride Isoacteoside Vitexin-2‘‘-O-rhamnoside Cynarin Isoquercitrin Xanthohumol 27-Deoxyactein Isorhamnetin Page 3 PHYTOPLAN ® Catalogue of Natural Compounds Compound documents quantity price delivered [Euro] O Acetoxyvalerenic acid HPLC-DAD (2 methods), 25 mg 280,- CH3 H3C O H from Valeriana officinalis TLC (2 methods), 1 13 100 mg 1.000,- Art. 4402.RS >99.0 % H-NMR, C-NMR - (with Interpretation), CH [81397-67-3] 3 CH3 UV, IR, MS C17H24O4 Mr 292.37 COOH 6-O-Acetylacteoside HPLC-DAD, TLC, 20 mg 210,- OAc O from Harpagophytum procumbens 1 13 HO O H-NMR, C-NMR O O OOH 50 mg 420,- HO OH - (with Interpretation), H3C O Art. 6100.RS >99.0 % HO OH HO UV, IR, MS, melting point HO [ - ] C31H38O17 Mr 666.64 6-O-Acetylacteoside HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10 mg 110,- OAc O from Harpagophytum procumbens HO O O O OOH 20 mg 190,- HO OH H3C O Art. 6100.99 >99.0 % HO OH HO HO [ - ] 50 mg 380,- C31H38O17 Mr 666.64 H3C CH3 3-Acetyl-α-boswellic acid HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 5 mg 125,- H (3α,4β)-3-Acetoxy-olean-12-en-23-acid from Boswellia serrata 10 mg 200,- H3C CH3 CH3 H CH3 Art. 5154.99 >99.0 % 20 mg 340,- AcO H [ - ] HOOC CH 3 C32H50O4 Mr 498.73 3-Acetyl-β-boswellic acid CH3 HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 5mg 125,- H3C (3α,4β)-3α-Acetoxy-urs-12-en-23-acid H from Boswellia serrata 10 mg 200,- H3C CH3 CH3 Art. 5151.99 >99.0 % 20 mg 340,- H CH3 [5968-70-7] AcO H C32H50O4 Mr 498.73 HOOC CH3 CH3 3-Acetyl-11-keto- -boswellic acid 5mg 115,- H3C β HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum H 3α-Acetoxy-urs-12-en-11-keto-23-acid O 10 mg 180,- H3C CH3 CH3 from Boswellia serrata H CH3 Art. 5153.99 >99.0 % 20 mg 305,- AcO H [67416-61-9] HOOC CH3 C32H48O5 Mr 512.73 Actein 10 mg 450,- H3C HPLC-DAD (2 methods), AcO O OH from Cimicifuga racemosa CH3 O TLC (2 methods), O 1 13 50 mg 2.000,- CH3 Art. 3506.RS >99.0 % H-NMR, C-NMR - (with Interpretation), CH3 [18642-44-9] Xyl-O IR, MS, hr-MS, melting point H3CCH3 C37H56O11 Mr 676.84 Actein 5 mg 220,- H3C HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum AcO O OH from Cimicifuga racemosa CH3 O O 10 mg 400,- CH3 Art. 3506.99 >99.0 % CH3 [18642-44-9] 20 mg 690,- Xyl-O H3CCH3 C37H56O11 Mr 676.84 page 4 PHYTOPLAN ® Catalogue of Natural Compounds Compound documents quantity price delivered [Euro] Acteoside 20 mg 225,- OH HPLC-DAD, TLC, O HO O Verbascoside 1 13 O H-NMR, C-NMR O OOH 50 mg 450,- HO OH from Paulownia tormentosa - (with Interpretation), H3C O HO OH HO UV, IR, MS HO Art. 6101.RS >98.0 % [61276-17-3] C29H36O15 Mr 624.59 Acteoside 10 mg 120,- OH HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum O HO O Verbascoside O O OOH 20 mg 200,- HO OH from Paulownia tormentosa H3C O HO OH HO HO Art. 6101.98 >98.0 % 50 mg 400,- [61276-17-3] C29H36O15 Mr 624.59 Agnuside 10 mg 150,- HO HO H HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10-p-Hydroxybenzoylaucubin from Vitex agnus castus 20 mg 255,- O H Art. 2102.98 >98.0 % O CH2 O-Glu O [11027-63-7] C22H26O11 Mr 466.44 OHO OH Aloe-Emodin HPLC-DAD, TLC 20 mg 195,- 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)- 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR anthrachinon, synthetisch - (with Interpretation), 50 mg 390,- CH2OH UV, IR, MS, melting point O Art. 3714.RS >99.0 % [481-72-1] C15H10O5 Mr 270.23 OHO OH Aloe-Emodin HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10 mg 100,- 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)- anthrachinon, synthetisch 20 mg 170,- CH2OH O Art. 3714.99 >99.0 % 50 mg 340,- [481-72-1] C15H10O5 Mr 270.23 HO OGlu Aloenin A HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10 mg 130,- from Aloe arborescens O O 50 mg 500,- CH3 Art. 4105.99 >99.0 % [38412-46-3] OCH 3 C19H22O10 Mr 410.38 Apigenin OH HPLC-DAD, TLC 20 mg 140,- 4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavon 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR HO O from Chamomillae romana - (with Interpretation), 50 mg 280,- UV, IR, MS, melting point Art. 3205.RS >99.0 % 100 mg 485,- OH O [520-36-5] C15H10O5 Mr 270.23 Apigenin OH HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 20 mg 125,- 4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavon HO O from Chamomillae romana 50 mg 250,- Art. 3205.99 >99.0 % 100 mg 440,- OH O [520-36-5] C15H10O5 Mr 270.23 page 5 PHYTOPLAN ® Catalogue of Natural Compounds Compound documents quantity price delivered [Euro] Apigenin OH HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 50 mg 110,- 4',5,7-Trihydroxyflavon HO O from Chamomillae romana Art. 3205.97 >97.0 % OH O [520-36-5] C15H10O5 Mr 270.23 OH Apigenin-7-glucoside HPLC-DAD (2 methods) 10 mg 130,- Glu-O O Apigetrin, Cossmetin, 7-Glucosylapigenin TLC, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR from Chamomillae romana - (with Interpretation), 20 mg 220,- UV, IR, MS, melting point OH O Art. 3207.RS >99.0 % 50 mg 440,- [578-74-5] 100 mg 690,- C21H20O10 Mr 432.38 OH Apigenin-7-glucoside HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10 mg 110,- Glu-O O Apigetrin, Cossmetin, 7-Glucosylapigenin from Chamomillae romana 20 mg 190,- OH O Art. 3207.99 >99.0 % 50 mg 350,- [578-74-5] C21H20O10 Mr 432.38 OH Apigenin-7-glucoside HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 100 mg 100,- Glu-O O Apigetrin, Cossmetin, 7-Glucosylapigenin from Chamomillae romana OH O Art. 3207.97 >97.0 % [578-74-5] C21H20O10 Mr 432.38 OH Apiin HPLC-DAD (2 methods), 10 mg 200,- Apioside, Apigenin-7-apiosylglucoside TLC (2 methods), Api-Glu-O O 20 mg 340,- from Petroselinum crispum 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR - (with Interpretation), Art. 3244.RS >98.0 % OH O UV, IR, MS, melting point [26544-34-3] C26H28O14 Mr 564.50 OH Apiin HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 10 mg 150,- Apioside, Apigenin-7-apiosylglucoside Api-Glu-O O from Petroselinum crispum 20 mg 255,- OH O Art. 3244.98 >98.0 % [26544-34-3] C26H28O14 Mr 564.50 O COOH Aristolochic acid HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 500 mg 135,- mixture from I und II O NO2 from Aristolochia clematitis Art. 4610.96 >96.0 % R [67123-64-2] O COOHNa Aristolochic acid sodium salt HPLC-DAD with UV-spectrum 250 mg 145,- O NO2 mixture from I und II sodium salt 500 mg 255,- from Aristolochia clematitis Art.
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