• EVENTS • LETTERS • FEATURES • MOVIES • REVIEWS • BOOKS • LISTINGS • NEWS • Fanzine E-Publishing Full Fontal History Page 6 VCON 26 A Space Oddity Check out the bid on Page 12! 7 Palle’s Movie Mania Page 10 SF Book Review Page 12 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE WEST COAST SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION New Millennium Who? Vol. 28 Issue 6 • Number 325 • Page 5 June 2000 / VCON 25 $2.50 WCSFActivities Contributor’s Deadline - June 16th, July weekends, FRED will be at the lounge of WCSFA 14th, August 18th, Sept. 15th, Oct. 20th, Bosman’s Hotel. This is two blocks east and Memberships Dec. 15th. Send, your submissions, com- a part of a block north of the Burrard Motor ments, loc’s to John Wong at 2041 East Inn (actual address is 1060 Howe St.). New ...................................... $26.00 10th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5N 1X9 BCSFAzine Pickup/Collation at FRED - The New Family .......................... $32.00 or E-Mail me at [email protected] Friday before the first Sunday of the month. Renewal ................................ $25.00 Pick up your issue of BCSFAzine at FRED! Family (2 Votes) ................... $31.00 F.R.E.D. - Every Friday Pristine, mint condition copies are available (Above prices includes subscription to The weekly gathering of BCSFAns and all BCSFAzine. Please e-mail others interested in joining us for an at FRED. Call Steve to let him know you wish [email protected] if you wish to evening of conversation and relaxation, to pick up your copy. WCSFA receive the magazine electronically.) with pool table option. At the Burrard General Meeting. May 27th, VCON. Make checks payable to WCSFA Motor Inn opposite St. Paul’s Hospital Come and vote on the next VCON bid. Check (West Coast Science Fiction (Downtown Vancouver) 6 blocks south of at Registration for room and time. Association) Burrard Skytrain Station. 3 blocks west of WCSFA Executive Meeting. June 10th, 1 pm. #110-1855 West 2nd Ave. Granville (where many buses run). #22 Firehall Branch Library 1455 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1J1 Knight/McDonald bus along Burrard. Vancouver. Tenth & Granville. Begins 8:00pm. On the Friday before long WCSFA Executive • President .... R. Graeme Cameron • Vice President....... Palle Hoffstein • Treasurer............... Doug Finnerty Upcoming Conventions • Secretary...................... Alyx Shaw • Archivist .... R. Graeme Cameron • Editor ................. John C.H. Wong SEACOUVER 2000 June 30th to July 3rd. Van- $20 for children. at the door, • Members at Large: .. Lisa Gemino couver, BC $50 for adults, $25 for children. ................................ David Langtry A “Highlander: The Series” convention. Contact: Suite 0116, Box 187, .................................... Donna Read Guests, Jim Byrnes, and various actors from 65 Front Street West, ................................ Garth Spencer Highlander: The Series and Highlander: Toronto, ON M5J 1E6 • V-Con 25 Rep .... Paul Carpentier The Raven (416) 410-TCON • Keeper of FRED, Featuring guided bus tours to locations with [email protected] www.comm.ca/tcon/ V-Con Ambassador for Life ......... actors from the Highlander Series Con-Version 17 Science Fiction and Fantasy Con- ...........................Steve Forty (S.40) Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel & Marina from vention August 11-13, 2000 Calgary, Alberta, Friday, June 30 through Monday, July 3. Ad- Canada Metropolitan Centre, 333 4th Avenue SW BCSFAzine Specialists mission (in Canadian funds) is $90 for the full Guests: Mike Resnick Layout, Acrobatics & Image convention, $60 for Saturday or Sunday only, GoH, Candas Jane Dorsey Digitalist ............ John C. H. Wong $30 for the reserved seating section, and $24 CdnGoH, Julia Lacquement Hyper Text Modem Retrieval for the Jim Byrnes Band performance (in ad- Artist Guest, Thor Osborn Specialists ... Dave and Chris Hale, dition to having a full or Sunday Only regis- Science Guest, Michael McAdam ...........................Dale McGladdery Text Editor ............... Pauline Walsh tration). The first 50 paid registrations will Toastmaster/FanGoH, Mike Dale Page Reproduction and book receive a free Sunday breakfast (value $15). Con-Version is a scifi fantasy literary convention construction . Quality Printing Inc. Tour prices will be finalized shortly. which hosts many author panels, dealers room, Cover Art ..................... Alan White For more information, or a Registration art show, hositality suite, videos, costume con- Form, email to [email protected] or test, dance and more. ©June 2000 Volume 28, #6 Issue 325 send snail mail with SASE to: Visit our website at:http://www.con-version.ab.ca is the club newsletter published by Seacouver 2000 the West Coast Science Fiction Attn: Lisa King Association (A Registered Society) #101-1001 West Broadway, W.C.S.F.A. is also known as The magical world of B.C.S.F.A. which is the social branch Unit 334 of the organization. Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4 Toronto Trek (TT2000) DRAGONFLY For comments, subscriptions Canvention suggestions, and/or submissions, July 14-16. 2000 write to: Guests Elric Stilwell, Larry WCSFA Stewart #110-1855 West 2nd Ave. Hotel: Regal Constellation 106 Harrison Village Mall, 196 Espanade, Box 118 Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1J1 Hotel 900 Dixon Rd., To- Harrison Hotsprings, B.C. V0M 1K0 BCSFAzine is also ronto, ON M9W 1J7 Telephone: (250) 796-9600 available as a full colour Memberships: Adobe Acrobat file. $40 for adults, 10% Discount for WCSFA members 2 BCSFAzine eb SITE is available to subscribers in Adobe Acrobat for- mat. Check out the zine in it’s full colour glory W CSFA with all the bells and whistles of instant web links and e-mail. It is easy to change your subscription to this Check out our web site at WCSFA-On Line: format. Go to the Adobe web site and download the free Acrobat Reader for you computer’s op- erating system. (Make sure you get version 3 or http://http://http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/dh2/bcsfa/bcsfa/bcsfa higher). Then e-mail me at [email protected] and let Check out our web site for all the information me know that you want to switch your subscrip- you need to be a local fan. tion over. You will then receive the next zine in your e-mail. • Convention Listings • Ask Mr. Science • SF TV Listings • A sample copy of the Acrobat BCSFAzine is available on our website. VCON Web Pages • ë http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/dh2/ • Internet Links • Store Listings • bcsfa Science Guest Author Guest Art Guest Special Guest Fan Guest Freeman Dyson Larry Niven Julia Lacquement George Dyson Paul Carpentier & Julie McGalliard VikingCon17VikingCon17 August 18-20, 2000 Western Washington University Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington. Viking Union 202 Box V-1 • Bellingham, WA 98225 Memberships $20 US / $25 CDN Until July 15 • $30 US / $40 CDN at the door. Web Page: http://www.sfnorthwest.org/vikingcon • E-Mail: [email protected] To receive e-mail progress reports, send mail to [email protected] 3 Letters Of Comment Dear John/Ken and BCSFAns: been doing a better job of selling zines for mail “publication” should follow the pat- Issue 324 of BCSFAzine has arrived, and has CUFF, but I also have a few boxes of tern of news stand magazines. In the first been hardprinted so I could peruse it at my fanzines to sell, with all proceeds going to years of fanzine fandom, many fanzines leisure. And so, here come some comments, CUFF. I’ve also got some books as well, plus copied the custom of the prozines, putting also composed at my leisure. If I hurry, I can back issues of Locus. For a list of what I not only the publication’s title but also its get it to you on time... have, contact me at [email protected] and price, month of publication, and a list of In the convention list, major guests have I’ll send that list to you. Also for CUFF, and its principal contents on the cover. Finally been announced for Toronto Trek...John for VCon... I hope to have our 1998 CUFF they realized this was unnecessary for a deLancie (Q from various Star Treks) and trip report ready for sale at the con. periodical which went out by mail and Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite from I don’t know if the Time Meddlers of didn’t need to compete on a rack for a po- Hercules and Xena). This is John’s second Vancouver still exist, but Doctor Who tential customer’s attention. As for page appearance at Toronto Trek, and we’re look- fandom still goes on in Toronto. Lisa Tru- makeup, I learned during tedious years at ing forward to seeing him again. ant-Tan, head of the Eye of Harmony branch the newspapers that there are too many In the Vikingcon ad...I’m sure some- of the Doctor Who Information Network, schools of thought on the topic to satisfy one’s already said something, but $20 US will be holding another occasional Whocon, more than a small percentage of self-des- doesn’t convert into $225 Canadian. If it ever Eye of Orion 6, on May 13. This little one- ignated authorities. I worked under a suc- does, we’re in trouble. day con, held in a church, drew over a hun- cession of superiors when I was laying out Harry Warner is correct...we can argue dred people last time, including fans from the pages once a week. A page that one edi- about paper fanzine versus e-zines and Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, Kitchener, Peter- tor thought was fine for the way the areas webzines all we like (and some certainly do), borough, Montreal, and even Chicago. It’s a of body type were broken up was con- but the main thing we really want is to have concentrated dose of Dr. Who that makes the demned by another as too cluttered.
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