niiihI frJ*^—;“-*vVV-.*-l:: ‘-.'i:.;.;:;*„r;v-:^.:.";-— -'^ y_ *’ ' ' ■ : \- < " TUESDAY. AUGUST S^ U44 % 3E T ^'E L V B Manchester Evening Herald Avenge Daily Circulation For the Meath o f duly, 1944 The W eather ———- --- -—r Fereeaet el U. H. Vleetber Bateen Three new caeca of whooping School BoJird 8,728 Fair and.eooler tonight; Tkum- cough in Manchcater were report- Legion Staff Member of the ^odlt iIh.v teir exrept tor Home high About Town Vd jn ahia week’a bulletin of thb W e d d in g s cloudlne—i cook Stafe Health department. No om- Favors Buses JC— BureM of CiicolaUoae er new caaea of communicable dla- Is Nominated H A L E ^ S “ ■■■‘It Cominff Marriage Manehed er-"' A City o f Village Charm K^WUiwn Noren and eaaca were reported from ttila Macker-Danziger i / ' vom tba Rotarj’ club apooMred town thia -week. Although hvan- tha Nutmeg 8Ute B oj« Con- Miss Helen Falhenau Danzlger. ; To Seek Consent o f State tila paralyala oaaaa I f f ^ c n re­ Francis E. Miner Select­ daughter of Mr. and Mra. Maurice ^ (ClaseUled Advertfstaig ea Faga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1944 FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTRA snce In Cheater thia paat June, ported In large numbera In other Body to Restore Wood Wed. Morning SpedaM VOL, LXIII., NO. 276 report to the club at it# mwt- areaa thia atate and thia town par­ ed to Head Local Post; Danziger of 11 West street, was, thla. evening at the Country ticularly haa been aingularly free married to Allan Wesley MaCker, land Park, Others. • ■on of Mr. and Mra. Arthur W. ub. \ ____ of the dlaeaae. Only 15 new caaea Election on Monday. were reported In Hartford county Macker of Pawtucket, R.' I., op Saturday, August 12. The cere­ The Board of Education last Pvt. Ruaaell V a n n ^ ^ A * } thia week, three In Weat Hartford Francis K. Miner, of 34 Linden night gave a hearing to reaidenta iTvw th jltaln atraet la home on a 14- and two In Hartford. Rockville haa mony was performed by the Rev. of the Woodland ,Pwrh ere* twj No-Seam Mesh P day furlough from Camp Blandlng, one new caae, the report ohowa street, a supervisor at the Veter­ Carl Stackman at six o’clock in ans’ Home, Rocky Hill, and service the congregational church, Coral j their request that transportation ^ ^ o rid a , .where he haa flnlahed hia ha provided to children living there ■Ic training. On hia return to Gables, Florida. The attendants Mra. Dorla Keefe, of the Pine- officer for the local Legion Poet, were Miss Alberta Bergh and; who attend the Hollister street on |4tety he will be atatloned at Camp Allies Now haa been selected by the nominat­ hurat Grocery organization, la en­ Robert Lawhorne. school. The service which wap COMBpbell, Kentucky. joying a week’a vacation. William ing committee of Dllworth-Comen provided a year ago was discon­ Young, who haa Joined the U. S. Post, The American Legion, to The bride who was given In i r Unne Lodge, No. 72. Knlghta of marriage by her father wore ai tinue! on orders of the State Board HOSIERY Merchant Marlrca, will. *" serve as Commander for the en­ iJiPythlaa, will hold Ita regular mcet- floor lengfh gown of white lace when It was found necesMry to IN WANTED FALL SHADES. " . two weeka to atart training. Grant suing year. The annual meeting cut down on tranapottation becauaa P ing tomorrow night at 8 o clMk In Sloan haa entered the employ of and election of officers will be held and net and short veil. She la a graduate of Manchester High of tire and gaa shortage. The dis­ SIZES 8Vi TO lOVi. 't: Orange Hall. ____ Pinehurat. at the Legion Home next Monday tance, It waa pointed out, evening, August 28 at 8:30. I The Paat Prealdenta M a^ Juat under two miles. VALUES TO 87c I The Pollah Women'a Alliance, Other nominations are as fol­ Before hearing the reaidenta of Seventh Army Enters t Buahnell Cheney auxiliary, VS.- lows: ‘ |:W .V „ win hold their Group. 246. will hold Ita monthly the section the board diacusaed WEDNESDAY MORNING: meeting tomorrow night at the First Vice-Commander, Egbert this area end others from which '^.gBaating at the home of Mrs. E. Inman: Second Vice-Command­ Ira ^ ^rend, 411 Center ^reet home of Mra. John Kochln, of Au­ transportation requests had been zz. tumn Btreet. All membera are re- er, Milton Hanaen; Finance Olfi- received and in the hearing which t io n Friday. Mra. Sophie Gra^waki cer, Elmer Rice; Adjutant, Robert p Win be hoatcaa. Refreahmenta wall queated to attend, 'fhla Is the flr.at waa held It announced that U the meeUng after the Summer receaa. Arendt; Assistant AdJuUnt. Wal­ Patton Adds New Pistol ■P’ba aarved at 1:30. State Boaird would consent the paur lace Payne: Service Officer, Mlea Lucille H. Hooey local board stood ready tu see that $ 1 - 0 0 Everett Kennedy; Chaplain. Wil­ ■ V ' ■ Thrust ans The annual putlhg of the Wash­ transporta^on waa provided. liam Black; '^istorlan, Thomas Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hooey, Later the board decided to ask ■ . H J ington Social club will be held Wallett; Serg^ant-at-Arms, Earl FOR TOP VALUE Saturday afternoon, August 26, of7207 Center street, announce the the State Board’s permission to re­ Francis Handley^ Russell Hatha- store the buses that bad aerved the IN A NEW HOME the Villa Louiaa, Birch Mountain Ftancla Handly, Russell Hatha­ coming marriage of their young­ iroad. Bolton. Oam chowder and est daughter, Lucille Harriett children of other areas. Superin­ way, Ernest Reteradn, and Conrad tendent filing will present the 8 m the Ones Being Built By ■appeUzera wlU be aerved In the Dwlre; Home committee; Wilfred Through Nazi Lines; In ^Rout’ on Seine; Hooey, to William Hahlon Smith, facta to the State Board. \ - early afternoon and dinner will be Clarke and John Morlarty. GREENBROOKE served at 6:30. TlckeU may be. son o f Mr. and-Mra. Charles Smith The meeting laiat night named Blue Defense T « Bura Mortgaite A. T. Moore, Mrs. William Craw­ secured at the club with reaerva- Nominations for these \ offices of "The Ridges,.’’ W’illimantlc. The ^ HOMES. INC Uons closing Thursday night. A wedding will take place Saturday, ford, Mra. John Qulah and Mra. may be made from the floor on the Sediick Straughan aa enumerators. sports program has been arranged night of election. Thoite elected August 26, at 2 p. m., at S t Regular $1.98 Value! , On Walker street under ' the direction of Acting Mary’s Episcopal church. The French Forces H0lp Yanks Beyond SenI will be InaUIIed on Saturday night. Sizes 12 to 44. par fait bar lafonnatloa anil at Steward Thomas J. Smith. Sept. B. at which U-7»e thb cere­ bride-to-be is employed at the AUCE OOFRAN darvls Oa. oWca aa mony of turning the mortgage on Hamilton Standard ^o'peller Co., (Know As (pieea Alice) ■ ■ . ■ ' . ' " -— — . Clitnf atiaet or at ts Alexaadar the Legion Home will be held. ’Thia EastJC.I18L Hartford.rntruoru. Them e futureluiure brlde-utiue- SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Armored Column will be a gala night for local Le­ m groom la electricians maW secondi Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Industrial Community I class, in the Navy and la at pres- Bom tvi*aWith •m vajiVoU. **L m * bi U U or WW gionnaires. Civic leaders and mem- 140 Airline Miles to! 160 Miles from Fromi bera of ether veterana and service ent stationed at the Submarine Readings Dally, tachidtaig Sxnday, New Soviet Drive French Units Gain BOILERS organizations hava been hiylted to Mrs. ABaa W. Macker Base In New London. 9 A. M. to t P. M. Or By Appotait- North of Mediterra-1 tier of Germany; PatH and menL In the Servteo M the Poo- attend. Department Commander school. 19I0B, and of the Spring- Emanualson wUPbe In 'charge of ple for SO Yeara. riean Coast; 80 Miles | ton's Third Army if field Library Training class of 149 Church Streot, Hartford, Oooa. IIm JW.HALC con the Installation ceremonies. Smashes Toward Control o f Ptaris; FURNACES 1942, since which time she haa Phono S-2024 Beyond Last Point! Woods Near Fontaii^l Craftsman Wilfred J. Clarks, director of been Children’s Librarian at Jones MANCHtmil Comm- HIGH POWER VACUUM phyelcal education at Manches­ Library, Amherit. Mass. Reported Reached by bleau; Bridgehead ter High school, who haa been STOP Auto Body Shop CLEANED Tha bridegroom was a student Thrown Over Upf Commander of the post the past at the Rhode Island SUte Univer­ ‘ Allies in Invasion Great Oil Center Battle Four two years, retires on Sepl. 9 after FOR YOUR NEW Body and Fender Repdiring Get aU the heat. you ahooM (roo) sity and a member of, Tau Kappa TERM ITE Seine bv Americana your tmUonad fuel tMa Wtater. a aiiccessful administration. Epsilon. He la an aviation cadet Of Southern France. Welding L«t na eondltlmi your heattag with the U B. Army Air Force and AND plant now. Call any time! the. couple will make their home In DAMAGE G. E. W ILLIS & SON, INC. Rome, -Aug. 23.—(/P)— Supreme Headquarters __ Truck Painting Wins Promotion Coral Gables until he completes Bombers g__ R*l__.«•_ i Allied Lancting MANCHESTER 2-0185 American troops of the Sev­ Announces Liberation; | lied Expeditionary ForoA'i hta Army navigation course.___ OLD WORK ^pert Work! enth Army, in a spectacular mania O u t.
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