FALL 2003, PAIZ 1372 YZ Mah Meher-Avan-Adar 1372 VZ (Fasli) Mah Ardibehest-Khordad-Tir 1373 VZ (Shenshai) Mah Khordad-Tir-Amardad 1373 VZ (Kadmi) FEDERATION OF ZOROASTRIAN ASSOCIATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA (FEZANA) Registered Address: 5750 South Jackson Street, Hinsdale, IL 60521, USA. www.fezana.org FEZANA OFFICERS Zoroastrian Association of Rocky Mountains Zoroastrian Society of Washington State President: Firdosh Mehta, 951 Jordan Cres­ (ZARM): Rumi Engineer, president, 22 Lin­ (ZSWS): Arman McCleary, president, cent, Edmonton, Alberta T6L 7A5. Tel: 780- denwood Dr., Littleton, CO 80120. Tel: 303- 14904 SE 64th St., Bellevue, WA 98006. Tel: 438-4371(H), 780-436-0004 (F-H), 780-468- 347-2356 (H), 303c781-4855 (W), 425-373-4605, [email protected]. 6862 (W), [email protected]. 303-789-5329 (F), [email protected]. FEZANA SMALL GROUPS Vice President: Mahrukh Motafram, 2390 Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Chanticleer, Brookfield, WI 53045. Tel: 262- Chicago (ZAC-Chicago): Ann Amavaz Atlanta Zarathushti Anjuman (AZA): Far­ 821-5296 (H,F), [email protected]. Elavia, president, 1314 Ivy Court, Westmont, rokh Mistree, 2846 Greenbrook Way, Atlanta, IL 60559. Tel: 630-852-6103 (H), GA 30345. Tel: 404-325-3300 (H), 404-894- Treasurer: Rashid Mellin, 583 Beverly Place, aelavia@ hotmail.com. 8412 (W), 404-325-1227 (F), farrokh.mis­ San Marcos, CA 92069. Tel: 760-891-0699 [email protected]. (H), 760-891-0277 (W), 760-891-0278 (F), Zoroastrian Association of Florida (ZAF): rmehin @yahoo.com. Klwshru Damwalla, president, 14431 Ardoch Zoroastrian Association ofAtlantic Canada Place, Miami Lakes, FL 33016. Tel: 305-819- (ZAAC): Shirin Jagosh, 118 Riverview Cres­ Secretary: Rita Engineer, 9141 Tivoli Place, 9099 (H), [email protected]. cent, Bedford, NS B4A 2X4. Tel: 902-835- Boca Raton, FL 33434. Tel: 561-487-4343 (H), 954-420-4686 (W), 954-363-4355 (F), Zoroastrian Association of Kansas (ZAK): 5221 (H), [email protected].. [email protected]. Dmyoush Jahanian, president, 1835 N. 78th Cleveland Zoroastrian Community: Place, Kansas City, KS 66112. Tel: 913-334- Kamal Mehta, 2817 Fowler Drive, Willoughby Assistant Secretary: Farrokh Mistree, 2846 4084 (H), email: [email protected]. Greenbrook Way, Atlanta, GA 30345. Tel: Hills, OH 44094. Tel: 440-944-1181 (H), 404-325-3300 (H), 404-894-8412 (W), 404- Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York [email protected]. 325-1227 (F), [email protected]. (ZAGNY), Homi Gandhi, president, 704 Central Florida Zoroastrian Community: Harristown Road, Glen Rock, NJ. 07452-2334. Mez R. Birdie, 3950 Villas Green Circle, Tel: 201-445-3917 (H), 212-656-5689 (W), FEZANA MEMBER AssociATIONS Longwood, FL 32779. Tel: 800-841-3011 Ext. homi_gandhi @usa.net. Zoroastrian Association ofAlberta (ZAA): 1150 (W), 407-650-3650 (H), Firdosh Mehta, president, 951, Jordan Cres­ Iranian Zoroastrian Association (IZA): Shirin mezbirdie @aol.com. Kiamanesh, president, 419 Wolf Hill Road, Dix cent NW, Edmonton, AB. T6L 7A5. Tel: 780- Cincinnati Zoroastrian Community: Aspi and Hills, NY 11746. 631-385-8471 (H) 631-293- 438-4371 (H), 780-436-0004 (F), Aban Wadia, 10003 Morganstrace Drive, 6100 (W), [email protected]. firdosh.mehta@ primus.ca. Loveland, OH 45140. Tel: 513-984-3119 (H), Mehran Pooladi-Darvish, FEZANA represen­ Zoroastrian Society of Ontario (ZSO): Sam as pi. wadi a@ ae.ge.com. tative (Calgary), [email protected]. Vesuna, president, 46 Carlton Road, Unionville, ONT L3R 1Z5. Tel: 905-477- Zaratlmshti Association of Kentucky, Ohio Zoroastrian Association ofArizona (ZAAR): 3808 (H), [email protected]. and Indiana (ZAKOI): Ronny and Kashmira Cyrus Irani, president, 403 West Knight Lane, Sadri, 805 Exmoor Avenue, Louisville, KY Tempe, AZ 85284. Tel: 480-456-0765 (H), Ontario Zoroastrian Community Foundation 40223. Tel: 502-244-4806 (H), iranic @pol.net. (OZCF): Ervad Kobad Zarolia, president, ronnykash@ aol.com. 4244 Taffey Crescent, Mississauga, ONT. L5L Zoroastrian Society of British Columbia 2J2. Tel: 905-542-9885 (H), 905-745-6499 (F), Zoroastrian Association of Manitoba, Hush­ (ZSBC): Homi Italia, president, 73 - 5950 kzarolia@ interlog.com. tasp Bhumgara, 5 Raber Road, Winnipeg, Oakdale Road, Burnaby, B.C V5H 4R5. Tel: Manitoba R2R 1G4. Tel: 204-694-1142 (H), 604-438-2076 (H), [email protected]. Zoroastrian Association of Pennsylvania hbhumgara@ hotmail.com. (ZAPA): Houtoxi F. Contractor, president, Zoroastrian Association of Greater Boston 2301 Colony Ct., Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Tel: Zarathushtis of Michigan: Jamshed R. Udva­ (ZAGBA): Sherazade Mehta, president, 1799 412-367-2948 (H- F), hfmc31 @aol.com. dia, 6018 Winterset Drive, Lansing, MI Centre St. #34, West Roxbury, MA 02132. 48911-4820. Tel: 517-393-1021 (H), 617-327-1253 (H), [email protected]. Zoroastrian Association of Pennsylvania & [email protected]. New Jersey (ZAPANJ): Cyrus Toorkey, pres­ Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC): ident, 38 Cameo Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. Minnesota Zoroastrian Community: Jehangir Khushroo Lakdawalla, president, 28343 Patri­ Tel: 856-751-0633 (H), 215-273-7000, ext. E. Rudina, 15631 Highview Lane, Apple Val­ cia Hill Drive, Canyon Country, CA 91387. 2112 (W) 609-320-9562 (C), 856-751-6343 ley, MN 55124. Tel: 612-332-8905 (W). 661-298-8554, [email protected]. (F), [email protected]. Nebraska Zoroastrian Interest Group: California Zoroastrian Center (CZC), Zoroastrian Association of Quebec (ZAQ): Jehangir Bastani, 2730 Katy Circle, Lincoln, Sohrab Shahpour Salamatipow; FEZANA rep, Ness Lakdawala, president, P.O. Box 35 Sta­ NE 68506. Tel: 402-483-4717 (H). 8952 Hazard Avenue, Westminster, CA 92683. tion Beaconsfield, Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W Tel: 714-893-4737 (CZC), 949-725-9016 (H), Zarathushti Association of New Orleans: 5T6. Tel: 514-466-2616 (H), 714-522-3333 (W), [email protected]. Rohinton & Armin Tarapore, 3104 Roosevelt [email protected]. Blvd, Kenner, LA 70065. Tel: 504-443-1929, Traditional Mazdayasni Zoroastrian Anju­ Zoroastrian Association of North Texas [email protected]. man (TMZA), Ervad Jal N. Birdy, vice presi­ dent, 3371 Skyview Lane, Corona, CA 92882. (ZANT): Mehraban Roshanravan, P. 0. Box San Diego Zoroastrian Community: Tel: 909-279-1529 (H), 714-979-2055, 2987, Coppell, TX 75019. Tel: 972-462-1475 Hoshang Khambatta, 5054 Maynard Street, (H), [email protected]. jalnb@ attbi.com. San Diego, CA 92122. Tel: 858-450-0190 Zarthoshti Anjuman of Northem California Zoroastrian Association of Houston (ZAH): (H), [email protected]. Roshan Sethna, FEZANA Representative, (ZANC): Bomi Patel, president, 4296 Mount­ St. Louis Zoroastrian Community: Persis 5607 Penninsula Park, Houston, TX 77401. castle Way, San Jose, CA 95136. Tel: 408-264- and Minoa Mehta, 156 Camfield Square, St. Tel: 713-856-9359 (H,F), [email protected]. 4395 (H), 408-267-8391 (F), Louis, MO 63141. Tel: 314-569-1828 (H), [email protected]. Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Zorastmail@ aol.com. Washington, Inc. (ZAMWI): Beltram Pas­ Persian Zoroastrian Organization (PZO), Zoroastrian Center ofAustin, Texas: Ketty takia, president, 8715 Irvington Ave, Bethesda, Koroush Dinyari, president 35172 King Court, and Aspi Wadi a, Cliffedge Drive, Austin, TX Fremont, CA 94536. Tel: 510-796-3157 (H), MD 20817-3605. Tel: 301-493-9131, bpastakia@ aol.com. · 78733-0013. Tel: 512-263-3131 (H), kdinyari@ yahoo.com. [email protected]. • FEZANA JOURNAL- SUMMER 2003 FE ZAN A 2 Editorial: Supporting our Aging Community -Dolly Dastoor JJCOJliJffiNAIL 3 FEZANA Update, From the President - Firdosh Mehta PuBLICATION OF THE FEDERATION OF ZOROASTRIAN AGM, Boston 2003 ASSOCIATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA 11 On the North American Scene, neXus 2003-Toronto http://www.fezana.org 13 Interfaith - lnteralia; Coming Events PRESIDENT: Firdosh Mehta 951 Jordan Crescent, NW, 19 Around the World Edmonton, Alberta T6L 7AS 20 ZWIN: "Help a Dream Come True" firdosh.mehta @primus.ca 22 PARZOR: a UNESCO Assisted Project WEBSITE MANAGER: Farrokh Mistree [email protected] 24 Cover Story: Aging in North America CHAIRPERSON: Khorshed Jungalwala Guest Editor Dolly Dastoor 53 Firecut Lane, Sudbury, MA 01776 25 Is it Memory Loss or Alzheimer's ? - Dolly Dastoor (978) 443-6858, (978) 440-8370 (fax) 27 The Stately Cypress (Sarv) - Arya Zartosht Iranpour kayj@ ziplink.net 28 Ethics and the Elderly - Susan Karani EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, DESIGN AND LAYOUT Getting Healthier, but Living Better? - Yasmin Pavri Roshan Rivetna 30 5750 S. Jackson St. Hinsdale, IL 60521 32 Long Term Care: Avoiding Crisis - Jimmy M. Bharucha (630) 325-5383, (630) 734-1579 (fax) 34 Healthful Eating in Later Years - Nancy Bugwadia RRRivetna@ aol.com 37 Vibrant Health with Yoga and Ayurveda - Mehlli Bhagalia EDITORS: Adel Engineer, A Good Tooth in Your Pocket- Yasmin Ghadiali Dolly Malva, Jamshed Udvadia 39 41 Financial Independence - Kayomarsh P. Mehta YOUTHFULLY SPEAKING Nikan Khatibi 44 Estate Planning: a Roadmap - Jamshed B. Gandi (949) 349-9492, [email protected] 46 Retirement Planning Masterpiece -Ann Arnavaz Elavia Ushtavaity Davar 48 Eldercare: Challenges and a Plan - Soonamai Dessai U shta@ aol.com 52 Old Stars Shine the Brightest - Dinshaw Kaiki Tamboly BUSINESS MANAGER /ADVERTISEMENTS Rusi Gandhi 55 Proposal for a Retirement Community - Yasmin R. Kevala 56 Ridge Drive, Montville, NJ 07045 57 Nurturing Our Senior Zarathushtis - Dolly Dastoor (973) 263-9619, [email protected] 59 Perspectives on Aging - Lylah Alphonse, Trity Pour SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER bahrami and Peter Capak, Toxy Cowasjee, and Aban Rustomjee
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