2010 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN Report materials can be reproduced in full or in parts without prior consent provided proper reference is made to this publication. The views presented in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the UN Country Team, the Government of Kazakhstan or other organisations with which the authors may be affiliated. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 Table of Contents: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 11 GOAL 1. TO ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER 16 Target 1. To halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is below the subsistence minimum Target 2. To halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger GOAL 2. TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION 36 Target 3. To ensure that by 2015 children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling GOAL 3. TO PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN 50 Target 4. To eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005 and at all levels of education no later than 2015 Target 4+. • To ensure adoption and implementation of measures aimed at increasing representation of women in legislative and executive bodies • To ensure legislative and enforcement measures to prevent and eliminate violence against women • To ensure sustainable gender mainstreaming of national planning and budgeting, especially aiming at minimising the gender wage gap GOAL 4. TO REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY 60 Target 5. To reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate GOAL 5. TO IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH 70 Target 6. To reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio. By 2015, to achieve universal access to reproductive health GOAL 6. TO COMBAT HIV/AIDS AND TUBERCULOSIS 82 Target 7. To halt, by 2015, and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS Target 8. To halt, by 2015, and begin to reverse the incidence of tuberculosis GOAL 7. TO ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 96 Target 9. To integrate the principles of sustainable development into the country’s policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources Target 10. To halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to clean drinking water and main sanitary technical facilities Target 11. To achieve, by 2020, a significant improvement in the lives of the rural population residing in the most unfavourable social, housing and ecological environment GOAL 8. TO DEVELOP A GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT 116 ANNEXES 125 GLOSSARY 137 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ART Antiretroviral Therapy ARV Antiretroviral ARVI Acute Respiratory Viral Infection AS Agency for Statistics BCM Billion Cubic Metres BF Breast-feeding BS Basic school CAR Central Asian Region CC Criminal Code of the RoK CCC Country Coordination Committee CCS Criminal Correction System of the Ministry of Justice CEDAW UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CEE Central and Eastern Europe CFH Committee for Forestry and Hunting CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CSW Commercial Sex Worker DFID Department of International Development DHS Demographic and Health Survey DL Distance learning DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Short-course DST Drug-susceptibility testing EBF Exclusive breast-feeding EDI All Development Index EFA Education For All ELBW Extremely low-birth-weight group ESD Education for Sustainable Development FAD Folic Acid Deficiency FWF Flour Wheat Fortification GCI Global Competitiveness Index GDP Gross Domestic Product GFATM Global Fund For AIDS, Tuberculosis And Malaria GHG Greenhouses Gases GNP Gross National Product MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 4 GPS Global Positioning System GSE General secondary education HDI Human Development Index HEC High Education Coverage HIPCI Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HPU Housing and Public Utilities ICCIDD International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders ICD International Classification of Diseases ICT Information and Communication Technologies ID Iodine Deficiency IDA Iron-deficiency anaemia IDU Injection Drug User IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness IOM International Organisation for Migration IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ISC Interim State Control ISCED International Standard Classification of Education KNCV Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Association KZT Kazakhstan Tenge LBD Live birth definitions LDC Limited Development Capacity LDC Least developed countries LLL Life Long Learning LMC Lingaphone and Multimedia Classroom LMR Language and multi-media rooms LSC Life Skills Concept MCM Million Cubic Metres MDG Millennium Development Goal MDR TB Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (International Monetary Fund) MIA Ministry of Internal Affairs MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MJ Ministry of Justice MLSP Ministry of Labour and Social Protection MM Mass Media MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 5 MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOD Ministry of Defence MOEP Ministry of Environmental Protection MoES Ministry of Education and Science MoH Ministry of Healthcare MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MOODLE Modular Object Oriented Digital Learning Environment MSM Men having sex with men NAPEH National Action Plan for Environmental Hygiene NEQAC National Education Quality Assessment Centre NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NIC National Informatization Centre NMNS National Micro-nutrient Survey NTCA Nerve tube congenital abnormalities NTBC National TB Centre ODA Official Development Assistance OECD/DAC Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development / Development Assistance Committee OSCE Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe OVW Office on Violence Against Women PA Protected Area PAL Permissible Alcohol Limit PCP Purchase capacity parity PHC Primary Health Care PLH People Living with HIV PMTCT Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV PPP Public-Private Partnership PS Primary school PSC Psychosocial counselling PSO Pre-school Organisation RoK Republic of Kazakhstan SDLC Satellite distance learning channel -2SD Two standard deviations -3SD Three standard deviations SFF State Forest Fund SME Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises SNNP State National Nature Park SNR State Nature Reserve MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 6 SOP Standard operating procedures SS Sentinel Surveillance SS Secondary school STI Sexually Transmitted Infection SUPWV Special units for the protection of women against violence SW Sex Worker TB Tuberculosis TC Trust Centres TCS TB Control Service TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study TOE Tonnes of oil Equivalent TFOE Tonnes of Fuel Oil Equivalent TOR Terms of Reference TSA Targeted Social Aid TVE Technical and vocational education TWG Technical Working Group UNGASS United Nations General Assembly Special Session UN United Nations Organisation UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women UNT Uniform National Testing UNU United Nations University UPE Universal primary education US Ungraded School USAID US Agency for International Development USD United States Dollar VAD Vitamin A Deficiency VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing VL Vocational lyceums VS Vocational schools WB World Bank WHO World Health Organisation WTO World Trade Organisation MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN KAZAKHSTAN 2010 7 Foreword by the Government of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan recognises the UN as the most authoritative and universal inter- national organisation. The basic principles and objectives declared by the UN 65 years ago are still relevant and demanding in the 21st century. Kazakhstan attaches great importance to and promotes, in every possible way, the role of the UN as a key body in the maintenance of international peace and security. We are confident that at the current stage of human development the issues of paramount importance such as war and peace, economic and social develop- ment, environment and other relevant issues should be addressed through this organisation which represents the will and interests of the global community. There is no alternative to global multilateral cooperation between states. During the visit of the UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon to Kazakhstan early this year, President N. Nazarbayev noted: “The objectives put forward and pursued by Kazakhstan are obviously aligned with the priorities of the partici- pating states of the 2000 World Millennium Summit. The ways of accelerated economic, social and political modernisation of the country presented in my recent Address to the People of Kazakhstan are aimed at achieving the Millen- nium Development Goals as fast as possible for Kazakhstan. We highly appreci- ate the UN’s efforts in assisting our country to achieve the Millennium Develop- ment Goals”. This report is the result of close cooperation between the Government of Ka- zakhstan and the UN country team. It was prepared in anticipation of the UN Summit in September, which will be attended by
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