Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. April Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECI'mITLE DATE RESTRICTION AND TYPE 001. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) Personal (Partial) (3 0410 111995 P6/b(6), b(7)(E) pages) 002. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) Personal (Partial) (5 0410211995 P6h(6), b(7)(E) pages) 003. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) (9 pages) 04/03/1995 P6/b(6), b(7)(E) 004. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) (8 pages) 04/04/1995 P6/b(6), b(7)(E) 005. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) Family (Partial) Personal 04/05/1995 b(2), P6/b(6), b(7)(E) (Partial) (6 pages) 006. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 04/06/1995 P6h(6) 007. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 04/07/1995 P6/b(6) 008. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (1 page) 009. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 010. schedule . Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (1 page) 04/10/1995 P6/b(6) 0 1 1. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (1 page) 0411 111995 P6/b(6) 012. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 0411211995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OA/Box Number: 18105 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 1995 [I] RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act - IS U.S.C. 552(b)l PI National Sccuriw Classified loformation lla)(l) of the PRAl bfl). National securihi classified information ..Ilblill .. of the FOlAl P2 Rclsling to the ~~~oinlmcntto Frdcrrl ollirc lia)(2) ofthc PRAI b(2) Rclcase would dirclorc iotcrnsl pcrsooncl rules and prrcliccs of P3 Rclcare ~ould\iolate a Fcdrrrl strturr l(sJ(3) 01 the PRAI an agency l(bJ(2)ufthr FOlAl P1 Rrlcasc mould dirtlose Irsdc srcrcts or ronlidrntirl rummcrcial or b(3) ReIrare nuuld \iolutc a Fcdcral stalutc l(bj(3) aflhr FOlAl financirl information I(a)(l) ofthr PRAl b(1) Hclcasc would disrlo,c tradc sccrclo or cunfidcntial or financial PS Hclcrrr would dirrlorc confidential advice brh+ccn the Prtsidcnl information I(hJ(4) ofthr FOIAI and his ndrison, or bctwrtn such adsirors lr)(SJ of the PRAl b(6) Rclrasc would consritvtc n rlcsrl, unuarrsnted imasioo of P6 Release would constitute a clmrly unwarrnntcd invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA~ personal privacy l(a)(6) ofthe PRAl b(7) Release would disclose information compiled for law rnforcemeot purposes l(b)(7) ofthe FOIAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed b(8) Rclrase would disclose information concerning the regulation of of gift. financial institu6ons [(b)(8) ofthe FOl.41 PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordanrc with 44 U.S.C. b(9) Release would disclose gcological or geophysical information 2201(3). concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOlAl RR. Document will bt rwirwed upon request. Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. WithdrawalIRedaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUBJECTmITLE DATE RESTRIIXION AND TYPE 013. schedule Secret Service (Partial) Phone No. (Partial) Personal (partial) (2 pages) 014. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (I page) 015. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (I page) 016. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 017. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Personal (Partial) (2 pages) 018. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 019. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (1 page) 020. schedule Phone No. (Partial) (I page) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OA/Box Number: 18105 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 1995 [I] 2006-0 198-F ab483 RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Freedom of Information Act - 15 U.S.C. S52(b)l PI National Security Classified Information [(a)(l) of the PRAl b(l) National security clsssified information [(b)(l) ofthe FOlAl P2 Relating to the appointment to Federal olficc l(a)(2) of the PRAl b(2) Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of P3 Release would violate a Fcderal statute [(a)(3) ofthe PRA] an agency l(b)(2) of the FOIAl P4 Release would disclose trade secrcts or confidential eommcrcial or b(3) Rclcasc would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOlAl financial information I(a)(4) ofthe PRAl b(4). Release would disclose trade secrets or coofidcntial or financial P5 Rcleaa would disclose confidential advicc bchvccn the President information ,,l(bU41 ., of the FOlAl-~~., and his ad~isors,orbthleen such advisors Iaj(5) ofthe PR.\J b(6) Hclcasc would conrtitutc a clearly unnsrrantrd intarion of P6 Rclca~cmould ronrtilutc a clearly unwarrsnlcd invasion of personal pri%acy. ..llbU6) .. of lhc FOIAI personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAl b(7) kelrasc would disclose information c~mpilcdfor law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOlAl C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed b(8) Rclrase would disclose information conccrnine- tbr reeulation- of of gift. financial institutions l(b)(8) ofthe FOIA] PRM. Personal record misfile defined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. b(9) Release would disclose gcological or geophysical information 2201(3). concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOlAl RR. Document will be reviewed upon request Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. MARKER This is not a textual record. This is used as an administrative marker by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library Staff. CollectionlRecord Group: Clinton Presidential Records I SubgroupIOffice of Origin: First Lady's Office I OAm) Number: 18105 FolderlD: Folder Title: Schedules for the First Lady April 1995 [I] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 60 3 11 3 Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. April 1995 HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 NEPAL April Fmb Ehy 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Daylight Savings- BANGLADESHI SRI LANKA PAHO S DNC sct ahead 1 SRI LANKA Fundraiser. CA hour ,'t " ........ ....... ................ ./.,................. ............ .. .:.:L .... ................... :......... BANGUDmH;:'...... .................. :::!.$;:;.;::'.;,Y;:s::;: ., . , . .,.Garileni.Tou~:$~:ig,;i~:~:.fi,;~~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 California . Women Count PM Bhutto Lunch Children's Aid Good Friday Pereovcr Palm Sdy Event Madison Council Society Dip Rcptn Rcptn DCCC I Mother of lhe Year Award (NY) -1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Ekster Egg Roll Stale Visit & Videos Earth Day Dinner-Brazil FWA Rcptn Tea t 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 NY Univ. Law Press Prencw Take Our WH Corr. Dinner School Daughters to Work Day Crafts Collection opens 30 ... .. Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. WithdrawalRedaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. SUEUECT/ITTLE DATE RESTRICTION 00 1. schedule Phone No. (Partial) Secret Service (Partial) Personal (Partial) (3 04/01/1995 P6/b(6), b(7)(E) pages) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records First Lady's Office Patti Solis Doyle OAIBox Number: 18105 FOLDER TITLE: Schedules for the First Lady April 1995 [I] ab483 RESTRICTION CODES- -. Presidential Records Act - 144 U.S.C. 2204(a)l Frecdom of Information Aet - 15 U.S.C. S52(b)l PI National Security Clnssificd Information l(a)(l) of lhc PRAJ b(l) fiational security cls.silird information [(b)(l) orthc FOlAl P2 RcIatiog lo thc sppointrntnt lo Fcdcml omcc [(a)(2) oflhc PRAI t(2) Rclrasc ~oulddisclose internal pcrsonncl rulcs and pracliccs of P3 Release would violate a Federal statute ..lla)l3) .. of tbr PRAl an aeenev- , ..~..llbU2). ofthe FOlAl PJ Rrlrasc would dirtlon tradt sccrcts or confidential rommcrcial or b(3) Rrlcasc mould violatc a Federal slatutc l(b)(3) olthc FOL\I financial information l(aM4l of the PRAl b(J) Relcasc would disclosc tradc scrrm or confidcnlial or fioancisl PS Release would disclose confidential advice behvcen the President information [(b)(4) of the FOlAl and his advisors, or behvecn such advisors [a)(5) of the PRA] b(6) Release would constitute r clearly unwarranted iovasion of P6 Rclease would eonstitutc a clcarly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(b)(6) ofthe FOIAl pcrsonal privacy [(a)(6) of tbe PL~ b(7) Relemc would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes l(b)(7) of the FOlAl C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed b(8) Relrase would disclose information conccroing the regulation of of gift. financial institutions l(b)(8) ofthe FOlAl PRM. Pcrsonal record misfile dcfined in accordance with 44 U.S.C. b(9) Release would disclose geological or geophysical information 2201(3). concerning wells l(b)(9) ofthe FOIA] RR. Document will bc reviewed upon request. Records obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act. SCHEDULE BOR BILLARY ROD= CLINTON SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1995 AS OF 3/31/95 KATH)bAM)V, NEPAL; CHITWAN NATIONAL POREBT, NEPAL KATH)bAM)V LEAD ADVANCES BRIAN UCPARTLIN HOLIDAY INN CROWBE PLAIIA, ROOM 1245 PHONE: 977-1-272-555 OR 550 BAX1 977-1-272-205 OR 203 KA~O/CBITWWBITE: JULIE HOPPER KATLTBHAPIDV SITE: NANCY OZEAE KATgWRM)VICEITWAS PRESE: KARA HCGVIRE KATBWANDV.RON LAINIB PELDOTEIN SARA GROTB . 202-456-2922 OPPICE PHONE # 202-456-5340 OPPICE PAX # lb)(6) L I PREVIOUS RON Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza ~athmandu,Nepal Phone: 977-1-272-555 or 550 ~ax:977-1-272-205 or 203 NOTE TO BTAFP TRAVELINQ ON PBE88 PLANE TO TIGER TOP81 Baggage call at 9:00 am. NOTE TO STAPLPP TRAVELING ON PIR8T LADY PLANE TO TIGER TOPE: Baggage call at 11:OO am.
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