,'M I— i«>jtJ»i‘— ^ i<— y u u ^ ■!»»■» wt. ** ~ m : ■ \ •T ■ • THURSDAY, JULY «, 1981 Averag'e Daily Net Press Run The Weather „ For the Week Eaded ForeeMt of V. 8. Weather BarSss June S, ISSl dbowmthunderstaowera In eve* nkig oofitimilng moet, of tonight. Robert Walter Anderson, son of 1 3 ,3 .3 0 Low In 6Ss. Ctoudy Saturday morn­ About Town Mr. and Mfs. Walter A. Ander- Festival Opens ing, Bunny, pleasiuit In afternoon. 1 son. .20 Avondale Rd.. has been Member' of the Audit elected treasurer of the Newman Bureau of drculatioa High in 7IM. M r». AUce M . Hanry! 443 qantef I Club at Bryant College, Provi- To SRO Crowd Mancheiter— A City of. Village Charm 8t., uwl Jacob Loetscher of El­ I dence, R.I. lington. for the past two weeks By JOHN ORUBEit have been among guests at Hcm- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heck. 297 VOL. LXXX, NO. 235 (SIXTEEN PAGES) ESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY T, 1961 (Ctaaatfled Adverttaing on Page 14) PRICE n V E CENTS locfca, the Easter Seal Camp In Henrv St., and Mr. and Mrs. John T^e SRO signs were b«t last Nichols, operated by the Connecti­ J. Gerard. 76 Olcotl Dr., are'at­ night for the first concert In the cut Society for Crippled Children tending the 46th annual convention Hartford Fe.stival of Music. Plan­ .of Klwanis International tri Toron- and Adults. The, adult campers ned as an outdoor affair, the cool were recently guests of the man­ llb, Canada. Heck is pre.sident of a g em en t'^ Oakdale Music The­ the Manche.stcr Klwanis CTUb. evening caused it to he held in the ater to see''<'Flower Drum Song." auditdrlum of the Connecticut Gen­ ' Jailies V. Boyle, 75 BentOn St., eral Life Insurance Building, where The Polish American Club will I has been appointed a predocloral added chairs .still failed to ac­ meet Sunday at 1 p.trf; at the club­ ; fellow In microbiology at Indiana comodate the overflow crowd. house. 106 Clinton St. I University, Bloomington. Ind., Robert Brawley, musical director 'where he is a .sjudent. The pro­ and condutcor, offered an Interest­ gram, .sponsored jolntl.v by the uni- ing S lid enjoyable program com­ ver.sity's departments of bacteriol­ prising Mozart music for the first ogy-, botany, and loblogy. is fi- half and modern English works i na'nced by. a grant from the U.S. for the remainder. Participating NOTICE Public Health Sen-ice.' were the Festival Orchestra and Chorus. ert s Engaged THE O rn C E OF ' Highlight of the first portion was The engagement of Miss Marion the Symphonie Concertaftte (K. DR. JEAN-LOUIS . L T. WOOD CO. Elizabeth Kerr of Manchester ,to | 3641 by Mozart. OsWald Lehn^rt. Fredeiick Dey Schneider, also of : violinist, and 'Victoir Liontl. violist, HEBERT .Manchester, has been annouiii ed j wcie featured in'the solo portions ICE PLANT bv her parents. Mr., and Ml-s. [ of the worki acquitting themselves Im p roved Line Seeks WILL BE CLOSED 111 BISSEUL STREET ba\1d K. Kerr. .10 Jarvis Bd. Iin a thoroughly profes.«ional. My, What A L6w Price on Ham Her fiance is the son of Mr. and though somewhat unldstingulshed, Turn East From Alain St. FRI., JULY 7 UNTIL At State Theater Mrs. Frederick Schneider, -*1 la manner. Charter Oak St. | On the whole, the selections Yes, it is a very low price on such a high R ail Line Powers to THURS., JULY 20 " Miss Kerr is a 1959 gradiia’.e of from Mozart were accurately and Manchester High School, and a enjoyably played last evening, but quality fully cooked, boneless, skinless, 1960 graduate of the Connecticut they failed to have the Infinite shankless 8 lb. can of Morrell Ham. For ;anize Institute of Hairdressing. She is charm, grace, and delicacy which the holiday we featured 5 lb. cans at P redicted employed at Kay's Beauty Saldn, RUG and should characterize the music of $3.99 and these 8 lb. cans at $6.39. We 35 Main St. this great classicist. There was a (By THE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS) (By t h e ' ASSOOIA’ITED PRESS) Mr. Schneider is a 1956 grad­ tendency to rush at limes, and a sold more 5’s than planhed, hut ended “ The service would become The New Haven Railroad UPHOLSTERY uate of Manchester High School, lack of'finish in phrasing and so­ up with too many of the 8 lb. size . and served in the U.S. Army. He better, probabl.v improved" today filed a petition for reor­ My Shop nority. 1- and we just can’t spare the refrigerated Is employed as a mechanic at Mc­ The second half of 'the program on. the New Haven Railroad ganization under the Bank­ \ CLEANING Cann's Texaco Station. 630 Center was much better. Britten’s "Sim­ space needed for them . so you get under trusteelihip. ruptcy Act in federal district h Now St.. Manchester. ple Symphony" was accorded a them 'at really lower than discount This is how a prominent A Sept. 23 wedding is planned. court. TEL. Ml 9-1752 really excellent performanca by prices . At this price these fihe hams railroad labor leader reacted The petition was approved Im­ \^e-openec/ Mr. Brawley and the orchestra. Will go to Rockville, East Hartford, mediately by Federal. Judge Rob­ or The audience particularly enjo>-ed today to the news that the Point O’ Woods, Groton Long Point as New Haven ma.v he placed in ert P. Anderson. He said it was Ml 3-5747 the second movement with its piz­ Displayed in self service ’’made in good faith.” SAi^KTULYIS zicato ostinato, but, to tell the well as Cape Cod . Simply wonderful. receivership under the bank­ The j>apers were filed in New ENJOY Save 41c can at thi.<i low meat case <^O E REPAIRINO truth, ail four movemenLs were price. ruptcy act. Haven by a representative of the . o r THE BETTER KIND” equall.V good and most enjoyable Robert T. Gilhuly chairman of railroad after the line’s board of Garner's throughout. the Connecticut Legislative Board directors had cleared the way at a t9 O A K S T M 8 GRISWOLD ST. L I F E with Ghonis and orchestra joined In of the Brotherhood of Locomotive meeting in New York City. Saine Side As W!stlclns We Give Green Stamps the "Serenade to Music” by Firemen and Elnginemen, pointed The railroad’s petition said U Atomic Ehiergy officials confer at the end .of an underground shaft in the shot chamber at the te.st was “without sufficient funds to MILLER HIGH LIFE Vaughan Williams, which featured site at Yucca Flats, Nev. This is the spot where a nuclear device won,Id be positioned for an un- ou that' e.xperience has shown this Neiga Lynn, soprano. Jacqueline in other cases of roads going into pay amd discharge” its financial MORRELL FULL Y COOKED vderground shot. The object at left is an air lube in this chamber which is 70 inches high; 76 Incb- obligations “ and on information in 4iandy 6-paks Jarret, contrSlto. Roger Liiucks, »-^ d e and 65 feet long. (AP Photofax). bankruptcy. tei^Jr. and Kenneth Holton, bass- ,, ______ , ■ He said it was hard to fore.see and belief alleges that it has no baritone. exactly what effect reorganiza­ means of borrowing or otherwise With .words taken from Act V tion may have on the number of procuring such funds. ." ^"^^ekend^ecials^ of Shake.speare's "Merchant of To Test Ultimate Weapon Quililuplels Born jobs on the New Haven, but did The New Haven’s petition also Venice." thUs work (evocative of predict that unless big changes said the railroad is unable to • R«osP Turkey Dimer ........ -----$1-50 bWOr HAlf ouM r In India Villagei, were made "there is no question "meet its debts as they mature, moods for summer evenings) was 8 lb. • Complete T-ione or Club Steok Dinner .. $2.75 particularly aptly chosen. It is un­ that there will be a major over­ and' desires to effect a plan of re­ fortunate that the concert had to 2 Papers Report haul” on types and kinds.of posi­ organization pursuant to Section 77B of the Bankruptcy Act.” • SEAFOOD SPECIAI.’n E s' FOR PTUDAY be moved indoors where the audi­ can AECBuilds Tunnel tions. ence. was unable to see "the floor 5.98 There are now 12.400 employes, Under the act the judge is em­ DAU.Y DUNCHEON SPECLALS— LEG.AL BE> ER.AGEvS New Delhi, India, .Inly 7 of heaven thick inlaid with patlnea most of them under the various powered to appoint trustees with­ (The meat men will open and slice the ham, if you af^k) l/Pt - • Two New Delhi new.s- railroad brotherhoods, on the New in 30 days. of bright gold." papers reported today . the Even so. the audience found this Haven system, he said. Of that .The papers were signed by the Serve cold or bake 18 to 20 minutes to pound. For Neutron Bomb birth of quintuplets in a north total, some 5,000 are In (Connecti­ railroad’s president, George Al- music richly rewarding, and ac­ India village. cut. Army Secretary Tries Polaris ^uh Controls pert. FRANK’S CAFE corded .soloists, conductors, or­ The reports said three boys 82S_______- MAIN______ STREET—AIR-COXDITIONAD mimm —. j.iWS a W> K'TW 'f'f A The union leader predicted that Army Secretary Elvis J.
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