THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26fn NOVEMBER 1981 15091 ELLIOTT, Alan Joseph, of 216 Greenlands Avenue, Red- style of Meriden Autos as Car Dealers, formerly carrying ditch in the county of Hereford and Worcester, Tool- on business from 213 Lockhurst Lane, Coventry, in the setter (described in the Receiving Order as Mr. A. J. metropolitan county of West Midlands under the style Elliot). Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—196 "Unique Freezers" as an ELECTRICAL RETAILER. of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—10th February 1982. Court—COVENTRY. No. of Matter—48 of 1976. Date 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Corner of Cor- Fixed for Hearing—21st January 1982. 2.15 p.m. Place poration Street and Newton Street, 4 Newton Street, —The County Court, 4 Copthall House, Eaton Road, Birmingham B4 6PY. Coventry. VAUGHAN, Leonard, residing and carrying on business at BUCKLAND, Paul Curzon, a self employed designer, 24 Greswolde Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, in the residing at 25o St. John's Park, Blackheath, London metropolitan county of West Midlands, as a CAR RE- S.E.3, formerly at 232 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, London PAIRER and TRADER and CARPET FITTER, lately S.E.I2, previously at 24 Francemary Road, Brockley, carrying on business in co-partnership with another under London S.E.4, lately carrying on business in partner- the style "Moss Grove Autos" at Hazelwell Street, ship with others as ADULT GAMES MANUFAC- Stirchley, Birmingham aforesaid and Wolverhamptpn TURERS under the style of Firm Distraction at 9 Street, Walsall in the metropolitan county of West Mid- Turnpike Lane, Greenwich, London S.E.10, and at lands as CAR TRADERS formerly residing and carrying 20-22 Greenwich Market, London S.E.10, and prior on business at 17 Kingsley Road, Sparkbrook, Birming- thereto on his own account as a PRODUCT DESIGNER ham, and 18 Turner Street, Sparkbrook, Birmingham both from 9 Turnpike Lane, aforesaid under the style of in the metropolitan county of West Midlands under the Meridian Design Associates. Court—CROYDON. No. style "Vaughan Motors" as a CAR REPAIRER and of Matter—98 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—10th TRADER and at the same time LICENSEE of the December 1981. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, "Harp Social Club", Walford Road, Sparkbrook, Bir- Barclay Road, Croydon, Surrey. mingham aforesaid. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—98 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—20th ELLIS, Robert Alan, BRICKLAYER, residing at 122 January 1982. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, Magpie Hall Lane (described in the Receiving Order corner of Corporation and Newton Streets, 4 Newton as Magpie Mall Road) and previously at 46 Rayfield Street, Birmingham 4. Close, both Bromley in the county of Kent, and formerly at 21 Ackerman Road, Brixton, London S.W.2, MERRIFIELD, Donald, a GENERAL BUILDER, of and prior thereto at 9 Magpie Hall Close, Bromley 71 Anstey Road, Bear Cross, Bournemouth, Dorset BH11 aforesaid and previously at 15 Selwyne Place, St. Pauls 9HH. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—106A Cray and 60 Vinson Close, Orpington, both in the of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—25th February 1982. county of Kent. Court—CROYDON (by transfer from 10.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, Stafford Road, High Court of Justice). Court—CROYDON. No. of Bournemouth, Dorset. Matter—176A of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—10th December 1981. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, NORTHOVER, Mark, Accounts Clerk, of 21 Beacon Barclay Road, Croydon, Surrey. Park Road, Upton, Poole, Dorset, formerly carrying on business from Mullock Farm, Waterloo Road, Corfe MACINTYRE, James Finnian (described in the Receiving Mullen, Dorset, as a BUTCHER, lately carrying on busi- Order as Maclntyre (male)), residing at 54 Underwood, ness as " Coastline Entertainments ", from 10 Towngate Fieldway, New Addington, Croydon in the county of Place, Towngate Street, Poole, Dorset, as an ENTER- Surrey, SITE AGENT. Court—CROYDON. No. of TAINMENTS AGENCY. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. Matter—77 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—10th No. of Matter—100 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing— December 1981. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, 25th February 1982. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, Barclay Road, Croydon, Surrey. Stafford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, o ELLIOTT, Graham Edward, an Audit Clerk, residing at PARDY, Raymond Leslie, of 42 Paddington Grove, West 21 Oak Tree Road, Knaphill, Woking in the county Howe, Bournemouth, and MORTIMORE, Ivan (also of Surrey, formerly carrying on business as a PUBLI- known as Mortimore, Ivan John) of 1 Parker Road, CAN at "The Greyhound", 2-4 Mount Pleasant, Winton, Bournemouth, previously of 5 Sandacres, Marsh Reading in the county of Berkshire (described in the Lane, Fairmile, Christchurch, formerly trading together Receiving Order as occupation unknown). Court— in partnership under the name or style of "Mortimore GUILDFORD (by transfer from High Court of Justice). Carpet Fitters" from 34 Nutley Way, West Howe, No. of Matter—89A of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing Bournemouth, all in the county of Dorset, Carpet Fitters —18th December 1981. 10 a.m. Place—Law Courts, (Separate application of Raymond Leslie Pardy). Court Mary Road, Guildford, Surrey. —BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—93A of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—28th January 1982. 10.30 a.m. WHEBLE, Ronald Albert, of 10 Austen Road, • Farn- Place—The Law Courts, Stafford Road, Bournemouth, borough, Hants, SUB-CONTRACTING ELECTRICIAN. Dorset. Court—GUILDFORD (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—61c of 1976. Date Fixed for MORTIMORE, Ivan (Separate Estate of). Court— Hearing—18th December 1981. 10 a.m. Place—Law BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—93A of 1976. Date Courts, Mary Road, Guildford, Surrey. Fixed for Hearing—28th January 1982. 10.30 a.m. Place —The Law Courts, Stafford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset. McGOWAN, Alexander Harold Allan (in the Receiving Order Described as A. H. A. McGowen (male)), of 8 WILSON, Trevor Ernest, residing at and formerly carrying Huncote Road, Narborough, and previously of 19A on business as a BUILDER and PROPERTY DEVEL- Leicester Road, Sapcote, both in the county of Leicester, OPER from Trelawney, Moneyfly Road, Verwood, also VAN DRIVER. Court—LEICESTER. No. of Matter formerly residing at 17 Bath Hill Court, Bournemouth, —128 of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—4th February both in the county of Dorset, unemployed. Court— 1982. 10.30 a.m. Place—The County Court, Lower BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter—85 of 1976. Date Hill Street, Leicester LEI 3SJ. Fixed for Hearing—25th February 1982. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, Stafford Road, Bournemouth, WHITE, Peter John Harold, of 16 Tomlin Road, Leicester, Dorset. Labourer, formerly residing at and carrying on business from 290 Victoria Road East, Leicester, OFF-LICENSEE O'HAGAN, Francis, unemployed, of 33 Aldrich Avenue, and GENERAL GROCER. Court—LEICESTER. No. Tile Hill North, Coventry, West Midlands, lately residing of Matter—4 of 1977. Date Fixed for Hearing—4th and carrying on business at 39 Aldrich Avenue, Tile February 1982. 10.30 a.m. Place—The County Court, Hill North, Coventry, as a HOD CARRIER. Court— Lower Hill Street, Leicester LEI 3SJ. COVENTRY. No. of Matter—103A of 1976. Date Fixed for Hearing—21st January 1982. 2.15 p.m. Place—The METCALF, Geoffrey Robert, Self Employed Sales Repre- County Court, 4 Copthall House, Eaton Road, Coventry. sentative, of no fixed abode other than care of 68 Binswood Avenue, Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the county McSWEENEY, Anthony, residing and carrying on business of Tyne and Wear, lately residing at 10 Overfull Road, in partnership with another at Malt House Cottage, Staple Hill, Bristol in the county of Avon, and formerly Old Road, Meriden, in the city of Warwick, under the residing at and carrying on business under the style of.
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