BRITISH ACCREDITATION COUNCIL INSPECTION REPORT NEW PREMISES INSPECTION INSTITUTION: ORION PAX INSTITUTE ADDRESS: 57 Market Square Edmonton Green London N9 0TZ HEAD OF INSTITUTION: Dr Eugene Mgbemere Type of accreditation: College Accreditation status: ACCREDITED Date of inspection: 23 OCTOBER 2015 ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE DECISION AND DATE: 26 November 2015 1 PART A – INTRODUCTION 1.Background to the institution Orion Pax Ltd (OPL), a company limited by guarantee, was established in 1997. The company originated from Orion Green, established in 1992/3, which occupied smaller premises in Edmonton Green. OPL's Management Board comprises its founder, who is Managing Director and also Principal/Chief Executive of Orion Pax Institute, and two other Directors. There is also a Management Committee overseeing strategy as well as day-to-day operations. The Principal/CE acts as both Chair and Secretary of the Board with authority to manage the college as appropriate, keeping the Board members informed of key actions/issues. OPI has long established working links with the London Borough of Enfield (LBE) Skills for Work Service and, as a provider partner with Barnet and Southgate College. OPL also has links with the College of Haringey, Enfield and North London, (CONEL), Capel Manor College and Middlesex University. Regular contacts are maintained with several local community based organisations, with whom collaborative training projects are being delivered, often linked with external funding. Operating on a not-for-profit basis, OPI is an independent community College of Further Education and Training provider, running programmes for adults and young people, largely from the local Edmonton and Enfield areas. A high proportion of OPI's learners live locally, with many originally coming from places such as Somalia, Sudan, Congo, Ghana,the Caribbean, Asia, Turkey and Eastern Europe, many of whom are asylum seekers and refugees. 2. Brief description of the current provision (Taken from previous report and amended) Both accredited and non-accredited programmes are provided, from basic, pre-entry or level 1 through to more advanced, (levels 3-4), largely part-time, over short or longer periods (ie. from two days to one year), in response to identified needs and demands. OPI is an approved centre by various awarding bodies, for example, CACHE (Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education), NCFE and EDI, to deliver courses in Health and Social Care, Childcare and Early Years, IT and Communication Technology, Conflict Management, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Functional Skills, First Aid, Food Safety, Award and Certificate in Education and Training, and Employment Skills. Integrated pastoral care, support, mentoring, coaching and information advice and guidance is provided. OPI ‘s new premises operates a few yards away from the previous premises, from within Edmonton Green Shopping Centre, on the first floor, directly above the Market and is easily accessible via stairs or a lift, with a variety of shops, cafes and other facilities close by, with good transport facilities and public car parks. Up to 50 learners can be accommodated at any one time. 3. Inspection process The inspection was conducted by one inspector. All documentation relating to premises health and safety were scrutinised. Meetings were held with the Principal and the Management Committee Member (OD/Quality), and Academic Manager. 4. Inspection history Full Accreditation 27 and 28 Sept 2010 Supplementary 24 Mar 2011 Interim 11 Jun 2012 2 PART B – JUDGEMENTS AND EVIDENCE The following judgements and comments are based upon evidence seen by the inspector(s) during the inspection and from documentation provided by the institution. INSPECTION AREA – PREMISES AND FACILITIES 1. The institution has secure possession of and access to its premises 1.1 The institution has secure tenure on its premises NOT SEEN 1.2 Where required, the institution has access to suitable external premises for academic or YES non-academic purposes of a temporary or occasional nature. Met Partially met Not met NA This standard is judged to be Comments The premises were originally used by OPI Nursery. Since the closure of the Nursery, OPI has relocated all operations with regard to teaching and learning to this new (originally nursery) premises. A new lease had been negotiated and signed. OPI management were awaiting receipt of the final lease documentation from the freeholders’ representatives. Management will be forwarding a copy to BAC offices by the 1.12.2015 Teaching and Learning is scheduled to commence from December/January 2015 2. The premises provide a safe, secure and clean environment for students and staff 2.1 Access to the premises is appropriately restricted and secured. YES 2.2 The premises are maintained in an adequate state of repair, decoration and cleanliness YES 2.3 There are specific safety rules in areas of particular hazard (e.g. science laboratories), made N/A readily available to students, staff and visitors. 2.4 General guidance on health and safety is made available to students, staff and visitors. YES 2.5 There is adequate signage inside and outside of the premises and notice boards for the YES display of general information. 2.6 There is adequate circulation space for the number of students and staff accommodated, YES and a suitable area in which to receive visitors. 2.7 There are toilet facilities of an appropriate number and level of cleanliness. YES 2.8 There is adequate heating and ventilation in all rooms. YES Met Partially met Not met NA This standard is judged to be Comments General guidance on Health and Safety are on display on the noticeboards. Student and Staff handbooks contain references to health and safety. 3. Classrooms and other learning areas are appropriate for the courses offered 3.1 Classrooms and other learning areas provide adequate accommodation in size and number YES for the classes allocated to them. 3.2 Classrooms and any specialised learning areas (e.g. laboratories, workshops, studios) are YES equipped to a level which allows for the effective delivery of each course. 3.3 There are facilities suitable for conducting the assessments required on each course. YES Met Partially met Not met NA This standard is judged to be Comments 3 Classrooms vary in size. The biggest classroom can accommodate up to 15 students. There are 4 classrooms in total. 4. There are appropriate additional facilities for students and staff 4.1 Students have access to sufficient space and suitable facilities for private study, including YES library and IT resources. 4.2 Teaching staff have access to sufficient personal space for preparing lessons, marking work YES and relaxation. 4.3 Students and staff have access to space and facilities suitable for relaxation and the YES consumption of food and drink where appropriate. 4.4 Students and staff have access to storage for personal possessions where appropriate. N/A 4.5 There are individual offices or rooms in which academic staff and senior management can YES hold private meetings and a room of sufficient size to hold staff meetings. 4.6 Administrative offices are adequate in size and resources for the effective administration of YES the institution. Met Partially met Not met NA This standard is judged to be Comments The resource and IT areas are well equipped with full internet access. The library is well stocked. 4 PART C – SUMMARY OF STRENGTHS AND ACTION POINTS Institution’s strengths All operational procedures remain the same as in the previous premises. Risk Assessment checklist is comprehensive and meets current requirements. Actions required Priority H/M/L The provider must sent BAC a copy of the Lease / Tenancy Agreement documentation for H current premises. The provider must carry out Health and Safety checks on Fire Extinguishers and Smoke M alarms. The provider must commission Pat Testing Certificates on all electrical equipment. M Note: Documentation held on all Health and Safety checks expire on the 11th of November 2015. The college will forward new and valid documentation to BAC by the 1st of December 2015. Teaching and Learning Is scheduled to commence in December 2015. According to the Director, the lease documents for premises have been signed, but they were awaiting copies to be forwarded by the freehold company. To forward a copy to BAC offices by the 1st of December 2015 RECOMMENDATIONS, IF APPLICABLE The Annual Health and Safety checks on all equipment are due on the 25 of November 2015. The college will forward copies of all checks conducted to BAC by the 1 of December 2015 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Declaration of compliance has been signed and dated YES Further comments, if applicable 5 .
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