\ ' ' --- · SIFE WINS $500 5 MEN ON STREAK 10 FOOD SURVEY. RESULTS . • 3 • • NON.PROFIT U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 64 The _ P. 0 . Box 1027 St. Augustine, FL 32085 Address Service ar e Requested C LLE E VOL. XXVlII, NO. 8 · SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA January 27, 1999 Wax ·museum sculptor molds Henry M. Flagler miniatur~ Proctors wanted Faculty and staff are needed o help proctor at Flagler's F'eb. Means and Kilpatrick 20 and Feb. 23 administration of e CI.AST. Proctors earn $50. Forum The test runs from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p .m. A -complimentary serves reakfast is provided at 7:15 a.m. The CI.AST is a graduation as debut equirement. __ _ · by robyn lewis · Anyone wanting more infor- You could call President ation can contact Dr. Joni Clinton a "lying lecher;' but still purlin in the office of institu­ admit he's capable of leading .onal research and planning or the country through crisis, as all 826-1920, ext. 322. Mal'ianne Means did. Or, like Jack Kilpatrick, you College needs you could see the issue of perjury as or phone-a-thon a much less trivial matter and photo b y r al ph d. prlddy base your judgment of Clinton 's The office · of alumni and Peter Carslllo co-owner of Potter's Wax Museum, sculpts a 12-inch replica of Henry Flagler. The coliege commis­ ollege relations needs student sioned Carslil~ to create a statue to be given to Forum speakers and distinguished guests. cap abilities on his private olunteers for its annual phone­ behavior as much as his public b y robin le w.is alumni and college relations, said Museum displays. -thon next. month. The event behavior .. The life-sized bronze statue ill run for eight days, begin­ the president of the college, Dr. He also sculpts from photos It all depends on which end g Feb. 17. of Henry Flagler that stands at William Proctor, wanted some­ so is not used to being able to of the political spectrum your "This is a wonderful oppor­ the Flagler College entrance on thing that "exemplified Flagler use an actual model like the views fall. Both sides were pre­ ·ty to speak with alumnii of King Street is a one-9f-its-kind . College to the highest degree." Henry Flagler statue . sented at the Jan. 14 Forum on agler_College and make c:on- symbol of the school's name­ The 12-inch statue will Carsillo admits that smaller is Government and Public Policy, ections with professionals sake. replace the plaques and lion stat­ more demanding. which featured political com­ ho starteq out where you are Now that statue, in minia­ ue that have served as speaker "It's difficult to capture t;he mentators• Marianne Means, a ow," Anne Jackson said. ture, will be presented to Flagler gifts, Webb said, adding she is depth of the undercut," he said. left-wing liberal, and Jack ackson is interning in the oflfice College Forum speakers and impressed with Carsillo's work - ~arsillo began work on this Kilpatrick, a right-wing conserv­ f alumni and college relations oth~r. distinguisned visitors. and thinks the smaller statue will project about a week ago. First ative. · seD1ester. After interviewing several honor the legacy Henry Flagler he photographed. the statue; The event was. accurately Students interested in vollun­ sculptors, the college commis­ left. then he started sculpting from dubbed "Means from the Left; eering should contact Jackson sioned ·pe~er . Carsi,llo, c<H>wner "I'm just trying to do justice the photographs. Kilpatrick from the Right" and r Donna Webb in Markland or of Potter's Wax Museum, to to the original," Carsillo said. He was the first time Means and y phone at 829-6481, ext. 255. undertake the task. · is used to sculpting the life-sizeq The phone-a-thon runs Wed­ Kilpatrick had debated orie Donna Webb, director of figures that Potter's _Wax see STATUE, page 4 esday and Thursday, Feh.17--18;' I another in public, aturday, Feb. 20; Monday Their brand of political bick­ ough Wednesday, Feb. 22--24; ering is unique because they d Monday through Wednes­ were married in June and pre­ y, March 8-10.All sessions are Bunnery to close, reopen sented their opinions in a con­ m 6 to 9 p .m. except Feb. 20 . '• . siderate, rather than cut-throat, by ashley roosa ing that houses the Bunnery is tion, 121 St. George Street, where hich is from 2 to 5 p.m. manner. Loyal Bunnery customers. are the only strucfure in St. St. George Pharmacy is now. The Volunteers will recc::ive In addition to the Clinton about to hear some sad news.: Augustini still owned by Spain. Bunnery will ~ave to wait until freshments while they woirk. impeachment hearing, Means The Bunnery Cafe will be dos-: The lease was pulled because the pharmacy moves out. • and Kilpatrick also debated the ing its doorsTuesday,Jan. 26, and Spain wants its own stores, so "I'd like to thank students · next presidential election, U.S. may remain closed until late the Brinµer has to move. and faculty for their patronage," relations with Iraq, social securi­ spring while it relocates. "To the best of our knowl­ George Cross said, "and we look ty policies and affirmative The Cafe was in business for edge, they will be . using the forward to seeing you in · our action. eight years in its current location space for stores that promote newly-remodeled location." Questions fielded from an at 35 Hypolita St. Spain," Pam Cross said. .Cross said the new Bunnery audience that nearly filled the According ·to the, owners, The cafe is scheduled to will fea,ture an expanded menu Pam and George-Cross, the build- open mid-March at its new loca- and indoor seating. see FORUM, page 4 l « ' ... 2 Gargoyle EDITORIAL January 27, i999 -EDITORIAL OPINION Wildfires, spark heated development A clear distinction exists between the devastation in to Florida by the yeat 2025, making Florida the third­ by josh jacobson Yellowstone and central Florida: the clean-up process. largest state with a population of 20.70 million. If these Whereas Yellowstone was allowed to regroup without projections are accurate, the increase in Florida's popu­ Driving home to West Palm being threatened by greedy developers, no doubt ~any lation from 1925 to 2025 would be more than 1,900 per­ Beach is such a drag. In the past, the such entrepreneurs had dollar signs in their eyes while cent. journey south on 1-95 was simply watcb.!ng central Florida's decimation on .the evening Media attention in this area has been focused on the monotonous; . seemingly endless news. opening of the World Golf Village, the construction of a forests intermingled with the occa­ Already one can witness bulldozers and crews of the new outlet mall at State Road 16 and 1-95, and a possible sional orange grove or major high- state's finest prisoners clearing away the debris, possibly Six Flags amusement park. Few have commented on the way interchange. making room for shopping malls, planned neighbor­ coming of the Super Walm.tft or Office Depot, or Jiaving After the devastating 'wildfires of this past July, this hoods and golf courses. to choose English or Spanish on local ATMs. once,boring drive is now much worse. The charred rem­ All across Yellowstone, millions of trees have already St. Johns County is eighth in population growth rate nants of trees are like some kind of post-apocalyptic developed from the ashes of one of the worst disasters of with a projected 145,500 residents by 2010, up from autumn, a perpetual reminder of the old-growth Florida the last hundred years. In fact, the park is developing far 105,965 in 1996.Already, 20,000 homes have been con­ beauty that once was. faster than original expectations. The fires of 1988 served structed in the county where 10 years ago there were During July of 1998, the wildfire that ripped through to open the forest canopy to sµnlight, and the burned only a f.ew. · central Florida injured more th:ui 200 people, left more trees injected nutrients into the soil. In essence, the wild­ I have se~n such development in south Florida first­ than 450,000 acres µre-charred, damaged or destroyed fires wiped the slate clean, allowing for new plant and hand and can tell you it is not healthy. North Florida used almost 350 homes and left the state with a $400 million tree species to take root. to be in stark contrast to the mall-on-every-corner growth bill. In St.Johns County alone, 11,852 acres were lost to_­ If allowed to devel~p for a decade, the old growth in south Florida. the fire. Not since the fires in Yellowstone National Park Florida land burned by July's fires would likewise make a Like invasion of the body .snatchers, south Florida is a decade ago had such havoc been wreaked upon us by return. Unfortunately, a decade may be too long to wait. coming, and they want to suck the culture out from nature. Experts say an estimated 6.54 million residents will flock under us. North Florida: Don't. sell out! Gii-'gOYie JIii (AJ) Nlederhofer Rebecca (Beck) Wagner C~dltcirs In Chief Mike Marracclnl Assistant Editor A&E Editor Retcher Uegerot . Asst. A&E Editor Josh Jacobson . Campus Life Editor Katlin DeWindt Front Page Editor Robyn Lewis Sports Editor Kimberly Kutsch Photo Editor Brie Messier Asst.
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