Retina Loss of Hfe Leads to Progression of Tumor Phenotype in Primary Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Jaya P. Gnana-Prakasam,1 Rajalakshmi Veeranan-Karmegam,1 Veena Coothankandaswamy,1 Sushma K. Reddy,1 Pamela M. Martin,1 Muthusamy Thangaraju,1 Sylvia B. Smith,2 and Vadivel Ganapathy1 PURPOSE. Hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron overload ereditary hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive arising mostly from mutations in HFE. HFE is expressed in Hdisorder of iron overload.1–5 Excess iron is toxic because retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and HfeÀ/À mice develop age- it can undergo Fenton reaction, catalyzing the conversion of related iron accumulation and retinal degeneration associated H2O2 to hydroxyl radical. Hydroxyl radicals in turn cause lipid with RPE hyperproliferation. Here, the mechanism underlying peroxidation, DNA strand breaks, and degradation of cellular the hyperproliferative phenotype in RPE was investigated. components resulting in tissue damage.6 Hemochromatosis METHODS. Cellular senescence was monitored by b-galactosi- patients have morbid iron accumulation in various organs, dase activity. Gene expression was monitored by real-time PCR. including the liver, pancreas, kidney, heart, and brain resulting Survivin was analyzed by Western blot and immunofluores- in diverse symptoms such as hepatocarcinoma/cirrhosis, cence. Migration and invasion were monitored using appro- diabetes, nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, and pituitary dysfunc- priate kits. Glucose transporters (GLUTs) were monitored by 3- tion.1–3 Most (>85%) cases of hemochromatosis are associated O-methyl-D-glucose uptake. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) with mutations in HFE [Histocompatability leukocyte antigen were studied by monitoring catalytic activity and acetylation class I-like protein involved in iron (FE) homeostasis].7 The status of histones H3/H4. clinical symptoms of the disease caused by mutations in HFE À/À begin to appear only at relatively older ages (>50 years). The RESULTS. Hfe RPE cells exhibited slower senescence rate and remaining approximately 15% of mutations occur in hepcidin, higher survivin expression than wild type cells. À/À cells Hfe hemojuvelin (HJV; also known as HFE2), ferroportin, and migrated faster and showed greater glucose uptake and transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2), all of which are also important increased expression of GLUTs. The expression of HDACs determinants of iron homeostasis.8 Mutations in HJV and and DNA methyltransferase (DNMTs) also was increased. hepcidin lead to iron overload at a much younger age, resulting Similarly, RPE cells from hemojuvelin (Hjv)-knockout mice, in juvenile hemochromatosis. HFE interacts with b -micro- another model of hemochromatosis, also had increased 2 globulin, and this interaction is obligatory for the presentation expression of GLUTs, HDACs, and DNMTs. The expression of of HFE to the cell surface. In the plasma membrane, HFE Slc5a8 was decreased in HfeÀ/À RPE cells, but treatment with a DNA methylation inhibitor restored the transporter expression, interacts with transferrin receptors, TfR1 and TfR2, and indicating involvement of DNA methylation in the silencing of inhibits cellular iron uptake. Irrespective of the gene that is Slc5a8 in HfeÀ/À cells. mutated in hemochromatosis, there is an increase in intestinal absorption of iron, leading to systemic iron overload. The CONCLUSIONS. RPE cells from iron-overloaded mice exhibit prevalence of hemochromatosis is quite high, with homozy- several features of tumor cells: decreased senescence, gosity for HFE mutations in the range of approximately 1 in enhanced migration, increased glucose uptake, and elevated 300.7 À/À levels of HDACs and DNMTs. These features are seen in Hfe In the retina, there are many iron-containing proteins that À/À RPE cells as well as in Hjv RPE cells, providing a molecular are involved in the phototransduction cascade9,10; hence, it is À/À À/À basis for the hyperproliferative phenotype of Hfe and Hjv essential to maintain iron homeostasis for effective functioning RPE cells. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:63–71) DOI: of the retina. Apart from reactive oxygen species mediated by 10.1167/iovs.12-10312 photo-oxidation, hemochromatosis patients may have addi- tional oxidative stress due to iron overload in the retina. In the last decade, several studies have shown the expression and function of iron-regulatory proteins in the retina.11–14 Disrup- tion or loss of iron-regulatory proteins results in AMD-like phenotype in mouse retinas.15,16 Recently, we reported age- From the Departments of 1Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 2Cellular Biology and Anatomy, Georgia Health Sciences dependent retinal degeneration in Hfe and Hjv knockout 17,18 University, Augusta, Georgia. mice. Interestingly, we found evidence of hypertrophy and Supported by a grant from the National Eye Institute hyperproliferation in retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) in (EY019672). both of these mouse models of hemochromatosis. Here we Submitted for publication June 2, 2012; revised October 3 and report that HfeÀ/À RPE cells exhibit several features of tumor November 9, 2012; accepted November 9, 2012. cells. These alterations were also found in HjvÀ/À RPE cells, Disclosure: J.P. Gnana-Prakasam,None;R. Veeranan-Kar- indicating that iron overload is the common underlying cause megam,None;V. Coothankandaswamy,None;S.K. Reddy, for these phenotypic changes. None; P.M. Martin,None;M. Thangaraju,None;S.B. Smith, None; V. Ganapathy,None Cancer cells are dependent on large amounts of micronu- Corresponding author: Jaya P. Gnana-Prakasam, Department of trients like iron for their rapid growth and cell division. There Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Georgia Health Sciences is evidence that high body iron stores increase risk of cancer in University, Augusta, GA 30912; [email protected]. humans.19 Cancer cells have an uncontrolled capacity for Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, January 2013, Vol. 54, No. 1 Copyright 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc. 63 Downloaded from iovs.arvojournals.org on 09/27/2021 64 Gnana-Prakasam et al. IOVS, January 2013, Vol. 54, No. 1 proliferation, migration and invasion. Increase in glucose top of the membrane filter, the inserts were stained with 0.1% crystal uptake and utilization protects cancer cells from starvation. violet, washed, and dried. The crystal violet dye retained on the bottom Tumor progression is not only restricted to the above genetic of the filters (representing the cells that migrated to the underside of modifications, it also involves epigenetic changes. Histone the membrane filter) was extracted with 10% acetic acid. The acetylation mediated by histone acetyltransferases (HATs) absorbance of the extract was measured at 560 nm. Cell invasion induces gene transcription, whereas histone hypoacetylation assay was performed similarly using the QCM cell invasion assay kit. mediated by histone deacetylases (HDACs) is associated with The inserts used in this assay were coated with ECMatrix (Millipore, gene silencing. Altered expression of HDACs has been linked to Billerica, MA), representing the extracellular matrix. Serum-starved tumor development since they affect transcription of genes cells were allowed to invade the matrix for 48 hours in a transwell in that regulate critical cellular functions such as cell prolifera- the presence of serum. After removing the cells on the top of the tion, cell-cycle regulation, and apoptosis.20 Although hemo- membrane filter, the inserts were stained with 0.1% crystal violet, chromatosis patients have been well documented to have an washed, and dried. The crystal violet dye retained on the bottom of the increased risk in developing tumors, the molecular mechanism filters (representing the cells that invaded the matrix to the underside by which iron overload leads to increased predisposition to of the membrane filter) was extracted with 10% acetic acid. The cancer is unknown. In the present study, we found that HfeÀ/À absorbance of the extract was measured at 560 nm. RPE cells have a characteristic tumor phenotype such as increased glucose uptake, enhanced migration, upregulation of Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction survivin, and also epigenetic changes that are found in tumor cells. Most of these findings hold true in HjvÀ/À RPE cells as RNA was isolated from wild type and HfeÀ/À or HjvÀ/À primary RPE well. cells in passages three to five, and used for RT-PCR using GeneAmp RT- PCR kit (Applied Biosystems Inc., Carlsbad, CA). Semi-quantitative PCR was performed using Taq polymerase kit (TaKaRa, Shiga, Japan). Real- METHODS time amplifications, using SYBR green detection chemistry, were run in triplicates on 96-well reaction plates. The expression levels of target Animals mRNA was quantified by normalizing with the corresponding internal Breeding pairs of Hfeþ/À mice (C56Bl/6 genetic background) were control (18S RNA). Each PCR experiment was repeated at least three obtained from the Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME). Breeding pairs times with similar results. The primers for real-time PCR (Table) were of Hjvþ/À mice (Sv129 genetic background) were provided by Nancy designed based on the sequence information available in GenBank Andrews (Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC). (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, provided in the public domain by the Genotyping was done to identify wild type, heterozygous, and National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) for mouse cDNAs. homozygous mice in the litters.
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