PRO MUSICA TOURS NEW YORK PERFORMING ARTS TOUR CRONULLA SCHOOL APRIL 11-22, 2018 Wednesday, April 11 6:30 AM ArrivAl At Sydney Airport for group check in 9:35 AM QantAS Flight 11 depArtS for LAX Stop over in LAX 4:40 PM ArrivAl in NYC – JFK Airport ThiA, your Pro MuSicA Guide will meet your group in bAggAge clAim. She will be holding A sign thAt cleArly reAds “Cronulla High School.” She will ASSiSt you with luggAge retrievAl And coAch loAding. ThiA will remain with you for the durAtion of the trip. 6:00 PM Arrival at The Watson Hotel. Located At 57th Street And 9th Avenue, The WAtSon is within walking diStAnce to Lincoln Center, ColumbuS Circle, Central PArk, Times SquAre, And the TheAter District. 8:00 PM AsSemble in the hotel lobby And depArt on foot for dinner in the heArt of Times SquAre 8:30 PM Dinner at Hard Rock Café 10:00 PM Admission to The Top of The Rock After dinner, SoAr 70 floorS Above the city and experience the exhilArAting joy of unobStructed 360º city viewS from the Top of the Rock ObServAtion Deck. From the Sweeping green of CentrAl PArk to the thrilling city Skyline, nowhere elSe cAn you See New York So SpectAculArly. Return to hotel on foot. PRO MUSICA TOURS - 410 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 PHONE (212) 541-5122 FAX (212) 541-4944 WWW.PROMUSICATOURS.COM Thursday, April 12 Breakfast at Hotel. (Served from 6:30Am) 8:45 AM Meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And boArd privAte coAch for tour 9:00 AM City Highlights Tour A muSt See tour for firSt-time New York viSitorS! Experience MAnhAttAn'S vibrAnt multiculturAl diverSity And world-renowned lAndmArkS And AttractionS. ViSit TimeS SquAre, ChinAtown, Little ItAly, SoHo, HArlem, the MuSeum Mile, Rockefeller Center, South Street SeAport And many more! 1:00 PM End of tour Lunch at leiSure 1:45 PM Art StudentS depArt with ThiA for the lower eASt Side viA SubwAy 2:30 PM Art Students: Graffiti Tour With A miSSion to connect people with the Street Art And grAffiti culture, your guide will introduce you to thiS miSunderStood crAft. ThiS unique tour AdaptS to the Art AS it iS being creAted And chAnged in the city, resulting in An ever evolving itinerAry. DiScover your own appreciAtion of Street art via urbAn explorAtion showcaSing murAlS, public Art And illegAl Art, will leArning about the artiStS And their proceSS 2:15 PM DrAmA and VocAl/MuSic StudentS regroup with PAtrick and depart on foot for Ripley Grier StudioS 2:30 PM Drama Students: Voice Over Acting Master Class Roger Becker Vocal and Music Students: Meet The Artist – Broadway Musician Tom Monkell Dance Students: afternoon at leisure 5:30 PM Meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArt on foot for dinner 6:00 PM Dinner at John’s Pizzeria 8:00 PM Broadway Performance: FROZEN Frozen iS the timeleSS tAle of two SiSterS, pulled ApArt by A mySteriouS secret. As one young womAn struggleS to find her voice And hArneSS her powerS within, the other embArkS on An epic Adventure to bring her family together once And for All. Both Are SeArching for love. They juSt don't know where to find it. 10:30 PM End of performAnce Following the performAnce, ThiA will eScort the group bAck to the hotel. PRO MUSICA TOURS - 410 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 PHONE (212) 541-5122 FAX (212) 541-4944 WWW.PROMUSICATOURS.COM Friday, April 13 Breakfast at Hotel. (Served from 6:30Am) 9:30 AM Meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArt viA SubwAy for PArk EASt High School 10:25 AM Student Exchange and Group Performance at Park East High School – Harlem Noon DepArt PArk EaSt High School Lunch At leiSure Patrick will meet the art group and tAke them to the Guggenheim 1:30 PM Art Students – Guggenheim Tour and Workshop During thiS interActive 2.5-hour progrAm, StudentS explore the Guggenheim’S permAnent collection And exhibitionS, And engAge in diScuSSions As well As Activities involving writing, drAwing, or movement in reSponSe to workS on view. Following the themAtic gAllery tour, students creAte their own works of Art in the Guggenheim’S digitAl and studio Art lAbs. 3:34 PM End of workShop Patrick will bring group bAck to hotel/midtown RemAinder of dAy And dinner At leiSure Saturday, April 14 Breakfast at Hotel. (Served from 6:30Am) 8:15 AM DancerS meet ThiA in the lobby And depArt viA SubwAy for dAnce clASS 9:00 AM Broadway Dance Center Private Class Intermediate Jazz Funk with Chio 10:30 AM End of dance clASS 9:45 AM VocAl Students meet Patrick in the hotel lobby And depArt for BroAdwAy VocAl ClASS 10:00 AM Wicked Vocal Class Marty Thomas & Brad Ross 11:30 AM End of MASter ClASS Art Students: time at leisure PRO MUSICA TOURS - 410 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 PHONE (212) 541-5122 FAX (212) 541-4944 WWW.PROMUSICATOURS.COM Lunch At leiSure 1:30 PM Entire group meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArt on foot for RAdio City Music HAll 2:15 PM Radio City Stage Door Tour On thiS inSiders’ tour, groupS will be guided behind the SceneS of one of New York’S lArgeSt stAges. Your group will get A chAnce to leArn About the hydrAulic stAge, the privAte suite, home to “Roxy” RothAfel, inSide the muSic hAll, And much more. The tour concludeS with the opportunity to meet A member of the world fAmouS Rockettes. Visit to St Patrick’s Cathedral and 5th Avenue 6:00 PM Dinner at Heartland Brewery and Rotisserie – Empire State Building 8:00 PM Broadway Performance: Waitress BaSed upon the 2007 motion picture written by Adrienne Shelly, the new muSicAl with muSic by five-time GrAmmy nominee SArA BAreilleS followS the Story of JennA An inventive wAitreSS trApped in A SmAll-town diner And A loveleSS mArriAge. PregnAnt And lonely, JennA findS relief in making creAtively-titled pieS — and in a budding romance with an unlikely newcomer. When A bAking conteSt in A neArby county offerS her A chance At eScApe, JennA must weigh her commitmentS AgAinSt A rare Shot At freedom and recognition. 10:30 PM End of performAnce Following the performAnce, ThiA will eScort the group bAck to the hotel. Sunday, April 15 Breakfast at Hotel. (Served from 6:30Am) Day At leiSure 5:45 PM Meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArt on foot for The PAlAce TheAtre 6:30 PM Broadway Performance: SpongeBob SquarePants the Musical StAkeS Are higher thAn ever before AS SpongeBob And All of Bikini Bottom fAce the totAl AnnihilAtion of their underSeA world. ChAoS eruptS. Lives hAng in the bAlance. And juSt when All hope SeemS lost, An unexpected hero riSeS up And tAkeS center StAge. AcclAimed Steppenwolf director TinA LAndAu And the groundbreAking deSignerS behind Fun Home,Hedwig And the Angry Inch, And Spring AwAkening have reimAgined Bikini Bottom for the BroAdwAy StAge, bringing the spirit of SpongeBob to life with humAnity, heArt, And theAtricAlity. With an originAl Score featuring SongS by SarA BareilleS, John Legend, the FlAming LipS, And more, SpongeBob SquArePAntS explodeS with energy. PRO MUSICA TOURS - 410 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 PHONE (212) 541-5122 FAX (212) 541-4944 WWW.PROMUSICATOURS.COM 9:00 PM End of performAnce Following the performAnce, ThiA will eScort the group bAck to the hotel. Monday, April 16 Breakfast at Hotel. (Served from 6:30Am) 9:30 AM Meet ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArt on foot for Lincoln Center 10:00 AM Lincoln Center Tour ThiS explorAtion of Lincoln Center beginS At Avery FiSher HAll And offerS An inSide look At whAt hAppenS on And off the StAgeS of the complex’S preStigiouS venueS, which include the MetropolitAn OperA HouSe, David Geffen Hall, DAvid H. Koch TheAter (previouSly New York StAte TheAter), ViviAn BeAumont TheAter, And the drAmAticAlly trAnSformed Alice Tully HAll. During the tour, your group will hear fAScinating storieS About Lincoln Center’S hiStory And perhAps even cAtch A reheArSAl in progreSS! 11:30 AM End of tour Lunch At leiSure 1:30 PM Load coach at hotel for transfer to Woodbury Commons Outlet Mall Shopping ExcurSion! 6:00 PM Return to MAnhAttan Dinner And Evening at leiSure Tuesday, April 17 Breakfast 9:45 AM DancerS meet PAtrick in the hotel lobby And depArt for Ripley Grier StudioS 10:00 AM Dance Master Class Wicked Choreography with Cast Member Lindsay Janisse 11:30 AM End of mASter clASS 11:15 AM The remainder of the group meetS ThiA in the hotel lobby And depArtS for the MuSeum of Modern Art PRO MUSICA TOURS - 410 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 PHONE (212) 541-5122 FAX (212) 541-4944 WWW.PROMUSICATOURS.COM Noon Private Guided Tour: Museum of Modern Art 54th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues From An initiAl gift of eight printS And one drAwing, thiS collection hAS grown to include more thAn 100,000 pAintingS, SculptureS, drAwingS, prints, photogrAphS, ArchitecturAl modelS And drAwingS, And design objectS – one of the world’S greatest collectionS of modern Art. From around the world. 5:30 PM Dinner at Southern Hospitality 7:00 PM Broadway Performance: Hello Dolly FeAturing muSic And lyricS by Jerry HermAn And A book by MichAel StewArt, Hello, Dolly! tellS the Story of An outSpoken mAtchmAker And her attemptS to marry "half-A-millionAire" HorAce VAndergelder. Produced by Scott Rudin, the Show hAS A book by MichAel StewArt, bASed on The MatchmAker by Thornton Wilder.
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