University of South Florida Scholar Commons Crow's Nest University History: Campus Publications 10-4-2010 Crow's Nest : 2010 : 10 : 04 University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/crows_nest Recommended Citation University of South Florida St. Petersburg., "Crow's Nest : 2010 : 10 : 04" (2010). Crow's Nest. 631. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/crows_nest/631 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University History: Campus Publications at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Crow's Nest by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 l 1 .· r- ~ E. L":'r·· ·.· ~~ ~oc . s··-~, T- 1 l_ lL - ,'·\ ~_ t T ., ,~ - 's E .... Volume 45 • Issue 4 NAVIGATING THE NEWS FOR USF ST. PETERSBURG Monday, October 4; 2010 For the last 10 years, Jim Grant oversaw the cons~ruction _ of our campus's main. buildings. His vi_sion gave us Harborwalk, the Science and Technology Building, the Poynter M~m~rial Library, and many more. He leaves a legacy that will surround every future USF St. Petersburg student. Read more about Grant on page 5. - Photos by Aimee Alexander 2 I campus & beyond I Volume 45 Issue 4 THE CROW'S NEST President Obama addresses Adviser Deb Wolfe [email protected] college· a~endance Editor in Chief Keeley Sheehan Nikeya Williams Managing Editor nswil/i6@mail. usf .edu [email protected] Managing Editor President Barack Keeley Sheehan Obama addressed the' kmsheehan@mail. usf .edu concerns of college students on Sept. 27 in Advertising M anager a morning conference Jessica Kemper call from the White [email protected] House with student journalists from col­ leges and universities Design Editor Michelle Marin across the country. "The U.S. has fallen ma [email protected] from first to 12th in ranking of col­ Online Editor lege graduation rates Will Roberts among developed na­ [email protected] tions in one genera­ tion," Obama said. Photo Editor "If we're seri- Aimee Alexander ous about building a [email protected] stronger economy and making sure we suc­ Campus 8t Beyond Editor ceed in the 21st centu- · Robbie Crowley · ry," he said, "then the [email protected] single most important step we can take Is to Entertainment Editor make sure that every President Barack Obama participates in a conference call with college and university st udent-journalists in the Oval Andrew Silverstein young· person· gets the Office, Sept. 27, 2010. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza. • ·• r [email protected] best education pos­ sible, because countries that out-educate us today of the U.S. having the highest proportion of col­ up 6, 8 percent a year, then they're going to have Sports Editor are going to out-compete us tomorrow." lege graduates in the world by 2020, he said. 1:0 absorb those costs some way," Obama said, Greg lindberg Florida ranks 34th out of the 50 states in its On March 30, Obama signed into law the noting that the health care refo_rm bill should help [email protected] college graduation rate, which is 50.6 percent, ac­ Health Care and Education Affordability Recon­ to counteract that. cording to the most recent 2008 statistics from ciliation Act- the health care reform bill- that Students can also help to counteract these the National Information Center for Higher Ed­ included the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibil­ rising costs by being better consumers, he said. ucation Policymaking and Analysis. The center ity Act. He point~d to the quality of "amenities" on col­ measured the six-year graduation rates of bach­ SAFRA invests $36 million over 10 years to in­ lege campuses, like athletic fields or food courts, TABLE O F CONTE NTS elor's students for that year. T he national average crease the federal Pell Grants, boosting the maxi­ which has increased as universities aim to attract is 55.9 percent. · mum allowed grant to S5,550 in 2010, and $5,975 more studen'ts. But universities, he said, need ro The 2007 U.S. college graduation rate was by 2017, according to a July 15 report from the shift the focus back to education. Campus 8t Beyond - 2 I 36.5 percent, according .to the Organization for Committee on Education and Labor. The act will "You're not.going to a university to join a spa; Economic Cooperation and Development. The convert .new federal student lending directly to you're going there to learn so that you can have a OECD measured "what propor!lon of the popu­ the Direct Loan program, instead of the fede.ru,Jy fulfilling career," Obama said. "If all the ameni­ 6 I Entertainment lation has graduated from college by the typical guaranteed student loan program, according the ties of a public university start jacking up the cost college graduation age in that country," accord­ committee. of tuition significantly, that's a problem." ing to an Aug. 15 report from Politifact. Of the "What we've also done is made sure th;n fu­ 'We're making sure that the teaching loads at 8 I .Lifestyle 22 nations included in the calculations, Iceland ture borrowers are able to choose a plan so that universities continue to emphasize research and had the highest rate at 63.1 percent, followed by you never have to pay more than 10 percent of continue to give professors the opportunity to Poland with 49 percent, and Finland with 48.5 your salary each month to service student loans engage in work outside the classroom that ad­ percent. The U.S. was ranked 14th out of the 22 that you've taken," Obama said. ''And if you go vances knowledge, bur at the same time remind­ Student Government 9 I in OECD's 2007 rankings. into public service and you keep up with your ing faculties that their primary goal is to teach," "We've done OK in terms of college enroll­ payments, whatever left over student debt that he said. ment rates, but more than a third of America's. you have will be forgiven after 10 years." He also stressed that students should pay 10 I Neighborhood News college students and more than half of our mi­ Students have seen increases recently in the tu­ attention to politic;s outside of contentious presi­ Bureau nority students don't earn a degree, even after ition costs of public universities, in part because dential elections, such as with upcoming midterm six years," Obama said. '~d that's a waste of of the economic problems of the last few years. elections. · potential, p~cularly if folks are racking up big States ~ve made drastic cuts to public education '1 want everybody to be well informed and to 11 1 Sports debt and then they don't even get the degree at funding to make up for budget deficits. Rising participate," he said. "If you do that, then I feel the end.. .. It's up to students to finish, but we costs of health care drive up the price of these very optimistic about the country's future." can help remove some barriers." universities. Obama and his administration are focusing ''Personnel costs are a big chunk of university Correction: Issue 3 on making .college more affordable, with a goal expenses, and if their health care·cos ts are going In our issue o n September 20, 2010 Spectrum was misidentified in the ar: tide, "Multicultural Center mentors stu­ Have questions or ~ommeilts about this issue? Send your dents." We regret the error. letter to the editor to [email protected]. Volume 45 Issue 41 campus & beyond I 3 Sustain-a-bull: green ne1Ns Jerrod Simpson global warming, the solution to our energy de­ Contributing Writer pendence,, is technological advances in the pro­ [email protected] duction and efficiency in the use of energy," said Marco Rubio, speaker of the Florida House of Tom Chang With Florida's broken budget and a dreary 11.6 Representatives, on the WFSU Radio program Staff Writer percent unemployment rate, the top issues of the "Florida on the Line" on Feb. 13. ''And that's not [email protected] upcoming election have been jobs, jobs and jobs. But what about the green job revolution idea that going to happen through government mandates. The Student En- was really hot last season? Did its electric battery That's going to happen through the American in­ vironmental Awareness die? novator." Society hosted its Pow­ ''With Florida expected to face billion-dollar But, in 2008, a Mason-Dixon poll showed that er Vote Kickoff bar­ budget shortfalls for at least the next three years, over 80 percent of Floridians wanted the legisla­ beque at the Waterfront revenues from oil and gas drilling could help ture to encourage solar power, and that they were on Sept. 8. our state meet its budget needs while providing willing to pay for it. Some might also argue that "We are working a permanent, dedicated revenue source for pro­ the big oil lobbyists have shackled the invisible with Southern En­ grams that invest in renewable energy technolo­ hand of the market. According to a studY. done by ergy Network and En­ gies," said Bruce Kershner, executive director· of the Environmental Law Institute, fossil fuels ben­ ergy Action Coalition the Florida Soil!! Energy Industries Association, efited from $72 billion in government incentives to put out the Power in October 2009. This revenue source was esti­ from 2002 to 2008, while subsidies for renewable Vote crunpaign at USF fuels totaled $29 billion during the same time.
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