DOCUMENT RESUME ED 087 694 SO 007 003 TITLE Population, Population and Family Education, and Family Planning: A Bibliography, Supplement to Bibliography, and Accessions List, February-June 1973. INSTITUTION United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Education in Asia. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 147p: EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies; Conference Reports; Demography; Economic Development; *Family Life Education; *Family Planning; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; *Library Collections; *Population Education; Population Growth; Population Trends; Research; Secondary Education; Social Development IDENTIFIERS UNESCO ABSTRACT This is a bibliography of books, periodical articles and pamphlets on population and family education which are available in the library of the Population Education Clearing House Service of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia, Bangkok. Most of the documents cited were published in the 60's and 70's with the exception of a few which date from the 50's. The bibliography is divided into the following three sections: 1)Population; 2) Population and Family Planning; and 3) Family Planning. In each section, publications not relating to any specific country or dealing with countries outside Unesco Asian Region are listed under General. Publications dealing with the Asian region are presented under Asia and those referring to a specific Asian country are listed under country names arranged alphabetically. Entries referring to more than one subject or country are repeated. All entries are in alphabetical order by author names.(Author/RM) g}1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION &WEtFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DuCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN AT tn.:0 IT POINTS Or vIEVv OR OPINIONS A TED 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OI .EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION Population, Population and Family Education and Family Planning: A Bibliography (Representing documents available in the library of the Regional Office) POPULATION 1 POPULATION AND FAMILY EDUCATION 33 FAMILY PLANNING 55 Population Education Clearing House Service of Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia Bangkok January 1973 BEI Can Introductim In the preparation of this new bibliography, more than 400 titles have be,!r! yJded the previous 1972 list. Documents listed include books, per:odical articles and pallynlets available in the library of the Unesco Regional Office. The bibliography is divided into three sections: Population, Population and Family Education, and Family Planning. In each section, publications not relating to any specific country or dealing with countries outsidehe Unesco Asian Region are listed under "General". Publications dealing with the Asian region are presented under "Asia" and those referring to a specific Asian country are listed under country names arranged alphabetically. Entries referring to more than one subject or country are repeated. All entries are in alphabetical order by author names, and publications of an institute can be also found under the name of the author (if available). Books, reprints, and pamphlets are 1.-1.entified by classification number, P, and V.F. ntspectively. Ih addition, Population Education Curriculum mater4lIs are identified by an asterisk. BK/73/0/48-200 EWST k;orl Alukad. E2Rag10. Adib, Ovais Ahmad. "Population," Economic problems of Pakistan Zn.p17 M.H. Said 61.d17p. 40-50. (In Urdu)'' aimeo. V.F. "The theories of population," Textbook of e9onamics Zi.p17 M.H. Said Zn.d17p. 97-105. mimeo. V.F. Agarwala, S.N. :Elzplatlpn. New Delhi, rational. Book Trust, 1967. 141 p. tables. 301.32 Ahmad, Ch. Nazir. "Population," Social Studies Karachi, Shaukat Ali 1.d17 p. 88-99. photocopy. V.F. "Population," Social studies bi.p17p. 107-12 (In Urdu) mimeo, V.F. Akhtar, S.M. "Population," Essentials of economics6.1)17 Publishers United, 13g- 59-64. photocopy. V.F. Ali, Manzoor. "Human resources; development of population as dynamic factor," Economics of Pakistan6.1317 Almi Katab Khana gi.d17p. 422-52. (In Urdu) mimeo. V.F. "Population," Economics g.p17 Almi Katab Khana p. 393-433. (In.A-du) mimeo. V.F. Alvarez, Walter. C. "The dangerous ..ncreasp in world population," Bangkok World, June 22, 1970. V.F. American Assembly, Columbia University. The _population dilemma, edited by Philip M. Hauser. 2d.ed. 'Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall Lc19697 211 p. 30I.32 American Philosophical Society. Population problems; ers read at the autumn general meeting Lof theimmpcall iloso- nhicaLOWiety/ Nugmher 11 19.6.6. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1967. 193 p. (American Philosophical Society. rroceeding111(3), June 22, 1967) 301.32 Anderson, David C. "A careful look at growth as suicide," Wall Street Journal, March 17, 1972. photocopy- V.F. ApplehanPhilip. The silent explosion. 'IBoston, Beacon. Press [-s2 67 161p. 301.32 Arnold, Charles B. jegicaLatzkat,,,LsmsLacmatr. Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center, 1969., 111 p. diagrs., tables (CPC monograph stYP'ies no: 4) 633.94 CFIAVAILS; -2- Baird, Bil. Puppets and New York, Wor1(1 Education L1971795 p. 613.943 Barclay, George W. Techniques c.! population..analvsis. New York, John Wiley 6.19587 xiii, 311 p. 301.32 Berelson, Bernard, ed. Population; chgjlenging world crisis. Washington, D.C.,. Voice of America Forum, 1969. 335 n. (Voice of America forum L.Ict,ures) 301.32 Bogue, Donald J. Principles of demography. New York, John Wiley p19697 xiii, 917 p. 301.32 Borlaugh, Norman E. "The green revolution, peace and humanity," PRB Selection (35) :l -8, January 1971. V.F. Bourgeois-Pichat, Jean. "France," Country Profiles, May 1972. 11 p. Bowring, Philip. "Population; encouraging progress, Fareastern Economic Review 77 (36):36 -37, September. 2, 1972. Burleson, David. The state of the "Pop Art." Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center 7 p. photocopy. V.F. Cairns, John,Jr. Pooulation dvnamins. Chicago, Rani McNally Lc19667 63 p. (Patterns of rife series) 301.32 Callahan, Daniel, ed. The Americaranr-latior iebate. 301.32 New York. ,,Dubleday, 1971. 3'20 ft Carolina Populati-- Centi (CPC), 7-apel Lill. ArEaflit2 (Bibliography) (list of Alcisitions)no. 9- , 1772- . 301.32 . Books and_11-,rographs 1. :I' acquisitions) no. 28- , April 1972- . 301.32 Culture and population; "collection of current studies; edit:c,i by Steven Polar. Chapel Hill, CPC, 1971. .196 p. (CPC -_.,norraph.Series no. 9) 301.32 . attic:Al students and, rocIAJ;tion research, by Charles B. Arnold. Chapel Hill, CPC, .12.66. 111 p. diagrs., tables (CPC monograph series no. 4) 613.94 . Papers and Zeprints (21at2120.11f45111210 no. 9- 'April 1972- 301.32 -3- BEST Carolina Population Center (CPC) Chapel Hill. Some thoughts on professors and population centers, by Arnold S. Nash with con- tributions by Forest E. Linder and Moye W. Freymann. Chapel Hill, CPC /n.d,/ (Reprinted from: Innovative organization for population research /n.p,/ Charles C. Thomas, 1971, p. 189 - 304. V.F. Technical Information Service. Overview; a journal of population libraries. v. 1- , May 1972- Chandrasekhar, S., ed. Asia's population problems; with a discussion of population and immigration in Australia. London, G. Allen & Unwin /c1967/ 311 p. 301.3295 Chanlett, Eliska. Organization and methods of the dual-report system in Turkey. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1971. 24 p. (Laboratories for population studies. Scientific series no. 2) 301.0202 Chgu, Ta Ngoc.. .Demographic aspects of educational planning. Paris, UNESCO-IIEP /c1962/83 p. (Fundamentals of education planning no. 9) 379.15 . The effect of population rowth on the develo/Ient and cost of education in developing countries:' a synthesis report of four countrcase studies. Paris, UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning, 1971. 88 p. (IIEP/RP/6/ S.R.lA) Also in French. 301.32 Coale, Ansley J. The design of an exnerigattamrocedure Lac obtaining accurate vital statistics. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1971. p. 5-7. (Laboratories for population statistics.. Reprint series no. 3) 312.0202 Cooke, Dorothy S. Mapping and house numbering. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1971. 52 p. (Laboratories for population statistics.Manual series no. 1) 312:0202 "Counting heads; letters to a teenager daughter on population," Ceylon Daily News, 'Wednesday, December.81 1971. typescript-. V.F. Dasmann, R.F.Planet in eril? man and the bio:..here toda Paris, UNESCO/Hammondsworth, Penguin Bo9ks 1972. 135 p. 614.7 'Delaware, University. Population Curriculum Study. Inventory of experimental lesson plans and background material for population - environment studies/Newarh/ Population Curriculum Study, 1972. 15 p. mimeo. V.F. -4- iJEST COPY AVAILABLE Dumont, Rene and Bernard Rosier. The h.,,,1Fry future. London, Methuen Lc19627 .271 p. 338.19 Durand, John D., ed. World population. Reprint edition of the Annals of the American Academy of Politicaland Social Science volumn 369, January 1967. Philadelphia, merican Academy of Political and Social Science, 1968. p. 301.32 ':..ast-West Communication Institute, Honolulu. A resource, base for population programs. Honolulu, East-West Communication Institute Ln.d.78 p. V.F. East-West Population Institute, Honolulu. Third annual, report tHonolulu, East-West Population LI.,citute7 1972.' 91 p. 301.32 Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (' Bangkok. Future
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