AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON THE HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Arthur L. Funk. Chairman Donald S. Detwiler, Secretary NEWSLETTER and Newsletter Editor Department of Histary University of Florida Department of Histary Gainesville, Florida 32611 ISSN 0885-5668 Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 62901 Permanent Directors No. 36 Fall 1986 Robin Higham, Archivist Charles F. Delzell Department of History Vanderbilt University CONTENTS Kansas State University H. Stuart Hughes Manhattan, Kansas 66506 University of Califomia International Book at San Diego General Information 2 Rel'ieu.' Coordination Forrest C. Pogue Arthur L. Funk Dwight D. Eisenhower Institute Department of Histary University of Florida Terms expi"nH /986 The Newsletter 2 Gainesville. Florida :12611 Stephen Eo Ambrose University of New Orleans Annual Membership Dues and Support 2 The ACHSWW is affiliated with: Martin Blumenson American Historical Association Washington, D.C. 400 A Street, S.E. Washingtan, D.C. 2000:3 William H. Cunliffe Committee Election 2 Nationa] Archives Comi~ International d'Histoire de la Deuxi~me Harold C. Deutsch Guerre Mondiale Army War College The 1986 Annual Meeting (Chicago) 3 Jean Vanwelkenhuyzen, President Stanley L. Falk AHA/ACHSWW Joint Session: MAGIC, ULTRA, Belgian Centre for Research Center of Military History (ret.) and Studies on the History and the Second World War: New Insights of the Second World War Maurice MatJoff Place de Louvain 4 - bte 20 Center of Military History (ret.) from the Sources 3 1000 Brussels, Belgium Ernest R. May ACHSWW Annual Business Meeting 3 Harvard University Gerhard L. Weinberg University of North Carolina Henri Michel, 1907-1986 3 Earl F. Ziemke University of Georgia Announcements and Queries 1't>rms expiring 1987 National Registry of the Association for the Dean C. Allard Naval History Division Bibliography of History 4 Philip A. Crowl ABH Military History Bibliography panel (27 Dec. 1986) 5 Naval War College (ret.) Enquiry from an Historian of Medicine 5 Brig. Gen. A. F. Hurley, USAF (ret.) North Texas State Unive....ity Fellowships David Kahn U. S. Army Center of Military History 5 Great Neck, N.Y. Marine Corps Historical Center 6 Warren F. Kimball Rutgers Uoiversity Naval Historical Center 6 Richard H. Kohn Office of Air Force History Archival and Bibliographical Resources Roberta Wohlstetter Pan Heuristics, Los Angeles Cumulative Listing of NSA/CSS Cryptologic Documents 6 Robert Wolfe U.S. National Archives Accessions and Declassifications 7 National Archives ,Janet Ziegler University of California Bibliography at Los Angeles Anglo-American Relations with Spain During World War II 8 Terms expiring /988 The Last Years of the War on the German Home Front 8 Brig. Gen James L. Collins, Jr. Chief of Military History (ret.) An American Introduction to ULTRA . 9 John Lewis Gaddis The War Against Japan--and the Southeast Asian Sequel 11 Ohio University Rohin Higham KumHl~ State University Attachments: D. Cluyton Jume. List of NSA/CSS Cryptologic Documents at National Archives Mississippi State University ACHSWW Membership Information & Renewal Form Allll£>S ~'. Peterson H()()Vl'r Institutiun Annual ACHSWW Election Ballot Brill. (~lln. Edwin II. ~immonu MHrint' ('urp" IHNtory IIml MUHl'UInH David F. Trask Center of Military History Russell F. Weigley Temple University GENERAL INFORMATION Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the American Committee on the History of the Second World War is affiliated with the American Historical Association, the International Committee for the His­ tory of the Second World War, and corresponding national commit­ tees in many other countries, including Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, East and West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, the Soviet Union, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Membership is open to anyorie interested in the Second World War. THE NEWSLETTER The ACHSWW issues a semiannual newsletter. The National Serial Data Program of the Library of Congress has assigned it Interna­ tional Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 0885-5668. Back issues of the newsletter are available through the ACHSWW Archivist (at the address on the letterhead) from MA/AH Publishing (now an imprint of Sunflower University Press). The first eighteen issues (1968­ 1978) are available as a spiral-bound, 360-page xerox paperback (ISBN 0-89126-060-9) for $36.00. Subsequent back numbers are available as single, unbound issues for $3.00 each. (There is no postal charge for prepaid orders to U. S. addresses, but a $4.00 shipping charge for orders to foreign and Canadian addresses.) ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES AND SUPPORT Annual membership dues of $10.00 ($2.00 for students) for calen­ dar year 1987 are payable at the beginning of January directly to the secretary (not through an agency or subscription service). Please complete and return by mid-January the membership renewal and information form attached to the newsletter, together with your remittance. Members abroad are asked to remit dues in U. S. funds. The newsletter, which is mailed at bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses unless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. As noted in the renewal form, members are invited, as in the past, to make contributions, beyond the amount of their member­ ship dues, to defray operating costs not covered by regular dues. COMMITTEE ELECTION Attached to this newsletter is the ballot for election of commit­ tee directors for three-year terms from 1987 through 1989. The ballot, which may be mailed with the membership renewal form and remittance, or sent separately, should be returned to the secre­ tary by 15 January 1987. 2 THE 1986 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the ACHSWW will be held in conjunction with that of the American Historical Association at the Chicago Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601, 27-30 December 1986. The Joint Session with the American Historical Association The ACHSWW/AHA joint session is scheduled for Monday, 29 December 1986, 2:30-4:30 p.m., in Columbus Hall E-F, East Tower, Ballroom Level, at the Chicago Hyatt: MAGIC, ULTRA, and the Second World War: New Insights from New Sources Chair: Alexander S. Cochran, Jr., U.S. Army Center of Military History "MAGIC, the Japanese, and the Betrayal of Hitler" Carl Boyd, Old Dominion University "ULTRA, Patch, and the Alpine Passes, 1944" Arthur L. Funk, University of Florida Comment: Gerhard L. Weinberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Alexander S. Cochran, Jr. Annual Business Meeting The 1986 business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 28 December, 5:00-7:00 p.m., in Columbus Hall A-B, East Tower, Ballroom Level, at the Chicago Hyatt. The agenda will include reports by the chairman of the ACHSWW, Arthur L. Funk, on the activities of the International Committee, of which he is vice president, and on plans for the annual meeting in December 1987 in Washington, D.C. The 1987 session is to be on the late Henri Michel, former presi­ dent of the International Committee. HENRI MICHEL, 1907-1986 by Arthur L. Funk Henri Michel, the distinguished French historian of the Second World War, died on 5 June 1986 at the age of 79. His early life was spent teaching at the Lycee of Toulon, and during the war he 3 became active in the Resistance of the Var department. After the war, as secretary-general of the French Comite d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Mondial, he undertook, with correspondents in every department, to assemble documentary materials on the French Resistance. This Committee depended directly on the Prime Minis­ ter's Office, and was associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. M. Michel became France's outstanding authority on the Resistance, and in 1950 published a brief sur­ vey, Histoire de la Resistance (1940-1944), which has gone through nine editions and has been translated into English, Japanese, Span­ ish, and Portuguese. He founded in 1950 and became first editor of the Revue d'histoire de la deuxieme guerre mondiale, the only periodical in the world devoted especially to the war. Its 142nd issue has just appeared. In the course of his long career Henri Michel has published over fifteen books on the war, of which The Second World War (1969) and The Shadow War: European Resistance, 1939-1945 (1972) are avail­ able in English. Notable among his works are La drole de guerre (1971), Et Varsovie fut detruite (1984), Les courants de pensee de la Resistance (1963), Jean Moulin l'Unificateur (1984), Paris allemand and Paris resistant (1981, 1982). Before he died, he had just completed a book on Admiral Darlan, which will be pub­ lished posthumously by Albin Michel. In 1968 M. Michel was instrumental in founding the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, of which he was first the secretary, then for many years the president, and final­ ly, during the last year of his life, honorary president. stu­ dents of World War II allover the world will miss the enthusiasm, the devotion, and the leadership of this great French scholar who devoted a lifetime to the study and interpretation of the war. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND QUERIES National Registry for the Bibliography of History The Association for the Bibliography of History, an affiliate of the American Historical Association, wishes to remind historical bibliographers of the National Registry for the Bibliography of History, an ongoing listing of bibliographical projects in pro­ gress in all fields of history. The Registry is published annual­ ly in American History: A Bibliographic Review (see vol. II, 1986). Compilers of bibliographies are urged to register their work in progress. For information and registration forms write to the Director of the ABH National Registry, Professor Thomas T. Helde, Department of History, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057.
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