May 30, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12879 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 30, 1991 The House met at 10 a.m. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF The SPEAKER. The gentleman from The Chaplain, Rev. James David BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE Ohio [Mr. HALL] is recognized for 1 Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION hour. er: The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, for Let us pray using the words of St. visions of 20 U.S.C. 42 and 43, the Chair purposes of debate only, I yield the cus­ Francis of Assisi: appoints on the part of the House to tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman Lord, make us instruments of your the Board of Regen ts of the Smithso­ from Ohio [Mr. MCEWEN], pending peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow nian Institution to fill the existing va­ which I yield myself such time as I love; where there is injury, pardon; cancy thereon the gentleman from may consume. During consideration of where there is discord, union; where Pennsylvania [Mr. MCDADE]. the resolution all time yielded is for there is doubt, faith; where there is the purpose of debate only. darkness, light; where there is sadness, Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 159 is joy. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF the rule waiving points of order against Grant that we may not so much seek THE MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., certain provisions of the bill, H.R. 2426, to be consoled as to console; to be un­ FEDERAL HOLIDAY COMMISSION the military construction appropria­ derstood as to understand; to be loved The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro- tions for fiscal year 1992. as to love; for it is in giving that we visions of section 4(a) of Public Law 98- Since general appropriations bills are are pardoned; and it is in dying that we 399, the Chair appoints as members of privileged under the Rules of the are born to eternal life. Amen. the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal House, the rule does not provide for Holiday Commission the following any special guidelines for the consider­ Members of the House: ation of the bill. Provisions related to Mr. WHEAT of Missouri; time for general debate are not in­ THE JOURNAL Mr. SAWYER of Ohio; cluded in the rule. Customarily, Mr. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Mr. REGULA of Ohio; and Speaker, general debate time is limited ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Mr. FRANKS of Connecticut. by a unanimous-consent request by the ceedings and announces to the House chairman of the Appropriations Sub­ his approval thereof. committee prior to the consideration Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF of the bill. nal stands approved. HOUSE COMMISSION ON CON­ The rule waives clause 2 of rule XXI GRESSIONAL MAILING STAND­ against specified provisions of H.R. ARDS 2426. Clause 2 of rule XXI prohibits un­ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ authorized appropriations and legisla­ visions of section 5(b) of Public Law 93- tive provisions in general appropria­ The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman 191, the Chair appoints as members of tions bills. The provisions receiving from New York [Mr. WALSH] please the House Commission on Congres­ this waiver are designated in the rule come forward and lead the House in the sional Mailing Standards the following by reference to page and line in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the House: bill. Mr. WALSH led the Pledge of Alle­ Mr. CLAY of Missouri, chairman; Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2426 appropriates giance as follows: Mr. SOLARZ of New York; approximately $8.48 billion for fiscal I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. FORD of Michigan; year 1992 military construction and United States of America, and to the Repub­ Mr. HORTON of New York; family housing for the various lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska; and branches of the Department of Defense. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. ROBERTS of Kansas. It is consistent with the budget resolu­ tion for fiscal year 1992 which recently passed the House and the Senate. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF NA­ WAIVING CERTAIN POINTS OF The bill appropriates $39.3 million in ORDER DURING CONSIDERATION funding for projects at Wright-Patter­ TIONAL COMMISSION TO PRE­ OF H.R. 2426, MILITARY CON­ VENT INF ANT MORTALITY son Air Force Base, which is partially STRUCTION APPROPRIATIONS located in my congressional district. The SPEAKER laid before the House ACT, 1992 the following communication from the Included in that figure is $20 million in Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, by funding for a building to house the ac­ Honorable ROBERT H. MICHEL, Repub­ direction of the Committee on Rules, I lican leader: quisition work force at the Aeronauti­ call up House Resolution 159 and ask cal Systems Division [ASDJ. This facil­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, for its immediate consideration. ity will help consolidate engineers, sci­ Washington, DC, May 24, 1991. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ Hon. THOMAS s. FOLEY, entists, and program managers who Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, lows: work on new weapons systems for the Washington, DC. H. RES.159 Air Force. It is viewed as the corner­ DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to Sec. 203, Resolved, That during consideration of the stone of an effort to modernize ASD's Public Law 99--660, as amended by Title IV of bill (H.R. 2426) making appropriations for facilities for the next century. The bill Public Law 100-436, I hereby appoint the gen­ military construction for the fiscal year end­ also appropriates funds for an Avionics tleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. Goodling, to ing September 30, 1992, and for other pur­ Research Laboratory and a needed serve as a member of the National Commis­ poses, all points of order against the follow­ sion to Prevent Infant Mortality. ing provisions in the bill for failure to com­ taxiway at Wright-Patterson, as well Sincerely, ply with clause 2 of rule XX! are waived; be­ as a new fire and security station at BOB MICHEL, ginning on page 2, line 3, through page 11, the Defense Electronics Supply Center Republican Leader. line 2. [DESO]. DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 12880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE May 30, 1991 These projects are important to our nore the benefits to America in our na­ country depends on them. We are proud country's national security and to the tional security infrastructure around of them. community of Dayton, OH, which has the globe. NATO infrastructure im­ As the total defense budget continues been a world leader in aviation since provements are not simply overseas to decline in real terms, I certainly the days of the Wright brothers. I com­ construction projects. The Secretary of hope that in assuring the ability of the mend my colleagues for including them Defense and the President did not re­ Guard and Reserve to carry out their in the reported bill. quest $358.8 million because they sup­ mission that the House does not distort Mr. Speaker, under the normal rules port pork barrel projects in Western funding in a way that reduces the effec­ of the House, any amendment which Europe. The President and the Sec­ tiveness of the total force's capability. does not violate any House rules could retary of Defense are committed to the Finally, the bill contains two lan­ be offered to H.R. 2426. The rule re­ goal that we share, improving the qual­ guage provisions which the administra­ ceived unanimous support in the House ity of life for our service men and tion finds objectionable. The first, sec­ Rules Committee, and I urge my col­ women and maintaining the most ef­ tion 113, would require notification to leagues to adopt it. fective force structure and facility pos­ congressional committees prior to con­ Mr. McEWEN. Mr. Speaker, I yield sible to protect our Nation. Modern ducting military exercises involv1ng myself such time as I may consume. bases for NATO projects protect Amer­ construction costs anticipated to ex­ Mr. Speaker, I would thank my good ican interests in that vital region. ceed $100,000. The second, section 117, friend and colleague, the gentleman Although the United States is cer­ would require a report to congressional from Ohio [Mr. HALL] who has fully ex­ tain to reduce the level of forces sta­ committees on details of efforts to en­ plained the provisions of this rather tioned in Western Europe in the com­ courage NATO nations and Japan to simple rule. ing years, the United States must re­ assume a greater share of the common The waivers are necessary because main a vital member of the strong defense burden. The administration the authorization bill was passed by urges that the House delete these sec­ the House only last week and, obvi­ NATO alliance. While the administra­ tions which it finds objectionable based ously, has not worked its way com­ tion is involved in these very delicate on the President's constitutional pow­ pletely through the legislative process. negotiations with our allies to develop ers of Commander of our Armed Forces I commend the chairman and the a comprehensive and coherent NATO and the right to conduct foreign af­ ranking Republican member of the force structure for the 1990's and be­ fairs.
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