No classes on Monday VOLUME LIV, NUMBER 25 DREXEL UNIVERSITY. PHILADELPHIA. PA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16. W70 Peaks of Progress drive nears $36.4 niillion goal c.«- StJtus by John St.ipleton iK'tMlinl tor each dejvutment to The art of fund raising for a largo iMVomc nationally nvt»gni/iHl The institution itM^uircs realistic g(vils. i>hl»H'tive w as to get everyone in effective planning and a lot of hard xoIv^mI It was at this tune that the work According to Dr W W university officially t'hangi'tl its M.igerty, Drexel University nanu' from Drexel Instutute of President, it is an art that rtHiuires rechnol«)gy to Drexel UniviMsit) a lot of expertise and the When <'ach de|»,irtincnt pn'sentini coojM'ration .uul coordination of a its retjuirenients to Hagerty. his lot of ptM>ple Twenty iH*rcent «»f tln' staff absorbiMl the task «>f n*viewing f'ffort in fund raising is taken up by Ihe rcHpiesIs from the various planning \Mth the remaining departments The redundant lM>ing plain hard work HM|uests were eliminatitl and ttie According to Hagerty, there is a remaining ones were evaluati'il In lot of comjM'tition for funds among lerms of cost aiul present ne«'<l Vice-President of Ihnversity Relations, Wni /’, Davis, displays lolleges and universities and other “freaks oj Prngress" status chart. ,S(»me re«|iiin'ments pn'xeiited at non profit organizations This is the that lime were a new libr uy. ad reason why planning is such a dilional scholarships. more “ i find I f h a rd to b e lie v e critical step in a fund raising drive graduate programs, and a college Knowing wh«>n and how to approach ol n iim an ilies and S«H'ial S»-ience a fMTspective donor could iiH'an the Wh('ii Ihe reviewing prmess was difference in rec»'iving a new wing roinpleted in it was dt'ter Joblin com m ents on t»)r on<' of the tniildings. or coming m ined that $«'»() million w as need*Ml up empty haiHlcHi in o rd er to nu'cl Ihe go;»ls of the The most important part of fund university without raising tuition raising is finding people to ask for d ep ressio n article out of Im huuIs for the average the money Before any organization Drexel student student hidmg his homework from "tiy fillmg the dorms, (and con IS .ipproached for a donation, it is by Salley Lockwood I’resident Hagerty then hirinl a another student, Joblm stated, MHUH*ntly th«* lounges), the ad- thoroughly researclu^i as to its con.sulting firm to aid in the fund In order to gel the response of the "What’s wrong with the student mmistration is making us suffer particular interest Information raising drive According to the administration in regard to Mitch who wants to do b«‘tter than other Kither they didn’t make the New obtained from the research is in­ consultant, it was feasible to raise Plotnick’s article “Depression at people? Let everyone b«‘ him.self Dorm tall enough or they accepted valuable to a fund-raising team. $25 million, but Drexel mnxitxl PHO Drcxel”, the Triangle interviewt*d Why should a student share his loo many students into the dorms, I The Drexel I’eaks of I*rogress nullion at that lime .so it was homework^” don’t know Other schools have drive initially had its origin in 1968. Dr Joblin, vice president of student dwidtHi that $;t6.4 million would be affairs, and Mitch Plotnick. lounges.” President Hagerty realized that for Both Joblin and Plotnick feel that the target figure In view of the subject of academic Drexel to be a first class institution Academically. Dr. Joblin feels more should be done to improve the pressure, Plotnick stated that he a major expansion of physical The university then had to decide that the pressure expressed in social life at Drexel. Dr. Joblin did not wish to change the school’s assets and curriculum would be which projects had to be funded Plotnick's article is not as large as suggested that SPB should ad­ system but feels that a decrease in needed. At that time Hagerty first in order to be a first class in­ Plotnick expressed. “ I don’t know, I vertise activities better, perhaps the number of credits which summoned the heads of the stitution. The various departments find it hard to believe it’s a sizable set up coffee hours, or that there students have to average or a departments and instructed them to were again consulted and a new situation. The pressure for grades could be mini programs or a change in the workload in each consult their faculty and prepare a plan was drawn up for the present was always enormous. I’m not musical performance that didn’t course is important to student list of requirements that would be needs of the university. saying it’s right or wrong. Some necessarily have to attract large morale. He feels that the teachers students set goals that are too bands of people. Plotnick also feels are “ into discipline too much, the high.” Dr. Joblin believes that the that there should be more in­ students don’t have time. The student support and counseling teresting, progressive people in­ systems are much larger now than students would not learn any less if vited to come to Drexel, as well as twenty years ago when he was a the number of credits required the setting up of interesting and student here. “We must be doing were decreased. Plotnick feels that cultural activities. something that is right,” he added, “the numt>er of good jobs our “L(X)k at all the Chairmen of the Plotnick added that there is no graduates get is not a yardstick for Board, the Vice Presidents and place for the student to go to measuring a good college.” The Treasurers, and so on, that we have socialize besides a frat party. alumni “are going to ask, what did turned out.” “There are no lounges” in Kelly the school do for me and why should In regard to the example of one Hall or Van Ren and he feels that. I put out money.” Focus on: power of religion by Neil Schrnerling as alcohol consumption and movies, profits is only about 5 years old. The Power of religion was became part of the Iranian culture. This means that one whole recently displayed when Ayotollah In addition to the westernization of generation has been brought up Huholla Khomeini returned to his Iran, the Shah implemented with this type of western influence homeland after living in exile for “repressran and torture”, ac­ inherent in their society. Dr. over 14 years. Within two weeks of cording to Dr. Sullivan. Sullivan did mention that there are his arrival in Iran, the 78 year old The struggle by the Ayotollah to similar religious groups in neigh­ religious leader and his millions of achieve control of Iran has been in boring countries, but they are small followers, overthrew the govern­ progress for well over the 14 years scale when compared to the ment of Shahpur Bakhtiar, who was that he was in exile. Khomeini has Ayatollah’s following. appointed Prime Minister by Shah always regarded the reign of the According to the New York Mohammed Riza Pahlevi. Shah to be illegitimate. Times, “Iraq (which borders Iran) According to Dr. Michael “The upheaval in Iran is a novel is the historic cradle of Shiism, Sullivan, Associate Professor of phenomenon in the modern Middle which arose in the seventh century during a power struggle for suc­ Building ownership settled Political Science, the driving force East,” according to the New York behind these millions of followers Times. The report continued, cession to Mohammed. Since then, by Chris Holden Shiite religious leaders have been was the “popular discontent with “Iran’s revolt is a sustained grass­ tentative date for settlement. roots movement rooted in Shiism, a far more ready than those of the Providing that there are no more modernization.” He stated that the unforseen legal difficulties the When the right to the property are historically contentious Islamic Sunnites to give a pragmatic in­ Shah was “perceived as being Septa building property on the acquired, Drexel will launch an faith that coexists in the Moselm terpretation to doctrine and to irreligious.” True believers of corner of 33rd and Market will intensive drive to get the W million world with the Sunnites, who have challenge governmental Islam are against the typt* of become a part of Drexel University. needed to complete the library. $3 been dominant in most places.” authority.” modernization that the Shah was The title to the building and million was already donated by the Dr. Sullivan doesn’t believe that During 1975, General Saddam exposing the Iranian society to. surrounding property had been “ in Pew Foundation. Shortly the overthrow of the Bakhtiar Hussein and Shah Mohammad Riza During his reign, the Shah ap­ thereafter, the Building and government will have any Pahlevi settled a “festering border limbo” for several months while plied large amounts of oil profits to legal opinions deciphered the actual Property’s Committee will defend widi*spread effect on neighboring dispute.” The New York Times the purchase of military equip­ owner. When it was finally learned the Program before the Board of countries in Iran. He explained that reports “now, with the Shah driven ment. As a result of Iran’s that it would not take a City Council Trustees marking the official Ihe economic situation in Iran is out of Iran, General Hussein is relationship with W'estern nations, resolution to sell the property to beginning of the proposed new al)out 30 years old, whereas, in t*spet'ially the United States, many Continued on page 3 Drexel, February 20 was set up as a library building program other “undesirable” activities such Saudi Arabia the large surplus of oil DREXEL TRIANGLE Page 2 February 16, 1979 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sammy Bounces Office of the R egistrar For Beats February 6,, 1979 The Firofhcrs of Si^ma Alpha Mu FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE will be sponsoring “Bounce F'or WINTER TERM 1978-79 Boals” (his Wednesday, Thursday, and F’riday al various locations Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday throughout Philadelphia.
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