----- ----~------------------------------.~ I I I I I I I I I Pubfished For Tank Destroyers VOL 1 CAMP HOOD, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1943. NO. Z8 Fire Crew Fewer Men Holds Camp Will· Attend Loss Down Army oes's Few Fires With Army Administration Small Loss Is Closed, Enrollment Camp Hood Record In Others Limited Fire Prevention Week, to be ob­ Fewer enlisted men are bein~. served throughout the nation, accepted for the various Officer starting Oct. 3, makes it timely Candidate Schools, since the need of commi~ioned personnel for 11. to reveal the notable record Ot the rapidly exPanding- Army has been Camp Hood Fire Department in largel~- met,the War Department holding fire losses here to a re­ markably low point. Since the fire Since inauguraUon 0 f the department; was organized by Lt. schOOl more than 2$6.000 officer Col. Homer G. Olmsted former candidates have been graduat.ed .and. now are serving in virtually Can11) engineer, now retirecr. with W. \-. Easterling as fire c;1ief on arms and services of the Arm,. July 1, 1942, the total estimated in grades ranging from second fire loss to building has been $3,- lieutenant to lieutenant colonel. 580 and to conttents, $569, or a '\'i'llile a few of the schools, such total annual loss of $4,107 which as the Arm, Admirl'istration Of­ corresponds to an approximate ficer Candidate schools, have been . • Camp HOOd Sign~I Corrs Phot:» . los;; per square foot of 0.000587. EVACUATION UNDER FIRE-Medlcal detachment men from me battalions are learning closed, the majority will continue Gaa.rd. ~ Area bandage wounded men with real machine. gun bul lets zinging overhead for the first time in this in '. operation, but with curtailed enrollments. The emphasis has L"l addition to the milic)Ds of country, on Camp Hood's famous battle conditioning courses, More spect~cular is their .square feet of floor space in Camp been switched to the sole basis in evacuating wounded by means of rope. pull ey and stretcher from inaccessible spots. For m.ore 1- Hood, fire protection is provided (quality. details of this unusual training, see e. large number of buildings- for Page Six. - i<'inal selection will be based housing prisoners of. war, Hooo on t.he quality of military leader. Village and also a housing de­ ship the applicant has demon.. velopment of trailer units. May Alter Fieldlacket .. Finance Boys l ..tN.t:ed predicated on li.n adequate Despite many fire hazards. or education, ei~her formal or gain. rates of risks not found in civil­ Can't BeWorn ed through experience, which as­ ian communities. su.ch as t.he War Godw;n Buy Plenty quick. 1JOund and logical de· , widesprtnd use of gasolIne and When On Pass the inflammable nature Of camp AdvisesTD/~ Also to be taken into consider. An announcement from the Of War Bonds construction, fire losses at Camp ation will be personality and char· Post Adjutant states thnt AR Hood are far below the u.sual per­ The 'rank DestroYers were cited It looked as if the men in the acter, with emphasis on such 600-40; change dated April 29, centages. Friduy as a "weapon which may Fm.lnce Detachment. had over­ traits as devotion to duty. unQUe!i-­ 1943, paragraph 30 as amended tion~d honesty. and moral aDd in­ In asking that all camp person­ revolutionize this wae" by Earl reached tl1emseiveswhen they set nel observe .at all times. and, es­ rescinds the previous order tellectual, as well as physical. Godwin, nationally famous Wash:' a goal of $100 per man in their pecially during Fire Prevention which allowed men from Camp courage. Week, the usual fire prevention ington news eommentator. speak­ Hood to wear field jackets War Loan Drive campaign. How­ mea.:.-ures. Major Ross Boas, camp ing at the graduating exercises of while in town. ever, they started ·off with a bang 'I11is means that no one may The Sgt. Gave fire marsb:ll and camp engineer, the Tank Destroyer School's 47th whenSgt. Sam Mizel bought $1.- wear his field jacket off the stated that "the keynote ofkeer>­ officer o-:mdidate class, of which 500 worth, Orders; But Not ing fire losses at a minimum is post when on pass or. furlough. his son. Harry E. Godwin, was a Th:~t gave them a push. and proper inspectioo. to make certaiu But it may be worn in t.ow~ For Sampson that no fire hazards are permitted member. when on assigned duty. they breezed in when T-Sgt. Rol­ to occur. Tlle noted news a:lalyst de- land Sutton agreed that if every llyT-5 IL E. WHITT "Fil'e ha2l.lrds," added Major scribed V.le Tank Destroyers a.> man in the detachment bought at The "gat-1e-crashing" exploit ot least a $25 bond, he'd increase hi., T-5 Ralph 'Sampson of the 16th Boas, "can be eliminated or held being typically American in their Lqst 13-Week the lowest possible minimum own to $500, TO Group, UTe. still haS every. t.o quick-thinking tactics and accu- only by constant and vigilant in· They hit the goal last Fridiy one chuckling. It. didn't happen in spection on the part of all con- rote markmanship, both of which, OCSClass when the De(o:lchment total reach- the a'rua.l prosaic way with Sam~ cerrfed." he pointed out, are an American ed $2,500 for 23 enlisted men anj son slipping into some forbidden heritage. two officers. GI shindig for an evening t;wirl Graduated by LLwithone of Colonel Hobby's "There is no room now for any­ The dri ve was sparked girls. This was a decided dena· Sandwich Man Dougl3.s Culpepper.: I thing mediocre in your personal Graduation of the 47th Officer , ..: tio:q. ~ from the usual gate-cra.ll.t. affairs. your military life; or in i Candidate School Class Friday mgi procedure. Longs For Spot combat," Mr. Godwin continued, I marked the last. 13-weeks OCS 565th Bn; Ready F~r Sampson. pursuant to orders "No great American ever got j Chss to pass its men on as secoml Advance4 Training; frop"~.the 1st Sergeant, blithely Behind Counter there the tnsy way, and neither l lieutenants, Spirit Is High nursed 'his quarter-ton from Camp .~ Pvt. John B. Meixner, of the will you." All OCS classes starting with Hood to North Ca.mp where he 143rd Army Specialized TrainIng His address was broadcast by By. S-SGT. MI.CHAEL GRASHA was to pick up a; released prisoner the 48th, embody a l'T-week cur­ -1 the Texas State Network. Headed Looking back over-'the periOd of at the stockade. At; North Camp Battalion, is casting a calculating riculum, with the additional four by the commanding general, orientation which the Army calls he was directed. or rather misdl­ ey~ on t.he sandwich business done Ma.jor General Orlando WClrd. weeks allowing. for more thorough "Basic. Training," we vi e w z'ected, to his objective. iili;truction' in the many courses, at the pas'; exchanges in the Reo:- military personnet and civili~~ mentally a life which our erst­ According to Sampson he pull­ at the same time pl'oViding -the placement Training Center area guests thronged the War Depar~7 while fillers should long remem­ ed up at the stocks.de, went candidates with additional time at North Camp Hood. ment theater. ber. By diligent application in through the usual trip ticket. for­ for studying and relaxing. For. Pvt. :)rel:<..~r is an old the essentials of training, the mali+;ies, and asked the guard for The new schedule calls for two sandwich man from 'way back, at Bond Certificates 665th TO. Bn. is ready for ad­ his prisoner. incoming -classes each month. and vanced training in :urc. lea.;;t as far back as the three Exchanged For Cash . With a look reminiscent of a Gt years he' spent at Duke rniver­ two <:lasses graduating each Off the production line has physiachrist examining a suspect. siry before a draft board tagged At Camp Agencies month. st...lI'ting Noy.· 5th with the come a soldier who will. uphold tta'Section 8, the gUard gently in· 48th Class. the expression, "Fighting. Yank." him. :From now on it's "Bonds un the formed S:vn!lSOnof his error: - The Words "CAN DO" and the The t.rainee managed a sand­ Darrelhead" according to an an­ " "This is the prisoner of war 665th Bn. have become and will stockade." wich business a.t Duke which net;­ lliluncement by camp bond sales Fiscal Agency Open ted him $120 profi~ per week. JIe continue to be syno¢'mous. Exit Sampson. officials. Bond pun:hasers in Tuesday, Thursday sa)'s his sole franchise was ~'le­ camp wiU. receive the bond' when galired~ by the Student Council. Nghts From 5:30-7:00 they pay for it ill tile future, in­ Hq. CO" 664th Bn.· Has· Men Of 671!t Bn, _\.'i a sideline he sold flowers for te.l.d of having to wait for the For the convenienee of enlisted a local florist. Firing Record To Set Set High Standards actual bond ~ in the past. men.lJ.ud officers, who are blL'iY Gun Companies Alert BondS may be purchased fOI' with training and unable to make In Firing, Buying Party Rededicates cash in camp at the Fiscal use of the camp fiscal agency Hq. Co., G64th Bn. moved ii1tO The 671st Battalion, 23rdGroUI>. 1848 WAC Doyroom Ag(·ncy.
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