THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 1844 by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese C.1GHTY-SIXTH YEAR >M PITTSBURGH, PA., SEPTEMBER 5, 1929 CHURCH CONTROL It PASS10N1STS WILL ASSISTANT PASTOR I UNIQUE FEATURE RffWKAi. {fflB¥Kla T COM 250 nur •inn—I—r ÜÉS OVER CEMETERIES S^tleu putch REPLACE MARTYRS AT ST. PHILOMENAS IS PLANNED FOR IUP iOKIiWu WJK Mile* by Plane NOW TO BE TESTED I j OF MISSION HELD DIESATASHEV1LLE P. C.C.W. MEETING To'Attend Dying FAS^HBH Case in Which Bishop of Jaro 1 By Rev. J. Van Per Heyden [ Three Priests Volunteer to Rev. John R. Mcivin Succumbs Exhibit of Work AccoMptisfcol Elko, Nov., Sept «.—The lev. Refused Permission for I By N.l'.W.C. News Service. > f Continue Unfinished Work After Operation—Funeral by Council Departments John laaiSs, pastor of St Jos- Exhumation Is Before Louvain, Belgium, Aug. 31.—A of Brethren Who Met Mass Read la His Parish Witt Be Displayed at eph's Church tore, was in 8aR U. S. Supreme Court communication from the Genera! Death in April Church Wednesday Annual Convention Lake City, Utah, on tillsai Dutch League for the Blind, when he received word that eae which proposed the use of a of his parishioners was dying and OTHER DECISION CITED white walking cane as a distinc- FAREWELL SERVICE SET PRIESTS IN ATTENDANCE COMMITTEES APPOINTED was calling for him. The dis- VAMOUB CHARGK8 tive sign for the sightless tance is 969 miles. i By N C W.C. News Service.) throughout the world, received Boston, Sept. 3.—Undaunted by Funeral services for the Rev. John A unique and interesting feature There was bat one way to gat Solemn fuastal Washington, Aug. 3.—A decision the approval of the Catholic he fate that awaited their martyred R. Melvin, C.S.S.R., assistant pastor of the tenth annual convention of there in time. Aa aviator friend held this SII m lag la 8t. of the Supreme Court of the Philip- Blind of Holland at the tenth an- brothers, three more Passionist of St. Philomeria's Church, Squirrjl the Pittsburgh Council of Catholic got his plane in readiness while Church, Thirty-aeveath atom* 8 I¡1 pine Islands upholding the refusal nual convention of the organiza-j priests will sail for the Orient to Hill, who died in Asheville, N. C., on Women, September 19 and 20, at the Father Lam be rushed to the ly- o'clock, for the Rs*. Father Law- of the Rt. Rev. James P. McCloskey, tion just held at Bois-le-Duc. The ! carry on the work left unfinished by Friday, August 30, were held in the Council House, 5216 Penn avenue, ing field. They made the journey O.M.Cap* whs «ad Bishop of Jaro, to permit a father to convention agreed to co-operate I Rev. Walter Coveyou, C.P., Rev. parish church on Wednesday morn- will be the departmental exhibits; in one hour and forty-three ab- Bsptsmbor 3, in St Fraaeis HusnWaf remove the body of his infant daugh- by securing the adoption of the { Godfrey Holbein, C.P-, and Rev. ing. namely, Tabernacle Society, Chalice utes, arriving in time to admin- after a long fflnsss. Father law- ter, a Catholic, from a Catholic cem- white cane by all members of the 2 Clement Seybold, C.P., who met with Father Melvin died of peritonitis Fund department, missionary Knit- ister the last sacrament to the •ence bad basn a pattsnt at the 1 etery for reburial in a Masonic cem- Catholic league. i a brutal death at the hands of which developed following an opera- ting Guild, Missionary Aid depart- departing soul. aitai several tissue ahme tfiMk htjj@ etery, is made the subect of an ap- bandits in China on April 21, 192U. tion on Wedne.'-day for appendicitis. ment and Christ Child Circle. last masas aaafltotoff Mm than for peal just filed in the United States The departure ceremony for these The Very Rev. William B. Kenna, Mrs. Wm. H. Postner, chairman, tuerai miths. -la Supreme Court. young priests will take place on the pastor of St. Phllomena's received will have charge of the Tabernacle H bla eendMsa was con- Counsel for the defendant, in their grounds of St. Gabriel's Monastery, word of his assistant's critical ill- Society exhibit, which will consist of stantly serious aai all hepes for a petition, challenge the right of the Socially Ambitious Brighton. Mass., on September 8. ness Thursday and went directly to ecclesiastical needlecraft made by Portes G3 Makes revival awe given up. Catholic Church to prevent the re- The farewell service will consist of Ashville. He was at his bedside the members of the Tabernacle So- Father Lawrence «as baa il moval of the child's body. This right the recitation by the clergy of the when he died. Father Melvin had ciety, and will comprise Mass vest- Chestnut Ridga, Cambatlaad Couatg, of the Church was vigorously up- Who Send Children to liturgical prayers invoking the been at St. Joseph's Sanitarium, ments, Gothic and Roman styles in But Brief Mention Pa., Aagnst l, tWt. His held in the highest tribunal of the Blessing of God on the departing Asheville, recovering from tubercu- all liturgical colors. Benediction aaam mas Jossnh Albert Islands. The majority opinion cited Secular Schools Hit missionaries. An appropriate ser- losis. He had regained his health copes and veils, burses, ciborium 01 Religioni Peact parents ware John D. Beel numerous cases where it was held mon will be preached by the Very and was to return to Pittsburgh this covers, confessional and baptismal Agatha Back, nee HaDar. Xa< that the religious community con- (By N.C.W.C. New» Service. I Rev. Raphael Vance, who has spent month. stoles, altar linens, altar laces, albs, Mexico City, Sept. 1.—Only brief ad St Fidslis Cottage at trolling a cemetery possessed the Boston, Sept. 3.— Duties of Catho- the last eight years in China and The body was brought to Pitts- surplices, cinctures and a variety of reference to the settlement of the »IIIISSI» j, 1877, power to refuse permission for dis- lic mothers to the religious schools who will return with his new co- burgh Monday morning by Father church goods. Mexican religious controversy was SIL ÍIM. On that date ha interment and removal of a body. la borers. Kenna, who was met at the station made in the bulky annual message was admitted to the amaMtssy aad Chief among the cases cited was one of the Archdiocese were outlined by The Chalice Fund exhibit, in Cardinal O'Connell yesterday, in an The Very Rev. Justin Carey, Pro- by the priests of St. Philomena's and charge of Mrs. B. J. Hannegan, will of Preside* Portas CHI delivered at inusetsd oa November tf, ISM. in the Diocese of Brooklyn, where a relatives and friends of the deceased. the convening today of the Mexico teUgtoas simple vows he widow sought vainly to have the address before 1,500 nuns at the vincial of the Passionist Congrega- include sacred vessels, such as chal- twentieth annual teachers' institute tion. will then issue the charge be- Divine Office of the Dead was said lices and ciboria, with a miscellane- Congress. the foUiielaa «ear oa body of her husband transferred to on Tuesday eveaing, at 8 o'clock, However, such reference aa was The Masa Otame i» a non-Catholic cemetery. The ruling of the parochial schools. Particu- stowing upon them the commission ous collection of old gold and silver larly the Cardinal warned mothers to preach, teach and labor in the following a procession from the rec- jewelry and ornaments donated by made carried with It a note of satis- his dase «m Jase 11, IMS. His in this case also was that the Church tory to the chuneh at 7:30 o'clock, faction, and apparently was well re* philosophical aad thsslsgisal eoarasa could forbid the transfer and keep against sending their children, espe- foreign mission field. After this members and friends. This jewelry- cially girls, to secular schools solemn charge to "go forth and and the solemn requiem Mass was junk will be minted and utHixed to ceived. In some quarters a belief were made at 8S. Peter sad Peal's the body in consecrated ground re- offered on Wednesday morning, with was expressed that the brevity of Monastery, Cumberland, ML, wbeee gardless of the wishes of relatives. through a desire to further their preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ," secure sacred vessels for poor mis- own social prestige through their the missionaries will exchange the the Rt. Rev. Hufk C. Boyle, D.D., sion churches. treatment of this highly important he also teak his aahaw religions The decision of the Supreme Court children. "kiss of peace" with their religious j Bishop of the Diocese in attendance The Missionary Knitting Guild, development in the (Mexican nation's «ember IS, 1SS4. Sep- of the Philippines reversed a ruling "I want it to be known," the Car- Brethren. in the sanctuary. with Mrs. Mary D. McGinniss chair- history in the last year was cam- tember M, 188ft, Us class aria or- in a lower court, which had held that dinal said, "that absolution is not to The departure ceremony will be The Very Rev. Henry J. Otterbein, man, will have an exhibit of articles fmly calculated. Those holding this ,th e. petitioner- , „..,. Roma, n . A. .Arnald. .o ibe given to a woman who sends her climaxed with Benediction of the C.SS.R., acting provincial of the of comfort which the members have view pointed out that a lengthier X 1MB, diati» kr th Arn ldo wh statement might have brought forth ? - ° children to secular schools for no Most Blessed Sacrament.
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