caoo;uy ••••••• .r;ccel~r.lnc..~HEIt.NVC:: 100\3 . :'. liiiil,JJ.Io'" Ca/ftllflar. N.~. , -p;,., . .h.T J SUBP06NA DU~E~ T£CUM ."J.t!. f.fri~/ w. fl/ ~2J. .er~·./ :e:f-'~~J . Dti~MI.IJtJ· ·m." •••••..••. lip' -~ .., ••.••••. TO W UJ..i "?~j ;'.. 13 r,J J 1t...A 't:':..L;j-i'·· ~-' ... '" GREETING: WB COMMAND YOn. That all basiDfJl&S aDd'!Jrc:u.e.l beilJK laid ude, 70U and .eacb. of, you ap/HHII •• afte" _ IlL J..t/'~.J'h ~J" },d1 rc,. ~ AIo~/. 1'"" j, J, to. J.., -A~ 1-.L~ . ~~at t~eS 'f...A~'. I'Iday~2A 6/. ~J r:JJ..r1~o"~rt.t:.r #e...JJ. -'- 0.0"tor':.,p '...N1'at.' I f)'fJ .." ../o'cl~k,. ill.. "the '. noOD~ ...dat 'MI, ,ft~SftCf or .djouzi:Jed. date to 6,ve feft;molly in this IIC#Oll' • "'f 1· aad ,tbatuJ::Oa. bri~, with you, a~.p~~d~,?~ lit lb. tim . t..- J ~ /!:J" .rf.rlAr:,"iA/3.... ,.' I" y~"''''1''''/ crJ.1h~~H~.~.~-:~;';'.dt; .r-JJ' ~ ~d.ww:d f)':-~~~J ~l?A~A ~ .~~1!,~'f::L;) ..~z.:./::J. ...... '. ". &AJ'~t..Si ..~( ~.~cJU.:.l~· ; i~:.?, t, .. (i E~.~:.,/.$... .~"r.'~f-I-J< AIt!4 'f~ r. CD r-d..r "'I'~!\. ,;Jh,d' ~: p.bO\lt.. "A/!hd, (,;J. dr 1'.4,..'1'It, ~·hlJ. I'..u!... I.'" :ric."... .s l.~'J~ .·.,r ,~.J~. J.o··.~7 .~. ~ ~~O~~. .\ . " . .D","· 'in 70fU 'cunody, ~ :all ~tber fiNds. e~id.~itift~S. wbicb ~tifib.v.fiJ your 'er,'stody or po•• r •. t:Glk:ftrl#II6 de premia~ ••.. ' .. to 'comply ",.1'b tbi.s subpoeDa is punisbabl. as a c:oate,mpt 01 CoUrt ~nd shallm8Q you liabllt to tb. persoll OD wbue .hal/ tmll subpoena wa,f. issu «l/or ap~naltyDot to eJrcel!d Blty dollars liad all dam- aB.s sustsined '6y i-".OD 01 io.u lallar. to c:ompl7•. ,"." .. WITNES'S. I~ .: Due 01· .. 01' said Corirt.: at: .'. "'.::' .. ,be dayo! ' .. ' ~. -f: I' J ' .. ' . -l!#'or,.~"~~"Fi·~·P;;-:·-S~ A eop>, of thU iubp~ mOlt a«ompaay aU·p.pers or other 'kID' d~ered to tire court. H3 39\7d Sn\7HSSI3M I3L€9L8€8tL SZ:ZI3 81313Z/8t/Z13 WE ISSHAUS PAGE 04 02/18/2008 02:25 7183876370 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: The undersigned, being duly SWQm, deposCs and says; deponent is party herein, is over 18 yem of age and resides at That on' at M., at deponent served the within subpoena 011 .. witness therein n: IIIIJIVIOUAL by·.delivering a tru~.copy to said witness personally;' deponent knew the person. so se.rved to be the witness described i 1. 0: ~ubpoena.. CIRPORAT1OII a '" . corpoxation, by delivering' thereat a twe copy to I. 0 pe.rsonally, deponent knew said corp0J:ation so served to be the corporate witness and knew said individual - thereof, . IIIITAILE AGU'!RIIMI by deli"veringthereat a true coPy to a person 0{ suitabJ, J.. D and discretion. Said premises is witness' -actual place of business-dwelling plac~-usual place Df abode-within the UflJtlIIG 'aftixing a true copy to the door of said premises. which is witness' -actual place of business ~dwelling place-IlSUai •.0 of; ..•. _te. Deponent was unable, with due diligence to find witness or' a person of suitable age aud disc, tb~t: havUigciUledtb.e.te... I.:', 'r' IM/I.I_ T1 IE!IDIIICf Withili :io dAys"Ohuclidelivcry or '8ffixing, deponeni enc.o~· 8 copy of same in a postPaid 'env~l~pe properly addressed to wi: 1IIt,!!,".1 D114 ~ witness' last kiloW:u residence, at '. and depo ···&A.O said cD'Velope in an offi.cial depository under the eXclUSive C8J:e and custody of the U.s. Postal Service within New York State. MAIlIIII TO IUIlIIfII Within' 20 days' of: such dcli'Veiy or affWng, deponent eoclDsed a copy of saine in a fust class pos'P~d envelope. pro utE WI,"I 011'4 addres~ fa witness at witness' actual place ~rb~iDess, at .' M.D'" in' aD official depository undeI: the exclusive care and custody of the U.s. Postal Service within New Yode StIte. The CIWclope the legend "'PetMn81 and Confidential" and did not indicate on the outside thereof, by return address o~ otherwise, thatae comm~cation was trO~ an a~ey' OJ:con~enu:d an actWp.agaiDat ~ wj~. IIDCRII'IMIt· ·Under 100 ' .. utE1IIIII4 . ,0 Mal.e .0 WQit.e·Skin . 0 8Iac.kHair 0 "WhiteHair" 0 14-20 YIS. o Under 5' o 1.f.DRJ· . [J ··ftem8ie 0 'BbcksJdn ',. (j ·Bro.~Hair Q 'Balding 0 '21-35Yrs: o 5·0 ••~S'3" o 100·130 Lbs D·':. ..... q YellO"\(V'SkiD 0 .Blc1J1de 1¥Ur 0 M1;1Stacbe 0 36-50 Yrs .. o 5'4"wS'8" o ;'31-160 Lbs O·.Browo.SkiD O'(]ray.Hair· O'Beam OSI-6S·YJS. o 5'!1"-6'O" '.0 161-200.Lbs . O' Red:SkiD' , 0 Red Hair ' [] Glasses 0 .Ovcr45 Yrs. o Over 6' o Ow:( 200 Lb .Other ideD~iymg feanUes: .. At the time of said sen1ce.4cponem pai4 (tz:nde:red) in adVance $ ~ .' '.', ," .. " .', r.. •.· .. ' :' ',:' .' .. " thc.~th~expeose8 and one day's wilDess .. .~ _.If .~•••_ 1:) Swoili tobetore'.v -v....•..meV) i>n ~ )-0. \~.~ '" ~~ "" ~t). ~ .. l..•• ". ~~ .~ '.~ 0 ~_ .. ,~ t) ~ .D. ~.-- $ ') ~~:I"~u~~ •.••• \.U .. IiIiI\ ~ "J ,.~ Q":\ ~ ) ..':1"\.J -.:! ,ij ~ ~ ~ .. "~ ~ 0<i:'~:~ ~ \) . J .~-! ~ License No. •••••••.••u: ";-"~••_._•.•.••••n ••-. •• t Advo(atj!s - f'arentAcJvocates.orll 2/19/089;02 AM J..., Con Man and Snake Oil Salesman Ed Fagan Sells His Recent Artldes Services to the Teachers in the NeW York City Con Man and Snake Oil Rubber Rooms by Betsy Combier Salesman EU Fagan Sells His New York Dry ceachers confined co 'rubber rooms' in New York Services to the TeaChers In the City hire scoundrel Ed Fagan to represent them in Federal New York City RuDDer Rooms by Court. Mr. Fagan Is about to be disbarred in fYf!!w Jersey, 15 Betsy Combler bi'mkr(.Jpt with $13.6 million in outstanding debts and in Was Palll Minor Framed? bankruptcy, and joil?(:d his ex-wife in a lawsuit against his ex-wlfe's partner, Margie, alld MiJlrgie'sparents, gr.flndpsrents, New York St!lte·s Convention etc., for $20 mil/ion. Full disclosure: his first .lOt;! pl"()ba/;Jly System For Nominating NY most famous client was holocaust victim Gizella Weisshaus, Suprme Court Candidates is my' friend for more than 10 years. Placed Before the uS Supreme Court From the desk of In f'lorlaa, Nancy Jo Grant's Betsy Combler: Conviction for the Unllcen~ed When [ n(St heard Practice Of Law Will VIolate first lit the eM of AmenOmel1t Rights of All January 2008 that Americans a ~ was )udfcial Accountability is the being Filed In feder ••1 court In TopiC of Olscu~sion at Texas Conference protest of the civil, due process, Whlstleblower NilncY Jo Grant in 11M constitutional Florida, Chargea With the riQhts: violations or UnauthOrized Practice of Law, Is the teachers and Found Guilty other educational New York State Court System IS conFinedprofessionals to Ed Fagan Corrupt, and Thomas Cahill is Ousted temporary re- assignment centers In New York City nitknamed "ruOber rooms" ReligiOUSRacketeering: The (because of me effects upon the minds of the tenured peopl~ who I nSur:H\Ce·ChurCh-Judicial are Innocent ot anYthing, fal:>e1y accused by DOE personnel IIndlor Complex eh;, Special InvestiGator, ••nd told to appear daily in windowleSS rooms loc<lted throughout the New Yorl< CItY; see "rUbber room JudiCial Corruption and R.esources: A Per'3onal View ~. and "rubb<!r rOOm news" for the two blogs With the latest and most comprehensive information oh this phenomenon) r was The Case of Roberto A. Rillera• swnned to hear that a man named Ed Fagan was their attorney. Soto, New Jersey Supreme Court One of the finest and most honest people I have ever met, Glzella Justice, EtniC<lllyCompromised Weisshaus, was a victim of Ed F/l9!m in 1998. Glzella's entire family was killed during World War II in the holocaust, and She is ( Nchlves " ] now 78 years of age and an actIVIst. In her father's memory sh~ ~l~~~~';lf.~~~jt~~~~m·J:~!J&~1!!!~}j~~I!H~iL~s:.~i::jifjjf' wants to get back the money he put into a swiSs bank account before he was killed. Ed Fagan Decame her attorney, then proceeded to steal /'Ier money, destroy her case: in court, (see fax M.lke Your 1I~'>Ies1- 7 and ~, which Fagan sent to Gizella Weisshaus on February 18, 1998 - yellow mar1<ecIpassages are added bY Gi:Zella) alaatlon and used a picture of her with her dead t.!Imily to raise money for New York State Senator Alronse D·Amato's re-election campaign, 'ldlV ;according to Gi2ella ana other sources. Teachers have called me In despair over what they see as Ed Help Rebuild ragan's disorganized approaCh to the case, and hiS demandS, Lives & especitllly in his q~rtlftcation and his retainer aoreemcnt. We b4!!lil!vl! Communities in that there are Justified reasonS 'or selll!n!ll of the teachers who are plaintiffs In this case to rile a lawsuit again~t t;I1e Department of Hurricane Education in New York Qt\', but we also know that the IJFT Is Affected States. meeting wIth the NVC BOt:' to resolve many of tne ISSlles. We do not Delleve that Ed Fligan is the person WhOshould bring these clai mS to COur't.
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