h k . i>paao«a drrptttuja g n n m C h e f l t e i n e VOlT 13— N U M B E R 23 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS AT FLAGSTAFF. ARIZONA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1943 CABARET BALL SLATEB NEW YEAR’S EVE Real Yule Dinner Gamma Chi Beta Social Silent Jltglit, H o to J S i o l j t . Will Be Offered Collaborates With V-12 To V-12 Trainees . On Plans For Big Deal V-12 trainees who will be spend­ ing Christmas day in Flagstaff have a real (^astronomical treat in Gamma Chi Beta local sorority completed plans last week itore for them, if the plans of for “Club Wintertime,” a formal dance in cabaret fashion to Sam “ Santa Claus’* Richardson p be held in Ashurst auditorium New Years Eve from 9 to into effect* Sam has prepared the 12:30. It is to be an all school affair announced Jean Lam­ following menu for those who are eating at the mess hall Christmas: port, president of the sorority. Starting things off will be a sea­ • When it was seen that it would be entirely impossible to food cocktaif, followed in close or­ * have two dances on consecutive der by roast turkey, sage dressing, ' evenings, as previously planned, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, Gordon Shields and Jean Lamport snowflake potatoes, fresh green called a combined meeting of Gam­ poas, creamed corn, celery en School Heads ma Chi Beta and Student Council. branches, iiueen olives, sweet gher­ They decided to collaborate in hav­ kins, head lettuce salad with Rus­ ing one big dance for ringing in ___sian______ dressingm g ___and ____hot ____rolls and Extend Greetings the new year. butter. For dessert Sam will serve As a result of the meeting, it up mince pie, white cake, fruit, The Commanding Officer de­ was decided by both groups that and nuts^all topped off with a cup sires to express his wishes to the dance would be more successful of steaming coffee. each Trainee for a Happy if a complete night club atmos­ Sam has arranged to have a Christmas. phere were carried out. Therefore “home-style” mess. He plans to At this season, we should feel there will-be hat check girls, ciga­ have all food on the tables with grateful that we live in a coun­ rette girls, bouncers, waiters, a bar real table cloths, napkins, and even try where all the ingredients of tender for the soft drinks to be sold waiters! the traditional Christmas dinner during the entire dance, and to top It’s going to be toufeh to have to are available, and where our it all there will be a large floor face the rigors of a ration-strained homes are not under constant show and several subordinate acts civilian Christmas meal at home, threat of bombing attacks. throughout the course of the eve­ isn’t it? R. B. HORNER, ning. Commanding. Jack Rooklyn has voluntered to be in chafge of the floor show’, Some nineteen hundred years and promises a bang-up good one. Deltas Attend ago Jesus Christ gave to man­ He will not only use V-12 talent kind the greatest body of ideal­ but talent from Bury Hall and ism the W9rld has known. With town college students. There will Christmas Party none of the trappings of class­ be several exhibition dances, Val room, curriculum, grades, or de­ Heegler at the piano, a trio* a grees; in an age crushed with torch singer and many other -acta At Ardrey Home ignorance, superstition, brotality and stunts. and corruption — by the mere Following the theme “ Winter­ Members o f Delta Phi Alpha at­ force of living and teaching— time,” the Hall will be adorned with tended their annual Christmas par­ Christ started a new epoch; an huge evergreen boughs. In charge ty at the home of Dr. and Sirs. epoch so significant that the cal­ of decorations is Betty Lou Estes, Eldon A. Ardrey last Wednesday endar dates from His birth; so Globe. Gamma Chi Beta decora­ evening at 7:00. powerful that it has changed the tions, in typical green and white, The spacious living room was whole covrse of human events; will be used throughout. Betty Lou adorned with a beautifully decor­ so beneficent that untold mill­ announced that the only lights ated tree and some very clever ions of men have been lifted would be on the various tables, mantle and table scenes. The mem­ higher in the scale of life. with the exception of a spot light bers gathered there to go as a Is it not plain that what the focused on a large crescent moon, group to the high school to hear world needs now is a new devo­ the sorority symbol. Dr. Klonda the Christmas Vesper Service pre­ tion to great ideals? Lynn has offered her help in re­ sented by the music department un­ Let this be our wish this gard to the lighting system. der the direction of Calvin Greer, Christmas time. Helen Ann Cox, Globe, is to be in a, former president of Delta Phi TOM O. BELLWOOD charge of arrangements for the Alpha. The highlight of the pro­ Acting President. dance music. Tables w ill" be ar­ gram was a group of numbers by ranged in a large horseshoe along tms choir. It was the universal the edge of the floor thus leaving opinion of all present that this was a large space for dancing. the finest exhibition of high school In charge of waiters, hat check choral work done in Flagstaff in, Public Invited and such, will be Tot Messimer, some time. “ If they keep on im­ The warm, throbbing message of eternal hope in the world, for a tomorrow in which Williams, and Betty Gaston, Long proving at their present rate, re- there is “on earth peace, good will toward men,” is voiced this Christmas Eve by Kate Beach, California. Other commit­ .marked Dr. Ardrey, “ they should To Xmas Dance tees conaist of Bill Root and the present us with some very out­ Smith who sings the traditional and time honored “Silent Night, Holy Night” during her other boys on council as a work standing work by the end of the Columbia network broadcast of Friday. December 24. detail for getting chairs and tables year. Their work, considering the By Odd Fellows and hauling in evergreen bougife. outstanding literature they pre­ Marjorie Weiss, Buckeye, and sented, was comparable to that of Everyone in the city is invited Martha Lamport, Seligman, will be considerably older groups. Choral to attend the fifth annual Christ­ m charge of refreshments, and Km^s only develop with expe­ mas dance sponsored by the Pa­ Gordon Shields and Jean Lamport rience in public performance and in charge of admission. constant rehearsal. This group has The Three Wise Men And The One Wise Quiz Kid triarchs Militant of Odd Fellows You will have to make reserva­ a p 1,, f uture »n the offing." lodge, at Hotel Monte Vista on tions by Thursday evening, Dec. Following this program everyone Christmas night, Saturday, Dec. 25. 30. if you intend to have a table at returned to the Ardrey home to By Vince Mancinl, A. S. Tickets are on sale and can be Club Wintertime.” Please clip the Play games, listen to stories, talk, c°apon from this issue, fill out and M y editor, Lang, has kept shouting in “Hey you guys, get off your donkeys secured from the committee mem­ ana ent Mrs. Ardrey served the (Please Turn to Page Two) * group with a meal of tamale pie, my ear for the past two w eeks: “I f you and come in here.” bers, Shelby McCauley, Leo Kap- green salad, relishes, and mince­ write me a Christmas Feature, Vince, A t this, the two gentlemen rem ain­ pes or J. H. Reich or any member- meat turnovers. As usual, this row? was the very best. I ’ll give you a nice, big box”— and then ing, got off their donkeyB and dashed of the organization. Social Calendar inside. A short business meeting fol- he hastily would add— “on the front The dance had been originally Week Dec. 21, indu. Dae. 27 i *2?. whicI» was decided that page.” Well, I got the box, and this is “What do you want, Harry?” they set for Saturday. Dec. 18 at the 4th W eak v. ij w 3 next muaicale would be what I stuffed into it It's a story. said, politely, like Betty Grable. Armory, but unexpected circum­ Tuesday, Dec. 2 1 - n J.edn*.*day* 12, at the Bellwood home, and that Doro­ The three wise men were galloping “It’s Christmas Time, and this little stances prevented it being held on Pine Staff Meeting, 1880. thy Sweet would be in charge. across the hot desert on their donkeys, boy here never heard of it,” said Harry, that date. W. A. A., 1900. talking about the price o f beer in Tim ­ flabbergasted. ____ In the past four years this danco Saturday, Dec. 25— has bccome one of the outstanding Odd Fellows Dance, Monte buktu. They came to a drive-inn, like “What?” yelled Jasper and Stanley Vista. "Club Wintertime" the one you saw in “ Road to Morroco,” social events of the holiday season. (the names of the other two men) “You Since the Patriarchs Militant is a New Year’s Eve Party and stopped. One of them said to an­ never heard of Christmas?” semi-military organization affiliat­ Week Dec.
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