The Expeditionary Times Proudly serving the finest Expeditionary service members throughout Iraq Vol. 3 Issue 25 May 12, 2010 http://www.hood.army.mil/13sce/ Trevino RFS escorts casualties to Turkish aircraft STORY AND PHOTO S “This is a sign of interna- BY SGT . CHAD MENEGAY tional support for Iraq,” said EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S STAFF Michael H. Corbin, the deputy assistant secretary for the U.S. MOSUL INTERNATION- Department of State. AL AIRPORT, “This is one of the most dif- Iraq– Military ficult parts of Iraq, and we’re police in Chevrolet very pleased to see the support Trailblazers and and cooperation that brings the Humvees rolled Turkish cargo aircraft here for into Mosul In- medical evacuation,” he said. ternational Airport, escorting Corbin, who flew in from Country singer waves of casualty filled ambu- Washington D.C., and other se- Rick Trevino lances, Wednesday just outside nior officials visited the airport of Contingency Operating Base to express condolences, praise entertains Soldiers Marez, Iraq. the Iraqi-Turkish cooperation Members of the force protec- for the humanitarian assistance Page 7 tion team with the Regimental and condemn the violence. Fires Squadron, 278th Armored Two bombs blasted Christian Cavalry Regiment, 13th Sus- students and other civilians as a tainment Command (Expe- bus traveling to the University ditionary) out of Winchester, of Mosul, and escorted by the Bedford Boys Tenn., and Soldiers with Alpha Iraqi Army, left a security check- Company, 2-3 Brigade Troops point. Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat The explosion caused many Team, 3rd Infantry Division, led serious injuries, including lost 25 Iraqi and Turkish casualties limbs, facial wounds, neurologi- of a May 2 roadside bombing cal damage and shoulder inju- incident through checkpoints to ries. a Turkish military cargo aircraft “We condemn all violence at Mosul International Airport. here,” said W. Patrick Murphy, The Turkish Consulate agreed team leader for the Provincial to medivac victims for advanced Reconstruction Team in Ninawa medical treatment at an undis- Province, Iraq. “The targeting Virginia’s ‘Bedford closed location in Turkey, said of minorities and Christians in Maj. Austin Maxwell, the base particular is unacceptable. We Boys’ carry history defense operations center of- are coordinating with Iraqi au- into deployment ficer in charge for COB Marez, thorities to improve security, so A Turkish medical worker aids victims of a May 2 roadside bomb in a with the RFS and a Murfrees- that all citizens here, including Page 10 Turkish military C-130 Wednesday at the Mosul International Airport. boro, Tenn., native. SEE RFS ON PAGE 14 Pre-WLC Kalsu in early stages of operation as logistical hub STORY AND PHOTO been redirected from COL Sca- BY SGT . KI M BERLY JOHN S ON nia as the U.S. prepares to facili- EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S STAFF tate the upcoming responsible drawdown from Iraq, which re- CONTIGENCY OPERATING quires equipment to be shipped LOCATION KAL- out of theater permanently. SU, Iraq– The Con- The preparation of COL Kal- voy Support Center su as a transportation hub has and Central Receiv- taken months of planning and ing and Shipping numerous hours of troop con- Point at Contingency Operating struction to get the camp where Location Kalsu, Iraq received it is today, said Maj. Stephen its first logistical convoy May 1 E. Miller, the brigade engineer as part of the responsible draw- with 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry down of troops and equipment Division out of Fort Benning, from Iraq. Ga., and a native of Columbus, Soldiers, honors After successfully complet- Ga. fallen comrade ing a rehearsal of operations for Miller has overseen the entire the CSC and CRSP March 15, transition of COL Kalsu into a A convoy enters Contingency Operating Location Kalsu, Iraq May 4. COL Kalsu is in the early stages hub, he said. COL Kalsu is being established to facilitate the upcoming responsible Page 11 of convoy operations that have SEE KALSU ON PAGE 14 drawdown of COL Scania, the current logistical hub in theater. PAGE 2 EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S May 12, 2010 Where do you read your Expeditionary Times? Eggs, carrots and coffee LT. COL . GARRY W. LO S EY ing submitted to the high temperature of the water. 13TH ESC DE PUTY COMMAN D CHAPLAIN Son we either become hardened, softened or give the For distribution, best we have in us during challenging times.” ne day a young man approached Let us remember the eggs, carrots and coffee not Ohis father in a very bad humor. as a menu for us to prepare, but as how important contact the 13th Complaining and throwing every- our attitude is in the midst of challenges. Many times thing he could find to the floor, he in life we are going to be put under the heat of water ESC PAO at Joint shouted, ”I’m tired of fighting with and we cannot avoid that reality. But we can decide situations that seem, the more I try to fix them, the how we are going to come out of that experience. more complicated they get. How can I handle this In the face of the adversity, many people become Base Balad, Iraq dad?“ so hardened by a spirit of criticism that they have lit- The wise father asked his son to put three pots tle compassion. Others began with firm convictions with water on the stove to boil, and then put an egg and beliefs, but lose their strength and any problem Joint Base Balad : in one, a carrot into the other, and in the last one, can destroy them. Finally, there are those that before add a little amount of coffee. the pressure builds up they decide to give the best 318-483-4603 The son got angrier and asked, “What does this they have in them. They do not allow the pain, the have to do with my question?” challenges, and the frustrations to tear them apart. “Just do it,” the father responded boldly. John Lubbock said it very well, “Most of us can, Grumbling, the son walked towards the stove and as we choose, make of this world either a palace or COB Adder: started the experiment. As the minutes ran by he got a prison.” more and more irritated and asked, “How much lon- There is a time when we must firmly choose the 318-833-1002 ger dad?” course we will follow, or the relentless drift of events “Just a few more minutes, son.” The father re- will make the decision for us. One of the most valu- plied. able lessons we can get from our deployment is the Finally the old man granted him permission to freedom of choice. You are the creator and selector of COB Taji: turn off the stove and come look into to each of the your thoughts. You can change them at will. No one pots. “Son, tell me what you see?,” he said. can have control of your thoughts without your con- 318-834-1281 “The same things I put in it, an egg, a carrot and sent. So choose to avoid thoughts that weaken you, coffee,” the son responded. and you will know true wisdom. It is your choice! To which the father replied, “Take them out of the It is your God-given inheritance; it is your corner pot and now what do you see.” of freedom that no one can take away. COB Q-West: “The same father, what’s the point,” the son asked. As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, “Do you see any change,” the father responded. 16: “Now we have this treasure in clay jars that this 318-827-6101 “Well yes, the egg is hard, the carrot has softened extraordinary power may be from God and not from and coffee smells good,” he said. us. We are pressured in every way but not crushed; The father explained, “Exactly, we all are put un- we are perplexed but not in despair; we are struck der the boiling waters of life but not all react in the down but not destroyed. Therefore we do not give Al Asad Air Base: same way. Some, like the egg became hardened and up; even though our outer person is being destroyed, bitter, whereas others, like the carrot give in to pres- our inner person is being renewed day by day.” 318-440-4103 sure and stop fighting. Now the moment in which How are you going to react today, as an egg, car- the coffee releases its best aroma is when it is be- rot or coffee? COB Speicher: Telling the Providers Story from all across Iraq 318-849-2501 Tune In To Now airing on the Pentagon Channel Or log on to e-mail: every Thursday at 0830 IZ www.dvidshub.net [email protected] every Saturday at 1430 IZ keyword: Balad and Beyond EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 13th ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Paul L. Wentz Expeditionary Times is authorized for pub- 13th ESC G2, Security Manager 139th MPAD Production Editor Pfc. Lisa A. Cope lication by the 13th Sustainment Command (318) 433-2155 Staff Sgt. Robert E. Fafoglia [email protected]. (Expeditionary). The contents of the Expedi- [email protected] tionary Times are unofficial and are not to be 13th ESC PAO, Managing Editor Spc. Michael V. Camacho Maj. Raul Marquez, 13th ESC PAO 139th MPAD Layout and Design [email protected] considered the official views of, or endorsed [email protected] Sgt. Jayson A. Hoffman by, the U.S. Government, including the Depart- [email protected] ment of Defense or Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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