>rit»e. D o Want it to Fail? d m Ttck^ta for the annual Christmes Charles W. Carson of 13 Vine party o f Local 63, Tl^TJA, of street, who la with the Seabees at ,To Preach Here Sunday Friends Help Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Va., TPiMfiS fon, FOR BNe^ Yl Average Daily arenlation About Town■ ,t Cbeney Brother* may be obtained - The Weather of Secretary Tude Vince at the has returned after a short visit F a r Am MoatS of Saplambar, Ittf Foracaot •! U. 8. WMriher Bar«an union office in the Tinker block with his wife and family. He will To Celebrate attend school to .take stevedore , HatoW A. ot “*1 B‘K«- thi* evening. law ilNet, WAS adraittea at the and rigger training. 8,354 CoatHlH«e cool Inaight aod Sat­ h06p«Ul. I ^ d le - TMMflrT, lor oliMaTatlon. Mancheater Lodge of Masons Couple Observe Their Mamber o« Uw Aodlt urday m onlag. will hold a special meeting tomor­ Wayne Munsell. son of Mr. and n w oM o( O ic elaWeaa 60th Wedding Anni* row evening at the Temple. The Mrs. Wells Munsell of 25 Horan MoitcAesfer— if City of VUlago Charm Master degree will be exerapUfled. street has been assigned to Ser­ versary at Home. Lodge w ill open at 7:80. vice Radio school, Sapipson. N.Y., for a 20 weeks’ course. Young (ClaaolBeS Advertlriag m Page I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1943 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRlCii! THREE CENTS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Freeburg, VOL. LXUI., NO. 25 } o n t f o r Advertlaement Munsell was Just 17 when he en­ tered the Naval Training school of 27 Ridge .street, quietly ob­ 'AMBULANCE at Camp Sampson, N. Y. He was served the 60tb anniversary of Tin can* will be collected No­ a sophomore at Manchester High their marriage yesterday. No ape- SERVICE vember ftth. Please help in this school last year. cial celebration- of the diamond Repatriated U. S. Soldiers at Liverpool collection by having them properly wedding was planned. Friends prepared and in a container at the RedsVTank Force came to call on them during the Warships Shell Area curb. N ow is the time to help in The Intermediate department Of day and evening, to offer their the collecUon by getting out air^e the South Methodist church school goi^ wishea and to remember tin cans you have accumulated. Tin ,«*RURKE@ I will hold a Hallowe'en party F ri­ them with flowers and other gifts. N p d Cola Commuy. Loug ItiaMl CHy^ N. Y. is urgently needed by the govern­ day evening at 7 o'clock in the They also received a number of Battling Germans ment at this time to aid in the war social hall. cards of congratulatipn. FmacMsed Bottle*: Pepsl-Cola Bottling Co. of Central Vllage. Conn. lr - / i HAb.HE<.T!R (0^» effort. Both Mr. and Mrs. Freeburg Behini^N^is ar* natives of Sweden. They were TALL CEDARS married in this town and for Near Iron Center many years thei-eafter lived in Baltimore, Md., returning to Man BINGO Chester about 25 years ago. Their nearest relative t* a lAK GRILL’ Begins Second Day of ort Gains Scored TOMORROW NIGHT ^WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER" AT 8 O’CLOCK grandson, Wells Tolson, who is Total Food with the Navy at Fort Pierce, Fla. Battle With Nazi Ar­ G old Fish ORANGE HALL DINE AND DANCE mor in Fierce Strug­ Cruiser and Destroyers Bill Slashed ALICB OOFRAN Allied Forcegj Nation Gets 2.3 REGULAR GAMES AT (Know* As <|neea Alloe) To the Liitfaig Tunes of gle for Possession of Pour Broadsides Into $.3.00 A GAM E FOR 25c! S P U U T U A L BUCUraM DON MAC AND HIS RHYTHM MASTERS Krivoi Rog; Russian By Gardens Line of Communica­ Seventh Daaghtcr o f • SevenUi Son DELICIOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES! Land on Two N ew Stock 7 SPECIAL GAMES Bom With a Vea Units Near Perekop. tions; 5th and 8th SWEEPSTAKES Rev. Edmund A. Stelmie Readtoign DnUy, Ineinding Sunday, V A. M. to 9 P. BL Or By Appoint Rib Roast of Beef At Least $l,250t000,’ Pacific Isles O f Quinine Armies Gain in Face SALE $5.00 WEEKLY PRIZE meat. In the Servlea of the Peo­ Vt Broilers .Steaks Veal Cutlets London, Oct. 29.— (JP)— O f Massed Artillery; $25 WAR BOND ple for SO Venn. A mighty Russian tank force 000 Whittled Off by Reformation Day Service Its Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Roast Veal Chow Mein MONTHLY PRIZE crushing down on Krivoi Voluntary Contributions Bad Weather Washes Phone B-tOSt Our Kitchen Closes At 11 P. M. Efforts o f Victory Gar­ Storm Mono and Stir­ Bowl, Stones, Grass To Be Given Tomorrow Night! Rog, strategic Dnieper loop From Family Medi­ Out Aerial Support. At the Emanuel Church city, from the north, began deners During Year. ling as Entering Ef­ Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer its second day of battle today cine Chests and Drug­ fort to Pry Japanese Allied Headquarters, A!-' A joint Reformation Day Ser-"* waa pastor of the Church of the 30 OAK STREET TEL. .3894 with last-ditch German armor New York, Oct 29.—(-F)—Vic­ and 2 Gold Fish LADIES’ AID SOCIETY Advent.' In New York City up to gists Create Supply. giers, Oct. 29.— —A U. S. ^ vice of the Emanuel Lutheran and Sewing Maclune in a fierce struggle for pos­ tory gardeners whittled at least Loose From Solomons the time of his death six years cruiser and destroyers, pour-., of the Concordia Lutheran churches, will ago. session of the iron mine and $1,350,000,000 from the country’s -> Allied Headquarters in the Washington, Oct. 29— (iP)—'Vol­ ing broadsides, itito Marshal BUCKINGHAM CHURCH be held Sunday evening at 7:30 hi Rev. Edmund Steimle is a grad­ rail center. The battle Is “still In total food bill this year, the Amer. Ten repatriated Arh^can soldiers are pictured aeated/after debarkation at Liverpool, England, uate of Princeton University and full progresa," the German high after they arriwd^from German terrltqry In a prisoner exchange. Left to rlfelU: Sgt. August Tomow, Southwest Pacific, Oct. 29— (JP)— untary contributions from family Twin Rommers line of com- the auditorium of Emanuel! lean Institute of Food Distribution church. The pastora of both ■ the Philadelphia Seminary, teach­ Vacuum command communique said. The Springfield, OrhTT Sgt. E. Nelson, Marshall, Minn.; L t Albert Lass, Macon, Ga.; Pvt. Leroy Keith, Den­ Warships, planes ahd troops of medicine chests and from drug­ munigations along the an­ estimated today. Harvest churches Rev. "rhorsten A. Gus-1 ing fellow at the latter institution Nasls asserted they had destroyed ver, Pa^^^S^. Lester Miller, Hartford, Conn.; Lt. Qlenn Hejrrlngton, Ogden, Utah; Sgt. Milton Wtl- Admiral William F. Halsey have gists’ shelves have created a cient Appian way, pounded 1933-1935. He received his A. M. 115 Russian tanka. tafaon of Emanuel, and Rev. Kari The non-proflt research agency liamsbhy, St. Louis, Mo.; Sgt. Norman Godwin. Bradford, Mass.; Sgt. Frank Bartnicki, Moosic, Pa stormed the Treasury islands, 30 stockpile o f hard-to-get quinine, A LL FOR from the University of Pennsyl­ ,he Mintumo ai^iT to the rear Richter of Concordia, will have a 60 MIIm From Perekop said the saving represented an P v t. Herbert B3irick, Brooklyn, N . Y. (A P Radio photo.) miles south of Bougainville, as the as Important as bullets In the-Pa­ Supper and Fair part In the aervlce. Special organ vania in 1934. He was pastor of Repairs average of about $30 for e v ^ of his Mt. Massico positions. South o f Dnieper loop. Red entering wedge to pry the Jap­ cific war zones. mualc w ill be rendered, and the the Church of our Savior In Jer­ Allied headquarters announced to­ Army troops were plunging family In America—city anese loose from their last Solo­ The American Pharmaceutical combined cholra of both churches sey City, N. J., 1935-1940 and be- i day, as the Allied Fifth and In the Church Social Room through the wide steppes of the and suburbanites allke^aiid call­ mons baaes and fling open the association announced today that under the direction of organist G. came student pastbr of Greater' SAVE ed the estimate "cotiaervative,'’ Elighth Armies punched out short southern Ukraine less than 60 door to Rabaul. apprpxlmately 150,000 ounces of Albert Pearson of Emanuel, and Boston in 1940, doing excellent Burned Hairs advances in the face of massed ar­ miles from Perekop, last door of adding that actually the amount The operation, diacloaed today quinine—enough for six and k Fred E. Werner of Concordia, will work. He is well liked by the stu­ Roosevelt Withholds tillery. escape open to the Nasi Crimean might be considerably higher. in war reports, was executed bril­ h A f million doses— had been con­ While They Last! aing four numbers. dents he directs and advises. A t Fight la Driviag BAa Friday Evening garrisons, Moscow said. City inhabitants—with fewer liantly. BeglnAng last Friday, tributed to a national poo) hastily The sermon will be delivered by present he is also a member of The Russians, advancing at a Fighting through a driviag gar^Mti— benefited because those May Be Laid American bombers completely gathered after Japanese con­ Rev. Bdmund A. Stdimle, student the Board of Directors of Phila­ FUEL rate of from 12 -to 18 miles a day, Hint on Coal Action rain, the Americans of Lieut. Gen. on. in outlying districts, if they had knocked out nearby enemy air­ quests cut off 90 per cent of our We Octobert 29th pastor ofHhe University Lutheran delphia Seminary.
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