Transcript Ecclesiastical by lines VICTORIA BY THE GRACE OF GOD of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith TO ALL TO WHOM these Presents shall come Greetings WHEREAS His late Majesty our royal Uncle King William the Fourth did by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bearing date at Westminster the eighteenth day of January One thousand eight hundred and thirty six in the sixth year of his reign erect found ordain and constitute all the Territories and Islands comprised within or dependent upon our Colonies of New South Wales Van Diemens Land and Western Australia into a Bishop’s See or Diocese and did declare and ordain that the same should be styled the Bishopric of Australia and that first and other Bishops thereof should be subject to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being as their Metropolitan and did in and by the said Letters Patent name and appoint William Grant Broughton Clerk theretofore Archdeacon of New South Wales to be Bishop of Australia and Ordinary Pastor of the said See of Australia and the said William Grant Broughton was thereupon ordained and consecrated to be and still is the Bishop and Ordinary Pastor of that said See AND WHEREAS our said late royal Uncle by certain other Letters Patent under the Great Seal of our said United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bearing date at Westminster the eighteenth day of March in the said sixth year of His reign did found and constitute our Archdeaconry in and over the Island of Van Diemen’s Land and its dependencies to be styled the Archdeaconry of Van Diemen’s Land and to be subject and subordinate during the royal pleasure to the said Bishop of Australia and his successors Bishops of the said See according to the ecclesiastical laws of this Realm and did name and appoint William Hutchins Clerk to be Archdeacon of the said Archdeaconry of Van Diemens Land who did thereupon enter into and become fully and absolutely possessed of the said Office of Archdeacon but the said William Hutchins having departed this life and no successor to him in the said Office having been appointed the same is now vacant AND WHEREAS there were reserved to His said late Majesty his heirs and successors in and by the said Letters Patent severally hereinbefore united powers of revoking the same respectively AND WHEREAS it hath been represented to us by the Most Reverend Father in God William by Divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of All England and Metropolitan that he the said Most Reverend Father in God and the other Most Reverend and Right Reverend Prelates the Lords Archbishops and Bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland considering the great extent of the said Diocese of Australia and the Page | 1 inconvenience and detriment arising therefore as well to the Bishop of the said See as to the Members of the said United church resident within the same and considering further that our Colony of Van Diemens Land is in itself both with regard to territory and to population sufficient to be formed into a separate Diocese are desirous with the concurrence? of the said Right Reverend Father in God William Grant by divine permission Bishop of Australia that the said Colony of Van Diemens Land should no longer continue as heretofore under the ecclesiastical and spiritual jurisdiction of the said Bishop of Australia and his successors but should be constituted into a separate Diocese and that a Bishop should be canonically ordained and consecrated thereunto by the said Most Reverend Father in God as Metropolitan thereof And the said Most Reverend Father hath prayed of Us that we would be graciously pleased by our royal authority to give effect to his and their desire in this behalf AND WHEREAS we having taken the said Petition into our royal consideration and having been certified of the concurrence therein of the said Bishop of Australia are persuaded that granting that same we shall under the blessing of Almighty God greatly advance the well being of the said United Church of England and Ireland within the said Colony and have resolved to grant the same accordingly AND WHEREAS the Church of Saint David in Hobart Town within the said Colony of Van Diemens Land is from its situation and otherwise apt and convenient to be constituted and ordained and it is our intention to constitute and ordain the same to be a Cathedral Church and Bishops See AND WHEREAS for the reasons aforesaid we have resolved to revoke and determine the said first recited Letters Patent bearing date the eighteenth day of January One thousand eight hundred and thirty six in the sixth year of the reign of His said late Majesty so far as the same relate to the Territories and Islands comprised within or dependent upon our said Colony of Van Diemens land but no further or otherwise And absolutely to revoke and annul the said secondly hereinbefore recited Letters Patent bearing the eighteenth day of March in the said sixth year of the reign of His said late Majesty and to constitute the said Colony of Van Diemens Land hereinafter more particularly described to be the Diocese of the Bishop of Tasmania by us hereinafter named and appointed and his successors And to make such further provisions in respect of the constitution and government of the said See and Diocese as are hereinafter mentioned NOW KNOW YE that in pursuance of such our royal intention We do by these our Letters Patent under the great Seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland revoke and determine that said first recited Letters Patent so far as the same relate to the Territories and Islands comprised within or dependent upon our said Colony of Van Diemens Land and to the exercise of jurisdiction spiritual or ecclesiastical and any other rights privileges and powers of the said Bishop of Australia and Page | 2 his successors in and over the said Colony of Van Diemens Land and its dependencies AND WE DO hereby notify to the said Bishop of Australia and his successors this our revocation of the said Letters Patent in respect of the said Colony of Van Diemens land But in all other respects we do by these Presents expressly ratify and confirm the same AND WE DO further by these Presents absolutely revoke and annul the said secondly recited Letters Patent of the eighteenth day of March in the said sixth year of the reign of His said late Majesty and do declare and ordain that the Office of Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Van Diemen’s Land thereby founded and constituted shall henceforth cease and determine AND WE do further by these Presents erect make ordain and constitute the said Church of Saint David in Hobart Town aforesaid to be a Cathedral Church and Bishop’s See and do ordain that the whole Town of Hobart Town shall henceforth be a City and be called “The City of Hobart Town” AND WE DO by these Presents wholly divide and exempt the said city and all that our Island of Van Diemens Land and all Islands and Territories being to the Southward of Wilson’s Promontory in Thirty nine degrees and twelve minutes (p2) Of South latitude and to the northward of the forty fifth degree of South latitude and between the One hundred and fortieth and One hundred and fiftieth degrees of Longitude East from Greenwich And also in Macquarie Island lying to the South Eastward of the said Island of Van Diemens Land and all other the dependencies of our said Colony of Van Diemens Land and declare that the said City and Colony shall thereforth be wholly separated and exempted from the jurisdiction authority and Diocese of the said Bishop of Australia and his successors and do ordain make constitute and declare the same to be the Diocese of the Bishop of Tasmania by these our Letters Patent nominated and appointed and of his successors Bishops of Tasmania and to be called in all time coming THE DIOCESE OF TASMANIA Saving nevertheless unto Us Our heirs and successors that power of altering from time to time with the consent of the Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being if the said See be vacant or otherwise of the said Archbishop and of the Bishop of the said See for the time being the limits of the said Diocese or of the jurisdiction of the Bishops thereof AND to the end that this our intention may be carried into due effect We having great confidence in the learning, morals and probity or our well beloved Francis Russell Nixon Doctor in Divinity do name and appoint him to be ordained and consecrated to be Bishop of the said See of Tasmania and do hereby signify to the Most Reverend Father in God William by divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and Metropolitan the erection and constitution of the said See and Diocese and our nomination of the said Francis Russell Nixon Requiring and by the faith and love whereby he is bound unto Us commanding the said Most Reverend Father in God to ordain and consecrate the said Francis Russell Nixon to be Bishop of the said See and Diocese in manner accustomed and diligently to do and perform all other things appertaining to his Office in this behalf Page | 3 within effect AND WE DO ordain and declare that the said Francis Russell Nixon so by us nominated and appointed after having been ordained and consecrated thereunto us as aforesaid may by virtue of such appointment and consecration enter into and possess the said Bishops See as Bishop thereof without let or impediment from Us or heirs and successors for the term of his natural life Subject to the right of resignation
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