The Daily Register VOL.97 NO.38 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, AUGUST 12. 1974 TEN CENTS Congress, nation to hear Ford goals WASHINGTON (AP) - Pausing briefly in his ever broad And it was among three listed by Senate Republican Leader ening search for a vice presidential nominee, President Kurd Jiugh Scott. • outlines for Congress and the nation tonight his new adminis- But Sen. Scott said his first choice suit is former New- tration's goals and an agenda for reaching them. York Gov. Nelson A Rockefeller He contended that the re- The nationally broadcast and televised ( p.m. appearance ported opposition to Rockefeller among party conservatives is before a joint session of Congress is Mr Ford's first major "grossly exaggerated." address since his brief speech upon assuming the presidency In Chicago, Mr. Rockefeller said whether he would accept from Richard M. Nixon on Friday the vice presidency if it is offered to him is an "iffy ques- In It, aides said Mr. Ford plans to set "the spirit and lone tion." He refused to comment on his chances for selection, of his administration" and appeal for national unity and sup- telling reporters, "The President has to make his own deci- port in tackling such major problems as inflation. sion without any intervention or pressures of any kind." They said, Mr. Ford won't disclose the name of his choice Melvin R. Laird, former congressman and defense secre- for vice president in the address The search for his successor tary, also met with Mr. Ford but wasn't available for com- won't be complete until late in the week, one aide said. ment afterward. With a whirlwind series of II White House meetings yes- House GOP Leader John J. Rhodes of Arizona estimated terday, Mr. Ford accelerated his consultations with congres- that Ford has a tentative list of 10 or so names he is consid- sional and political friends, who said women and Democrats ering, and Rep. Barber B. Conable Jr. of New York said he are among those being considered for the No. 2 post. thought there were about 15. After the meetings, Mr. Ford told a newsman "I'm not One Indication of the direction of the new administration ruling out anything or anybody." Other sources said it was was furnished by Interior Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton. He highly unlikely that he would stray from a list of about a doz- said Mr. Ford will put new emphasis on some Nixon adminis- en GOP leaders In making his selection. tration policies in energy resources and environment, but not Republican National Chairman George Bush emerged alter their basic intent - from yesterday's meetings with the backing of an influential Before moving through the meetings with party and politi- conservative, Sen. Barry Goldwater, H-Ariz cal advisers, Ford conferred for a half-hour with Secretary of "He's Mr. Clean and that's what the country wants," Sen. State Henry A. Kissinger. A spokesman said Mr. Kissinger Goldwater said of Mr. Bush, a former Texas congressman brought the President up to date on the Cyprus situation. and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Meanwhile, The Soviet Union pledged to continue its policy Sen. Goldwater, one of the II friends and advisers Mr. of detente and to seek with Mr. Ford a further improvement Ford met with in the separate meetings, also ranks high on of Soviet-American relations. the list of possibilities He said he wasn't seeking the job but And in Cairo, the official Middle East News Agency re- "sure, I'd accept It." ported that Mr. Ford's new administration has renewed the Mr. Bush's name also was mentioned by House GOP Whip invitation to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to visit the POOLSIDE CHAT — President Ford folks with Alexandria, Va., home last evening after he re- See Ford, page 2 newsmen after swimming 17 laps In the pool at his turned from the White House. Leslie C. Arends of Ulionis after his meeting with Mr. Ford. Rockefeller unsure he'd accent1 CHICAGO (AP) - Former ment/t on his chances for selec- members of a group that that he didn't think "those Responding to a question when, as Dunf n said, "there New York Gov. Nelson Rock- tion or even If he would ac- called itself the U.S. Labor terms conservative "and liber- about Ford's decision to con- are so many excellent Re- efeller says it's an "iffy ques- cept the position. Party. al have any real value today sider Democrats and women publicans available." tion" whether he would ac- "The President has to make But the former governor, for politics on the national for the No. 2 position, Rock- Dunn said he previously cept the vice presidency if it his own decision without any who resigned during his level." efeller said that was "exactly had recommwided Rockefel- is offered to him. intervention or pressures of fourth term to form the Com- Rockefeller, who talked to up to the President." ler for vice president and But three governors attend- any kind,", said Rockefeller, mission on Critical Choices gubernatorial hopefuls from At a later news conference, added, "I think he would still ing the Republican Gover- whose name has been men- for Americans, appeared una- 17 states about land use, drug however, the three governors be an outstanding choice." nors' Association Candidate's tioned since 1960 for the presi- bashed by the catcalls of abuse, welfare reform and - Wlnfield Dunn of Ten- Bond and Holshouser both conference that brought dency or vice presidency. "Fascist!" campaign research, said nei- nessee, James E. Holshouser said Ford should pick a per- Rockefeller to Chicago yes- His arrival at O'Hare Inter- Asked whether his liberal ther Ford nor any member of Jr., of North Carolina, and son with a "broad back- terday agreed he would make national Airport, where he image would make him in- the. Ford administration had Christopher S. Bond of Mis- ground in government and an "excellent choice."' held a brief news conference, compatible as Ford's vice talked with him about the souri - all said they opposed elective experience." Rock- Rockefeller refused to com- was marred by protests from president, Rockefeller said vice presidency. selection of a Democrat efeller, they said, fit that Ford may cut defense spending WASHINGTON (AP) - Al- 11.5 billion due In October for spending cuts should come in dent and Secretary of De- and said that "to prevent a ons programs which have though a strong defense advo- more than 2,160,000 military manpower costs, which now fense James R. Schlesinger, serious imbalance, we must been urged by Schlesinger cate, President Ford will men and women and about account for about 55 per cent who has said U.8. forces al- continue to modernize and and former President Richard make the Pentagon pull in its one million civilian employes. of the defense budget. Be- ready are thin. improve the readiness of our M. Nixon. sides pay, such costs cover Associates of both men say combat forces." belt to save money, close as- By this, the source said he But Ford would not neces- housing, food, clothing, me- that Ford and Schlesinger While supporting detente as sociates predict. meant the Pentagon will have sarily move at the same pace dical care and other support agree on most major defense a goal, Ford has said, "we to absorb the increased cost, in all such programs as he The first belt-tightening of military personnel and questions, including a must insure that our good will perhaps by cutting the num- looks for ways'to reduce de- move may come within two their families. cautious approach to a new is not misconstrued as lack of ber of personnel below levels fense spending while main- months. strategic arms limitation will." planned by the Nixon admin- taining a strong defense, as- A source familiar with A new White House push to agreement with Russia. Ford, who served for years sociates said. Ford's thinking says the Pen- istration. trim military manpower fur- Like Schlesinger, Ford has on the House Defense Appro- For example, some advisers tagon "probably will have to Some of those advising ther could bring the first called attention to the pace of priations subcommittee, sup- Indicated that Ford might eat" a pay increase of about Ford believe the biggest strain between the new Presi- Soviet weapons developments ports many of the key weap- slow the advanced Bl bomber while moving ahead as planned with development of the new Trident missile-firing Plane crash kills family of eight submarine force. Also, they said Ford will carry forward nuclear weap- f . __: i«f* „«<„„ MM ihot i miia u AuthoritieAuthnriiiocs saiaairdf thihpe KuhKiihn fielfi.'Md abouahnnti 1,00i Dm0 feet from thihi>e Friday night in a soybean By The Associated Press iff's office said that Louis M. ons improvements and in- SLIPPERY STRUGGLE — A group of men struggle family left New Jersey about runway at the Fergus Falls field near Jackson, in south- Kuhn, his wife, Marsha. 40, itiatives Schlesinger has sup- to climb a 40-foot greased pole yesterday at the Fourteen persons, including 4 p.m. Saturday for Alexan- airport. ern Minnesota. Authorities and their six children, aged ported as hedges against con- Spanish Fiesta in Long Branch. Approximately 15 Authorities said there was identified the dead as trumpe- eight members of one family seven months to 16, all of Edi- dria, Minn., where they tinued growth in Soviet mis- men struggled In vain for several hours to climb scattered fog and high humi- ter Bill Chase, three mem- en route to a Bible camp, son, N.J., were killed late Sat- planned to attend a Bible sile strength.
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