Cents 1..:It 2'..1:,' ,' 3,,,_.!.,.. tr..... /..,.......4. STING THE BUSI 'IND RADIO orriingiUe ,.;o4e.ge n rary Y 10D. Li MAY 7, 1962 Sioux City b Iowa 92Ia Tv network 'spot carrier' shov 2 'Sls to screen tv NEWSPAPER by rep fire, available substitutes 68 Justice Dept., FCC probe racing newscasts WMCA's Labunski offers strong rebuttal to as possible aids to gamblers 46 Minow's radio charges 74 COMPLETE INDEX PACE 7 LOCAL N-ss ACHIEVEMENT recipient of THE ALBERT LASKER MEDICAL JOURNALISM TELEVISION AWARD FOR 1961 WBAL-TV BALTIMORE, MARYLANDr MARYLAND'S BROADCAST CENTER 6";W:r"-. NORTH DAKOTA 1 FARGO 1rI_ MINNESOTA SOUTH DAKOTA a ABERDEEN jj MINNEAPO rziiii. ST. AUL . EMI WATE` N 0 HRON oniklone RAPID CITY Wa311Mai KK U lb W FtAtLLS - ell. .`tY_NI.O : IOWA FORT DODGE NEBRASKA a SIOUX CITY NORFOL . D MOINES imu= m1 s . O Ì AHA i11.1.. ' LINCOLN TI l k: Ii.\T'/. .\14l. \l Yea, .41reortonn LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE MIDWEST The livestock business is a billion dollar a year indus- Experience has taught them a WNAX promoted sale try in Big Aggie Land. Words like "Feeders." "Stock. guarantees a sale barn jammed with buyers from the ers." "Heifers" and "Steers," "Range Cattle" and giant five state coverage area of WNAX -570. What- "Fat Cattle" are heard thousands of times daily ever your product, if it's buyers you want. you'll reach around Big Aggie Land. And among livestock men. them with WNAX -570 providing powerful coverage of WNAX -570 is mentioned just about as much. Last five -state Big Aggie Land, the nation's 40th radio year alone. 145 cattle auction markets. Central Public market. Over 80% of Big Aggie Land's 21/4 million Markets and individuals (represented by clots on map) residents listen to WNAX -570 three to seven times a used WN.AX -570 to promote their regular sales. week. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION WNAX-570 CBS RADIO WNAX, Yankton, S. Dak. o KVTV, Sioux City, Iowa FOR OF WGAR, Cleveland, Ohio PROGRAMMING ADULTS ALL AGES WRFD, Columbus - PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION Worthington, Ohio WTTM, Trenton, N.I. Sioux City, Iowa. Sioux Falls and Yankton, South Dakota WMMN, Fairmont, W.Va Represented by Katz MIAMI CON- 'I'll Sigma Delta Chi, Atlanta, has honored WCKT, Miami, with their coveted "Green Eyeshade" award for the most courageous contribution to journalism among all news media in the Southeast. The programs cited were "Miami Condemned" and "Condemned Plus 65," which in an hour and a half showed the slum conditions of Miami in a harsh, direct style that brought a new, unflinching candor to the television screen. OTHER VALUED AWARDS WON RECENTLY BY WCKT: (1) The Vigilant Patriots Award Citation, for "Red Star, Part 4," a documentary exposing specific activities of communists in the Americas; (2) The Freedoms Foundation George Washington Medal, for the Wayne Fariss regular 6 p.m. News program's 30 -day expose of communists at work in Florida. SEAL V`: BISCAYNE TELEVISION CORPORATION OF GOOD PRACTICE )Rt Miami, Florida WCKR -Radio 610 BROADCASTING, May 7, 1962 3 the unforgettable station WGAL TV Your advertising dollar spent on this multi - city station is doubly rewarding. First, be- cause of its wide market coverage, including several metropolitan areas, and many other cities and towns. Second, because of the vast size and loyalty of its audience. WGAL -TV is far and away the favorite of viewers in hundreds of communities. Lancaster, Pa. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Represenlalive: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco ,.-.:e- 4 BROADCASTING, May 7, 1962 Dodd 'final' hearing Sen. Juvenile Delinquency Subcom- CLOSED CIRCUIT" mittee has set May 11 as date for long - delayed "final" public hearing in its key bureaus and departments to come Golf to NBC investigation of effect of television vio- up with appropriate recommendations lence on children. Date hadn't been under overall supervision of Executive NBC -TV on Friday (May 4) was in announced as of Friday (May 4), pre- Officer Robert Cox. Final staff sugges- jubilant mood over what network sumably because of fear some hitch tions then will be presented to full seemed to think are potentially twin might cause postponment, as has hap- commission for further action. FCC "wins" over CBS -TV: Shell's Wonder- pened in past. But top network offi- is moving ahead on one BAH recom- ful World of Golf is moving from cials have been invited to appear on mendation- establishment of employe CBS -TV to NBC-TV because show 11th before subcommittee headed by review board- through discussion of and commercials can be shown in Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.). new rules with legal fraternity. color (agency is Kenyon & Eckhardt); Among those expected to testify are Arthur Godfrey, tied to CBS by con- Robert Kintner, president, NBC; Counter -programming tract, has been signed for one -week James Aubrey, president CBS -TV; and NBC -TV is making its first counter- appearance as Tonight host (week of Thomas W. Moore, vice president, programming move next season, de- Sept. 24). There are 13 Shell golf ABC-TV. spite "locked -in" schedule. Network shows, each one hour. They will be has advertiser agreement and is mov- seen on Sundays, 4 -5 p.m., starting Hearing could be explosive. Sen. next January. Dodd has said subcommittee has "doc- ing Monday's 11th Hour into 10 -11 on Wednesday, uments on file" showing network ex- and Brinkley's Journal will be Sigalert to Cadre Co. ecutives have ordered "more sex and slotted Mondays, 10- 10:30, violence" in shows to boost ratings. leaving half -hour available to stations, Shortly to be announced will be ac- except Presence of network chiefs would give for six Monday 10 -11 specials quisition of Sigalert, electronic warning be senators opportunity to spread docu- to scheduled during next season system for transmission of emergency ments on record and ask for explana- -and on those dates preempting messages, by Beta Instruments Corp., tion. Brinkley. Counter-programming in- Dallas, division of Cadre Industries volved Ben Casey on ABC -TV, Mon- Corp. Lloyd Sigmon, vice president Tv spot sales soar day, 10-11, and 11th Hour, which also and general manager, KMPC Los An- has medical theme. Moves answer There's now enough evidence in to geles and president of Sigalert and question of Bob Newhart's fate, indicate that first-quarter spot billing since Air Watch Inc., inventor of system, Sealtest dropped 10 -10:30 Wednesday this year in television will be biggest has entered into agreement with Beta spot. Show is now cancelled. giving first three -months in years. Final it exclusive rights to manufac- ture and market count expected to show spot moved Luncheon with Stewart equipment nationally. ahead of comparable quarter last year System has important defense conno- Dr. Irvin by perhaps 20 %, to $180 million or Stewart met with FCC tations by using carrier waves of ex- for first time last more. Increase will come just after week since he was isting standard radio stations without named director all -time fourth -quarter spot tv high of of telecommunications interfering with normal operations for White House (BROADCASTING, (BROADCASTING, $175 million -plus set last year (BROAD- April 30). April 2). Five commissioners CASTING, March 12). lunched with Dr. Stewart, former member of One up, one to go FCC himself, Tuesday in FCC's ex- Minow disappoints Although all -channel receiver legis- ecutive dining room. Session was "Extreme disappointment" was per- very lation passed House by overwhelming amiable, with both sides haps most polite way members of expressing vote of 279 -90 (story page 50) mutual interest and cooperation. going American Women in Radio and Tele- No in Senate is not expected to be concrete proposals were made that vision could express feeling over last - or sub- easy. There's formidable opposition jects discussed by either minute drop -out of FCC Chairman side. Missing to principle of government interfer- Newton Minow from Friday morning were Commissioner Frederick W. Ford ence with free enterprise by making panel which included NAB President (who is in Japan) and Robert mandatory production E. Lee. of more ex- LeRoy Collins and others, but girls pensive combination vhf -uhf receiv- had more colorful phrases to show Radio active ers shipped in interstate commerce. feelings privately, especially after they But it's doubted whether this will be had arranged three months in advance Though it may not mark full return strong enough to override legislation to have limousine whisk him to talk of radio drama -type series to former already endorsed by President Ken- before Milwaukee Jewish community stature, Charles Michelson Inc., New nedy and Senate Commerce Commit- center same day. AWRT had made York, one of largest distributors of tee leadership. sure Mr. Minow would attend before radio programs in medium's heyday, setting all other panel participants, is reported to be re- activating com- Broadcasters involved in all-chan- had keyed early publicity and promo- pany's radio division. In recent weeks, nel receiver effort to thwart deinter- tion efforts on FCC chairman's ac- company has received inquiries from mixture of eight markets were gener- ceptance. dozen stations and has made first two ous in their praise of Assn. of Maxi- sales in long time. Niagara Mohawk mum Service Telecasters in legislative BAH evaluation Power Co. has bought Mystery The- fight and its executive director, Lester Recommendations of Booz, Allen atre series for WQSR Syracuse and W. Lindow. They also applauded ef- & Hamilton in management survey of plans to buy series for several other forts of eight stations on firing line in FCC (BROADCASTING, April 30) are upstate New York markets.
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