ALGOMA ANGLICAN THEMay NEWSPAPER 2017 OfficialOF THE DIOCESE Voice of OFthe ALGOMA Diocese •of The Algoma Official Voice– A sectionof the Diocese of theof Algoma Anglican • A SECTION Journal OF - Celebrating THE ANGLICAN 60 yearsJOURNALVol. •60 JUNE – No. 2020 5 The first issue ... The Algoma Anglican enters your home for the first time today and we hope you will invite it back again, every month, for a long time to come. The idea of a monthly paper for Anglicans in the Diocese of Al- goma originated with His Grace Archbishop W. L. Wright, who felt such a publication would do much to unite the common interests of all the people in our far-flung diocese. Algoma covers such a wide territory that to date many of us in one part of the diocese have had little or no opportunity to learn about the activities and progress of our fellow churchmen in other sections. It is hoped, therefore, that the Algoma Anglican will rectify this situation, that it will keep us all informed of what is going on in all parts of the diocese, and, perhaps more importantly, help us to know each other better and more deeply understand each other’s problems and hopes. The success of the Algoma Anglican will depend, of course, on the support it receives from our people throughout the diocese. Circulation will develop if the paper has readership value, and readership value will develop if every parish in the diocese reports fully on its activities. In this connection we would like to suggest that each parish appoint a correspondent who would be respon- St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie, is celebrating a 150 years of spiritual service to the people of thesible city andfor reportingthe diocese. to the TheAlgoma Venerable Anglican Kelly every Baetz month. was installedThis duty should not be left to the clergymenat All Saints though, Anglican of course, Church, we hopeHunts they- will make liberal use of ourville columns. by Archbishop The Algoma Anne Germond. Anglican can- 150 Years of Prayer & Servicenot possibly survive unlessNew a steady flow Leadership of copy reaches the editor Article by D. Robert MacDougal, People’s Warden, St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie,every ON. month. We also hope the Algoma Anglican will serve as clearing house N THEIR FEAST OF ST. for opinions and views. By thatat we mean All it add Saints to the value of our LUKE, October 18, 1870, paper considerably if AnglicansArticle in Algoma by Don wouldMcCormick make a habit of St. Luke’s Parish Church writing to the editor on thoseN occasions A CEREMONY when they IN feel HUNTS they have- Owas consecrated by the Right something to say which wouldVILLLE’S be of interest ALL toSAINTS the diocese AN- as a whole. An interesting “letters to the editor” column would be a Reverend A.N. Bethune, second GLICAN CHURCH on Sunday, great asset to the paper. Only you readers can make this possible. Bishop of Toronto. On St. Luke’s IMarch 8, 2020, The Most Reverend Advertising will start to appear in an early issue. It will be of a Day, June 29, 1882, the Reverend quality in keeping with principlesAnne Germond of such a of paper the Dioceseas this and of it will Edward Sullivan was consecrated be of considerable assistanceAlgoma in helpingofficiated us toat defraythe installation publishing in Montreal as the second Bishop costs. We trust our readersand will collation show theirof the appreciation Venerable Kellyto these of Algoma. On Tuesday, June 9, advertisers in a tangible Baetz.way. The ceremony struck a fine 1896, Bishop Sullivan laid the The four members of thebalance committee between now beingturning stately out the and paper- consecrated cornerstone of the two clergymen and two ofdignified the laity-readily while at agreedthe same to assumetime be- the Pro-Cathedral. On St. Luke’s Day, task until such time as aing permanent, intimate andsalaried personal. manager-editor is appointed. They have offered to act as an advisory board after October 18, 1896, Bishop Sullivan The ‘Installation’ is the official such an appointment is made if their services are desired. consecrated the new Pro-Cathedral, recognition of the Venerable Kelly LOOKING BACK: The first issue of the Algoma Anglican was published 60 years ago what is now St. Luke’s Cathedral. in May of 1957. The above photograph of Archbishop William L. Wright appeared on The above was originallyBaetz published as the in parishthe May priest 1957 of edition All of the theOn front Sunday, page. October 18, 2020, St. Algoma Anglican Saints Parish in Huntsville and the Luke’s Cathedral will celebrate is ‘collation’ refers to her induction 150th anniversary as a parish at its as the Archdeacon of the Muskoka original location, 160 Brock Street, Deanery. The Archdeacon is the key SaultDiocese Ste. Marie, Ontario. The Needs day Newspaper Archbishopfigure in the administrationStates of the will begin as we gather for morn- deanery representing the parishes ingMy worship. Dear friends: Preparations have Bay Nuggett, to assist in the new venture. Rev. J. E. includes many facets of our church life. A new era opens in the diocese with the publication Jordan and Rev. B. G. Gosse have planned wisely in Clergy and laityto the have bishop responsibility and the bishop to send to the the Al - begunof the Algomafor a 150th Anglican. ‘Gala ItEvent’ follows at the Algoma Mis- consulting with these two outstanding representatives goma Anglicanparishes. news that will not only be of interest Grandsionary Gardens News, which North served banquet the diocese hall faithfully for in producing The Algoma Anglican. but the added stimulusThe ceremony which comes started from with a progresa pro- - onmany that years. evening. A logo designed Naturally, it will take time to ‘iron out” the many sive church. cession from Sutherland Hall into specifically With the changingto recognize industrial the 150th conditions, and the difficulties, but you can assist in two ways: In proclaimingthe church.the good There news wasour Algomaa large turnoutAngli- anniversaryunfolding of is nature’s included resources herein forin fresh allowsfindings us ofto say1. thankPublicize you Theto Algoma celebration.Anglican. It is your di- can can be a definite medium. Send the news to the uranium, iron ore and other metals, not to mention ocesan newspaper. Make it known to your friends. editor constantly.of deaneryThis is practical clergy and Evangelism. lay readers, allthe to development see. in the pulp and paper industry,the good the stewards Church of wardens St. Luke’s in many parishesOur haveanniversary already subyear- will Itbe is my earnestresplendent hope and in theirprayer purple that all liturgical will re- churchOur 150th is on yearthe even in ministry of similar began tremendous Cathedral expan- byscribed profiling to thethem paper each by procuringcelebrated sufficient by a number copies ofspond events. whole heartedly.colours. Their numbers were bol- withsion. an invitation to all parishio- month in ‘Ourto Parishcover allProfile’ the families in Somethe parish, have thealready cost beoccurred- May while the Blessingsstered byof thethree Risen clergy Christ and inspire one lay us to ners It fromhas been Dean felt Jim necessary, McShane therefore, to to havesegment a pub during- ing this,borne our by yearthe parochial of budget.others areWhatever still to meanscome. Onenewness of of lifepastor and deeds from of outside heroic theaction. deanery. joinlication the Goodwhich Bookwill not Club. only This serve as an historical are employed, I ask all our readers to give the paper record but will constantly present to our readers the widespread publicity. See “St. Luke’s Celebrates” on page 10. See “All SaintsYour Re-energized” friend and archbishop, on page 10. challenge of new churches, rectories, parish halls and 2. Participate in its function. The dissemination of WILLIAM L: Algoma. above all, additional clergy. church information is a primary task laid upon us all The diocese is indeed fortunate in having skilled at the present time. Algoma is in the midst of “growALGOMA- The above ANGLICAN was originally published • JUNE in 2020 the May 1 1957 newspapermen in the persons of Messrs. J. R. Makes ing pains.” I want all parts of the diocese to be famil- edition of the Algoma Anglican of The Sudbury Star, and C. M. Fellman, of The North iar with the whole work of the whole church, and this St. Luke’s Celebration continued from page 9. Algoma Anglican The ‘Kitchen Crew’, Pamela Brown, Cheryl Linklater Halverson, and Victoria Pat Tossell takes tickets and provides Chu play a vital role in St. Luke’s continuing celebration and success. smiles at St. Luke’s celebrations. A publication of the Anglican Diocese of Algoma the past events was a well-attended place of prominence within the as members of the congregation, Sunday brunch hosted by the ACW cathedral and the other will grace have endeavoured to practice good A Section of the Anglican Journal. at the Grand Gardens North ban- a wall within ‘Bishophurst.’ The stewardship by taking whatever quet hall on February 9, 2020. The See-House , built in 1876 at its actions are necessary to enhance The Algoma is the Official Fifth Line Sugar Shack welcomed current location, is now designated our place of worship. By way of Voice of the Diocese of Algoma family and friends of St. Luke’s as an historic site of interest due to example, two years ago, a new Editor: George Cribbs at the annual Winterfest outing. its largely unaltered Neo-Georgian pipe organ, designed and built by Publisher: Archbishop A delicious lunch of homemade architecture. It is currently the Rudolf von Beckerath of Hamburg, soups, hot dogs, and desserts was home of Archbishop Anne Ger- Germany, was installed to replace Anne Germond served.
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