CONNECTICUT SPORTS Tourism boom Bosox maintain J r ends up a bust six-game margin ... page 5 ... page 9 MmulmtnManchester — A City of Village Charm HrralJi Monday, Aug. 25, 1986 25 Cents !3. 1986 Death toll State’s prospects in Cameroon ‘hot’ HARTFORD (A P) - Those who watch the cycles of the Connecticut above 2,000 economy say the new budget year should be another strong one for the state. "This incredible thing has been Bv Arthur Max Joseph Mokassa, an aide to the going on for three years,” said The Associated Press provincial governor in Bamenda, Edward C. Baida, chief of eco­ capital of the stricken province, nomic and revenue forecasting in YAOUNDE, Cameroon — At said by telephone he had seen the state Office of Policy and least 2,000 people were killed by many dead, but did not have Management. “ It should’ve come toxic gas seeping from a volcanic precise figures. down two years ago and It just lake in northwest Cameroon, and “ I went there on Saturday and it keeps going. We’ll probably be In the military moved into the remote was such a frightful sight because the black again, another surplus.” area to evacuate survivors, the so many people had lost their Baida’s office is due to give its government said today. lives,” Mokassa said. final report on the 1985-86 surplus There was no word on the A Western diplomatic source in next week. The General’s Assemb­ number of injured. Yaounde said of the government ly’s Office of Fiscal Analysis A 17-member Israeli army medi­ radio report: “ The situation isn’t estimated at week’s end that the cal team arrived in this West clear. Rather than go with the a 1985-86 surplus would be $350.7^ African nation today as part of higher figure, get people iipset, million, just shy of the record set international relief efforts that the clog the roads, they stay conserva­ two years ago of $365 million. Cameroon government said would tive.” The source spoke on condi­ Connecticut hasn't had a budget also involve the United States. tion of anonymity. deficit since 1981-82. Britain and France. Ngango said villagers from a 7 OFA Director Ralph J. Caruso "A s far as we know, volcanic wide area were being evacuated points out. however, that all of the activity is still going on,” medical and others were fleeing, and that surplus was earmarked for var­ team leader Dr. Michael Weiner rescue workers were wearing gas ious projects by the 1986 legisla­ told reporters on the plane from masks. ture. Still, his estimate is up $38.2 Israel, which was carrying Prime The issue of hydrogen sulfide — a AP photo million from the June 27 estimate. Minister Shimon Peres for a state flammable, colorless gas which He attributes more than half of visit. There has been no official smells like rotten eggs — from Jim Tindall, 13, of Phoenix, Ariz., waits and older brother were stranded for that, or $21 million, to higher-than- government report of volcanic Lake Nios near Wum, about 200 for a flight Sunday night at Denver’s expected Increases in sales tax activity. miles northwest of Yaounde, the more than two hours after Frontier revenues. The Cameroon military took capital, was a “ geological castas- Stapleton airport. Tindall, his mother Airlines ceased operations. charge of rescue and relief opera­ trophe,” a government commu­ Caruso said it was still too early tions in the disaster area. nique said Sunday. to make any serious predictions Cameroon Information Minister Hydrogen sulfide is often found about tbe current budget year, Georges Ngango told reporters in volcanic gases. It is often which began July 1. that military authorities filed a formed during the decay of animal Talks on saving Frontier But Baida didn’t hesitate. preliminary report of at least 2,000 matter. Lake Nios lies in a volcanic ‘ 'The Connecticut economy is hot dead. crater. and people are confident.” he said. But as of this afternoon, the At least three villages were “ People are spending the money government radio was still report­ affected by the fumes, which they're saving because of lower oil ing that 40 people had died from the began to emanate Friday, accord­ break without agreement prices, there's been a significant fumes, the figure provided by the ing to a communique read Sunday drop in interest rates. government when it first reported over state television. President Bv John Mossman makes about $68,000 a year com­ “ People are buying big-ticket the disaster on Sunday. Paul Biya toured the region People Express had indicated it items because it costs less to The Associated Press pared with $115,000 at United, would delay bankruptcy proceed­ Sunday and declared it a disaster borrow money.” he said. “ Stock United spokesman Joe Hopkins ings if United reaches agreement area, the communique said. market prices are high, house DENVER - Talks that could said. with the pilots. United spokesman The Cameroon government prices are up and that makes save Frontier Airlines from bank­ United's latest offer would have Kurt Stocker said. called for international aid to cope people feel wealthy. A lot of Colorless gas ruptcy broke off today without closed the gap in five years, but the People Express spokesman Rus­ with the disaster and said the refinancing is being done on agreement to resume, a day after union wanted it closed by April sell Marchetta said Frontier would United States and Britain agreed bouses. the airline halted operations, forc­ 1988, Hopkins said. “ How many stops breath to supply logistical support for not resume operations once it filed ing 17,000 passengers to scramble people do you know who get a "Connecticut’s unemployment evacuation of villagers and "ap ­ for bankruptcy. for flights. rate is so iow (3.5 percent) that we propriate types of equipment.” $47,000 pay raise in 18 months?” he Gonring said bankruptcy would NEW YORK (AP) — Hydrogen The talks between the union said. really have full employment,” France offered unspecified help. make the acquisition for the sulfide, the gas that reportedly has representing Frontier’s 600 pilots The pilots' union had no imme­ Baida said. “ No one has a fear Foreign technicians and equip­ agreed price "not impossible, but killed at least 2,000 people in and United Airlines had begun diate comment on the collapse in about losing their job.” ment were expected to “ get into much more difficult.” Cameroon, can paralyze respira­ Sunday evening in a Chicago talks, but after a previous break­ effective rescue operations” by At Denver's Stapleton Interna­ For the 1985-86 budget year, tion if breathed in high enough suburb. down in negotiations, ALPA vice today, Sunday’s communique said. tional Airport, hundreds of travel­ officials predicted sales tax re­ concentrations. Frontier’s parent company. Peo­ chairman Jamie Lindsay blamed Weiner said the Israeli team ers lined up by midmorning venues would grow by 8.5 percent. The colorless, flammable gas, ple Express, announced early United management. would try to set up a base outside Sunday at the ticket counters of Baida said. Instead, it came in at which smells like rotten eggs, Sunday that Frontier was shutting In its announcement of the the contaminated area and treat Continental and United, which said 12.4 percent. depresses the functioning of the down and would file for bank­ shutdown. People Express, which casualties as they were brought they would honor Frontier tickets “ That’s a very, very strong central nervous system. ruptcy today if no agreement was bought Frontier last fall, said it out. on a standby basis. peformance,” he said. r. Headache, dizziness, excite­ reached between United and the was taking the action because In June, the final month of the ment, staggering, diarrhea and Peres, interviewed during the Air Line Pilots Association. Frontier was out of money. United also planned to hire 255 nine-hour trip from Israel, said Frontier service and reservations 1985-86 budget year, Baida's office painful or difficult urination are The shutdown of the Denver- "W e deeply regret that this step predicted a rate of growth in sales symptoms of exposure to liigh that when he offered to bring a based airline, which served 55 U.S. had to be taken, but we were left agents to handle the increased load medical team and supplies, Biya expected over the next two weeks, tax revenues of 13.5 percent, or concentrations, according to the cities west of Chicago and four with no choice,” the Newark, $171.8 million, compared with June “ Rapid Guide to Hazardous Chem­ “ was very excited and Canadian cities, idled nearly 4,700 N.J.-based company's statement Hopkins said. appreciative.” Continental will give pass privi­ 1985. As it turned out. sales tax icals in the Workplace” by N. workers, 1,000 in Colorado. said. receipts totaled $182.4 million, a The back of the plane was filled leges to Frontier employees Irving Sax and Richard J. Lewis Last month. United had offered After posting a first-quarter loss growth rate of 20.2 percent. Sr. with bottles of oxygen and boxes of $146 million for the 40-year-old of $58 million. People Express stranded by the shutdown, said The gas is very irritating to the medical equipment. regional airline provided it could announced in July it would sell Continental spokesman Bruce E. "The sales tax has experienced a eyes and mucous membranes. Low Peres was expected to announce reach agreement with Frontier’s Frontier, which has lost $10 million Hicks in Houston.
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