• Toe Sense * ___________________ UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT CAMPUS WEEKLY Volume 27 April 22, 1954 • Number 25 Three Groups ¡Lionel Hampton To Play At Wistaria Ball Will Combine ¡Journalism Prof Master of Swing For Banquet To Delivor Convo Named by SAC The Sociology Colloquium and ‘How to Write and Sell a Maga- the Political Relations Forum are j Art*i<fle,” will be the topic o f For Big Weekend combining forces with the newly Milton Lomask, journalism pro­ formed national honorary Social fessor, who will address students Science fraternity. Pi Gamma at 11 A. M., April 27. in the Carl­ By Ken Hawntan Mu, this year to hold their an­ son Lecture Hall- nual banquet, on May 4, 1954 at The $64 question floating A former writer for the New around this week is — “WHO the Stratfield Hotel. This promised York Journal-American, and past will furnish the music for the Wi­ to be one of the biggest affairs of Editor of the Nedfok's Company’s staria Ball on May 7. The band the year for these organizations. publication, Lomask is now teach­ leader and band that have been The principal speaker of the ing * Newswriting and Editing,” selected is — LIONEL HAMPTON evening will be Mr. Herman ami “Editing the Company Pub­ AND HIS ORCHESTRA — the Steinkraus, president of the lication,” courses at UB. He has j "King of the Vibraharp” and ?" Bridgeport Brass Company. The been with the University since “Master of the Drums.” Colloquium and Forum will also September ’53. A full-time free lance writer, If you like your music sweet or present awards to outstanding swing, Re-Bop or Be Bop, soft or persons in those fields. President Lomask will discuss his latest ar­ ticle dealing with teenage drink­ sizzling, ‘ The Hamp” and his 16- James H. Halsey will officially piece Decca, MGM, and Victor or­ initiate the new honor society ing, which appeared in the March ’54 edition of "Better Homes and chestra will have you “Flyin’ charter members and the current Home” from the Ritz Ballroom. officers who are: Mr. Emerson Gardens.” Chamberlain, faculty sponsor: Mr. This convocation will be the It will be dreamtime and jump­ James Fenner, faculty secretary- first offered by the Journalism time at the same time, at your treasurer; Dianne MacDougaJ 1, Department this year. request. Whether you lean toward president; and John Vossler. vice “I Surrender Dear,” “Don’t Be presdient. The new chapter ob­ That Way”, and "I Can’t Believe Mtntal Hygiene Week That You’re In Love With Me” or tained its charter in March 1954 To Be Celebrated Soon his “Air Mail Special”, “Muskrat and is the newest honor society Ramble” and “Gib for Christ­ - Sponsored by the Bridgeport mas”, he wil] do what he is fa­ on our campus. Society for Mental Hygiene. May The Sociology Colloquium is mous for — giving out with a 2-8 has been deemed Mental Hy­ 100% effort just tor you. ending a very active year, having giene Week in Bridgeport. This week is set aside to stimulate and He’s played to packed houses taken field trips and having spon­ for bulging purses from the Ap- sored three ethnic dinners — Jew­ familiarize citizens with mental hygiene, an oft forgotten subject. polio Theatre (N. Y.) to the Or- ish Night, Greek Night and Puer­ The Society has on its staff a pheum Theatre (L. A.), playing to Rican Night. psychologist, psychiatrist and two everything and anything the pub­ social workers who deal with the lic desires. He has been at or The Political Relations Forum near the top of the musical world has conducted i most of the elec­ emotional -problems of children and adults. An invitation to visit for seventeen years, since leaving tions, and has sent a large dele­ LIONEL, HAMPTON, King Benny Goodman in 1937. the Society, located at 1074 Iran- of the Vtbraharp and Blaster gation to the annual Student In- isan Ave., has been extended to Julius Caesar Film of the Drums, will be in the Noted Composer (continued on page 4) students. musical spotlight, when he A noted “jump composer (over I to O p en C am p aig n makes his appearance with 100 jazz, swing and bop hits), a kh 18- piece orchestra at the movie star (“A Star is Bom”), a For Campus Chestj University’* annual Wlsfltrla pianist. Xylophonist, drummer, Twenty- Oae Girls Nominated The annual Campus Chest cam- j Ball. Providing music that Is Maranbist, vibraharpist and band­ paign will get underway on April both sweet and solid, Hamp­ leader, he was selected for his 30 with the showing of the film ton Is well known ns a com­ universal appeal and his fame as Julias Caesar. The specific rea­ poser as well as a brilliant ad energetic, ambitious and ser­ As Wistaria Contest (Joses instrumentalist. By Carol Connery son for the organization of the ious entertainer whose only food Campus Chest, the only charity and drink is music — and you. Twenty-one UB coeds have been nominated for the 1954 drive conducted on the campus, Maktla Heads Colloquium Lionel is. well-known in Bridge­ “Wistaria Queen.” Many of them represent different fra­ was to keep various organizations port through his Decca, MGM and from soliciting at the University Linda Makela. a . sophomore ternities and sororities and the winner will reign as the majoring in political science, was Victor recordings, as well as many during the year. The proctah appearances at the Ritz Ballroom, monarch of beauty for the coming school year. realized from this drive are divided elected president of the Sociology Colloquium for the 1964-55 school treasure Beach Ballroom and the An outside, impartial board of among numerous worthy groups. old Lyric Theatre, and has always judges will pick the five finalists Jones. Audrey Friedman. Cynthia year. She wfll succeed Dianne Ray, Leah Charter, Cecelia Ro6s, The campaign will be conflicted played to sellout houses. He is from a beauty contest held at the on a competitive basis, thus fra­ MacDougall, present president of "Weekend on a Doitar” Dance on Barbara Julian, Jacqueline McCue, the organization. also the proud possessor of the Eileen Daly. Barbara Blitzer, Bet­ ternity will compete against fra­ only gold-plated vibraharp in the May 8. The student body will vote ternity, drib against chib, and Angelo Minei was elected vice ty Bond, Bobbi Swyer, Bette Sar- president, Evelyn McGee, secre­ world, worth an estimated $3500! for the wanner, during the follow­ dormitory against dormitory. Each As experienced with a smooth ing w eek. mast .and Grace Bruno. tary, Harold Trishman, treasur­ winning organization will be pre­ (continued on page2) sented a plaque, which will be in­ er, and Ralph Scofield, historian. First BeautyXContest scribed With winner's name and This will be the fim time that be dismayed £* ¿.tanni HaK. the queen will pajpjapate in an Wistaria Pageant The goal of the campaign is to actual bbauty contest in older to get one-dollar from each student. Helicon Nears Completion— - win the crown. In previous years, The officers of the various clubs a nomination required 25 student Lists 'Wildflower' will be responsible for the col­ signatures, and the general stu­ "The Wildflower,1” this year's lection of funds. A table will be Will Be Available Soon dent body elected the queen from Wistaria Pageant, includng a cast set up on the first floor of Alum­ The Helicon, University of Bridgeport’s literary maga­ photos. However, under the pres­ of over 40 people, will be pre­ ni Hall to collect contributions ent setup, candidates will have to from evening students. zine, with a variety of articles, poems, and short stories is parade in dress suits and cocktail sented May 9 at Marina Circle. now on its way to completion. dresses, thus affording %x>th the This is the story of the snowdrop, Originated in 1947 because of judges and the students an op­ the first flower of Spring. Keys To The Kingdom the need for a student literary publication. portunity to select the “girl of Playing to/an expected capacity publication, after a variety of Work can still be considered for their dreams” from a personal Students are taking n chance publication in foe magazine by crowd of students and parents, the names were contributed, Helicon appearance. when they leave their over­ was -voted the best title because submitting it to English teachers. AnnouncemetVt of the winner Pageant will be one of the high­ coat* on the hangers provided a t its symbol of literary inspira­ Dr. Millhauser or John Irvine. You will be made at the Wistaria Ball lights of the traditional Wistaria in Op Technology Building. tion. neefoi’t be an English major, or on May 7. and the formal crown­ Weekend. Sponsored by the Of­ Keys for the leeks on the ZVening Students Active be affiliated with the English De­ partment to have your writing ing ceremonies will be conducted fice of Chmpus Productions, the hangers have been taken. The during the Wistaria Pageant on About 50% of the present staff considered. 1 Aspiring Heming- May 9 at Marina Circle. The win­ extravaganza is being directed by Administration urges foe key- consists of members of foe , eve­ ways are urged to submit copy, ner will be crowned by Beth Drex- Albert A. Dfckaaon. takers to kindly reborn them ning division of the University, which may be in the form a t es­ ler, the present queen. A call has gone out for five ad­ immediately to Or. Willard F. lids year's editor is John Irvine, says, as well as short stories, ar­ ditional females and one male to I assisted by Marlene Fanta, Eliza­ ticles or poems.
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