LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS The civil works portion of this District covers an area of the District is responsible for the portion of the Little approximately 36,414 square miles in northern, western, River and its tributaries that are in the state of Arkansas, and southwestern Arkansas and a portion of Missouri. above its mouth near Fulton, AR. In the White River This area is within the Arkansas River, Little River, and Basin, the District is responsible for those portions in White River basins. In the Arkansas River Basin, the southern Missouri and northern and eastern Arkansas in District is responsible for planning, design, construction, the White River drainage basin and its tributaries above operation, and maintenance of the navigation portion of Peach Orchard Bluff, AR. The Memphis District is re- the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System sponsible for navigation maintenance on the White River (MKARNS). The District is also responsible for the ar- below Newport, AR, to the mouth of Wild Goose Bay- eas included in the Arkansas River drainage basin from ou, in Arkansas County, AR. The White River down- above Pine Bluff, AR, to below the mouth of the Poteau stream from the mouth of Wild Goose Bayou is part of River, near Fort Smith, AR. In Little River Basin, the MKARNS. IMPROVEMENTS NAVIGATION 1. Arkansas River Basin, AR, OK, And KS ........... 3 Multiple-Purpose Projects Including Power 2. Arthur V. Ormond Lock & Dam (No.9), AR ..... 4 3. David D. Terry Lock And Dam (No. 6), AR ...... 4 28. Beaver Lake, AR ………………………………9 4. Emmett Sanders Lock And Dam (No. 4), AR ... 4 29. Bull Shoals Lake, AR.................................. ….10 5. James W. Trimble Lock And Dam (No 13),AR . 4 30. Darndanelle Lock and Dam (No. 10), AR ....... 11 6. Lock No. 2 And Wilbur D. Mills (No. 2), AR .... 4 31. Greers Ferry Lake, AR ..................................... 11 . Norfork Lake, AR ............................................ 11 7. Joe Hardin Lock And Dam (No. 3), AR ............ 5 32 8. Colonel Charles D. Maynard Lock And 33. Ozark-Jeta Taylor Lock and Dam (No. 12), AR 11 Dam (No. 5), AR ........................................... 5 34. Table Rock Lake, MO ……………………… ..12 9. Montgomery Point Lock And Dam, AR............. 5 10. Murray Lock And Dam (No. 7), AR .................. 5 INVESTIGATIONS 11. Norrell Lock And Dam (No. 1) and Entrance Channel, AR ................................... 5 35. May Branch, Fort Smith, AR ........................... 12 12. Toad Suck Ferry Lock And Dam (No. 8), AR ... 5 36. Pine Mountain Lake, AR ................................. 12 13. Maintenance And Repair Fleet And Marine 37. Springfield, MO ............................................... 13 Terminals, AR ............................................... 5 38. Southwest Arkansas Study ............................... 13 14. Other Authorized Navigation Projects ................ 6 39. White River Minimum Flows, AR …………...13 15. Navigation Work Under Special Authorization.. 6 CONSTRUCTION FLOOD CONTROL 40. Clearwater Major Rehabilitation Project, 16. Blue Mountain Lake, AR ................................... 6 Clearwater Lake, MO ..................................... 14 17. Clearwater Lake, MO ......................................... 6 41. Arkansas-White Cutoff Containment Structure, 18. DeQueen Lake, AR ............................................ 6 AR, General Reevaluation Study…………… 15 19. Dierks Lake, AR ................................................. 7 42. McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation 20. Fourche Bayou Basin, Little Rock, AR .............. 7 System 12-Foot Channel, AR and OK ............15 21. Gillham Lake, AR .............................................. 7 43. Ozark Powerhouse Major Rehabilitation 22. Little River Basin, AR ........................................ 7 Project, Arkansas River, AR ………………..15 23. Millwood Lake, AR ........................................... 8 24. Nimrod Lake, AR .............................................. 8 25. White River Basin (Little Rock District), CONTINUING AUTHORITY PROGRAM AR & MO ...................................................... 8 NAVIGATION ACTIVITIES (SECTION 107) 26. Inspection Of Completed Flood Control Projects ......................................................... 9 44 Slack Water Harbor, Russellville, AR………....16 27. Other Authorized Flood Control Projects .......... 9 45. Lavaca port…………………………… ………16 37-1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY ON CIVIL WORKS ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2011 EMERGENCY BANK PROTECTION (SECTION 14) 46 Batesville Wastewater Treatment Plant, Batesville, AR ................................................. 16 47 Highway 71 @ Red River, Ogden, AR .............. 16 48 Little Piney Creek, Highway 164 ...................... 17 49 Southside Water, White River, Batesville, AR .. 17 50 Highway 58, Guion, AR……………………… 17 51 White River, Augusta, AR…………………… . 17 52 Old Grand Glaise, Jackson County, AR……… 17 53 Paw Paw Bend Road, Conway County, AR… ... 17 FLOOD CONTROL ACTIVITIES (SECTION 205) 54 Archey Fork Creek, Clinton, AR ....................... 17 55 White River, Oil Trough, MO ........................... 18 56. Prairie Creek, Russellville, AR .......................... 18 57. Otter Creek, Shannon Hills, AR ........................ 18 ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION (SECTION 1135) 58. AR River Environmental Restoration Project ... 18 59. Bull Shoals Lake Tailwater Restoration ........... 18 60 Bull Shoals Nursery Pond………………… ..18 61. Millwood Lake, Grassy Lake, AR…………..…18 62. Rock Creek at Boyle Park, Little Rock, AR ….19 ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION (SECTION 206) 63. Coleman Creek, LR, AR……… ........................ 19 64. Shirey Bay Rainey Brake Wildlife Management Area (WMA)................................................... .19 APPENDIX A Table 37-A Cost And Financial Statement ............ 20 Table 37-B Authorizing Legislation ..................... 27 Table 37-C Other Authorized Navigation Projects ............................................. 29 Table 37-E Other Authorized Flood Control Projects .................................. 32 Table 37-F Multiple Purpose Projects Including Power ................................................ 35 Table 37-G Deauthorized Projects ........................ 36 37-2 LITTLE ROCK, AR DISTRICT NAVIGATION Fort Smith, AR, and Muskogee and Catoosa (Tulsa- Rogers County), OK. Port authorities have been orga- 1. Arkansas River Basin, AR, OK, AND KS nized to develop public facilities at North Little Rock, Dardanelle-Russellville, Morrilton, Clarksville, Ozark, Location. The headwaters for the Arkansas River are and Van Buren, AR, and Sallisaw, OK. Terminal facili- in the Rocky Mountains near Leadville, CO. The river ties are in operation or being built at 35 locations in Ar- flows southeastward 1,396 miles through Colorado, kansas and at 25 locations in Oklahoma along the im- Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas to join the Mississippi proved waterways. River 599 miles above Head of Passes, LA. Operations during fiscal year. Previous projects. For details see page 1066, Annu- al Report for 1932, and pages 744, 864, and 881, Annual Flood damages prevented by Little Rock District lev- Report for 1943. ee projects in the Arkansas River Basin during FY11 are estimated at $187,947,000; flood losses prevented Existing project. The MKARNS provides naviga- through FY11 are estimated at $1,827,112,000. tion, hydroelectric power, flood control, water supply, sediment control, recreation, and fish and wildlife prop- Approximately 10.7 million tons of commerce was agation improvements in the Arkansas River Basin. The moved on the Arkansas portion of the MKARNS during MKARNS provides a navigation channel 9 feet deep and calendar year 2011. Details of the MKARNS and lakes 444.8 miles long. The channel begins at the mouth of in Arkansas are shown on the following pages. the White River, which enters the Mississippi River 599 FY11 withdrawals for water supply purposes were 77.54 miles above Head of Passes, LA, thence 9.8 miles up- acre-feet from Nimrod Lake. stream to the mouth of Wild Goose Bayou; thence 9.2 miles by a land cut, designated as Arkansas Post Canal The maintenance Dredging Contract was awarded to mile 42 (1943 survey) on the Arkansas River; thence on 30 July 2010. Early renewal of option 1 was effective 376.0 miles to the mouth of the Verdigris River at navi- on 03 June 2011. A total of 9 locations were dredged in gation mile 395.0; thence 49.8 miles up the Verdigris FY2010. NM 9.9-10.2, NM 0.0-1.1, NM 8.5-9.6, NM River to the head of navigation at Catoosa, OK. A 12 3.1-3.5, and NM 4.9-5.4 were completed in Oct/Nov foot channel depth was authorized by Section 136 of PL 2010. NM 18.7-18.9, NM 49.7-50.0, NM 178.1-179.4, 108-137 in 2004. Construction of the 12 foot channel and NM 274.6-275.0 were completed in Aug/Sep 2011. depth began in 2006. Temporary relief measures (clamming with in-house la- bor and pool deviations) helped the district maintain nav- The waterway is canalized throughout its length by igation on the MKARNS. 18 locks and dams with a total lift of 420 feet. Dar- danelle, Ozark-Jeta Taylor, Robert S. Kerr, and Webbers An IDIQ Bank Stabilization contract was awarded in Falls are multiple purpose projects that include hydro- FY09.In FY10 work was completed in Pools 3, 7, 10 and power. Lock chambers are 110 by 600 feet. A mini- 12 totaling about $6.6 million. mum channel width of 150 feet is provided for the Ver- Replacement of the service transformer and medi- digris River, 225 feet for San Bois Creek, 250 feet for um–voltage disconnect
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