Birds of Tuscarawas County 187 of the most commonly sighted species Ducks, Geese, and Swans Cormorants, Darters, and Allies (Anseriformes) (Suliformes) Black-bellied Whistling Duck Double-crested Cormorant Canada Goose Mute Swan Pelicans, Herons, Ibises, and Allies - Tundra Swan Pelicaniformes Wood Duck Great Blue Heron Gadwall Great Egret American Wigeon Green Heron American Black Duck Mallard Hawks, Vultures, Kites, Eagles, and Blue-winged Teal Allies (Accipitriformes) Northern Shoveler Northern Pintail Black Vulture Green-winged Teal Turkey Vulture Canvasback Osprey Redhead Northern Harrier Ring-necked Duck Sharp-shinned Hawk Greater Scaup Cooper’s Hawk Lesser Scaup Bald Eagle Bufflehead Red-shouldered Hawk Common Goldeneye Broad-winged Hawk Hooded Merganser Red-tailed Hawk Common Merganser Rough-legged Hawk Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck Cranes and Rails (Gruiformes) American Coot Grouse, Quail, and Allies (Galliformes) Plovers, Sandpipers, and Allies Northern Bobwhite (Charadriiformes) Wild Turkey Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Loons (Gaviiformes) Solitary Sandpiper Red-throated Loon Lesser Yellowlegs Common Loon Least Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Grebes (Podicipediformes) Semipalmated Sandpiper Pied-Billed Grebe Short-billed Dowitcher Horned Grebe Wilson’s Snipe American Woodcock Bonaparte’s Gull 1/4 Birds of Tuscarawas County 187 of the most commonly sighted species Ring-billed Gull Caracaras and Falcons Herring Gull (Falconiformes) Lesser Black-backed Gull Great Black-backed Gull American Kestrel Merlin Pigeons and Doves (Columbiformes) Perching Birds (Passeriformes) Rock Pigeon Mourning Dove Flycatchers, Pewees, Kingbirds, and Allies Cuckoos (Cuculiformes) Eastern Wood-Pewee Acadian Flycatcher Yellow-billed Cuckoo Alder Flycatcher Black-billed Cuckoo Willow Flycatcher Owls (Strigiformes) Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Barn Owl Eastern Kingbird Eastern Screech-Owl Great Horned Owl Vireos Snowy Owl White-eyed Vireo Barred Owl Yellow-throated Vireo Warbling Vireo Nightjars (Caprimulgiformes) Red-eyed Vireo Common Nighthawk Jays, Magpies, Crows, Ravens (Corvids) Eastern Whip-poor-will Blue Jay Swifts and Hummingbirds American Crow (Apodiformes) Larks Chimney Swift Horned Lark Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Martins and Swallows Kingfishers and Allies (Coraciiformes) Northern Rough-winged Swallow Belted Kingfisher Purple Martin Tree Swallow Woodpeckers (Piciformes) Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Red-headed Woodpecker Cliff Swallow Red-bellied Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Carolina Chickadee Black-capped Chickadee Northern Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Tufted Titmouse 2/4 Birds of Tuscarawas County 187 of the most commonly sighted species Nuthatches Wood-Warblers Red-breasted Nuthatch Ovenbird White-breasted Nuthatch Louisiana Waterthrush Blue-winged Warbler Wrens Black-and-white Warbler House Wren Tennessee Warbler Winter Wren Kentucky Warbler Carolina Wren Common Yellowthroat Hooded Warbler Gnatcatchers American Redstart Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Cape May Warbler Cerulean Warbler Kinglets Magnolia Warbler Bay-breasted Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Blackburnian Warbler Ruby-crowned Kinglet Yellow Warbler Thrushes Blackpoll Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Eastern Bluebird Pal Warbler Swainson’s Thrush Pine Warbler Hermit Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler Wood Thrush Yellow-throated Warbler American Robin Prairie Warbler Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and Thrashers Black-throated Green Warbler Canada Warbler Gray Catbird Yellow-breasted Chat Brown Thrasher Northern Mockingbird Sparrows and other Emberizids Starlings and Mynas Eastern Towhee American Tree Sparrow European Starling Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Wagtails, Longclaws, and Pipits Lark Sparrow American Pipit Lark Bunting Savannah Sparrow Waxwings Grasshopper Sparrow Cedar Waxwing Heslow’s Sparrow Fox Sparrow Longspurs and Snow Buntings Song Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Lapland Longspur White-throated Sparrow Snow Bunting White-crowned Sparrow 3/4 Birds of Tuscarawas County 187 of the most commonly sighted species Dark-eyed Junco Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies Scarlet Tanager Northern Cardinal Rose-breasted Grosbeak Blue Grosbeak Indigo Bunting Dickcissel Blackbirds Bobolink Red-winged Blackbird Eastern Meadowlark Rusty Blackbird Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Orchard Oriole Baltimore Oriole Finches House Finch Purple Finch Pine Siskin American Goldinch Old World Sparrows House Sparrow 4/4 .
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