This is a free sample of content from Leukemia and Lymphoma: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index A PRPF8, 307 AA. See Aplastic anemia SF3B1, 307 ABL1, 347, 368–369 SRSF2, 307 ABL2, 369 SUZ12, 120 ABT-199, 368 TET2, 117, 119, 121, 305 ABT-731, 181 U2AF1, 307 ACIN1, 374 U2AF2, 307 Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). See also B- ZRSR2, 307 progenitor acute lymphoblastic therapeutic targeting leukemia; T-cell acute lymphoblastic combination therapy, 123–124 leukemia histone epigenetic mechanisms, 121, 123 epidemiology specific epigenetic mechanisms, 121 adult, 32–33 induced pluripotent stem cell models, 257–259 pediatric, 29–30 leukemia stem cell studies. See Leukemia stem cell Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) model children without Down syndrome, 326–329 mouse models. See Mouse models Down syndrome association pathophysiology, 295–296 clinical and biological features, 324–325 recurrent mutations GATA1 CEBPA, 301–302 cooperation with trisomy genes, 323–324 GATA2, 302 mutations, 323 NPM1, 300–301 genetic susceptibility, 321–322 RUNX1, 301 transforming mutation acquisition, 325–326 signal transduction mutations overview, 319–320 CBL, 303 RNA-binding proteins, 153 FLT3, 302 Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) KIT, 302–303 chromosomal abnormalities KRAS, 303 core binding factor rearrangements, 296–297 NF1, 303–304 KMT2A rearrangements, 298–299 NRAS, 303 rare translocations, 299–300 PTPN11, 303 clonal hematoipoiesis, 75 therapeutic targeting epidemiology CD123, 91–92 adult, 31–32 CD33, 90 pediatric, 29–31 FLT3, 90–91 epigenetics limitations, 90 cytosine methylation profiles, 115–117 prospective leukemia stem cell targets. gene mutations See Leukemia stem cell ASXL1, 120–121, 306 tumor suppressor gene mutations BCOR, 306–307 PHF6, 308 BCORL1, 306–307 TP53, 307–308 cohesin, 307 WT1, 308 DNMT3A, 117, 304–305 ADI-PEG20, 182 EZH2, 120 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) IDH1, 120, 305–306 clinical presentation, 473–474 IDH2, 120, 305–306 genetics, 474 LUC7L2, 307 pathogenesis, 473 507 © 2021 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from Leukemia and Lymphoma: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index AF10, 298 B-cell lymphoma. See also specific lymphomas AF4, 298 classification, 448, 451 AF9, 298, 303 genetics, 450–451 Age-related clonal hematopoiesis (ARCH), 11, 13, 73 germinal center B-cell-derived lymphomas, 451–452 AICDA, 49 lymphomagenesis, 448 AITL. See Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma post-germinal center and marginal zone B-cell- AKT, 346 derived lymphomas, 452–453 ALCL. See Anablastic large cell lymphoma pre-germinal center B-cell-derived lymphomas, 451 Alisertib, 329 B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA), 494–497 ALK, 431 BCL1. See CCND1 ALK, 55–56, 473 BCL2, 49, 152, 183, 185, 368, 396, 399 ALL. See Acute lymphocytic leukemia BCL2, 52, 54, 162, 234–236, 239, 374, 448, 452 AMKL. See Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia BCL6, 128, 236–237, 239, 242, 306 AML. See Acute myeloid leukemia BCL6, 52, 54, 374, 452 AML1, 303 BCL11B, 342, 344 AMPK, 7 BCMA. See B-cell maturation antigen Anablastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) BCOR, 74, 306–307 clinical features, 472 BCORL1, 74, 306–307 genetics, 472–473 BCR, 368–369 genetics, 55–56, 472–473 BHLHB1, 341 overview, 187 Bioenergetics. See Metabolism, leukemia/lymphoma Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) BIRC3, 389 epidemiology, 469 BiTEs, 495–497 genetics, 57 469–471 BL. See Burkitt lymphoma APC, 326, 471 BLCL2A1, 186 Aplastic anemia (AA), 74 BLIMP1, 241 APOBEC, 119 BMI1, 152, 161 ARAF, 425 Bortezomib, 478, 489 ARCH. See Age-related clonal hematopoiesis B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) ARF, 340 chromosomal alterations ARHGEF1, 240 gross abnormalities, 364, 367 ARID1A, 51, 54, 476 translocations, 367–368 ARID1B, 475 inherited variants, 375–376 ARID1B, 471 microenvironment, 377 ARID2, 283 mixed phenotype ALL, 374–375 ARID2, 471 overview, 363–364 ARID5B, 476 prospects for study, 377–378 ASCT2, 181 relapse, 376–377 ASNS, 181 subtypes ASS1, 182 DUX4-rearranged ALL, 371 ASXL1, 70, 74, 120–121, 260, 280–281, 302, 306 ETV6-RUNX1-like ALL, 369 ATLL. See Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma IGH rearrangements, 374 AT M , 49, 243, 451, 454 IKZF1 N159Y, 372, 374 AT R , 128 MEF2D rearrangement, 371 AURKA, 329 novel subtypes, 368–372 NUTM1 rearrangements, 374 PAX5-driven subtypes, 372 B Ph-like ALL, 369 Bach2, 206 prevalence and prognosis, 365–366 B-ALL. See B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia ZNF384 rearrangement, 371–372 BAP1, 306 BRAF, 425, 439, 492 BAX, 186, 456 BRAF, 51, 53, 59, 421–423, 430–433, 437–440 BCAT1, 159, 184 BRD4, 281 B-cell, development, 226–227, 448–449 BRD4, 374 508 © 2021 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from Leukemia and Lymphoma: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index BRD9, 374 CFS1R, 371 Brentuximab, 456 CH. See Clonal hematoipoiesis BTK, 49, 403, 456 CHAF1B, 322 BTK,50 CHD8, 471 BTLA, 364 CHEK1, 128 Burkitt lymphoma (BL) CHIP, 276 genetics, 54 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) mouse models, 232–233 B-cell surface receptors B-cell receptor signaling, 390–392 chemokine receptors, 392 C microenvironmental signals associated with CALR, 257, 276 clonal expansion, 392–393 CARD11, 56, 457, 476 combinatorial indices in management, 396 Carfilzomib, 488 diagnosis, 395 CBCL. See Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma epidemiology, 386 CBFA2T3, 328–329 genetics CBFB, 296–297 noninherited recurrent mutations, 388–390 CBL, 284 susceptibility genes, 386, 388 CBL, 70, 284–285, 303 monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, 393–394 CCL3, 393 normal cell equivalents, 394–395 CCL4, 393 overview, 385–386 CCND1, 50, 52, 229, 451 predictive markers in therapy, 395–396 CCND2, 341 prognostic markers, 395 CCND3, 51, 54, 233, 338, 340, 439 progression CCR4, 474, 479 aggressive clonal variant promoters, 399 CCR4,57 cell growth rate role, 400 CCR7, 474 clonal evolution, 400 CCUS. See Clonal cytopenia of undetermined Richter’s transformation, 400, 402–403 significance risk factors, 386 CD3, 348 treatment CD7, 348 anti-apoptotic protein targeting, 399 CD19, 458 chemoimmunotherapy, 398 CD200, 364 initial therapy, 396–397 CD23, 395 monoclonal antibodies, 398 CD28, 471, 474 pathway inhibitors, 398–399 CD30, 480 progression targeting, 403 CD31, 393 refractory disease, 402–403 CD33, 90 relapsed disease, 402–403 CD38, 392–393, 395, 491, 493, 497 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia International CD47, 479 Prognostic Index (CLL-IPI), 396 CD58, 474 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small cell lymphoma CD79B, 452–453 (CLL/SCL) CD123, 91–92 epidemiology, 33–34 CDK4, 232 genetics, 48–50 CDK4, 338 mouse models, 242–243 CDK6, 338 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) CDKN1A, 237 epidemiology, 33 CDKN1B, 237, 340, 476 induced pluripotent stem cell models, CDKN2A, 56, 337, 340, 364, 368, 375 255–256 CDKN2B, 364, 368, 375 CLL. See Chronic lymphocytic leukemia CDKN2D, 338 CLL/SCL. See Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small CDR, 242 cell lymphoma C/EBP, 159–160 CLL-1, acute myeloid leukemia therapeutic CEBPA, 301–302 targeting, 101–102 509 © 2021 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from Leukemia and Lymphoma: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index CLL-IPI. See Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia DEK, 299 International Prognostic Index D2HGDH, 188 Clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance DHODH, 183 (CCUS), 73–74 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) Clonal hematoipoiesis (CH) cellular origins, 228 aplastic anemia, 74 epidemiology, 37–38 bystander clonal hematoipoiesis, 75–76 epigenetics clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance, cytosine methylation patterning, 130 73–74 gene mutations in epigenetic modifiers, founder clonal hematoipoiesis and leukemia 128–130 progression, 74–75 immune synapse as focal point for epigenetic genetic susceptibility, 77 dysregulation in lymphoma, 130 hematologic malignancy risk, 71 overview, 124–128 idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance, therapeutic targeting 73–74 nonspecific therapies, 130, 132 interventions precision therapy, 132–133 follow-up, 78 genetics, 52–54, 451–452 inflammation inhibition, 78 heterogeneity, 460–461 metformin, 78 mouse models mutation targeting, 77 BCL6 dysregulation, 239 preclinical studies, 77 FBXO11 deletion, 240 vitamin C, 77–78 Ga13 pathway disruption, 240 multiple myeloma outcomes, 76 NF-kB signaling activation, 241–242 mutation landscape, 70–71 PRDM1/BLIMP1, 241 overview, 69–70 DLBCL. See Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma prospects for study, 78–79 DLEU2, 242 solid tumor outcomes, 76 DLEU7, 242 technical definition, 71–73 DNA methyltransferase. See also Epigenetics CML. See Chronic myeloid leukemia acute myeloid leukemia inhibitor therapy, 124 CNOT3, 348 DNMT1, 279 Cohesin, 214, 255, 307 DNAMT3A, 13–14, 57, 70, 74–75, 77–78, 85, CPI-613, 180 117, 206, 210–211, 260, 279–280, CREBBP, 234–237 304–305, 319, 469, 476 CREBBP, 52, 53, 128–130, 364, 452, 471 DOT1L, 298–299 CRISPR–Cas9, 204–205, 244, 255, 258, 460 Down syndrome Crizotinib, 479 acute megakaryoblastic leukemia CRLF2, 367, 369, 374 clinical and biological features, 324–325 CSF1R, 432 GATA1 CTCF, 214, 329 cooperation with trisomy genes, 323–324 CTCF, 329 mutations, 323 CTCL. See Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma genetic susceptibility, 321–322 CTLA4, 496 transforming mutation acquisition, 325–326 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) hematopoiesis disturbances, 321 clinical presentation, 476 malignancy association, 320–321 genetics, 476 Durvalumab, 480 CUX1, 374 DUSP22,56 CXCL12, 4–5, 206, 337, 392 DUX4, 368, 371 CXCR4, 206, 337, 377, 392 DYRK1A, 324 CXCR4, 453 DYRK1A, 367 D E Daratumumab, 488 EATL. See Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma DCAF15, 160–161 EBF1, 52, 364 DDX3X, 452 EBNA2, 187 510 © 2021 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from Leukemia and Lymphoma: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights. Click here for more information on how to buy the book.
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