Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. qu a rt e r ly news l e t t e r Se ptember 2005 Vol 15, No. 3 in c o rp o rat i n g ba ck g round briefing na tional magaz i n e up d a t e friends of the abc Is the Government listening? Now that the uproar and shouting about alleged bias has died down, there is only one issue paramount for the ABC - funding. The corporation has not been backward putting its case forward - notably the collapse of drama production to just 20 hours per annum. In the Melbourne Age, Director of ABC TV Sandra Levy referred to circumstances as "critical and tragic." around, low-cost end - we've pretty "We have all those important well done everything we can." obligations to indigenous programs, religious programs, science, arts, Costs up children’s programs ... things that the dramatically commercial networks don't, and yet Once the launch pad for great we probably battle along with about Australian drama, revelations that the a quarter of what they spend in a ABC's drama output has dwindled year - the disproportion is massive." from 100 hours four years ago to just Ms Levy's concerns have been 14 hours this year have received a lot echoed by managing director Russell of media attention. Balding and chairman Donald Ms Levy estimates that an hour McDonald, who have spent the past could cost anywhere from $500,000 few weeks publicly lamenting the to $2 million, 10 to 50 times more gravity of the funding crisis. than an entire series of a studio- Ms Levy cites an independent valu- based light entertainment program ation commissioned by the ABC a such as Spicks and Specks. few years ago that recommended an ‘Entire services "We would do more high-end extra $200 million a year was will be axed’ drama, there's no doubt about it, but needed to ensure the broadcaster's a drama telemovie costs $2.5 million sustainability. Ms Levy, says the newspaper, to $3 million and that's a great deal The Age - 27/6/05 gives an apocalyptic prognosis for of money. It costs $6 million to $8 the national broadcaster if it fails to million for a miniseries and we just secure a funding increase for the don't have the funds to do that." 2006-2008 triennium. So calamitous is the situation that not only will Funding crisis whole genres of programming be gravity I N S I D E : ignored, such as drama and comedy, After 15 years of requests for more Around the branches 2 - 4 but entire services will be axed, she money being rejected by the Federal The President’s Report 3 cautions. Government, "If this is the case this Media News 5 - 7 "The ABC's funding was down 27 time, I think the ABC will be unrecog- Special Budget Issue 8 - 1 0 per cent since 1985-86. It's kind of nisable in the sense it will have to Media Bias 1 0 - 1 1 at that point now where we can't do make drastic decisions about the Fear & Loathing (Part 2) 1 2 a lot more on the cheap, high-turn- lack of funds," she says. Allan Ashbolt 1 5 SPECIALSPECIAL ABCABC BUDGETBUDGET ISSUEISSUE Page 1 Flood Swamps Friends, but ABC shines Swollen rivers put paid to But Northern Rivers' Friends are as number is 02 6680 3132 and her Northern Rivers Friends' June fond of Radio National as they are of email address is meeting, cancelled at short their Local Radio and they've [email protected] notice. A major flood had put the expressed concerns about changes Val hopes to run a Trivia Quiz Night city of Lismore on high alert. to Radio National they suspect result and is planning to promote FABC However, said Branch president from funding constraints. activities on local market days. Neville Jennings, as usual ABC "Our Friends group feels we must Northern Rivers next branch North Coast played a significant be vigilant in ensuring the ABC meeting will be held at 7.30 pm 5th role covering the flood and keep- remains independent and that individ- October in Lismore at the Workers' ing people informed about road ual ABC staff members are able to Club. Branch members should watch closures and flood heights. maintain their integrity in the face of local papers for news about upcom- So Northern Rivers met in Lismore increasing demands to conform to a ing Friends' events including a forth- in early August, noting other Local corporate mentality," Neville said. coming visit to the region by another Radio successes, including outside well known broadcasts providing on-the-spot Byron Bay foreign correspondent and a repeat of reports of the International action the Sunday Afternoon Breakfast Philosophy, Science and Theology Val Phillips has agreed to convene Show for members in the Tweed Festival at Grafton, the Primex Field the Byron Bay sub-branch and is district. Day at Casino and the Byron Bay keen to contact members from Ballina Neville Jennings, Writers' Festival. to Brunswick Heads. Her contact Branch President Armidale's submission to rural summit (August 2005) Armidale branch represented Quality of regional Australians have access to the FABC at the biennial summit transmission the same level of multi-media services of Tony Windsor on issues of Most areas of the New England do as the cities do. This would include concern to New England's com- not receive the full range of ABC and continuing internet & digital broadcast munity. With 58 representations in SBS services. Regional radio, Radio service upgrades in all areas. Existing all, around five minutes were National, Classic FM, JJJ & News Government guarantees to this effect allocated to each presentation Radio, ABC TV & SBS should be to be maintained, including conditions and resolutions were agreed to by equally accessible to all Australians. on the full sale of Telstra. consensus. Supply of digital Election of the ABC Board to include a specific position for at least There was a strong feeling through- services from the ABC out that rural areas are disadvantaged one Rural/Regional representative. The ABC recently launched a num- compared with metropolitan ones and ber of multi-media services and more Resolutions that this inequity must be overcome. are planned for the future. New 1)The New England Regional Our concerns were received England continues to have limited Summit calls for the Federal sympathetically, with other speakers access to these services. This is Government to raise the level of fund- from the floor following up with inequitable. ing to the ABC in order to provide supportive and clarifying comments. improved broadcast, multi media & Political appointments Our resolution was unanimously digital services of equal quality and supported and the suggestion of a to the ABC board & lack of availability to those available in urban rural representative on the ABC's transparency Australia. Board was very favourably received. Politically-based appointments to 2) This meeting calls for the Federal Our concerns included: the ABC board have led to ineffective Government to establish a transpar- & biased decisions being made. Quality of ent process for electing the ABC local ABC radio Solutions: Board The process must include a Local ABC radio has a restricted All MPs representing non-urban specified position for at least one local content & frequently uses long electorates and non-urban community Rural/Regional representative on the items from elsewhere, severely limiting groups to lobby consistently to board. the range & variety of truly local infor- restore ABC funding at least to the Priscilla Connor, President mation of interest and value to New levels of 1986, and preferably more. England. Increased funding to ensure that Page 2 THETHE PRESIDENT’SPRESIDENT’S REPORREPORTT Focus on equacies over the years and is and most interested in what Funding Shortfall clearly in the interests of the they could do to support the people. It has often been bene- A B C . The focus in this edition of ficial to the Friends in pro b i n g Update is on Funding, or the behind government decisions. We gained eight new mem- vast shortfall in the ABC's bers on the day, some addition- budget which is reflected in Reliance on al new members subsequently what you see on your television New Senators and the probability of establish- set or hear from your radio, e.g. ing a new branch in the district. virtually no locally pro d u c e d I recently wrote to two new drama, more documentaries senators, Barnaby Joyce Later in the same week, I p u rchased rather than made and Stephen Fielding, having spoke at a forum conducted by l o c a l l y, more repeats, more net- been encouraged by their the Central Coast branch at working and fewer re g i o n a l d e s i re to reflect the will of their G o s f o rd, together with author radio pro g r a m s . constituents. I suggested to and playwright, Peter Ye l d h a m Senator Joyce that his rural and local ABC radio personality, E l s e w h e re in this edition, the and regional constituents re l i e d Scott Levi. As is the custom at issue of funding is dealt with in heavily on the ABC as well as Central Coast, a supportive and m o re detail. The ABC’s Tr i e n n i a l Telstra and that we looked inquiring audience asked a wide Funding Submission is being to him to be a strong advocate range of questions.
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