UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON C23 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1968 No. 53 Repeal Drive Aimed At Amendment By DAN PEDEKSEN press of BOC executive se-sions, and financing and policy of the A decision is expected fiom athletic department, whicii was tho Board of Control this after­ then managed by the ASUW. noon on whether there will IM» a general meeting of the The new constitution limited ASUW corporation to consider .ASl'W power to ai'tivities only, repeal of a 12-year-old amend­ discontinuing student voting ment to the ASUW constitu­ membership on the I'niversity'* tion. Budget and I'inance Commit­ tee, and abolishing the ASCW A bill asking f(n- the nwefing Building Operations C'onnidt* has been introduced hy .Mike tee. -Mandeville for Bob t'ooper- Within a week the Board rider. president of Students of Control had \oted in a spe­ f(»r Campus Keform (S('K). cial meeting not to recognize The disputed amendment, Ar- the new constitution. ASUW tiiie IX, gives the l"ni\erstty and University attorneys then oto by stepfijnie ros president authorify to exercise final .say over any ASl W deci­ took up the legal dispute, and One of these i\\c coeds will be named queen of the Winter Carnival, sponsored by Husky sion. It reads: on Oct. 6. 195.5, the Univer­ Wint«i Sports Club. '1 he five are, from left, Alice Stithen, Barb Williams, Hjordis Fammer- sity attorney presented a "Tlie President of the Uni­ compromise to the BOC. It stacJ, Linda Lazzar and Ann Morgan. Tickets, priced at 810 for the event which will be held versity, acting for the Board of was pointed out that the at the Chinook Hotel Feb. 10-11, are available through tomorrow at 307 HUB. Besides the Regents, has the right of final Board of Regents could direct queen tcntest, the annual weekend spectacular will feature various ski races in the snowy approval or disapproval of all ASUW funds into other de­ Cascadtj actions of the Associated Stu­ partments, and that what the dents of the University of Washington (ASUWi, and the (Continued on Page 12) President, acting for the Board of Regents, has the right to require any affiimati\e action U Book Store Will Need to be taken which he deems I)roper. and to take such action BOC fo Vofe on behalf of the ASUW, after request by him that such ac­ More Space, Soy Reports tion be taken and failure of the On Article IX governing bod\ of the ASUW Article IX, the prov isi.-.- in doing hnsiiu'ss in excess cd S4 iwo and a hilt" times the vol­ to take such action, except that the ASUW Articles of Incoipa- Bv CHICK the President may not require ration, which provides for vr>to EKLXKKKHOFF million annn.ill>. I'rotits after ume." he saiii. any affirmative action to bo taxes in IfMiT were .SJ")?<.OI>0, of of student government actioa .\sked about tlie sometimes- taken which would change the by the president of the Univc?r- Tho UriiversitN Book Store wlii»h .Sri7.<MM» was returned to heard student lomplaiiit that corporate structure of the students as patronage refuntl. sity, is set for debate at tills docs net hiiVQ enough space to the hooU store would ha\e ASUW.' afternoon's Boara of Cor.trol cidrquat»ly t.ei\»> the i'lcreasiiig The rest was retained hy the plent\ of room for books and store for new in\entory ami The president lias held this meeting. enrollm* nt at the Unisersit\ ol supplies if \ariet\-store items A bill is before the br.ird \\';ishiiigl<ri. according to I.yle other expenses. such as cameras, clothing and power since No\. 16. \9"i, Goj^s, tHK>k store managei-. when the article was amended which would authoiize a gene­ "i\o individual gets aii\- prof­ ski ei|uipment were rein«»ved. ral mooting of the ASUW Cor­ lioss said that such a policy to the constitution as a "com­ .\t a meeting Friday at the it from the book store, said promise" with students follow­ poration for the purposes of book stf-ie with nine A.SUW Goss. "All earnings go into stu­ would end profits and cut stu­ ing co!itro\ersy over adminis­ considering repeal of the a'tl- Boanl <f Control members, dent refunds, expansion, or dent rebates entirely. tration presentation of a new clo. Gt>ss sunimarizoii the book studoiils-boiiofit projects." Books and sui)plies lia\e the constitution. Other bills before the board stoie boMd of trusioos' annual lov\esi profit margin of an\- The new constitution had today include a request lor ad­ rcpt)rl. ar.d the results of an Goss told The DAILY yester- ditional funds l)\- Model United indciM?nd< rT stud.s of facilit\' da.\- that the present book .store tiling now sold in the book been (Jicsented by the admin­ store. The otlior items arc al-so istration following a scries of Nations, and a measure wh.ich rc(iuir»Mn< r.tv by the research facility was establislied in UG8 would require that all bills and geared for a much lower needed to keep sales more e\en dis|)utt\s early in 195.") between firm ol t'jc-ap, McCoiiiiick and the ASUW and the adminis­ submitted to the BOC foe Paget. rate of expected I'niM'isitv tluowgh tlii^ \oar so peak sales ASUW committee appoint­ periods at tlio beginning ol each tration. These includetl can­ Both «l(Cumonts stie.^sed a expansion than lurnod out to cellation l)y the administration ments list contain informatioa be the ease. (Muu-ter are not so drastically of a visit to campus by physi­ about each candidate. need le ('piiiision ot tlio book *aljo\e average sales that the store "With 50 per cent more floor cist J. Robert Oppenheimer, Today's meeting will b? at I*res«'r!>. III,. liiioU store is space than in IB.'iS, we're doin,- (Continued on Page 9) the closure to tho public and .".:.".0 p.m. in 354 HUB. Conflict Cause of Musicians Dispute By D.^VE A^DIONS halting point for the disagree­ age added, *'\>e have a right to bers may lud play with iion- There has l)eeii a movometit ment, w ith the University secur­ control our members who go niendiers," noted Dean IMiilip onto the American canipus on Divided £:lcgiance and con­ ing a temporaiA injunction. out there to play and those on Cartwright of .Vrls and Sci­ tho part of professional musi­ the l'ni\ersity faculty, so long ences. "The uni<Mi has no juris­ cians anil it is possible the union flicting t'ccils were the basic If the union <-hooses to pur­ causes oi the dispute which as we act legally. Labor will diction over us: if they did. it i(>els threatened. sue the matter, a trial on merits have to take a stand." would he in violati<ui of our Cartwright said that the ciuptod Mcr.ntly between tho will he ne«essary, accordint; to School Ol Mi;>ic and tho Musi- academic freedom." union is shortsighted. James B. Wilson, assistant at­ Raniage said the University "In ways we are their b'?5t ci.ins I,occi] 7b. torney general. If they let it should be more responsive to When the instructional pro­ DisagK* ments culminated ductions go off canipus, on in­ ally. We're training not only drop, the Injunction could re­ unions. "Seattle is a union future musicians, but audiences ulK-n the «jiki<in directed faculty main in effect. town," he said. frequent tours for instance, a and r>t«i«l«nf niendiers of the form is filed with the union as a as well, through outside per­ Musicians Union leaders ad­ Universitv spokesmen said the formances. Tho union fails to indon luA tv |jlay in the Jan. 'M union request was an attempt matter of courtesy. The "clear­ Sinfoniei-'a with .Mrs. I.ynne mitted a conflict of goals is in- ance" reduces strain but if the recognize tho fact that the Uni­ \()l\ed. to assert an authority over the versity carries its instinctiotial I'abnt^t, « Kon-meinher. curriculum of tiio University, its union declined approval, the Mrs. Pi'Jnner had earlier been "When a member joins our go-ahead would probably still program to the whole state." union he has to abide by our faculty and students. Since the "blackli'V(j ' because of her University's primary interest is be given, Cartwright said. This is nevt'r done on a i)rofit- non-union iC/.ities which were regulations. When they Join the niaking basis, he added, disa­ UW faculty, they have another educational exci'llence, member­ "The only way they have of not connri t<d with her Univer­ ship in unions is irrelevant. vowing foundation to tho fool­ sity dutjrs. She was a featured set of regulations they are sup­ disciplining non-members is ing that the performances pose perfoinui nt the national con­ posed to assume." said union ••There has been a long­ through members," ho said. an (>coiiomic threat to the vention ri the PEO Sisterhood secretary Lowell Richards. "In standing. Iidormal agreement "They have a right to do this unions, in OctoL< r, 1^67, in the Oi)era this case they are not compat­ that if the periormames are in- anv- time but when it involves ••Their attitude !•« that a IIoosc. ible." struittonal matters they would facultv- carrying out instruc­ (Continued on Page 9) The Superior Court uas the I'nion president diet Kam- not hold to the rule that mem­ tional programs." there can be no defence like elaborate courtesy-edward lucas get items v\as always reserved, ultimately at arm and agency of the State of Washington Article IX least, by the UW administration.
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