23.12.2011 7 Kg; 107 Cm; 2 Kg; 800 G 20110109 Campbelltown 1137 00 673 +25 1326 193 4946 1553 00 3397 460 5463 44563 1 Jarrod Si

23.12.2011 7 Kg; 107 Cm; 2 Kg; 800 G 20110109 Campbelltown 1137 00 673 +25 1326 193 4946 1553 00 3397 460 5463 44563 1 Jarrod Si

23.12.2011 7 kg; 107 cm; 2 kg; 800 g 20110109 Campbelltown 1 Jarrod Sims 7215 1137 00 673 +25 132619349461553 00 3397460546344563 20110213 Tauranga 1 Brent Newdick 7296 1132 +01 701 00 134518951101547 -07 4329440530944763 2 Scott McLaren 7036 1162 +01 678 00 138318650601612 -07 3857450527045017 20110217 Qatif 1 Mohamed Ridha Al-Matroud 6864 1118 -04 692 130817550381528 -07 3866390510950232 20110227 Melbourne 1 Stephen Cain 7416 1143 00 676 +16 133019350511522 -06 3737480556443375 2 Jarrod Sims 7155 1126 00 670 -05 128119649561587 -06 3731440515544478 20110317 Houston 1 Jon Ryan Harlan 7720 1122 -11 680 -04 149819950901455 +07 4325490610750791 20110318 La Habana 1 Jose Angel Mendieta Errasti 7404 1122 -18 730 00 153619252171462 -13 3780400633850629 2 Juan Gilberto Alcazar Oquendo 7200 1166 -18 696 +18 117919851721553 -13 3866440545242913 3 Danilo Rey Batista 7078 1137 -18 697 00 113218650061492 -13 3841360597243676 4 Manuel Gonzalez 6817 1188 -18 667 +05 140019553121597 -13 3891380519443886 20110318 Northridge 1 Benjamin Dillow 7145 1142 +29 646 +18 123818951091525 +09 4249435517343319 20110318 San Diego 1 Derek Steinbach 6801 1148 628 +09 133418654281564 +01 4069435563650187 20110320 Sao Paulo 1 Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Chinin 7581 1121 -33 758 +21 134320249601470 -39 3892440549750304 2 Danilo Mendes Xavier 7217 1140 -33 735 +23 133519051211531 -39 3884420571850000 3 Renato Atila Souza da Camara 7117 1166 -07 725 +47 132319652101527 -39 4160440487750327 20110325 San Angelo 1 Brent Vogel 7238 W 1116 +41 688 +53 117718648991495 +19 3775405554543395 2 Todd Wildman 7065 W 1098 +41 702 +31 114019550221439 +34 3244435435145259 3 Jordan Zerr 6960 W 1096 +41 684 +38 113918650141642 +34 3438435510043660 4 Austin Bahner 6957 W 1087 +33 726 +42 109418050421628 +23 3808425497344877 20110325 Tuscaloosa 1 Keith Baker 7320 w 1126 +29 624 +19 147518950731478 +24 4210465491244416 2 Justin Schneider 6909 w 1148 +29 663 +08 121319250401581 +24 3331445465043422 20110326 Santa Barbara 1 Derek Masterson 7159 1135 686 135019752471612 3464495581250422 20110401 Perth 1 Jarrod Sims 7500 1102 +16 703 +49 125519449071544 -08 3931460528243571 2 Stephen Cain 6863 1145 -08 0 136119450521497 -08 4028500580743475 20110401 Tucson 1 Damian Warner 7632 1056 +15 701 +11 130619350901431 +04 4238410620445180 2 Patrick Woods 7218 1127 +03 665 +10 144220552191491 +04 4256450446250716 3 Heath Nickles 7078 1185 +03 664 +11 129018751581523 +04 3651500551045535 4 Jamie Sandys 7061 1132 +03 683 -03 126719351231572 +04 3779420507943808 20110402 Eugene 1 Kevin Godfrey 6808 1160 -19 679 +32 105819350791615 00 2905465487943152 20110402 Lynchburg 1 Taylor Schmidt 6853 1169 -12 637 -01 122819052181524 +34 3926425559045598 20110402 St. Louis 1 Ethan Miller 6973 1097 +19 727 +19 106420051141502 +20 3115435438745480 20110403 Arles 1 Sebastien Rouille 6943 1121 +13 691 +39 99219550221565 -22 3742400474843048 20110403 Makkah 1 Mohamed Ridha Al-Matroud 7234 1095 721 127017948811488 373542056535060 20110406 Osaka 1 Yudai Hirono 6977 1120 -02 669 +10 124117551001503 +09 3577440536344719 20110407 Austin 1 Michael Morrison 7921 W 1065 +44 741 +29 124019949841472 +21 3911510593644938 2 Romain Martin 7867 w 1086 +36 710 +39 130220549941451 +12 3810480587243722 3 Matthew Taylor Johnson 7686 W 1058 +44 741 +54 123218751141510 +19 4577480596850355 4 Isaac Murphy 7681 w 1047 +36 707 +35 121618149381490 +19 4492490501344068 5 Thomas FitzSimons 7607 W 1090 +44 682 +21 113319349201470 +21 3688450589141776 6 Wesley Bray 7571 w 1098 +31 741 +37 140718751751480 +31 3708460580944342 7 Kenny Greaves 7454 w 1121 +36 667 +29 124819050001550 +14 3620520488841919 8 Richard York 7389 W 1085 +44 710 +27 115919049501562 +20 3640450567843606 9 Chris Jones 7380 W 1101 +44 704 +38 131218451851523 +31 4258480559445876 10 Michael Hughes 7032 w 1076 +36 631 +19 127618151731609 +31 3779490489544648 10 William Markert 7032 w 1123 +36 653 +50 139719353561544 +20 4190460460645780 12 Ted Rud 6998 W 1121 +36 693 +41 121618751231566 +12 3799430445943403 13 Geren Woodbridge 6955 w 1111 +36 637 +36 127117251941578 +14 3882450580944559 14 Daniel Gooris 6879 w 1168 +31 617 +36 128818152981616 +21 3949510509744502 15 Jacob Wohlford 6850 w 1073 +31 681 +25 110817850001418 +20 3394360469944722 Ted Rud 6977 w 1121 +36 684 +34 121618751231566 +12 3799430445943403 20110408 Los Angeles 1 Dominic Giovannoni 7192 1130 -05 686 +04 121819250901491 +12 3708460484044100 2 Trent Perez 6992 1157 -05 670 +10 102718949591608 -11 3201480502542154 20110408 Sacramento 1 Samuel Schur 7292 1162 -01 703 +28 135119850931526 -04 3938435521743993 2 Austin Bahner 7018 1109 -01 721 +22 118318949621625 -04 3517405514144197 20110409 Arcadia 1 Gunnar Nixon 7577 W 1106 +06 736 +44 121420248371460 +20 3538440520043964 Gunnar Nixon 7524 1106 +06 714 +14 121420248371460 +20 3538440520043964 20110410 Castellon 1 Eusebio Caceres Lopez 7273 w 1040 +38 770 +15 116619250991493 +23 3140430533250853 20110410 Durban 1 Willem Coertzen 8014 1100 +18 729 +15 137420048741437 +15 4102440645943211 20110410 Ithaca 1 Nicholas Huber 7593 1114 +15 694 +20 132320249271466 +15 4194470486044807 20110412 Gresham 1 Bryant Sentman 6864 1183 619 117919853821606 4287415636044888 20110414 Arkansas City 1 Jonathan Hilton 7260 20110414 Azusa 1 Gray Horn 7791 w 1083 +12 754 +35 129219449781441 +17 3766480526343769 2 Lars Vikan Rise 7770 1119 +12 742 +30 150719450981506 +17 4306450578343870 3 Christopher James Randolph 7664 w 1121 +33 719 +27 136418849961488 +11 4463480560244934 4 David Klech 7533 W 1093 +12 746 +47 107820948081382 +17 2935440344541250 5 Nicholas Armstrong 7478 W 1117 +33 698 +45 132320951051511 +17 4051470521845995 6 Jeremy Taiwo 7335 w 1105 +33 691 +25 125219450421459 +11 3640450449642990 7 Phillip Adam 7327 1113 +12 702 +26 140219450881522 +11 4100430441943515 8 Jack Szmanda 7286 1133 +33 657 +07 132019151251512 +17 4227480469143907 9 Nicholas Trubachick 7281 1137 +12 660 +28 140220051941537 +11 4011450553944983 10 Björn Barrefors 7233 w 1117 +33 714 +32 141919750871472 +17 3921420414645257 11 Corbin Duer 7225 1155 +12 711 +32 125119450911556 +11 3998490483845440 1 inv Noah Palicia 7385 w 1116 +24 621 +24 117718848701496 +13 3585500539842603 2 inv Brock Spandl 7384 w 1112 +17 702 +26 114920051461483 +24 3727520493745732 3 inv Joey Schwecke 7096 1093 +24 713 +12 130319751951592 +19 4188410477150031 4 inv Jeff Mohl 6896 1125 +09 666 +19 101118850131529 -18 3455450493744492 5 inv Andy Lillejord 6863 1110 +13 698 +18 116717949941630 +24 3934480386645792 6 inv Michael Tibbs 6817 1140 +13 673 +21 119219152851560 +19 3627440484445042 David Klech 7496 1093 +12 731 +17 107820948081382 +17 2935440344541250 Nicholas Armstrong 7438 w 1117 +33 681 +14 132320951051511 +17 4051470521845995 20110414 Knoxville 1 Michael Patrick Ayers 7659 1066 +26 717 +07 138919349221539 +12 3958480537945289 2 Benjamin Davies 7385 1091 +26 706 +03 140718449281518 +08 4048430610151484 3 Thomas Barrineau 7363 1106 +26 667 00 131120251411576 +12 3657440581943136 4 Keith Onto 7025 1157 +08 667 00 123019951371506 +08 3490410528543697 20110414 Wichita 1 Krzysztof Slupkowski 7350 W 1084 +08 707 +33 140919249421474 +53 3402460450445570 2 Jordan Zerr 6874 W 1123 +08 675 +38 107418649241629 +53 3271430520043499 20110415 Shiraz 1 Abdoljalil Tomaj 6987 1115 704 132320852821556 4134400557054698 -4 20110417 Buenos Aires 1 Roman Andres Gastaldi 7574 1085 +10 726 +09 138919850091573 00 4250430524843993 2 Fernando Korniejczuk 6930 1133 +28 671 +03 125019253241550 00 3797450504545510 3 Damian Benedetich 6859 1107 +10 648 +10 137318051891649 00 3863400558744606 20110417 Reduit 1 Ali Kame 7685 1103 +29 733 +07 136520250001520 -30 3666440587843360 2 Guillaume Thierry 7444 1142 +29 690 152518752741536 -30 4370440648945149 3 Sors Joubert 7431 1108 +29 689 -07 126819649921463 -30 3868440500443476 20110417 Rio de Janeiro 1 Anderson Estevao Venancio 7751 1105 -03 727 +17 138719849281477 +10 407646558604547 2 Luiz Alberto Cardoso de Araujo 7520 1093 -03 718 +06 141119249221440 +10 301946555434522 3 Renato Atila Souza da Camara 7281 1146 -14 737 +13 129820452281496 +10 402745545144562 4 Mario Alves da Silva Neto 7206 1126 -14 732 +04 127220449831593 +10 379741545804450 5 Francisco Irlandio da Silva 7038 1077 -14 726 +11 107318052041507 +05 350248553425179 20110422 Bloomington 1 Heath Nickles 7140 114 00 652 +10 131019251271536 +13 3830490521545033 20110422 Durham 1 Mateo Sossah 7773 1145 +10 706 +35 136620649541458 -16 4191440513141649 2 Miller Moss 7706 1086 +10 692 +10 138120047851438 -16 3501460491943280 3 Curtis Beach 7543 1088 +10 706 +10 118220347721513 -16 3746450387241483 20110422 Lexington 1 Geren Woodbridge 6926 1140 +16 612 +13 135718751271567 -11 3853455528345609 20110422 Provo 1 Phillip Bettis 7315 1126 +09 708 +07 127619852231509 +01 3566490564250253 20110423 Birmingham 1 Brandon Bassett 7040 1123 +26 693 +20 122619152161531 +14 3807430577550574 20110423 Crete 1 Robert Keeney 7031 1118 +33 699 117820150721566 +09 3753405469044494 20110423 Fayetteville 1 Kevin Lazas 7542 W 1093 +49 738 +36 134519151571571 +01 3804490564644593 2 David Grzesiak 7352 W 1127 +49 675 +63 126920049311505 +01 3275460507842984 3 Derek Steinbach 7310 W 1120 +49 691 +45 136917953421518 +05 3923470633144900 4 Nathanael Franks 7112 W 1110 +43 671 +45 133119448801587 +11 3756360465041960 5 Auston Chen 7025 W 1070 +49 730 +31 133616450751546 +01 4293410440045639 6 Ian Jansen 6801 W 1144 +43 696 +59 113918552201597 +11 3628460457344716 20110424 Wakayama 1 Keisuke Ushiro 7825 1137 -16 703 +18 136819950801528 -01 4575480657344134 2 Takumi Otobe

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