Neurology International 2018; volume 10:7690 Missed diagnosis of chronic logical disorders, several evaluation tools inflammatory demyelinating such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Correspondence: Department of Physical computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of polyneuropathy in a patient are being used. In particular, nerve conduc- Medicine, Yeungnam University 317-1, with cervical myelopathy due tion study (NCS) and electromyography Daemyungdong, Namku, Taegu, 705-717, to ossification of posterior lon- (EMG) play a key role in the diagnosis of a Republic of Korea. peripheral nerve lesion and the assessment Tel.: 82.53.620.4682. gitudinal ligament. of its extent and severity.8 E-mail: [email protected] In the current study, we report a case of Key words: Chronic inflammatory demyeli- missed diagnosis of chronic inflammatory nating polyneuropathy; cervical myelopathy; Min Cheol Chang demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), electrophysiological study. which is one of peripheral polyneu- Department of Physical Medicine and ropathies, in a patient who underwent spinal Conflict of interest: the authors declare no Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, decompression surgery due to cervical conflict of interest. Yeungnam University, Taegu, myelopathy induced by ossification of the Republic of Korea posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). By Funding: This work was supported by the reporting this missed diagnosis, we intend National Research Foundation of to emphasize the importance of thorough Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea gov- examination of the nervous system before ernment (MSIT) Abstract confirming a diagnosis of a neurological (NRF-2017R1C1B5017714). disorder. In particular, we intend to show Received for publication: 25 March 2018. In the current study, we report a missed the necessity of NCS and EMG to rule out diagnosis of combined chronic inflammato- Revision received: 25 June 2018. other combined disorders in peripheral Accepted for publication: 3 July 2018. ry demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in nerves in patients with cervical spinal cord a patient with a cervical spinal cord lesion. lesions. This work is licensed under a Creative At 3.5 months after the onset of symptoms, onlyCommons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 a 60-year-old female with mild motor weak- License (CC BY-NC 4.0). ness and significant weight loss underwent a surgical operation for decompression of Case Report ©Copyright M.C. Chang, 2018 the cervical spinal cord. However, her use Licensee PAGEPress, Italy motor weakness was severely aggravated A 60-year-old female was referred to Neurology International 2018; 10:7690 despite the surgical treatment, and she could the rehabilitation department of a university doi:10.4081/ni.2018.7690 not walk independently at 10 months after hospital for progressive motor weakness and neuropathic pain in the upper and lower symptom onset. Based on the results of received total laminectomy of C3 and C6, extremities. The patient provided informed electrophysiological and cerebrospinal fluid bilateral foraminotomy at C4-5 and C5-6, consent for participation in the study. The tests, we diagnosed her with CIDP. and partial laminectomy of C4 and C5. Considering her medical history and the study was approved by the local Institutional Review Board of our hospital. Despite the surgical operation, the patient’s results of our evaluations, we think our symptoms remained. During a visit to the patient’s neurological symptoms before the Her motor weakness initially manifested ten months prior, and her motor weakness start- rehabilitation department at 10 months after surgical operation were attributed, at least symptom onset, weakness of the upper and in part, to CIDP. Our study shows that clini- ed in the lower extremities prior to being in the upper extremities. She also presented lower extremities was MRC 3+/5 and cians should consider the possibilities of 1~2/5, respectively (Table 1). Tactile sensa- other lesions in different areas even when with a tingling sensation and numbness in both upper and lower extremities. Three tion was severely decreased in all extremi- patients have a definite lesion in the cervi- ties. She had suffered neuropathic pain in cal spinal cord or cervical spine. months after symptom onset, she went to the neurosurgery department of another uni- her extremities, and the numeric rating scale Non-commercialversity for progressive motor weakness and (NRS) score was 6 out of 10. The pain was a tingling sensation at both upper and lower described as piercing and lancinating. In addition, she could not walk, thus she was Introduction extremities. She was able to walk independ- ently but with an observable mild wide-base ambulating using a wheelchair. Neurological symptoms, such as motor gait. In addition, she reported weight loss of On the electrophysiological studies weakness and sensory disturbances, are 10 kg during 2 months. In the physical (Tables 2 and 3, Figure 2), the compound caused by various disorders of the nervous examination, the patient presented with motor action potential (CMAP) showed a system. In clinical practice, it is not easy to mild motor weakness (Medical Research significantly increased motor distal latency find a lesion causing a patient’s neurologi- Council [MRC]9: 4+/5) (Table 1) and mild- and decreased motor conduction velocity cal symptoms through only physical exami- ly decreased tactile sensation in all extrem- and amplitude for both median and ulnar nation. Furthermore, occasionally more ities. CT and MRI showed OPLL at the nerves with conduction block. CMAP on than two lesions in different areas of the level of C3-T1 and cervical spinal cord both peroneal and tibial nerves showed no nervous system can be overlapped.1-3 compression (Figure 1). In addition, on T2- response. The F wave on the left median Additionally, in many cases, lesions in the weighted images, high signal intensity was nerve showed delayed latency, and that on nervous system are asymptomatic.4-7 seen in the cervical spinal cord at the C5-6 the right median, bilateral ulnar, peroneal, Accordingly, thorough examination is nec- disc space level (Figure 1). At that time, and tibial nerves showed no response. essary for finding the accurate pathology electrophysiological tests, including NCS Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) on related to a patient’s neurological symp- and EMG, were not performed. At 3.5 right ulnar nerves showed significantly toms. For the accurate diagnosis of neuro- months after symptom onset, the patient increased peak latency and decreased [Neurology International 2018; 10:7690] [page 79] Case Report amplitude, and that on the bilateral median, Societies and the Peripheral Nerve left ulnar, bilateral peroneal, and bilateral Society.10 The patient was treated with a 6- Discussion tibial nerves showed no response. On the week oral prednisolone regimen of 60 mg At her visit to the neurosurgery depart- EMG, positive sharp waves (+3) were each morning for 2 weeks, 40 mg each ment 3 months after symptom onset, the observed on all the evaluated muscles of the morning for 1 week, 30 mg each morning patient complained of mild motor weakness upper and lower extremities (deltoid, biceps for 1 week, 20 mg each morning for 1 week, (MRC: 4+/5) and mild sensory deficit. brachii, flexor carpi radialis, abductor polli- and 10 mg each morning for 1 week. Two Because cervical MRI showed a definite cis brevis, vastus medialis, tibialis anterior, months after finishing the regimen, the cervical spinal cord lesion due to OPLL, the and medial head of the gastrocnemius). patient’s motor power of the upper extremi- neurosurgeons conducted the decompres- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis revealed ties was increased from 3+ to 4, and that of sion of the cervical spinal cord without con- a protein concentration of 240 mg/dL with- the lower extremities was increased from sidering the possibility of other disorders. out any white blood cells. The patient was 1~2 to 3- (Table 1). In addition, her neuro- Despite the surgical treatment, the symp- diagnosed with CIDP based on the criteria pathic pain nearly disappeared (NRS score: toms of the patient continued to worsen. At of the European Federation of Neurological 1). 10 months after onset, her motor weakness was 3+ in both upper extremities and 1-2 at both lower extremities on the MRC scale. Based on the results of NCS/EMG and CSF analysis, the patient was diagnosed with CIDP. The spinal cord was severely com- pressed and showed a signal change in spinal cord on the MRI. In addition, the patient reported 10 kg weight loss over 2 months, which is one of symptoms of peripheralonly polyneuropathy.11 Additionally, despite surgical treatment, our patient showed continuous deterioration of motor functions and aggravated sensory deficits. useTherefore, we think our patient’s neurolog- ical symptoms before the surgical operation were attributed to both cervical myelopathy Figure 1. The sagittal CT (A) and T2-weighted cervical spine MRI (B) at 3 months after and peripheral nervous system (PNS) lesion symptom onset showed ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament at the level of induced by CIDP. Because NCS and EMG C3-T1 with cervical cord compression and high signal intensity in the cervical spinal cord are pivot exams for diagnosing lesions in at the C5-6 disc space level. the PNS, they can be useful for ruling out Non-commercial Figure 2. Median and ulnar motor nerve conduction responses at 10 months after onset
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