Average Daily Net Press Ran JtlLY 2» 1 9 ^ The Weather PAGE EIGHTEEN For The Week Ended jimuiipatpr lEmtting M ay 20, 1971 Clear, , co(d tonight; ininny, pleazant'" Sunday, high to SO. 15,550 Outlook for Monday:and warm er. ; i i b o u l Town BogginiSees Manchetter-r-^A -CUy of Charm T iw R ev. R ubmU Alien,,cu­ rate a t at Mary's Episcopal No C on flicl Church, wlU cci^uct a service MANAGERS VOL. IXXXX, NQ. 233 (TWENTY RAGES—TWO SECTIONS—INCLUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1971 (CtooMtied AdvtwtWng o. Page Iv) PRICE ElFTBEN CENTS Sunday at 8:19 a.m. on radio stattcn WDni'.. 'the program Is In Vote Split ^MDSored ^ the Manchester A rea CXMncil o f Churches and Manchester State Re^,..-}). the Cleisy Assoclatlcn of Man- Charles Bogginl said ted&y the : Airliner cheater. H era] he sees nothing inconsistent li i Traffic Deaths Lute Junior Museum will be his actions yeS^tday mominj [ O n M on d ay cloMd Sunday for the hcdiday In the House of Representatlvei > The Manchester Evening and, w ill Tiopexi on Tuewlay. when, at 8 he voted fo * wlU not print an edition on In U.S. at 57 the Income tSo^ amendment t > In Flight ^onday, in observance of ‘Hie VFW Auxiliary will con­ Independence Day. duct a recreatianal program the revenue bllKand, an hou: The staff of The Herald ex­ Tuesday at the Newlngteb Vet^ HAKODAOIEl, Japan (A P ) - - later, voted agabun\$he amenii A Japanese alrilner with 68 /per- tends wishes to all for a By Mfd-Morning erans Hospital. T^sse planning ed bUl Itself. pleasant, meaningful and to, attend will m6et at the Post SPECIALS sens ahoard was reported miss­ ing today oh a domestic flight sate holiday. Drive care- / o y ' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS E ^ e at 8:30 p.m., and those Ihe amendment fuUyi needing . transportation may H w se b y an 83 to 80 v o te .^ b b natlotial police said. Traffic Incidents across the nation claimed 57 li^^ contact Mm. Kenneth Aseltlne, tax bill, with the sunendment Huy s^d they were search­ by 10 a.m. today, in the start of the long Fourth of 7M E. Middle Ipke. passed by an 82 to 73 margliC 2 DAYS ONiV ing for the plane near Hakodate July weekend. ------------------------ ’-------7^^— The amended bill had breeze I after the TOA Alriines YS-U Fair and mild weather pre- HARTFGRD (AP) —‘ Fo u r Miss Mancliester, Priscilla through the Senate by a 21 to 11, (11 GREAT HOURS) plane lost radio contact with the Meskill vailed over most of the country, persons lost their lives In traf- Doyle, win model swim suits count. control tower of the Hakodate but showers dampened holiday accidents In Connecticut dur* and other summer fashions '-in- "I voted for the amendmeiA airport. Visibility in the area cutings In parts of Uie South and ing the Fburth of July weekend formally tomorrow from 2 to 6 because I realized, after th > w as poor. Vetoes Bill in the northern Rockies and ad- year ago Albert Rivers p.m. at the Davidson and Senate appiwsd the bill, that TONIGHT - 6-9 P.M. The airline said the plane was Jacent Plains. chalnhan of the Cbhnretlcut Loventbal Store at Manclieiater only a bill baaed on some forr i oh a fUgjit from Sapporo to Hak­ The count of traffic deaths be- safety Commission, reported, Shopping Parkade. of income tax had any chanc> odate, both on Japan’s northern­ On Drug Unit gan at 6 p.m. local Ume Friday .••WMie Connecticut Is showing of being pasmd by the Houss - 6 p .m : most main island of Hokkaido. and will end at midnight Mon- gratifying 23-case reduction in The hoard of trustees of South and being accepted by the gw- Airline officials said the {dane IlA'RTPORD (AP) —. Gov. day traffic deaths as of June 30th, United Methodist Oiufch will emor,” Bogginl explained. "Ws was carrying enough fuel to last Thomas J. Mleakill has vetoed Meanwhile, in Washington, 1971,” he addled, "this com m is­ meet tonight at 7:30 at the tried two or three times to gr«t until 8:30 P.M. (7:30 A'.M. 16 more bills including one that government agents have aeized sion Is gravely concerned over church. a tax bill that would meet w it» SAVE *60 BD T). would have set up a drug treat­ thousands of dollars worth of the possibility of a high traffic the governor’s approval. Ws The pilot radioed to the con­ ment unit at the veterans home iUegal fireworks In pre-Fourth death toll this July 4th .Mrs. John F. VcnDeck of 21 failed each time. It seemed t> trol tower at 6 :57 P.M . that he and hospital in Rocky Hill. of July raids. weekend.” Ebox St, the former Paula Fer% m e that he would accept thlp was 6,000 feet above Hakodate The latest vetoes yesterday All told agents of the Food The number of highway traf­ rante, is a graduate of East one.’ ’ SYLVMM but was unable to land because brought the record total to 78. and Drug AdmlniStraUcm have fic deaths in OonnecUcut during catholic High School and not "As for the bill itself," Bo^ drizzling rain hampered visibili­ The governor said establish­ seized 60 loads throughout the the first six months of this year Mtmcheater H i^ School as re­ glnl continued, "I voted agaiiut Portable Color TV ty,, Airline officials said repeat- ing a drug dependence unit at naUon, the latest a week ago at totaled 206, a drop o f 23 from ported In an account of the it because there were too man r (Sae Page Ten) Rocky Hill would "deter action kqlland, Ohio, Under a provision the 228 deaths recorded for the wedding In IConday’s Herald. things wrong with it. Althoug r oh the part of the federal gov­ In U)e year-old Hazardous Sub- corresponding period a year igo. I am for the concept of a stat s ernment in handling drug de- staiu^ Act. Rivera called on motorists to “ Income tax, I consider this onjs .pendent veteran s." announcing the seizures practice defensive driving being Sewage Plant the wrong one.” Federal legislation has been Friday, FDA Commissioner Dr. constantly alert to road and traf­ Bogginl insisted, "It’s wronk PDA Presses introduced by Connecticut Rep. Charles C. Edwards said at fic conditions. Holdup Fear^ for a state legislature to pass r John S. M onagan that would re-, least eight persons were kiUed In Boston for the weekend’s tax bill like this one so suddei - quire the military to rehabilitate and 41 seriously injured by fire­ New England Rally for As Tests Lag ly _ S or 4 in the morning. L drug addicts before releasing works In the last three years. God, Family and Country, tax O f this magnitude shoul 1 Search For them from active duty. Thousands of other injuries fenemy were variously Uber- als, integratibnlsts, supporters of Testing procedures at the sec­ have lieen considered month t In his veto message, Meskill were reported,, but not con­ Police lead Miss Monica Amflard Garza away from hijacked plane. (AP Photo) compulsory education or public ondary sewage treatment plant in advance—^wlth public heai '- noted that Connecticut already firm ed. Ings. It is not possible to maks Suspect Soj^p has a law which authorized the Messages Edwards said the govdrn-. medical care, and at tee root of are taking longer than antici­ them all, the inteiWuonal Com­ a last minute logical judgment. ’ Veterans Home and Hospital ment’s enforcement' problem is By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS munist conspiracy. pated and \>ecause of this the He said It would have been Commission to get help for com'pllcated by "a, substantial The 500 persona, mosUy mid­ new facility wl|l probably not. better to have rejected the tax The Food and Drug Adminis­ drug-addicted veterans. The com Issued By booUeg operation supplying Ille­ tration is pressing a nationwide dle aged, who attended Friday’s bill yesterday morning and 1 o mission may spend up to $2,(X)b gal products from roadside open until sometiteB ^ search fbr 6,444 cans of Bon Vi- Texas-Bound Jet Hijacked; opening session of the four-day have passed emergency legis­ per veteran per year for this stands and by lUegai sale of and week in July. \ vant brand vichyssoise, suspect­ event, were treated to several lation, "to carry the state evtn purpose. Hijacker mall order do-it-yourself fire­ Juilo Laurero of James S. ed of contamination by a deadly speeches, displays of right-wing as long as two or three montle works kits.” MInges and Associates i&c., en­ toxin that causes botulism. "At the present time there are literature, concession stands —or until the General Asteni- By RICHARD BEENE The law bans fireworks c m i- gineering consultants for the Four members of a suburban facilities in other state Institu­ selling patriotic paraphernalia bly would cmhe In with a tax Destination May Be Algeria Associated 'Press Writer taining more than two grains of project, says an inspection Philadelphia family were hospi­ tions for treatment,” said Mes- and an exhibit of chlna-hecul package the majority of the pe< >- BAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) — powder. A cherry bomb has Wednesday disclosed that the talized Friday after eating a klll. "The action proposed by dolls in 18th and 19th century pie could accept." were indications the pair sought "Tell my wife to take care of An alriine hostess says that the about 20 grains, salutes, 6(> to 60 project "might be falling a lit­ can of the vichyssoise for dinner this bill is not desirable at this RIO DE JANEIRO, Bra­ costum e.
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