January Date Legion Fair Starts Monday VA Issues Order For , Nightly Events To Be - Refunds l o Holders Of Member National Editorial Association.— New J«sey-Press Association■ Monmouth County Pres*. Association Held On School Tract; National Insurance ~ Water Carnival, Fire Taken Out Before ’49 80th YEAR — 51st WEEK MATAWAN, N./X, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1949 Single Copy Six Cents Works Display July 4 The Veterans Administration oh What is hoped will be the largest Monday formally authorized pay­ Exciting Debut A Question Money . Fair Parjktng fflir in Matawan history will get ment of a special dividend-totaling Traffic Light Cliffwood Fair undor- way at the. high school $2,800,000,000 on about 20,000,000 The 6V4-pound son born to Mr; Chiel Edwin C. Sloat ennounc- •grounds next Monday night under National Scrvicc Life Insurance and Mrs. Richard Domloy, Mid- ed yesterday the police depart* auspices of Matawan Post1 176, policies. An eslimated $77,500,000 diesex Rd., Meta wan. made hit NeedStressed Opens Friday ment w s i prepared io give all* American Legion, Tho fftlr will bo , Will go to New Jersey veterans of debut Into the world Wednes­ out co-operMlon to Matawan u part of tho annual, July^.i World War II. A surplus in the day, a? Lutheran Hospital, New­ Lloyd Rd. and Route 34 Funds Realized Will . Post 176* American Legion, in Its munleipa! celebration otid wilPWri- National Service Life Insurance ark. only after considerable spomorihlp o! ihe ennual July 4 tlnue nightly until July 1 There - fund 4m.adfr th ed iv id en d possible.. r exeJlemenJ. •" • ••*•••••-- Problem Explained To Clo Tpward New Truck; falr ^nd cettbratlon whlch .optn* will bo an afternoon opening hour_ About 16,000,000 veterans who Young Dominy.not scheduled Matawan Twp. Com.; Firemen’s Night Set • Mondayt ' . for’ tlu' fair ju ly 2 r; ^ i e -eelebra'-- took out insurance during World to arrive lor at least several, Receive Petition . During the nights tho fair Is tlon will terminate Inj n water^ War II will be eligible to receive woeks. early Wednesday decided, For Tubsday opirstlng on the Matawan High carnival and /in ■unrivaled flroworks^ Ihe payments. The VA said that the display July 4. -> / t to advance the data. The Mat-- Traffic light for the intersection of# Friday night will mark tho open­ Schocl grounds, parking reguls- amounts individuals would receive ilon» usually in force on Broad Four ground prizes will me awan First Aid 8quad ambu­ Lloyd Rd. and Valley Dr. was ing of the nnnu.il- fair sponsored were not yet knbwn, as thc calcu­ and Church is. will be relaxad awarded nightly to holders of lucxy*' lance was sum m oned for tbe Tide. asked by Leonard M. Morizio. a by Cliffwood Volunteer Klrc Qo, 1 8 lations havo* not been completed.. - to Newark: but FL. L, Cartan for Ihe convenience ol those stubs In attendance at tho fiyir. However, . the average payment resident of thcarea, nt the M«t* at Cliffwood Ave. and Route *3,1. These stubs are derjved from pur« and the Rev. Warren Leyton, .awan Township Committee mecl- Th«- frth* - will -coullnue. uullL-.July attending. Tht iame policy will would be $140 a person. .... squad members, deciding it be fo|Jow«d on Rarine Dr. dn tho .c)iaso, .slijw. lefl J n : ,boxca placed in - But Joseph-F. O’Herni manager ilng Thursday* . 3 Inclusive, exeopt Sundny, June 2(1. stores of Mninwan mcrchftiito eo* might be advisable to have extra Mr. Morizid said the' light need Arrangctnents havo born made for afternooh cf July 2 when Iho of the VA regional ofTice in Newark, water carnival will be held on operating In the fair nnd donating support secured the services of only bo for cinorgcncy .use on Sun the. enjoyment gf thc children, in­ warned vets not'to write In -asking 'Lake Lefferls. .......... -prize*. - - • Mrs, Shirley . Bentley/ a ‘nurse day afternoon and evening, Satur­ cluding “kiddle chair," lurgo swings about lhci.r dividends. A flood of "We expect Ihe Legion fair and. The following merchants, nro co« add member of the Matawan day mornings and holidays. ( y\t nnd "Uivi whip." Cash ground mail could delay payments, Mr. Public Health Association, and water cDrnlval iq draw- many opcruting In the program: Roneon's O’Hcrn explained. He said appli­ these times, he explained, traffic prizes also will be awurdett nlnhtlyv‘ radio- store; Ron-Ton ClolhlCrw, . Benny Pariii. on Route 34, designated as Valley Firemen’s night wllj be Tuesday, . out-of-town vUilo¥s,'A'Chlel Bloat cation blanks will be available for' The expedition left Matawan taldcj"and we want to do every* Matawan Drug, Town Tavern, Town distribution in August. ~ Dr. in that area, becomes so dense June 211. Cash prizes will be given Rcstauranl, Kaplan's .pcllcutoascn, al 6:45 *jn. but when the Edison that residents wishing to cross thc to the companies with tho most thing possible to extend them a eei January Distribution .­ Indian Head Garage, Johnnon'B Esso 8 Bridge was reached the ambu­ highway, or to tut;n onto it from men, for traveling fhe longest dis­ ccrdial welcome. All we ask In Carl B. Gray Jr., administrator lance crew radioed ahead for an ihe -mailer of parking near the Station, M. fc M. EleetHcid Supply, Lloyd Rd., cannot' do so because tance, ■ and two Jack-pot awards. of Veterans Affairs, said in Wash­ fair site and al^he water car­ Holden's Jewelry store, Gift..Shop, escort. At Bay way the ambu­ of tho line of cars. When a break For ladles auxiliaries there will be ington- that he •‘hoped distribution Sanfovd ThiVrmaey, Keyport Auto lance was met by an Elisabeth in the line docs comc, it is danger­ prizes for ihe milt having the nival is thal drivers use courtesy of .the checks could be started some and common senio~-iwo good Supply, Savory Food Market,-.Tom­ . police .detail fend"at /the Newark ous- for tho motorist on Lloyd Rd. largest number of members present, "time, in January', 1950,- find;be sub->: my's barber sh’op and beauty par- city lino' officers from there took lo aUemj$t to takiT advantage of' it, and two Jacl<-pot slakes. .The com- rules lo follow at all times.'1 stantially completed during' thc lnru (?lt ten’s. ConfeHJonej'y, , .Ctd|0tV_. over. The race was close but Mr. Morizio declared, because he mttleo has anmi^fiCed n u tf d rp a i^ first half of 1950." - . Shoppe, llutier Food Store, Carton's successful. Ten minutes after -cannot be sure that a driver on inenLs must haWviire apparatus nnd Dividend distribution should Federated Slores, Uniled Clgor the ambulance arrived- Young thc shoulder of thc road on Route at least six men present In order prove a potent factor to thc national "This little girl Is one of the lucky ones who ls rccclvlng anil- store, Povtei's Ceutrul *L\Wern, Domlny made his bow. : . 34 will not comc racing along and to qualify, -ln i ’aso of rain, dromon's Teachers Score economy, as it will go to .a cross tubtfCUlosls protection (hroujth; W.N, Inlcmatlonal Chlldrcti'a Hell's Market, Cork N‘ Bottle, Mut- - crash into him. ‘ night will bp held the next clear section of the population. It may Emer*ency Fund <UNICEF) ln «ooperatlbn wltli Uio World llcitltli awan ..Liquor Slore, Hell Boef, . Hans-Krimmel, another resident night. A ll/tiro unltH,, and- their have a political c/Tcct also, but, Organliatlon (WHO) and' Soitndiimvlnn Red Cross sbolcllfcs. Test Disclosures Tourlnn's Tavern and Pat'K' Ratv- . /bf:-the area, backed up thc request auxiliaries-/ire invited lo-attend; according to plan, the -chocks will Extension of the cam piti^n, w hich wan to renoh sonio 100,000.000 Water Bporli Queen Hold Services of Mr. Morizio.— Chairman John all be out several months before youngsters all over tlie ’World, Is Imperilled by UNICEF’s luclc ' Receipts Bonotit^ Fund Marz jr, said thc committee had of funds, now burely sudlolent for this year's help jirogratn. Group Protests Action Platt for a , hcuuly content luiu the 1950 GonffrpsfiionaV c\ficUQn5, ._ The fair Is hcintt held for tU« no-pow orlo a c t itf the tnfiUer^Qtfier. been abandoned from hick of . Special application blanks' are For Quadruplets liiuicAUuI U iu llrt tru d ij.u m iT ii< : By Ross In Revealing than to refer it to the St&t.e High­ onivleu;. Jack—Itarberiek, -jonsrul- now in preparation. It is hoped- now apparatus will be on display Stanford Results At way Department with a request chairman, announced today. How­ they will be prlnted'-so that they at the grounds during the fair, Boys, Girls Born To the state engineers conduct a trafTic E. H. Dominick Out As School Clerk Board Meeting „ ever, a queen of the wnter carnival can Tbe dlstrlbutod by August to Three grand prl/.os .will lie given SMtu d y al th e ' point, to verify tho on • Lake , brffertn- will be (,'honon every* post office, veterans’ service Bayshore Couple Die o n 'th e elosliu: niiiht, July H. Tli« need of a light. The chairman Protest sgalhHt public disclosure Xcom enlries In the - water ^jmrts. organisation and all VA tifflcea. first' prize In an eight ruhio foot Within 10 Hours; Were promised thc dangerous condition After 19 Years; Split Vote On Issue of result* of Stanfoid uchl(»v«u\enC events, . , . ■ _. Mr. Gray said that, in general, hoflio deep free/.er, secoinl is a Bom Prematurely - to lftcal'Tcfoss traffic would J?e lesls glveli lit MatnWan schools whs Fulcy blanka nro now nvnihiblo every veteran who took out ^Na­ nmibinatlon raMio and alarm flock, cmphashed.
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