RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 01/31/19 LIGHTING / ATMOSPHERICS INVENTORY ELIPSOIDALS QTY CIRCUIT LOCATIONS ETC Source Four 750 Fixtures HPL 575w 64 LOCATION QTY Source Four Barrel 10 Degree 12” Frame 3 SL Box 6 Source Four Barrel 19 Degree 6.25” Frame 17 Catwalk 1 Source Four Barrel 26 Degree 6.25” Frame 10 SL Box 1 Source Four Barrel 36 Degree 6.25” Frame 40 1st Electric 28 Source Four Barrel 50 Degree 6.25” Frame 4 2nd Electric (Future) 8 3rd Electric 16 Source Four Jr 6.25” Frame HPL 575w 2 4th Electric 16 5th Electric 16 Kliegl Bros Series 1550 Ellipsoidal FEL 1000w 28 Floor Pockets 3 Kliegl White / 20 Degree Barrel 7.5” Frame 14 SL Vestibule 2 Kliegl Blue / 30 Degree Barrel 7.5” Frame 13 SR Vestibule 2 Kliegl Yellow / 40 Degree Barrel 7.5” Frame 7 Stage Floor SL 12 Kliegl Green / 55 Degree Barrel 7.5” Frame 2 Stage Floor SR 12 Houselights 9 Berkey Colortran 213-095 12 Degree Ellipsoidal 7.5” Frame FEL 1000w 2 Worklights 6 Strand Century Lekolite 2205 22-50 Degree Zoom 6.25” Fr FEL 1000w 2 CIRCUIT LOCATIONS Strand Century 6x9 Ellipsoidal 7.5” Frame FEL 1000w 3 LOCATION # SL Box 1-8 Altman 6x9 Ellipsoidal 7.5” Frame EGG 750w 1 Catwalk 9-40 SR Box 41-48 WASH LIGHTS QTY 1st Electric 49-76 ETC Source Four PAR 750 8” Frame HPL 575w 20 3rd Electric 85-100 Altman 65Q Fresnel 7.5” Frame BTL 500w 8 4th Electric 101-116 PAR 64 Fixtures 10” Frame PAR64 MFL 1000w 6 5th Electric 117-132 Altman SKY-CYC-01 15 ½ x 15 7/8 Frame FFT 1000w 8 SL Vestibule 133-134 16” Scoop 300w bulb 6 SR Vestibule 159-160 Floor Pocket 135-158 INTELLEGENT FIXTURES QTY ETC Source Four Revolution (2 w/SM & 2 w/IM) 4 SPECIAL CIRCUITS ETC ColorSource Spot 6 LOCATION # ColorSource Barrel 26 Degree 4 1st Electric Works 180 ColorSource Barrel 19 Degree 2 3rd Electric Works 177 ETC ColorSource Par 10 4th Electric Works 178 Megalite Target Q190 12 5th Electric Works 179 Blizzard Skybox EXA 10 SL Works 176 Altman SpectraCyc 200 5 SR Works 175 Chauvet Rogue R2 Wash 6 Voms 172 Seat Lights 171 Stage Edge 170 Ghost Light 169 Houselights 181-184 RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 LIGHTING / ATMOSPHERICS INVENTORY EFFECT LIGHTS AND OTHER FIXTURES QTY BlissLights 50 Laser Star-Light 1 Roscoe Revopro Dual DMX Gobo Rotator 2 ATMOSPHERICS AND PYROTECHNICS QTY Martin Magnum Pro 2000 Fog Machine 1 Ultratec Radiance Hazer 1 LaMaitre Neutron XS Haze Machine 1 DMX Interface for Neutron XS 1 LaMaitre PyroFlash 2 Pyrotechnics Controller 1 LaMaitre PyroFlash Bases 4 Mini Snow Machine 2 LIGHTING CONTROL QTY ETC ION 6k (Win 7, SSD) with 2x20 Fader Wing 1 ETC Nomad 512 Dongle 1 ETC 1 port DMX gadget 1 Cherry Keyboard configured for ETC EOS Nomad 1 ETC Express 125 1 NSI Melange Plus w/touring case 1 Sensor 12 (24 Channel) Portable Dimmer Rack w/CEM 1 ETC Single Port DMX Node 2 Doug Fleenor 5 way DMX Splitter 1 Blizzard Pipeline DMX Splitter 1 ETC D20E Dimmer Modules 68 ETC D20 Dimmer Modules 11 ETC CC20 Modules *1 permanently for emergency lighting 3* ETC R20 Relay Modules 2 FOLLOWSPOTS QTY Altman Satellite I 575W HMI HMI 575 2 STRIPLIGHTS QTY Unbranded 12 light strips w/frames (4 ch) 5.5” x 6.5” Frame 150w flood 2 HUB Electric 16 unit strips w/glass filters (3 ch) 4” Round 150w bulb 6 HUB Red Filter 32 HUB Green Filter 19 HUB Blue Filter 31 LIGHTING ACCESSORIES QTY Tophat – 6.75” x 3” (Source Four Short Hat) 2 Tophat – 6.75” x 6” Half (Source Four Halfhat) 2 Tophat – 6.75” x 6” Full (Source Four) 20 Tophat – 7.5” x 6” Full 16 Barndoors – 7.5.” (Source Four Par) 7 Donut – 6.75” (Source Four) 4 RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 LIGHTING / ATMOSPHERICS INVENTORY LIGHTING CABLES QTY Stagepin Extension > 5ft 5 Stagepin Extension 10ft 3 Stagepin Extension 25ft 3 Stagepin Extension 50ft 6 Stagepin Extension 100ft 2 Stagepin Male to Edison Female Adapter 14 Edison Male to Stagepin Female Adapter 8 Stagepin Twofer 8 Multi-Cable 6 channel 50ft 1 Multi-Cable 6 channel Stagepin Break-In 1 Multi-Cable 6 channel Stagepin Break-Out 1 EDISON CABLES QTY Heavy-Duty (12ga) Edison Extension Cable 15ft 3 Heavy-Duty (12ga) Edison Extension Cable 25ft 3 Heavy-Duty (12ga) Edison Extension Cable 50ft 3 Standard Edison Extension Cable 25ft 4 Standard Edison Extension Cable 50ft 5 Edison multi-outlet extension cable 25ft 2 Edison 3-way 5 RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 01/31/19 AUDIO / VIDEO INVENTORY Italicized items are considered permanently installed MIXING CONSOLES QTY MIC JACK LOCATION Midas M32 Mixing Console w/Dante Expansion Card 1 LOCATION QTY Behringer x32 Compact w/Tour Case 1 Orchestra Pit 6 Behringer S16 Stage Box 1 SL Vestibule 1 Allen & Heath MixWizard WZ 16:2 w/road case 1 SR Vestibule 1 Mackie SR24:4 with Touring Case 1 Upstage Wall 2 Mackie 1402-VLZ (Gallery System Installed) 1 Downstage L Wall 2 Mackie Mix8 1 Downstage R Wall 2 SL Balcony 1 INSTALLED SPEAKERS (THEATER) QTY SR Balcony 1 TurboSound TQ-440 (Stereo) 4 Catwalk 3 TurboSound TCS-215 Subwoofers 2 Loading Bridge 6 Appogee SAT-3 (Delays) 3 X-FORM CONNECTIONS PORTABLE SPEAKERS / MONITORS QTY LOCATION CH TurboSound TFM-420 Wedges 4 Downstage L Wall 16 Turbosound TFM-230 Wedges 2 Downstage L Wall 8 Appogee SAT-3 (Lip Fill) 4 Downstage R Wall 8 EV SX 300 6 F200 Monitor Stands for SX300 6 sets MONITOR JACK LOC. Hanging Hardware for SX300 6 sets LOCATION QTY Tripod Speaker Stands 6 Upstage Wall 2 EV FM-12C Monitors 3 Downstage L Wall 1 Community CSX-S2 Speakers 2 Downstage R Wall 1 Community CSX-28-S2 Monitors 4 Orchestra Pit 2 Hotspot VC Monitor 1 SL Vestibule 1 QSC E18SW Subwoofers 4 SR Vestibule 1 EV SH-1810-ER 18” Subwoofers 2 SL Balcony 1 EV SH-1810H-ER Mid/High Cabinet 2 SR Balcony 1 Mounting Poles for EV-SH-1810-ER 2 sets SL Spot Bay 1 Mackie HR824 Powered Monitor 1 SR Spot Bay 1 AMPLIFIERS QTY ShielDed Cat6A to Booth MC2 MC650 (Main Mid/High, Delay, & Lip Fill) 4 LOCATION CH MC2 T1000 (Single Channel Monitors) 8 Downstage L Wall 4 Crown CTS3000 (Subwoofers) 1 Stage L Orch Pit 4 Crown CTS4200 (70v/Paging) 1 Gallery Storage 2 QSC Powerlight 2 (TurboSound wedges – portable rack) 4 Booth counter 4 Rane MA 6S 3 Crown K2 3 QSC GX5 2 QSC GDX8 2 QSC CX404 1 Crown CE1000 1 RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 AUDIO / VIDEO INVENTORY Italicized items are considered permanently installed WIRELESS MICROPHONES QTY Shure ULXD Wireless Systems 8 Shure Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries for all ULXD Beta 87C Handhelds* 5 ULXD Beltpacks 8 *Capsules available ([6] 87C, [6] Beta 58, [6] SM58) Shure SLX Wireless Systems 12 Ni-MH Rechargeable AA Batteries for all SLX Beta 58 Handhelds 6 SLX Beltpacks 12 Shure ULX Wireless Systems 4 Ni-MH Rechargeable 9v Batteries for all ULX 58 Handhelds 2 ULX Beltpacks 4 Countryman B3 20 Countryman E2 2 Shure WL93 (Black) 12 Shure Beta 53 Headset 1 Shure 183 Lavalier 5 WIRED MICROPHONES QTY Shure KSM-44 Large Diaphragm Condenser 1 Shure Beta 58 8 Shure Beta 57 8 Shure SM81-LC 4 Shure Super 55 2 DPA 4066 w/stand adapter and magnetic piano adapter 2 Countryman Isomax 4RF (lectern) 2 Sennheiser e604 (drums) 5 Sennheiser e902 (kick drum) 1 Rode NTG2 (short shotgun) 4 Crown PCC160 (Floor / Table) 6 AKG CK 47 (Shotgun) 1 AKG CK 49 (Shotgun) 2 Shure VP64 1 Shure Microflex (Hanging) 2 Shure MX391C (Floor) 1 SIGNAL PROCESSING QTY SoundWeb London BSS-160 1 SoundWeb London BSS-120 1 Rane RPM-88 1 DBX DriveRack PA2 1 DBX DriveRack PA 1 DBX 234XL Crossover 1 DBX 2231 Graphic Equalizer 1 PreSonus ACP88 Compressor 1 Lexicon MX550 Digital FX Processor 1 DIRECT BOXES AND AUDIO INTERFACES QTY DB-1 Direct Box 5 AV-1 Direct Box 1 Horizon Straightline Direct Box 1 Whirlwind pcDI Stereo Direct Box 1 Avid mBox Pro 1 VIDEO PROJECTION QTY Panasonic PT-DW830U (theater) 1080p 8,500 lm 1 Panasonic PT-VX400 (gallery) 1080p 4,000 lm 1 NEC VT460 LCD Projector w/case 800x600 1,500 lm 1 Kramer Electronics HQV VP-728 Video Switcher 1 AUDIO / VIDEO PLAYBACK QTY Apple iMac (control booth and portable / gallery) 2 Denon DN-1800F Dual CD Player 1 Denon DN-500BD Bluray Player (Theater) 1 Sony Blu-Ray Player (Gallery) 1 RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 Installed Rack Case Configuration AuDio Console Rack AuDio Control Rack 1 AuDio Control Rack 2 Furman Power Conditioner 1 Furman Power and Lights Furman Power and Lights Telex US-2000 Intercom 2 48 Channel 1/4” TRS Patch Power Sequencer Control Kramer HQV VP-728 Video 3 Panel Blank Kramer HDMI Switch 4 Blank Shure ULXD4Q Dennon DN-500BD 5 48 Channel 1/4” TRS Patch Shure ULXD4Q Quick Connections 6 Panel Blank Blank 7 Blank SoundWeb London BLU 160 8 48 Channel 1/4” TRS Patch SoundWeb London BLU 120 9 Panel Paging Control Rack Drawer 10 Blank Network Switch 11 48 Channel 1/4” TRS Patch Rane RPM88 Empty (cable pass) 12 Panel HES 13 Blank Video Control Gallery AuDio Rack 14 48 Channel 1/4” TRS Patch 15 Panel 16 Blank 17 Shielded RJ45 Patch Panel NL4 Monitor Patch Rack Drawer 18 Cable Passthrough Misc Patch Power Conditioner 19 Network Switch 20 Network Switch Drawer Sony BluRay Player 21 Biamp Nexia CS 22 Drawer Furman Power Sequencer Aux Input 23 Vent Vent Blank 24 Front Fill / Center Delay (MC2 Monitor Amp A/B (MC2 T- 25 MC-650) 1000) 26 Delay L / Delay R (MC2 MC- Monitor Amp C/D (MC2 T- Rane MA 6S 27 650) 1000) 28 Monitor Amp E/F (MC2 T- 29 High L/R (MC2 MC-650) 1000) Rane MA 6S 30 Monitor Amp G/H (MC2 T- 31 Mid L/R (MC2 MC-650) 1000) 32 Subwoofers L/R (Crown Cts 33 3000) 70v (Crown Cts4200) 35 Blank Blank RIVER ARTS CENTER 105 9th Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53538 608/643.5636 Road Case Configuration
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