BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF HEROD QUADRANGLE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY POPE, SALINE, AND HARDIN COUNTIES, ILLINOIS STATEMAP Herod-BG E. Donald McKay III, Interim Director F. Brett Denny, W. John Nelson, and Joseph A. Devera 2008 A ( o ( 15 o ( N J 10 ( Mk ª &cv Mdc EXPLANATION & o t ( Mm &t 18 o5 ( 25 ( Mp &t N J o ( 7 Igneous dikes, Permian P(i) Leonardian NJ ( o ( sills, and pipes Mk ? 4 ( 5 o Mk o ( Unconformity ( & J t N J N G ( H &cv &t Mu Mp o ( Mm &t Tradewater Formation Atokan NJ &t ( &cv 38 o e Mdc ( Mp Pennsylvanian NJ ( 10 ( S AB Land #1 ( ªÜ &cv Caseyville Formation 12 NJ 930 Morrowan o ( H King #1 o o 6 G 4 ( o 40 Unconformity Æ o 20 N J o 3 ( G 35 o &cv Ü 5 Mk Kinkaid Limestone ( ª 3172 o N J ANTICLINE Æ &t N J ( 8 ( o H Mdc Ä Degonia Sandstone N J ( G Mdc TON HILL and Clore Formation N J ? ( HOR Mp N Mk Jas Cox J 3 &cv o ( 25 Ü ª N o 476 J &cv JN ( Mk 2 Mp Palestine Formation N Mm J o ( 20 Ä o N J e 17 ( o Ä Æ &cv P(i) Mm Menard Limestone ? ( &cv H 8 ( Mp o Mdc N K G J RMIC o8 Waltersburg Fm, Vienna Ls, McCO ( Mwvt o Mk ANTICLINE T ZONE o and Tar Springs Ss UL ( 8 10 Mp N Unconformity Mdc Mk J o7 Mk Mm ( T ZONE UL Mdc Mgd Glen Dean Limestone ( Mp Mwvt WN FA N o J O ( 4 &t 10 Mgd ( OD FA o J N Mh Hardinsburg Sandstone Chesterian N WNEET J Mh J ( &t HER N o J Mm N SHA 4 5 Mwvt ( J Ä o N N Mwvt J o9 Mg Golconda Formation J N Mdc J &cv N J N Mm N J Mgd J N Mwvt Mh J Mp N o9 Mississippian Mcy Cypress Sandstone 3 Mg o N k J 142 Mk J Rose Creek Jacob Hamp N ½ N Unconformity J N J 14 k ½ o Mh k 1045 Mcy o Ridenhower Formation and &cv 22 Mrb J N J Hamp N Bethel Sandstone J N Mines½ Æ N J Williams ½ ½ Mk Mg Mrb ½ J ½ Mdc N Downeys Bluff Limestone, N J N J ½ N J J N J Mdc N 7 Mdyr ½ Mdyr Yankeetown Sandstone, 11 N J o J Mav N Mk 10 and Renault Limestone o o &cv N 10 J o N J Mh J J N J N Mp N Mk o N Mav J Aux Vases Sandstone N P(i) J J N ( N J J N J J 24N N J N N J ( Mgd Mk Mdc &cv Mdyr N Ste. Genevieve J Mrb Msg J N J J ( N Msg N N J Limestone 6 Mk 3 10 N J N J ( o N o J Mg &t o J N J N N J 12 Mcy ( NJ Msl St. Louis Limestone N J o N J ( J N N J J N J N ( Mk Mp 4 J J N N Mk o 10 N J J ( N Msl Msm Salem Limestone J N o Mk N J ( Mk o Valmeyeran 10 N J Msm J J N N Mdc ( Mdc &cv Mav Mu Ullin Limestone 23 ( J N N J N o J 1486 ( k 3 J Mk Chamberlain P(i) N o A� Fort Payne Formation J N Mfps &cv ( Diatreme Mp Mwvt and Springville Shale k MrbN J N J J 7 N 35 ( Fowler J N o Æ Williams 18 Kinderhookian and J ½ Chouteau Limestone ( N Mm ½ MDcn N J o Raines Æ and New Albany Shale Devonian (Upper) N J ( Devonian J o Mdc N 12 Devonian undifferentiated ( Mk Connrad #4 ½New Baldwin ½ N J (St. Laurent Formation, 7 Du Devonian (Middle and Lower) & N J ½C. Crabb #1 ( t J Grand Tower Limestone, N o Conrad #2 H I C K S D O M E 12 ½ and Clear Creek Formation) Connrad #1 ½ ( o ½ Cornett Æ Conrad #3 N J J N Du N J Mfps &cv ½ MDcn Æ Baldwin J N Mg N J ½ Hicks Æ N J O. Crabb k 225 J 195 N 12 20 o Davenport k o 18 o C 34 Mk ½ k125 Ä k" J N 16 ½ k150 Mu Symbols Rock Candy Mountain T ½ o J Mk N 10 UL O. Crabb J o N Strike and dip of bedding; number 5 ½ 40 o ½ Empire indicates degree of dip J ½N Red k k 12 282 376 Ck"344 Horizontal bedding o J ½ EMPIREN FA Red 272 k½ o Vertical joints C ½ Pierce 25 k" ½ k 8 696 k 197 o Æ Abandoned pit Msm Slapout ½ k ½ Abandoned mine Mh ½ 254 k Douglass Mgd ½ 219 Drill Holes 8 o Msg from which subsurface data were obtained e Boring 4 Msl o Mk e" Coal boring J N Mav &t Dry oil well J N ª Æ o J N J Labels indicate samples (s), geophysical log (g), or core (c). N Mcy 10 Mm T ZONE Grants SGCk" 109 Numeric label indicates total depth of boring in feet. Mwvt Mdyr UL T ZONE Intrusive P(i) Dot indicates location accurate within 100 feet. J Mrb UL N Mdc 8 Mp Msl J J o N UM N FA Line Symbols RA 12 Mav & cv Mk o dashed where inferred, dotted where concealed J HOBBS CREEK FA N J N Mh Mav Msg Contact J N Fault Normal fault; bar and ball on downthrown side Base map compiled by Illinois State Geological Survey from digital data (Raster Feature SCALE 1:24,000 Geology based on field work by F. Brett Denny, W. John Nelson, and Joseph A. Devera, ( ( Separates) provided by the United States Geological Survey. Topography compiled 1957. 1 1/ 2 0 1 MILE 2007–2008. Thrust fault Planimetery derived from imagery taken 1993. Public Land Survey System and survey 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET control current as of 1996. Partial field check by U.S. Forest Service 1996. Digital cartography by Jane E.J. Domier, Brendon M. Aitken, and Steven M. Radil, Illinois A A� Line of cross section 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER State Geological Survey. North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) Projection: Transverse Mercator This research was supported in part by the U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Note: Well and boring records are on file at the ISGS Geological 10,000-foot ticks: Illinois State Plane Coordinate system, east zone (Transverse Mercator) Geologic Mapping Program (STATEMAP) under USGS award number 07HQAG0109. The Records Unit and are available online from the ISGS Web site. 1,000-meter ticks: Universal Transverse Mercator grid system, zone 16 BASE MAP CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. Released by the authority of the State of Illinois: 2008 The Illinois State Geological Survey and the State of Illinois make no guarantee, ex- pressed or implied, regarding the correctness of the interpretations presented in this document and accept no liability for the consequences of decisions made by others on the basis of the information presented here. The geologic interpretations are based on data that may vary with respect to accuracy of geographic location, the type and quantity of data available at each location, and the scientific and technical qualifications of the data sources. Maps or cross sections in this document are not meant to be enlarged. 2° ROAD CLASSIFICATION ADJOINING 123 QUADRANGLES MA TR 1 Harrisburg GNETIC NOR Secondary highway, Light-duty road, dirt UE NOR 2 Rudement hard surface 3 Equality Light-duty road, dirt 45 Light-duty road, hard or 4 Eddyville TH improved surface For more information contact: Unimproved road 5 Karbers Ridge T Illinois State Geological Survey 6 Waltersburg H 615 East Peabody Drive 678 7 Shetlerville Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 8 Rosiclare APPROXIMATE MEAN State Route County Route (217) 244-2414 DECLINATION, 2008 http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu STATEMAP Herod-BG Sheet 1 of 2 MEMBER THICKNESS A Permian Igneous Intrusives Ultramafic dike, lamprophyre, autolithic brec- M Hardinsburg Sandstone Sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Sandstone is FORMATION or GRAPHIC COLUMN (feet) cia, diatreme, and sills. The igneous intrusions form dikes, sills, and pipes. The light gray to buff, very fine to medium-grained quartz arenite that is thinly bedded BED UNIT SERIES dikes occur with a light-gray sugary texture or as a dark greenish-black (ultrama- to massive. Ripple marks and crossbedding are common. Siltstone and shale SYSTEM fic) with an inequigranular porphyritic texture. The light-gray dikes are classified are medium to dark gray or greenish gray, ripple marked and laminated. The x x dike x diatreme x as lamprophyre. These rocks are dominantly composed of carbonate, but few lower contact is generally unconformable with the underlying unit. Igneous dikes x x PERMIAN LEON- and ARDIAN & breccia sill x breccia x ? A microscopic examinations of this rock has been accomplished. The ultramafic x x x x x rock contain serpentine (altered from olivine), apatite, phlogopite, titanite, chro- N Golconda Formation Limestone, shale, mudstone. The formation is divided mite, magnetite, chlorite, perovskite, garnet, and calcite are commonly found in into three members. The Haney Limestone Member at the top is largely light to +60 association with the light gray lamprophyres.
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