BANK REGISTER liiuad W.«ldy, taunt u BHond-Clwf Mattar tt tin Poit- VOLUME LII, NO. 17. oOtu it Bod Bulk, N. J, ond.i tb. Aat et M§rab «. 1819. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGE'S 1 TO 16. LIONS CHARTER NIGHT. BIG REPUBLICAN RALLY \}BAND JURY DINNER. RED BANK'S TAX SALE GIFT OF HEALTH CENTER. A PRIZE WINNER. AN ANNIVERSARY DINNER. Members of April Term Will Gather Red Bank Register Hanks Second in NEW LIGHTS MDST WAFT. at tho Molly Pitcher Hotel. Classified Advertising. : BANQUET TONIGHT AT MOIXY I HOBTMANlft<IE'S FROM TWENTT-NINE PROPERTIES A MEMORIAL BUH-DING FOR YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION IS MONMOUTH STREET CAHT QE1J riTCHER HOTEL. WASHINGTON TO LINCBOF1'. The April grand Jury term will hold The Red Bank Register was award- a dinner an Saturday night, Novem- SOLD LAST WEDNESDAY. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP. ed second prize in the classified ad- 24 YEABS OLD, THEM THIS YEAH, ber 2d, at the Molly Pitcher hotel on vertising division in the contests held Charter Will be Presented to the He Was the Main Speaker at Mrs. Over a Hundred Properties Had It Will bo Given by Mrs. Robert Rev. Daniel A. Pol.'ng I*rlnclprtl It Stands a Chance of Getting Them Rumson Lions Club—Speeches by Riverside avenue. Gctrgo A. Steele, at tho annual institute of the New Thompson'* Farm Friday—Mora foreman of tho jury, has appointed Been Advertised for Bale for Tax- Hartshorne in Remembrance, of Jersey.Press association held recent- Speaker at Dinner Friday Night lit Next Year—Assessment Comml*- Prominent Men—Club Organized Than Three Hundred Wero I'rcs- es, but Most of tho Owners o Her Husband—It Will Serve as Molly Pilchor Hotel—Tivelvo Coun- slcini'rs Appointed—Other Town in April—Active in Civic Affairs. a committeo consisting of Rev. John ly at New Brunswick. Ia this con- ent—Mayor Barbour Chairman. B. McClosltcy chairman, Milton Stein These Properties Paid Up. ° Headquarters for Health, Work. test Tho Register, competed with ty Gninmlttecmon Ito elected. BuslmiUtf. Tonight the Lions club of Rum- Congressman Harold G, Hoffman and James Brownell to make ar- Twenty-nine Red Bank propertiei - An offer has boon mado by Mrs. papera from .all over tho state. The The 25th anniversary of the young i New street lights --for .Monrnaut ...„„,.h. son will receive Its charter at a ban- of South Araboy flew from Washing- rangements for the dinner. Abou were sold for noni-payment of taxes Hartshorne, who lives near High- •Reglater has won one first* prize and men's Christian association of Mon-1 s[reet will havo to wait until tho lie- quet and dance to be held at tho ton to Brookdalo farm at Llucro/t 100 persons will bo present. The of 1028 at tho town hall last week. lands, to build health center head- two second prizes In the three years mouth county was observed with n.! S'nnlng of the new year at least. This Molly Pitcher hotel on Riverside "ave- Friday afternoon to adflresa n big Bpcakora will be John A. Matthews Mrs. Julia M. Keough, the borough quarters for Mlddletown township as it exhibited at these Institutes. Last dinner Friday night at tho Molly !w(l3 wllat Christian Berge, chairman nue. The (event will tako place In Kepublican rally held by tho Gooi of Newark, Judge Jacob Stolnbach, collector, acted as auctioneer. When a memorial to her husband, the late year it won second prize for com- Pitcher hotel on Kivcraldo avenuo. °f tho street committeo of the B«d tha ballroom and will bo attended government club of Monmouth coun- Jr., and Prosecutor John J. Qulnn, the notice of tho tax Bale was firs Robert Hartshorne. The offer has munity news. About 250 persons were present. Tin Ran'c council, • reported Mondty by about 200 persons, many of whom ty and tho Mlddlotown township Re- advertised, there were over a hun-been accepted by tho Middletown principal speaker waa Rev. Daniel! n|ffhl- Two weeks provloui a petition will bd representatives of the various publican club. Three hundred and dred delinquents, but all of them ex- township authorities and plans for A. Poling of New 'York, who Is.well! "ad bcim Presented asking that elec- Lions clubs in this part of tho cbun- fifty persons were present. M&yoi cept 20 paid up their taxes before tho building aro being made. known through his talks to young I tllc "H11'-' of the name typa a« tho W. Warren Barbour of Rumson in BACK TO HIS HOMELAND the sale. Construction will be started TWENTY CHILDREN HURT. nc w onM pcopio over tho radio. He spoke of Ion "tj Broad streot b» placed Samuel Silborblatt of Highlands, troducod tho speakers'. Harmon; For tho first tlmo In many years soon as' tho township committee se- tho value of physical education and •Monmnuth street, deputy district governor of Lions WBB dwelled, on principally by tin lects tho site for tho building. The ONLY ONE ESCAPED INJURY IN r Bcl GEORGE NOGLOWS TO MAKE A there wero no "tax sharps" at the training among boys ond he defend- wltl™1 -ttln re'go stated that to comply clubs, will preside. Tho principal aaplrantB for office and tho leader salo for taxes. Representatives o committeo will meet tomorrow after- ed foreign miosionary service. He | Virat would require elayen TBIP TO GREECE. RUMSON BUS CRASH. mor ht speaker will bo Rov. Charles F. May- present who woro not running in concerns which buy properties at tax noon und it ia probable that the lo- as Introduced by his brother, Rev. " "K standards, malting sixteen hew of Newark, whoao topic will be this campaign uphold the candidates ma c salsaldd ll sales have been at all Red Bank ta> cation will bo chosen at that time. Paul'PolIn' g of Eelmar. ."," - ^ wwawa ss ttoto oo bibibgg i aa propprop., "Llonlsm." LaVrenco F. Kramer of nnd asked support for them. Red Bank Man Will Sail for Metelyn Tho township owns a largo plot of School Bus Overturned After It Had tlon tf bo Fateraon, district governor of Lions Friday on tho Steamship Bremen sales for many years past. Likewise Been Hit by an Ice Truck—Nelson F. Howard Lloyd was toastmaster. ™' !! undertakeunertaketk nn aatt thl thlthlaa timeitime.. Mr. Hoffman came from Washing- they have also been at most sales In land at Campbell's Junction and It County committecmen re-elected ^ "S" . was no commentt o nh hiis report. clubs of New Jersoy, will present tho and Ho Will be Away Six Months Is generally expected that the new Parks Was Seriously Injured and b ut wn3 ton In an army airplane, piloted by other municipalities in this part of Was Taken to the Hospital. were H. W. Buck of Marlboro, E. A. I . "• apparent that the coun- charter to the Rumson club. Captain William Devery, and landed to a Year. the county. They bought up many building will bo put up there. m n a rced w S. Clarke and J. F. Talcott of Ruin-;''! f HK 't» him. Mayor W. Warren Barbour, mayor of Rum- The plans have riot been fully com- Of thet21 children in tho Rumson at the Red Bank airport. Tho con- George Noglows of Rod Bank wll of the properties offered at tax sales son, H. R. Dwight of Everett, John II ™™ -«• White was not present son, wlllmako tho address of wel- gressman was taken from tho air- sail on Friday for Motelyn, whtch'ls for which there were no other bid pleted, but tho building will be of school bus which overturned after it and Coiimmman Charles R. Engllrii come on behalf of that borough, and port to tho Thompson farm by Jack one of tho Islands of Greece. Metelyn dera. They mado their profit out of tho bungalow type, with a waiting had been hit by an ico truck only Hall and -William M. Smith of Free-' e31d [1 Clarence W. Pilling, president of tho hold, Frederick E. Hosier of Li'.llo i !!i''i " m his steadtead. Councilman Casey In an Acromarlnc-Klem train- la the birthplace of Mr. Noglows and the various searches and recordings room, a doctor's office, a nurses' ono escaped unhurt, according to a Silver, Ensley Clayton ot Adelphia, 13!homf M- Gosplll and WilliaWilli m H. Rumson Lions club, will deliver an ing piano. Mr. Hoffman vforo a par- ho has not been thero since nineteen and other legal costs that follow a room, a dressing room, a demonstra- report made by Dr. Edwin F. Stew- Francls w ero als address of welcome on behalf of the achute when ho landed at Red Bank, salo for taxes until tho properties aro tion room and a kitchen. Bids will art. One was seriously hurt and was John N. Hillyer of Middletown, John , , °i absent ycdrs ago. when he Immigrated to C. Osbom of Keyport, [George Van-j fo clc blwa J dyet 1 club. Othor speakers will be Carl but as a notification of respect for this country. His principal object in redeemed by the owners. Also, if nol bo asked for from Middletown town- taken to the Long Branch hospital. [ i "°, ?, J Instructed to adyet-. Banwart of Newark, state secretary denbergh of English'town and How- ^° r, f"{o Casey's ability as a pilot and tho mailing tho trip Is to eeo his mother. .redeemed, these concerns get posses ship contractors and builders. The Tho other nineteen received cuts and ard Woodward of Tennent.- f bl { \ water .
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