Casteel of Missouri gatnmg on an off-tackle play THE GRE ENIE SCHE DU LE. Sept. 26. Tulane (77) vs. Louisiana College (0). At New Orleans Oct. 3. Tulane (6) vs. Missouri (6.) At New Orleans October I0. Tulane (?) vs. "Ole Miss'' (?.) At New Orleans October I 7. Tulane vs. Miss. Aggies. At New Orleans October 24. Tulane vs. Northwestern. At Chicago October 3 I. Tulane vs. Auburn. At Montgomery. November 7. Tulane vs. La. Poly. At New Orleans November 14. Tulane vs. Sewanee. At New Orleans November 2 I. Tulane vs. L. S. U. At Baton Rouge November 26. (Thanksgiving Day.) Tulane vs. Centenary. At Shreveport. ---------------------------------------�-� SOUVENIR TULANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASON 19 25 3 r.----------------------------------------- SIX "OLE MISS" STARS BILES MARTIX BocJ..o B<tck ALLEN HEWES Back Back �------------------------------------------.. 4 SOV\'E�IR TuLANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASO'\ 1925 Roll "Ole ]V!iss" Homer Hazel, all-American star with Rutgers last ;vear, has done wonders at the University of MissiEsippi in the few weeks that he has been at the Oxford institution. "Ole Miss'', long a weak sister in Southern football, seemed to take on new li1e with the ar­ rival of Hazel, and the great football star has moulded the Red and Blue eleven into a real powerful and scoring aggregation. Smarting under a defeat handed them last week in Austin, Tex., by the Texas Longhorns, after they had held the "Steers" scoreless during the first half, the "Ole Miss" out­ fit is out to wipe out the 25-0 beating they t:ook, and at the same tim,e, to OPEN ALL NIGHT AMES even scores with Tmlane for past defeats. And the New Orleans' Newest and funny thing about it Ha­ Most Modern Drug Store zel's lads will, in all prob­ ability, furnish Shaugh­ nessy's team a great deal LAB ORATORY of competition. PRO D UCTS WALSDORF'S The ''Ole Miss" game, Articles of Merit Incorporated while considered by many Benjamin Dandruff Remedy Newcomb Bouquet Cologne more or less, of a st::t-up Perrier Liquid Shampoo for the Greenies, is very Special Lilac Vegetal important because it will Mentholamond Cream Ipecac Tooth Paste be the first Confe1:ence DRUGS - GIFTS Ipecac Tooth Wash game for Tulane and Eureka Hair Tonic also for "Ole Miss". Superior Bay Rum The losing team in Shaving Cream Saturday's game willI be Cooling Lotion CANAL AT RAMP ART eliminated from the race Alno Face Powder Alno Cold Cream for top honors and that's Complexion Soap NEW ORLEANS going to make the game Purchase from your Druggist all the harder fought. Phone Main 1124 NEW ORLEANS, LA. \, ,.�--------------------------, r--------------------------·� Pbo.nes: Main 9459-M. 9705 Coletnan E. Adler TURCI'S for Italian Garden Restaurant SERVI CE A LA CARTE BANQ UETS DISTINCTIVE TABLE D'HOTE 2 2 9 B 0 U R B 0 N S T. JEWELRY Dancing Every Night 10:30 to 1:30 �------------------------- SOUVENIR TULANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASOl\J 1925 5 Pardon Us, Newcomb, But--- Roll "Ole Miss" make several shifts Near Your College, In the Town, in the Tulane line-up Oontht1ted from Page 4 In the Town, in today' s game. It There will be lit- There's A Clothes-Shop IS quite probable tle to choose tn Close Aroun', Close Aroun', that Johnny Men­ weights between the ville, former jesuit Where the Guys Who Rate two teams. Both T u­ and Freshman star With the Flower of the U. lane and ''Ole Miss'' back. who distin­ Get Suits and Sweaters, wiii average in the guished himself in Socks and Shoesies Too! line, between I 72 the Louisiana college and I 75 pounds and game, and who ha!.: both backfields will b e e n t�aring the average around I 68 Godchaux's Frosh and scrub pounds. lines to pieces in In Johnny Mustin, COLLEGE SHOP daily workouts, will Martin and Lilly, start at one of the Hazel has three fast Jimmie Black, Mgr. halfback positions, shifty backs, good at 7534 Maple St. Wal. 5680 along with Flournoy. hitting the line or Pat Browne and circling the ends, Les Lautenschlaeger while Charlies Allen, lt Ain't Our Shop, It's Yours will probably com­ "Ole Miss" fullback, plete t h e Tulane packs I 80 pounds of backfield. brawn to plunge H a r v e y Wilson, through the Greenie may return to full­ line if his forwards back for the "Ole open up holes in the Miss" game, to give Tulane inner de­ Watson and Paler­ GAME STARTS fense. mo, who rejoined Coach Shaughnes­ the Greenies early in sy w i 11 probably AT 2:30 P. M. Contimted on Page 6 Davidson Dental Supply Co. Inc. 741 Maison Blanche Building NEW ORLEA NS Branch: Shreveport, La. 6 SOLVE;\IR TULANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASON 1925 ROLL ''OLE MISS" --Continued the week, a chance to acquire some training in the school of hard knocks. The Tulane line will be the same as faced the Mizzou Tigers with Gamble and "Doc" Wilson at ends and Talbot and Wight, tackles with "Irish" Levy and Blackledge in the middle of the line. ln case Harvey Wilson is not shifted to the backfield he will hold down the pivot job. Coach Shaughnes.sy may. however, fool all the rail birds and pull a "Knute Rockne'' by send­ ing his second Varsity into the fray at the beginning with the fleet footed "Pony Express" carrying the ball, and then hustle the first string lads into action when occasion require.s. Such tactics will give all members of the Greenies a chance to acqui-re experience and, at the time it will conserve the Greenie regulars and les­ sen the possibility of any men being injured for the coming games. Next week the Wave meets the old and ancient .. Mississippi Aggies''-.ri­ · BANDIN vals for years, and with INSTRUM�.N� eON.....,, ........, n ...._. v,� Bernie Bierman at the helm of the Starkville Used by Tulane Band Be­ bunch the, Greenies wm cause they are the best face a real struggle. With this and the Northwestern Get That Touchdown! game just beyond the In all sports t b e I' e VEGA & PARAMOU NT comes a tiJne wllen horizon, Shaughnessy is every ounce or strength BANJOS going to take no chance and brain power nlUst be put into a play. You on any of his men being -must bave equipment LE ED Y & LU DWIG injured for these and the tllat will not fail. Spald­ iug Equlpment is made DRUMS future important games. • for bard usage on the atb.letic field-and never "Ole Miss" will appear fails-Send for the new before a local crowd for Fall and Winter Cata· Iogue of con·ect ma­ the first time in two years. t�ll'ials for all sports in CONN The last time the two season. N. 0. CO. teams met was in 1923. 123 Carondelet Street at which time the Greenies Contin·uec/ on Page. H 130 Carondelet St., Neto 01·1eo:ns r THE NEW OFFICE TOILET SUPPLY CO., Hotel Monteleone Ltd. 509 S. PETERS ST. J. D. KENNEY, Manager European Plan. TOWELS AND LIN ENS STRICTLY FJRST CLASS SU PP LIED AT A NOMINAL RO YAL and IBERVILLE STRE ETS RENTAL CHARG E SOUVE:'\IR TULANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASON 1925 7 ----------------- LOUI S IAN A "OLE MISS" PRINTING TULANE COMPANY I. Lautenschlaeger I. Mustin (c' • 2. Killeen 2. Martin 3. Lorio 4. ]. Davis Official Printers 5. Moss 5. Allen TULANE 6. D. Wilson 6. Burke 7. Gamble 7. Biles Foot Ball Program 9. Palermo 9. Perkins I 0. Lamprecht 10. Elmore TULANE II. Henican 12. Eubanks Hullabaloo 12. Browne 14. Cuteer I 3. Stoessel 15. B. Davis TULANE 14. Evans I 6. Thompson Students' Hand Book 15. Flournoy 20. Applewhite 16. Watson 22. Lilly "THERES A REASON" 17. Morgan 23. Smith just Phone Main 1929 18. Duren 25. Cohen OR 19. Robinson 28. Salloum Call at 921-27 Lafayette Street 20. Wight 29. Enochs 2 I. Menville 30. Jackson 22. Talbot 31. Cook 23. Levy 32. Conner 24. H. Wilson Prince 25. Norman Williamson WHO'S WHO IN THE GAME 2 6. Rosenhouse Baxter Use of the list of numbers of the Greenie and "Ole Miss·· 2 7. Blackledge squads will furnish the names of any substitutes entering 28, Carre the game. r,---------------------- BUICK AUTdMOBILES THEY CAN'T BEAT OUR TWO PANTS SUITS SALES-SERVICE $35 $45 $50 $65 Collegiate or Busjness Styles GLENNY -BUICK CO., Inc. 822 HOWARD AVE. Carondelet and Gravier Streets 8 SOUVENIR TL:LANE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASON 1925 SOUVE1'\IR TL'LA..NE FOOTBALL PROGRAM SEASON 1921 PR OBABLE LINE-UP Greenies "Ole Miss" No. No. 6 "Doc" Wilson --·····-····-·····-·····-·--·--------- Cohen 25 Right End 22 Talbot Smith 23 Right Tackle 27 Blackledge Prince 35 Right Guard 24 H. Wilson Burke 6 Center 23 Levy ········-·-----------·····----······-·-------- Thompson 16 Left Guard 20 Wight Applewhite 20 1 eft Tackle And Coach Doesn't Know It. This is one of the few pictures of 7 Gamble ----····----------------------···········---··Salloum 28 The Facuity Rides the Bench! Clark Shaughnessy extent, and the best President Dinwiddie. Dean Bechtel Left End part of it this was taken early this week and "Doc" White didn't know the while Clark D. was showing the boys camera man was watchnig them as they Lautenschlaeger (c.·········----------·------······- Lilly 22 "their stuff." And he doesn · t know be's gave the MissouTi Giants the once over "snapped." Here he is lining the Green­ Quarter before the game. ies up preparatory for scrimmage with More ardent fans than this astrono­ the scrub team.
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