E KENYA GAZETTE Bubki4:1:d by Authority of the Republic of Kenya !P.~gi~tdas a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) L -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - VQI. YCII' -- h'o. 15 NATRQRI. 3rd April, 1992 Price Sh, 12 -.----- .-- -- - CONTENTS GAZETTE NoT~CES I SUPPLEMENT No. 26 Legislative Supplement LEGALNOTICE NO. PAG~ The National Social Security Fund Act-Appointment 340 68-The National Assembly and Presidential Elections Act-Extension Period for Issuing The Oaths and Statutory Declarations kt-Com- Writ .................. 85 missions .................. 340 (Published as a Special Issue, on 27th March, 1992) The Public Holidays Act-Idd-U1-Fitr ...... 340 The Registration of Titles Act-Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc. ............... 340-341 I SUPPLEMENT No. 27 The Registered Land Act-Registration of Inslru- I Legislative Supplement ments, etc. .................. 341-342 I LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE Customs and Excise Department-sale by Public 69-The Exchange Control (Authorized Dealers) Auction ................... 343-344 I (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 1992 ... 87 Industrial Court Awards ............ 345-348 70-The Exchange Control (Authorized Deposi- taries) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 1992 87 Probate and Administration ............ 348-356, 362 I 71-The Air Passenger Service Charge Act- Exemption ............... 88 The Societies Rules-Registrations, etc. ...... I The Trade Unions Act-Refusal, etc. ...... 73-The Local Authorities Services Charge (Amendment) Regulations, 1992 ...... 88 The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act- I Ministers Licensed to Celebrate Marriages ... 74-The Collection of Subscription (Kenya Local Government Workers' Union) Order, 1992 90 Loss of Policies .................. I Local Government Notices ............ Business Transfers ............... SPECIAL NOTICE Change of Names ............... I AS Friday, 17th April, 1992, is a public holiday, the Kenya The Restrictive Trade Practices, Monopolies and Gazette will be published on Thursday, 16th April, 1992. Price Control Act-Notification .......... S. W. S. MUCHILWA, The Advocates (Admission) Regulations-Admissions Government Printer. High Court of Kenya-Easter Vacation, 1992 ... 340 Tl1E KENYA GAZETFE 3rd April, 1992 coRRlGsxousl Gkzks'la'u No'ncs No. 1172 IN Gazette Notice No. 1120 of 1992, amend the name Henry Kubia Karanja to read Henry Kubai Karanja. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLF,S AG (Cap. 281 , section 71) ISSUE OF à PROVISION&I. CERTIFICATE GAZE':'IB NoerlcE No. 1168 I'/IIEREAS James Njenga Karume, of P.O. Box 134, 'Kiambu, THE NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FIJND AG is 1 l)e registered proprietor as lessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 1 1366/ 3, situate in the north-east of Limuru (Cap. 258) Township, Kiambu District, by virtue ot a certificate of title AppolxnfEx'r or THE NATIOXAI- SoclAr Snctml'rY Yï.lNLD rcgistered as 'I.R. 32272/ 1, and whereas suflicien! evidence Bo&Ro oF TRus-rsp.s has been adduced to show that the said k'ertificate of title IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 1 registered as I.R. 32272/ 1 has been lost, notiee is given that after the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, @ , of the First Schedule to the National Social Security Fund I f luzall issue a provisional certiicate of title provided that no Act, the Minister for Labour appoints- oblection' has been received within that period. BoNliucs M usvoK.A M UNYAO to be one of the two representatives of erqployees in Kenya, Dated tlle 3rd April, 1992. as a member of the Natlonal Social Securlty Fund Board of E. GICHEHA1 Tnlstees, for a period of three (3) years, and revokes the Rqgistrar t# Titles, Natrobi. appointment of W ere Dibo Ogutu.* P. J. W . M ASTNDE, GAZBTTE Norlcs No. 1173 M inister /or Labour. *G.N. 209/ 1991. THE RBGISTXATION OF TITLES ACT (CJp. 281. sectlon 71) Isstm OF A PROVISIONAL CBRTIFICATE GAZETI'E No'rlcE No. 11.69 W HEREAS (1) Kalyan Karsan and (2) Premchand M ulli Sbah, b0th of P.O. Box 43151 2 Nairobi, are the registered THE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS AG proprietors as lessees of that plece of land known as L.R. Wap. 15) Ne. 209/371 /41, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of A CoMMlssloN a grant registered as I.R. 48197/ 1, and whereas sumcient evidence has been addueed to shov that the said grant regis- To All To SF/I/??I These Presents Shall Come Greeting : . tered as I.R. 48197 / 1 has been lost, notice is given that after BE IT KNOW N that on 11th M arch, 1991- the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date hereof, I SIJSAN 'ANNB W ANJIKU M ATIBA shall issue a provisional certiscate of title provided that na objection has been received within that period. an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be a commissioner for oaths under thc above-mentloned Act, for Dated the 3rd April, 1992. as long she continues to practise as such advocate and this R. N. M ULE7 commission is not revoked. Regîstrar (# Titles, Natrobi. Gfven under my lland and the seal of the court, on 11th M arch. 1991. ' ' ' kA. R. W . HANCOX, GAZE'ITE NoTlcE N'o. 1174 Chiej Julffre. THE REcls'rp-m ox or Tnu s xèw ' fiAzszqv è;oT1cE /15. 1170 (Cap. 281) REGISO ATION O17 INSTRUMENT THE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT WHEREAS (1) Kalyan Karsan and (2) Premchand Mulji Shah. b0th of P.O. Box 43151, Nairobi, are the registered (Cap. 15) proprietors as ltssqes of that piece of land comprising 0.01 82 A CosfMlsslow hedare or thereabouts, situate in the city of Nairobi. known To z4 ïl To W hom These Presents Shall Come Gz'ec/fn: : as L.R. No. 209/376/41, held under a grant registered as I.R. 48197 / 1, and whereas the said (1) Kalyan Karsan and BE IT KNOW N that on 17th January, 1991- (2) Premchand M ulji Shah have executed .an instrument of ROBERT M wlTl M URUNGI ' transfcr in favour of (1) Oneslmus Mwangl Gichulrf and (2) an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, was appointed to be M ary Nyaguthii Glchuiri, both of P.O. Box 74189, Nairobi, a commissioner for oaths under the above-mentloned Act, fpr and whereas an amdavit has been filed in terms of section as long as he continues to practise as such advocate and t h-ls 65 (1) (Jl) of the said .Act, declaring that the said jrant reyjs- commission is not revoked. tered as I.R. 48197/ 1 is not available for regzstratlon, botlce is given tlAat after tbe expiration of fourteen (14) days from Given under my hand and the seal of the court, on 17th the date hereof :provided that no objection has been received January, 1991. ' within that perlod, I intend to dispense with the production $A. R. W . HANCOX, of the said grant and proceed witll the registration of the Chiel Jlt:/fce. ' said instrument of transfer. Dated the 3rd April, 1992. R. N . M ULE: Regîstrar 0/ Titles, Nclrosi. THE PUBLIC HOU DAYS AW (Cav. 110) IDD-UL-FITR GAZETTB NoTlcs No. 1175 IT IS nofified for public information that the public holiday for ldd-ul-Fitr, 1992, will be observed throughout Xenya, THE REGTSTRATTON OF TITLES ACT on Sunday, 5th April, 1992. (Cap. 281) since this publlc holiday falls on a Sunday, the following RBOISTRATION or IxsTxuMEhn' dav. M onday, 6th April, 1992, has, also been declared a public WHEREAS (1) . Joseph Kimutai arap Kapchumba and (2) holilay. in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of lKiberenge arap lKeter, 170th of P.O. Box 232, 'Kitale, are the Public Holidays Act. the registered proprietors as lessees of that piece of land eomp- Dated the 28th M arch, 1992. rfsin! 651 Qres or thereabout, situate south-west of Kitale P. M . M BITHI, M unjcipality in Trans Nzoia District, known as L.R. No. Permanent Secretarylsecretary to the Cabînet 5726/2, held under a title registered as I.R. 1486/ 1, and whereas and Head 0/ the Publîc Servfce. th; said (1) Joseph 'Klmutai arap Kapclmmba and (2) Kiberenge 3rd April, 1992 TNB KENYA GAZETrE 341' arap Keter have executed instruments of discbarge, memo- GxzE'rrB No'rlcE No. 117% randum of discharge and surrender in favour of the Glwt'rn- ment of lKenya, P.O. Box 30089. Nairobi, and whereas aëdavit! THE REGISTERED LAND AG have becn Iiled in terms of section 65 (1) (Jl) of the said Act, declaring that the said title registered as I.R. 1486/ 1, is not (.Cap. 300, section 33) available for registration, notice is given that after the expiralion REGISTRATIOX oF INSTRUMBNT of fourteen (1 4) days from the date hereof provided tlAat no W HEREAS Tcdran o1e M etoe, of P.O. Box 51619, Nairobi, objection has bcen received within that perlod, l intend to is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as disnense with the production of the said title and prosleed parcel No. Loitokitok/Rombo tçB''/218 situate in Kajiado Dis- with the registratipn of the said instruments of dischal'ge, trict, and whereas the Principal Magistrate's Court of Kenya memorandum of discharge and surrender. at Nairobi, in civil suit No. E.L.C. 1 of 1990, has ordcred that a portion of the said piece of land be transferred to Jedidah W anjiru Kang'ethe, of P.O. Box 141, Loitokitok, 'and Dated the 3rd April, 1992. whereas the deputy registrar of the court has, in pursuance of an order of the said court, executed a mutation and transfer F. 1. LUBULELLAH2 of the said piece of land in favour of Jedidah W anjiru Kang,'ethe, Registrar 0/ Titles, Nau.obî. and whereas a1l esorts made to compel the registered prop- rietor to surrender the land title deed .issued in respect of the said piece of land to the land registrar have failed notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days fr.o m the date hereof, I intend to dispense with the produclion of the THE REGISTRATION OF TIR ES AW registration of the said instruments of mutation and transfer and issue a land title deed to the said Jedidah W anjiru (CJP.
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