4 "S COVERING ALL SPORTS ALL THE NEWS WHEN LIVE COMMENT IT IS NEWS EDITED BY ROGER FERRI WRITTEN BY EXPERTS J "THAT LITTLE GAME" Just Before the Battle, Mother Long And Timely Hits Give Americans Victory C'fAoK. ANY No 5- -4 ThereS OBJFfcTiO.o n Overtime Game, 61VE EACH STftETCH Youa To. IT. wife . THIS STRING Biflo UP I.AINTvGonNA Bridgeport. COO Foa MAKING Iiraun and Kracketl's Doubles U.DNT TAKH IS NT UJCfG "TEN WHAT5 'AT? ab. r. bh. po. a. Houo.THIS Wa-terbu- ry these elevens BtfOVGH . In 12th Win for Locals Braun, ss 6 2 3 5 4 2 ASO NrJaiTE IT .. STACK v. STRtNS AtU 6 1 2 2 2 o HAVE RED, Nine Here To- Lai, 3b And Tojelves LEMfE DOoJrs Again If 5 1 2 1 0 CHUNK'. ten HcY? Brackett, oot when she's ANOTHER uhtE r morrow. R. lb 3 0 1 12 1 ; Grimes, Thmouh PLAXlN' DWov) chips. Raker, 2b .. 4 0 0 3 3 HEAR? A Bucks shoe ewe.? 5 1 2 6 FNS HoNortED"! tHAT5 won a game with Martin, cf. 0 - HAVING K. Grimes, 4 0 1 0 0 I DiONT COfVH WoaTtf AP16CE- yesterday afternoon rf at Xewfleld by the score o 5 Skiff, c 2 0 0 7 4 Heae park 1 0 1 to work: to 4, following tho manufacture of Lennon, p 14 two doubles by Braun and Brackett, the Bridgeport Americans today were Totals 39 5 12 36 18 SAY. laying their plans for a most 'busy Spring-field- X T N" f n vi ra fiivnr .Tack week. the team was to be en- ab. r. bit. a. BO nice - Today po. in the luavy- .1 You tertained by X'ew Haven, but chances Simmons, cf 4 0 0 5 0 0 wrlffhtH itip t;finif cvit krn-- when In; are that rain will prevent the game. Holly, ss 4 0 0 4 5 Wtllard at T- on on July I. Iso P. (WENT Tomorrow the Americans return :Cj?r King, If 4 1 0 2 1 o lia'-kls- U is one of who is ENO05H a clash with Jack Flynn's Waterbury Polan, rf 4 1 0 2 1 o Dempsey ami. according in his i.'aii aggregation. Helfeich, 3b 5 11 2 2 I. suiM-ortin- him to Hip Tomorrow's game will be the Bentley, 2b 5 0 0 4 4 . ml do'i.-.rs- ; J tl extent of several i)khis;i - ZS. Americans' last appearance here this Mart, lb 1 212 4 0 i f ...5 "Why are they makin nil th's W week, for on Wednesday and Thurs- AVilder, c. 6 0 2 4 2 0 mse about W li i:i nl'.' .k'll I.eo. L day they will be in Worcester, and Lowe, p 3 0 0 0 6 0 nn't see lllm at all. Kemps-- .i.i Friday and Saturday at Hartford. he til" next heavywi-ieh- t rhaniiiicm as What the trip will net the team is Totals, . 39 4 6 34 25 sure as I am M iniiinc here. Who j problematical, for the opposition will Bridgeport, has thin punk champion '." at"n to be bo furnished by two of the hardest Bpt. ...10000200100 1 5 mo en'.iniate.l ? Wl'.". far as teams on the circuit. Sp'fi'd 0 4 hlgllly - - .10030000000 I can see. if ha" lick-- d 1,0 one who t.S- Jt,i Although the weather was far Stolen bases, Braun, Simmons, ! I 11.' ever to ' from ideal for baseball pur- King. Sacrifice nm(.ii:iJ .iny'li.ng. 1 r y I sw fV being hits, Brackett, Skiff, ail th' best boys, bui he is P the Xew Haven-Hartfor- d K. Grimes, Lowe. Two ducked poses, game Holly, bas'i tackling on" t tlii 1" he.ivy-l-.nev- .- in the Elm City having been post- hits, Braun. Brackett, R. Grimes, wrlskts the c:im ever when poned because of cold and rain, the Martin, Hart. Three base hits, Mar- - solids his Ha' flying in Toledo t Americans went through with the tin. Lennon. Bases on balls, by Len- - 2. month, j scheduled contest with the Spring- non 3; by Lowe Hit by pitched "There arf rvir so many battlers field Ponies yesterday. And it was an ball, by Lowe 4. Struck out, by can boat Wlllard. Thrrn are in j exciting game, too pe haps, one of Lennon 4 ; by Lowe 3. Wild pitch, who season. Lowe. Double particular a couple of rnlofd j the most exciting of the Xot plays, Lennon, Braun weights who could make tin- - cham- until the 12th inning was the game and Grimes; Braun, Baker and j look sick. But Willard has decided. Grimes; Lowe, Hart and Helfrich; pion ru!-ore- PIIIS His zig-za- d roBOlIfan Gssfers Are Ctiarlev For drawn the lino, ho mvs, against Ready It was a g affair. The Ponies Polan, Wilder. Helfrich and Wilder. men. ("an yon boat that? A t scored in the first inning, but were Umpire, Bransfield. Time, 2:30. Win- !. run made with one out. champion must defend his tltl tied in the locals' turn at bat. In the ning fend It against l.la. k ana whi:e )'..!'.' Loud In Praise Of L Ho Cfi ancc In Battle With fourth Springfield scored three more era Thdr runs. Polan walked and went to games Pfeffer pitched a total of! nlike. e Wl"-ir- boca-t- second on Helfrich's hit. Bentley thirty-on- innings, and between the "Uemi.-ie- will bent to battles he the better rrmn of till' two. This foul bunted out, but Hart doubled he had only three days' rest. la "roo.l hlir man b, ing better than At left, scoring Polan and Helfrich. The Course Leonard Tonight runner to third when Brackett Cart Wellman, out of the for 11 stood little man" Is all tommy rot. eimy got game mon WlJ'.ard fumbled. Wilder's single brought two seasons as a result of an opera-- i has beaten big- Joust at Brae Burn are little less get at once with their American pt v No-Deeis-ion busy Hart home with the third run of the tion, the removal of a kidney, is how' lost to. Tirmpsoy has everything Prrsidcnt Sullivan and Socre-far- than futile. There are too many good Lightweights Will Meet In ati'l reach, lint he will campaign. inning. pitching fine ball for the St. Louis' height cif M. G. A ones In the list ami the winning trick In Montreal. Then in the sixth tack- Browns. make np for thou.- anl I personally Poison !mav "titer rt iinn one nf a hjLtruI OI Strap Jeff Al Bridgeport ,1 i Smith, Lippe's middleweight ed two runs to its list. Braun won't be a bit surprise if that moun- Plrasrd National Tourney angles .Even w:lse followers of the Other Good Bouts Booked. will be Pan- hit,, In rim? as to performer, pitted against but was forced at second by Lai. If Sam Vick is ever called upon to tain of flesh known the 'sport will do no more than venture ama Joe Gans in the star eight-roun- d an over on th- - soft tfiutiv their favorite will land Lynch Matched With Wolfe. Bentley fumbled Brackett's easy pick all star team there is no: Jess WHlml topp: nm.ij. 'predict that attraction at Muggsy Taylor's dou-'bl- e doubt as to will! within the first .five, or else grounder in an effort to make a the pitcher Sam mat." - something Atlantic City Sporting club on the The runners each advanced name. Walter Johnson faced Samuel OTIT President Oornelius J. Sulli- equally as uncertain. BENNY LEOXAJR-D- world's night of June 19. play. NVw been B .A a base on a wild throw and came four times at Washington recently Hill Ilroiyn of York has van and Secretary li. Pogson champion, and Charley Sam ran r fi ree of the .lack of the Golf Association of this .but now home when Ray Grimes doubled. In and up a total of twelve appointed lr Metropolitan With a field that includes Jim Pitts, formerly city, Sam Harris, the Baltimore boxing strikes for the He im- l . as Ha-pe- n, of New will have it out the seventh Lennon tripled, but was afternoon. Will ir bout This expressed themselves highly pleased Barnes. Jock Hutchinson, Walter York, tonight promoter, has completed his program aa on is not olib ial, yet it is with tho the Hrooklawn Country-Clu- Montreal. Pitts and his manager held at third. Martin triplled in the proved the game went and! way Mike Brady, Tommy McXamara, for his show at the Oriole Base Ball knocked off sue ' cam-pniu- n tour- all-st- but was off third several fouls before true. Hill conilni le.l a vlttnrona handled tho championship Gil Nichols and Bob McDonald among Clarence Gillispie, went to the Cana Park, Friday night. It will be an ar eleventh, caught Oui-mc- by Wilder's swift peg. cumbing the last time. for the Job an.l while other nament there the past week. Every the professionals, and Francis t, dian city last Saturday afternoon card featuring negro performers. were and othcr-m-ls- e request was graciously complied witn, and while Leonard left New York for Kid Bob of Phil- It was in he ninth, however, that canilldates talking Jerome Travers Charles Xorfo','c and Ward, one recent-Cardip- in the pub- and tho club exerted every effort to there lact night in company with his Bridgeport tied the score again.
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